Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Ohio Wants To Cancel Primaries!

On the eve of the Ohio primaries, Gov. Mike DeWine postpones the election. This was done for the coronavirus. It was also done to weaken Joe Biden and prolong this fight with Bernie Sanders.
This will be a legal fight.

The state of Ohio has postponed the primaries scheduled for Tuesday. The governor Mike DeWine did a bitch move to keep the Democratic primary race going into the summer. It was an attempt to undermine Joe Biden, the current frontrunner in the race for the nomination against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The proposed date is June 2, 2020.

Months into the summer where Sanders could continue being the total asshat he's been since losing Super Tuesday.

"We cannot tell people ... that they really, really need to stay home and that's in the best interest of their health, and that the risk is high -- and at the same time tell them to go vote," said DeWine.

Bullshit. If they were so invested in cancelling the primaries, why didn't they do it five weeks in advance of the first case in the United States?

Clear voter suppression tactics from Republicans. They don't even know how long the virus may last and given that many employers had laid-off thousands of Ohioans because of the coronavirus, how are many of us going to survive on "uncertainty."

He did it to keep in-person voting from happening because of the coronavirus.

It was set in stone. You can't just suspend an election 24 hours before the casting of votes.

DeWine does admit that he can't unilaterally do so without a court order.
Biden expected to do well in Ohio, Illinois, Arizona and Florida. Sanders wants the state governors to postpone the primaries to keep his campaign floating.
Smells like desperation from Sanders. His supporters are cheering this decision like it's supposed to help Sanders regroup and cause chaos at the Democratic National Convention.

Biden enjoys a comfortable lead in the state. Florida, Arizona and Illinois also has Biden in the lead.

The desperation from the Sanders camp is really pathetic and frustrating.

Right now the state is in limbo. The Ohio Department of Health ordered the closing of polling stations. Once again putting the decision in legal limbo.

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