Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Rounding Up!

A Black woman who is disabled touting her assault rifle. The NRA needed a token to coin in.
The National Rifle Association releases a video showing a Black woman in a wheelchair posing with a semi-automatic firearm warning politicians who might "exploit" the coronavirus pandemic.

Another lame attempt to generate attention to the struggling gun lobbying group.

The NRA had been branded "sickening" by the Democrats after they went to social media to encourage Americans to stockpile weapons amid the coronavirus panic.

The four minute video features a woman who is a breast cancer survivor. The woman, Carletta Whiting allows the NRA to exploit her as the latest token in Black "CONservatism."

"I know from history how quickly society breaks down during a crisis, and we've never faced anything like this before, and never is the Second Amendment more important than during public unrest," Whiting said. "What's in my control is how I defend myself if things go from bad to worse."

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) slams the NRA.

"Mainstream gun owners have left the NRA, so now they're reduced to telling people to stockpile assault weapons, instead of food, to get ready for the coming Coronavirus civil war," Murphy said.

"So sickening."

The NRA had one of their pressers come to Rupert "Pervert" Murdoch's Fox News to whine.

"Sen. Murphy is either being intentionally disingenuous or is obtuse. Carletta Whiting is one of millions of Americans who feel vulnerable and who know that when crime happens, the police are minutes away -- despite their best intentions," said Amy Hunter.

"Right now, anti-gun politicians are using the pandemic to try and strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights," Hunter said. "Meanwhile, gun sales are increasing because good people are worried their government won't be able to protect them. This is when Americans rely on their Second Amendment rights the most."
Pennsylvania woman's endorsement of the NRA causes a backlash.
This idiot doesn't realize that Murphy and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) were around when the Sandy Hook massacre happened.

In December 2012, a white terrorist killed 24 people. He killed his own mother before going out like a fucking punk. Then president Barack Obama was hoping to control this by passing a strong background check. That failed because of Republicans refusing to concede to the NRA.

The most deadliest mass shooting happened in October 2017 in Las Vegas. A white terrorist massacred 58 people before killing himself. He managed to injure over 600 people from the stories of a casino resort.

Yet, the motherfucking NRA wants to tell you that stockpiling firearms is smart.

This Black woman would be eventually a hashtag if she was killed by the police. About 95% of lawful Black individuals are often killed by police. If you've forgotten that E.J. Bradford, Jr. was gunned down trying to stop a terrorist from shooting up a mall. He was a legally armed Black man.

He was killed by the law trying to protect lives. So Black lady, if the law comes knocking at your door or you're trying to protect the lives of others?


I repeat myself over and over again! I use the same old copy and paste. I hear the same trolls saying that there's nothing we can do. I keep hearing "concern" trolls telling us that it's their own fault for their own deaths. I hear the same old talking points about "good guys with guns" and "god's given rights."

Every time these folks offer "thoughts and prayers," "their condolences," "their hearts going out to," and "their apologies," they are not sincere. For every naming of a road, park, bench, building and holiday, it won't matter to the community. For every time they lower flags, offer moments of silence and candlelight vigils, we just offer "feel good-isms."

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those who were killed in the line of duty. Those who don't get their names mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence.

We have mass shootings in the United States everyday. We are the only country in the world that continues to do nothing about this. Donald J. Trump, Congress, the National Rifle Association and agitators in the junk food media have moved on from dealing with this. They're too busy sniping over partisan blame games. With Trump being impeached while in office, he's unlikely to focus on gun violence.

Trump and lawmakers elected to federal office made politics extremely toxic. It's not just the fault of our dear leader and lawmakers, but relentless agitators on the 24/7 cable news channels. They are profiting off division and divisiveness. The internet is also a problem. It's is a breeding ground for potential mass shooters. Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media outlets have been "ground zero" for disinformation, partisan threats and social activism. Incels and social outcasts find their outlets on sites that inspire them to cause harm to their fellow human beings.

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.


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