Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Bern'n Bridges!

It's over but you cannot tell it to Bernie Sanders.

With no clear path to the Democratic nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said he's continuing (all the way to the convention floor). It's another frustrating reason to why he's not winning this nomination bid.

Sanders believes he can at least reach out to voters in crucial states like Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Arizona, Georgia, Kansas and Florida.

He's becoming an insufferable troll just like his supporters.

Sanders' tweet didn't help him with the Democratic faithful.

Sanders was handed a bruising defeat in Michigan. The state went for Sanders in 2016 against Hillary Clinton. It was a surprising upset for Clinton. She was leading in the state by 24 points. But in the end, Sanders beat her.

This time around, Joe Biden managed to beat Sanders in double digits.

The defeat was hard on Sanders because he had the backing of Detroit's Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MN), Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore. None of those factors helped him win.

Sanders only won 10 of the 83 counties in the state.

Sanders conceded that Biden trounced him but is determined to stay in the race even though he knows he's losing, arguing that Americans support ideas such as Medicare-for-All, free tuition for colleges and other progressive policies.

Some Democrats are trying to telling the junk food media that Joe Biden needs to talk to them.

Interrupting his campaign rallies, using GOP talking points, peddling Russian propaganda and saying he has congenital disorder and dementia isn't productive.

Social media has been relentlessly attacking Biden on his age, his health, his gaffes and his policies as a senator.

Some forget that he was Barack Obama's running mate and later Vice President of the United States.

Some forget that he debated Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor. Palin is an idiot and clout chaser who damaged the late John McCain's bid at being President of the United States. Some forget he debated former House Speaker Paul Ryan. Ryan was the "Young Gun" who stood in Obama's face telling him that he will not be able to get a budget without concessions. He and future senator Mitt Romney failed at winning the presidential campaign due to their need to embrace the culture war when Obama ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden. Ryan was the guy who piled on debt with the American Jobs and Tax Cut Act in 2018. He put America in debt with these stupid tax cuts and got the economy on the bubble. Now the stock market is in free fall because of the coronavirus and Trump's failure to handle the matter first hand.

Some folks are saying that Biden's 40 years of failures and successes should be on the table. Yeah, the Crime Bill, the remarks about segregationist senators, the gaffes and touching constituents will be on the table.

Whataboutism...... How about Trump touching women inappropriately? Or sleeping with prostitutes, porn stars and inappropriately kissiing woman?

How about Sanders record on legislation he supported, sponsored or wrote?

Didn't Sanders support the crime bill when he was then a House member?

You said Biden voted for the war in Iraq.

What about Biden and Sanders voting for the war in Afghanistan?

You want Biden supporters to treat Sanders supporters with respect. Tell that to that annoyance of clusterfucks.

Shaun King, Michael Moore, David Sirota, Katie Halper, Ryan Grim, Michael Moore, Van Jones, Amy Goodman, Cornel West, Thom Hartmann, Nina Turner, Chuck D, Killer Mike, Jesse Jackson, Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Knight are assholes. They want purity tests. They spread fake stories and bullshit narratives without checking the receipts. Their agitation was one of the primary factors to why Sanders failed to build a coalition of Democrats to rally around him.

Sanders burned bridges with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Hillary Clinton. His treatment towards women is one of the reasons why he struggled to win.

Skipping Selma, not appearing in Mississippi, appearing on Trump/GOP propaganda (Fox News), calling Black voters "establishment" didn't help you win.

You cannot burn bridges with allies.

Yeah, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer are billionaires. We get that. They'll gladly support your agenda if you weren't a big dick about hating billionaires. You made progressive billionaires nervous.

This isn't an "establishment" issue. First things first, you are an independent who caucuses with Democrats on votes. You support the Democrats only when it came to you running for president.

You didn't run as a Democrat in the U.S. Senate race but yet you're taking money from the party, had input on the rules of delegates and forced the DNC to change their rules to suit you. Now you're still complaining about the process. A process you agreed upon and swore to.

Calling the process "rigged" and "unfair" may work for the conspiracy theorists folks like Alex Jones, but the rules were clear and present. You supported it, you got what you paid for.

Small donors won't help you build a campaign war chest. It takes nearly $2 billion to run a presidential campaign. With the Supreme Court pulling back on campaign fundraising through the Citizens United decision, unlimited contributions can quickly vilify a squeaky clean candidate.

Special interest is a problem but you can't change it overnight. Matter of fact, you're gonna need all the backing to beat Trump. You failed at earning their trust.

Yeah, your friend Joe got a lot to answer for but you certainly have a lot to address. Like the Russian Federation propping up your campaign since November and you finally telling the public in February.

Bernie Sanders, stay in the race at your own peril. I warn you if Democrats don't wrap this shit up by the next round of primaries, this will drag on for months and weaken the eventual nominee.

If Sanders continues to drag the party down, Republicans will win.

Biden isn't perfect. He's not my first choice. But damn it, I am sure as hell gonna vote for him and put his ass in the White House.

We cannot afford another four years of this idiot Donald J. Trump in the White House.


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