Friday, March 13, 2020


This is bigger than expected. Trump finally declared the coronavirus a national emergency after pressure from lawmakers.
Despite the "social distancing," that moron shook hands with people. Despite denying contact with people confirmed to have the coronavirus, that moron is now finally will be tested for the coronavirus.

"I didn't say I wasn't going to be tested."

Today, President Donald J. Trump concluded his 2 hour and 20 minute press conference. He, Vice President Mike Pence, White House officials, big business officials and medical executives held a presser on White House lawn to declare a national emergency.

Trump finally declared an national emergency in regards to the coronavirus outbreak.

Since January, Trump has ignored the crisis and still considers the virus "not as serious."

He decided to use the powers of the executive branch to combat the virus.

Trump says to the junk food media, he doesn't have any symptoms of the coronavirus. However he did travel to India and engaged in a slew of campaign events, presidential event and shook hands with the public.

"I don't think it is a big deal," Trump said to the junk food media. "I don't feel any reason, I feel extremely good. I feel very good. But I guess it's not a big deal to get tested. It is something I would do, but again, I spoke to the White House doctor, terrific guy, talented guy. He said there is no reason to do with it. There is no symptoms, no anything."

Trump said that he will talk to Republican senators and discuss an economic stimulus package to deal with the fallout of the virus. Mind you that will not pass in the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives fumed at the Senate stalling their bill in regards to paid sick leave.

White House advisor and first daughter Ivanka Trump has decided to self-isolate herself in New York after she and Attorney General William Barr posed with an Australian government official who tested positive for the coronavirus.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has closed the week with a positive. It closed at over 1900 points in gains. The stock market erased all of the years of gains. Stock market went to 29,000 points only to subside at 21,000.

Many believe we're heading into a recession.

Trump has a 55% chance of winning reelection.

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