Sunday, March 22, 2020

Rand Paul: I Got The Coronavirus!

Jackass caught the coronavirus. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) confirms he's got the disease. He voted against funding. 
Sweet irony.

Kentucky's Republican senator Rand Paul, the guy who voted against funding coronavirus testing and helping Americans impacted by the disease got tested positive for it.

This tweet will not age well.

Was he and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) partying at Mar a Largo with Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence and big donors?

Dr. No, is from Bowling Green, Kentucky and has been a controversial figure since. The former 2016 Republican candidate for president was mocked relentlessly by Trump for being short. Also for running for president while running for the senate as a bobby prize.

It's unfortunate that folks voted for this asshole. He's the son of Ron Paul, the former Texas Republican lawmaker who invented the term, cultish.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is the "Ron Paul" of the left.

Like the Paul family, Sanders got a cult of supporters who worship the ground he walks on.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has little accomplishments like his dad and Sanders.

His official Twitter account tweeted on Sunday.

Yes, get better. So when you're coming back to Washington, DC, you'll vote to strip funds for people who are suffering just like you.

With Rand Paul being tested positive for the coronavirus, do you believe he's a hypocrite for voting against the bill to help Americans?

Please Specify:

Every poll I put out comes with the same stupid ass trolls picking something that doesn't resonate with the general consensus. We're getting tired of this.

You sorry sack of shit. I hate this guy. I hate Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). I hate the 51 other dickheads who side with Trump. The Republican Party was never prepared for a crisis.

Remember 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the financial crisis and Hurricane Maria! These are the failures of Republicans and their inability to govern.

Republicans are on the verge of losing bigly. Donald Trump has a 55% chance of winning reelection.

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