Friday, March 13, 2020

Lindsey Graham Got Dress Down!

Lindsey Graham meet with a person infected with the coronvirus.
Oh, this is rich!

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is self quarantining himself after he allegedly came into contact with a person who may have been infected with the coronavirus.

Graham was at Mar-a-Largo when he came in contact with a person who was infected with the virus.

The alleged person was Fabio Wajngarten, the Brazilian official who is the communication director for President Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right politician and Trump-esque figure.
Instead of focusing on the coronavirus, Trump and Lindsey Graham celebrate Kimberly Guilfoyle's birthday at Mar-a-Largo. Now Trump, Graham, Guilfoyle are possibly exposed to the coronavirus from a Brazilian lawmaker.
Wajngarten tested positive for the coronavirus and was around Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence.

White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said, "Both the president and vice president had almost no interactions with the individual who tested positive and do not require being tested at this time."

The Republican lawmaker's staffers released a statement on the matter.

"Senator Graham was at Mar-a-Largo last weekend. He has no recollection of direct contact with the President of Brazil, who is awaiting results of a coronavirus test, or his spokesman who tested positive."

But, "in abundance of caution and upon the advice of his doctor, Senator Graham has decided to self-quarantine awaiting the results of a coronavirus test."

The statement is a precautionary measure.

Graham will continue to work from South Carolina while the tests are being evaluated.

Jaime Harrison is running against Graham. The former South Carolina Democratic Party chairman is African American and is considered Graham's most strongest challenger. While Harrison knows that Graham has a war-chest and name-recognition, he hopes to tell South Carolinians that there's better choice than Graham.

Graham has been a controversial figure. He appears on GOP Sundays complaining. He is one of Donald J. Trump's most vocal supporters. During the 2016 presidential primaries, Graham was a fierce critic of Trump. He called him the "most dangerous man to ever be in power." He said he was a "racist" a "demagogue" and a "fucking idiot."
Jaime Harrison is Lindsey Graham's most strongest rival. He hopes to send Graham home.
Graham now changes his tune and became a staunch ally of Trump.

Graham wasn't spending time in South Carolina. He was spending time in Florida with Trump.

While the coronavirus is spreading across the United States, Graham appears on Rupert "Pervert" Murdoch's Fox News with Sean "Softball" Hannity.

Softball Hannity and Graham have dismissed the coronavirus as the flu.

See what Graham's dumb ass got himself into.

Donate to Jaime Harrison's campaign. Get rid of the "status quo" vote Democrat.

Trump is doomed.

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