Thursday, March 12, 2020

Chelsea Manning Will Stay Locked Up Unless She Snitches!

Ex-spy Chelsea Manning tried to commit suicide. The former Army private who leaked to Wikileaks is being locked up for not cooperating with the feds over her involvement.
Former Army private Chelsea Manning is being hospitalized after she tired to commit suicide.

The former spy became a transgender woman in 2016 and is an activist, motivation speaker and political commentator.

While in federal time out, the controversial figure tried to take out her life. She is being held in federal time out because she refuses to testify against Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

In 2010, Manning leaked classified information to Wikileaks. She was convicted of criminal tampering and espionage. Manning was sentenced to federal army lockup for 35 years. Barack Obama commuted her sentence and she was freed. But due to her opposition to give out names to the feds about her involvement with Wikileaks, the government locked her up.

The U.S. government says Wikileaks has ties to the Russian Federation. It aligned itself with Wikileaks in the distribution of emails in regards to the Democratic National Committee, John Podesta and Hillary Clinton. Wikileaks cost Clinton her election. Donald J. Trump at one time "loved" Wikileaks.

Manning is held in the federal time out. Been in there since May.

Her refusal to testify before a grand jury about the disclosure is the reasons to why she's locked up.

"Chelsea Manning attempted to take her own life. She was taken to a hospital and is currently recovering," said the legal team.

"Chelsea has previously indicated that she will not betray her principles, even at risk of grave harm to herself. Her actions today evidence the strength of her convictions as well as the profound harm she continues to suffer as a result of her "civil" confinement.
Manning found herself in a legal woe. Her stubbornness will be the death of her.
There was a Friday hearing for a motion to terminate the contempt sanctions for her refusal.

She was jailed for nearly two months for refusing to testify before another grand jury in March 2019.

During the detainment, she was issued a second subpoena to appear before the grand jury. She was released from federal custody for a week, but was once again place back in federal time out for refusing to adhere to a federal judge's order.

She was being hit with a $1,000 fine a day. She has racked up en estimated $400,000 in legal woes.

Manning's little drama ain't phasing the federal court. They will place her on suicide watch and keep focus on how to break an intern who refuses to snitch.

The "unwavering refusal" to participate in the secret grand jury is going to place Manning back in federal time out for up to 20 years.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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