Thursday, March 05, 2020

Early Dismissal For Elizabeth Warren!

Elizabeth Warren ends her bid for president. Refuses to endorse Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.
It's down to two. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former vice president Joe Biden.

The controversial Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren has formally ended her bid for president.

A very disappointed senator said that she believes gender played a huge role in the race for nomination.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) found that the path to the nomination ended when she took a hard loss in her home state. The state went to Biden causing a major blow to both her and Sanders.

Warren also took aim at both candidates. She said she will not endorse either candidate in this race.

"Not today. I need some space around this, and I want to take a little time to think a little more. I've been spending a lot of time right now on the question of suspending and also making sure that this works as best we can for our staff, for our team, for our volunteers. We don't have to decide [who to endorse at this] minute," said Warren.

She told her supporters to take a deep breath and think about who they want to give their support to.
Warren was a better debater but it didn't help with votes.
Warren returned back to her Cambridge home to address the junk food media.

She claimed that gender played a role in the race.

"Gender in this race, you know that is the big question for everyone. If you say, yeah, there was sexism in this race, everyone says, whiner. And if you say, no, there was no sexism, about the bazillion women think, what planet do you live on? I promise you this, I'll have a lot more to say on that subject later on," Warren said. "I take those pinkie promises seriously."

On a woman becoming the President of the United States, she said that it's going to be hard to get to that threshold.

"The hardest part of this is all those little girls who are going to have to wait four more years. That's going to be hard. I stood in that voting booth and I looked down and saw my name on the ballot. And I though, wow, kiddo, you're not in Oklahoma anymore. That it really was a moment of thinking about how my mother and dad, if they were still here, would feel about this," she said. "It was a long time standing in that booth. I miss my mommy and daddy."

Warren holding back tears told her staff on Thursday that the path to winning is hard. She thanked her staff for all their hard work.
Warren was a strong frontrunner. She broke through a lot of barriers in the race.
"I know that when we set out, this was not the call you ever wanted to hear. It is not the call I ever wanted to make. But I refuse to let disappointment blind me --- or you --- to what we've accomplished. We didn't reach our goal, but what we have done together ---what you have done ---has made a lasting difference we wanted to make, but it matters --- and the changes will have ripples for years to come."

Okay, here's where she's wrong.

She interrupted candidates.

She was condescending. She is stubborn on details of her proposals and she lacked the knowledge to work with Republicans. She is strongly a progressive. She only votes 8% with Donald J. Trump. Sanders votes only 4% with Trump. The very fact she can't support anything regardless is not going to win her support from Republicans and some Democrats.

Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL), Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) were not going to endorse her or Sanders. Jones faces a tough challenge in the general and he felt their brand of progressive policies will sink his already hard bid.

She is a populist who has little to no accomplishments as a lawmaker. Like Sanders, Warren can be insufferable in the Senate. Hillary Clinton said that Trump pulls a "con job" on many Americans by saying he's a successful businessman, entertainer and president. She believes that the cult-like behavior of Warren and Sanders supporters will be a negative on the party as whole if they would unite at the convention in Milwaukee.

You can't promise the house if you ain't got the keys to get in.
Warren and Sanders' feud hurts the progressive cause.
She attacked billionaires. The progressive billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Warren Buffett and Richard Branson would have endorsed her ideas. They don't like being attacked for being billionaires. They would have endorsed her and Sanders only if they would have took the focus on the middle class and how everyone could benefit from their policies. Folks don't care about rich people. Most Americans believe billionaires deserve to be taxed more, but they shouldn't be vilified for being billionaires. She kind of turns off potential entrepreneurs and dreamers.

Warren played two sides of the fence. She never stood up for other female candidates. Like Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and the #MeToo Movement. Warren didn't embrace her stance. She didn't defend Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who faced an onslaught of hate and gender attacks. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) didn't face gender attacks or personal attacks on her. It's pretty much a cop out. Her claims that Sanders said a woman can't be president is unvetted.

Yes, the Bernie Bros. Calling her a "snake" and demanding she drop out the race because they claim it splitted the vote, is pathetic. Everyone has a right to be in the race.

Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg and Beto O'Rourke decided to support Biden over Sanders. They concluded their campaigns before Super Tuesday. If they stayed in the race, they would not have won. Warren failed to work with the rivals in case they would have dropped out.

Warren and Biden spent a whole lot of money in this race. Besides Bloomberg, Warren put millions in the race and ended up either in a distant fourth or fifth place in many of the early contests.

Even though her debate performances were well received, the senator had no particular ideas or anything that could appeal to moderates and conservative Democrats. She wanted the progressive base.

Sanders is facing the same problem as well. He can't build a coalition if he's attacking the folks he's gonna need to win with.

Donald J. Trump relentless mocked her for claiming she's a Native American. The Pocahontas remarks were brutal towards her. Conservatives have accused Warren of racism for making the claim.

Warren let Trump dictate the message about her and it stuck. Same with Biden. Biden should have been more busy taking on the lies about his son and Ukraine. Now that he's back in the race, the Republicans are upping the ante and they are willing to use foreign influence to stop him from winning.

Warren felt that her campaign could have won Minnesota, Utah and Massachusetts. Warren took a hard one when her home state choose Biden over her.

Now it's just three in this race. Yes, three. I know it's a two man race. But the only woman left in this race is still going despite her only picking up one delegate and pretty much wasting our time.

Proof positive Hillary Clinton was right.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is the only woman running in this race with a measly delegates.

Gabbard has no clear path to winning. Gabbard continues to appear on Fox News.

Clinton while not mentioning her by name said that one of the candidates in this race is deliberately trying to harm Democrats. The Russian Federation and Republicans are banking on this candidate to siphon off votes in order to help Trump win.

Gabbard took offense to it. She called Clinton, the queen of the warmongers and threw a lawsuit at her.

Gabbard and Sanders both have allegations of embracing Russian influences to win. Trump is also a proud supporter of foreign meddling. He was impeached for demanding a foreign country investigate a political rival for personal gains.

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