Sunday, March 22, 2020

Bern These Trolls!

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders' supporters are toxic. A handful of trolls are Russian bots or spammers.
The Revolution is not live and direct. It's mostly online and there are passionate supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). And there's the trolls and bots that make it more harder for Democrats to rally around him. I see this as attempt to hurt Joe Biden in his quest to beat Donald J. Trump in general election.

And if Biden does lose to Trump, we will blame Sanders. An independent who caucuses with the Democrats. He joins the Democratic Party only when he wants to run for president. He got the DNC to change the rules to favor him. Yet, his supporters are still bitching about the results.

Biden has won over 19 state/territorial primaries.

Sanders won 8 state/territorial primaries.

Biden has won the popular vote. Sanders hasn't.

What gets me, Sanders keeps throwing the Biden gets donations from billionaires. Yet, Biden has less money than Sanders and still beat him in many these primaries.

Biden isn't an elected politician. What more can Biden do when he doesn't run the country?

Trump and Sanders are. Sanders has missed over 45% of the vote.

Like I've said in earlier postings, I am tired of Sanders and his supporters. They are not productive to the course of this election. They have shown the Democrats and independents that they're just as bad as Donald J. Trump and his supporters.
Bernie's army of trolls were relentlessly attacking Democrats running for president. Now that Sanders is struggling, they're vowing to not support Biden or anyone who's not Sanders.
It's almost like they're entranced in a cult. The politics of identity as the trolls once described Black voters when they've overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama over John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Sanders has little or no chance at winning the nomination but he's still in the race.

It's getting really frustrating. I am certainly frustrated that Sanders continues to be a burden on the party.

I agree with about 85% of Sanders agenda. Do I like him as a person?

No comment.

Let me make this clear, I am going to vote for Joe Biden. He is not perfect but damn, he surely knows what the fuck he's doing.

If you're not voting for Biden, fine. You're going to vote for Trump. Don't complain when Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy return to power. Don't be mad when progressives and moderates are shut out of the debate when it comes to Supreme Court nominees, policy decisions, laws, regulations to rollback decades of progress.


This is a damn cult mentality.

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