Wednesday, April 01, 2020

April Fools!

An American president still having trouble trying to calm a nation.

We'll see what happens!

I want to first say, thank you for reading Journal de la Reyna, Regardless of the outcomes, we will still be here for you. 

If anything does happen to me, LeReyna or anyone who contributes to the blog, we'll try to keep you informed as best as possible.

I am cautious and slightly concerned about the direction of the country. I don't see a light at the end of this tunnel. We may be heading into a depression thanks to the failed leadership of our president and the federal government. No one is safe. 

I live in Ohio. I was affected by the coronavirus pandemic. I am healthy and I haven't caught the virus yet. I am not afraid to die. I am not afraid of the virus. However, I don't know what plan B is when a family member, friend or someone close to you dies. You can't attend a funeral due to the fact of the coronavirus affecting large gatherings. It does make me worry about losing my son, my parents, my sister (and her child), my family members across the country, my friends and acquaintances who I know.

Millions of Americans are laid off in the United States. 

Thousands in Ohio are laid off due to governor's shutting down establishments that have large gatherings. I work at a business that has 100 or more individuals. I lost my job and don't know if they'll open up based on Gov. Mike DeWine's executive order. 

Whole Foods and its parent company of Amazon had a walkout due to the safety issues for the workers. Amazon employees also got angry at the way things are being ran. A few workers at both establishments got COVID-19. The employees demand better treatment for their Amazon drivers, packers, Whole Food cashiers, stockers and food preparers. 

Donald J. Trump has a 45% chance of winning reelection. 

It was a significant drop. I predict that Trump has a slim chance of winning reelection. He will likely lose Michigan and Pennsylvania. He will put North Carolina, Arizona and Florida in toss up category. Wisconsin is leaning Republican. Ohio is solid Republican. Iowa is likely Republican. Minnesota is likely Democratic. New Hampshire is likely Democratic. Virginia is likely Democratic. 

Click the map to create your own at

White House Coronavirus Action Team releases the report that 100,000 to 2 million people could die from the COVID-19. Trump continues to urge Americans to stay away from one another. The coronavirus has over 200,000 confirmed cases. They have confirmed over 4,500 deaths. It's rising quickly.

As April begins, we realize we're in a health crisis, a global recession and a possible economic collapse of the service industry. Every one is affected.

President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Congress, the 54 state and territorial governors (including the Washington, DC mayor), state lawmakers, city mayors, and the junk food media are trying to calm a nation of uncertainty.

Americans are seeing financial struggles. The unemployment rate will certainly rise. 

The measly $1,200 that the government is giving to Americans is a one time deal. It's not enough to help Americans pay bills or feed a family. Even if they give $2,400 for a family with children, still not enough.

Those living paycheck to paycheck are going to be hit hard with bills for rent, mortgage, electric bills, water bills and credit cards. Not all states and territories made executive orders to stop rent collection. So if you owe and you can't negotiate with your landlord, you're on the street.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have announced that the virus could peak around April 15.

But again, we have no actual confirmation of when this virus will peak. Trump at first wanted America back to work by Easter. That is no longer an option. His advisers warned him if Americans go back to work and the disease still exists, the damage could become worse than it is now.

I don't know what lies ahead for America......

It's a level of uncertainty and lack of trust for our leaders.

It's good to thank the first responders and doctors who are working nonstop to save lives. But what more can you do? I mean these stay-at-home orders are driving people insane.

At current pace with 335.3 million folks, we could experience a massive causality event. For ever 5 hours someone is dying from this. Over 4,000 people have died from the coronavirus. It has surpassed the 9/11 casualties. The 9/11 terrorist attack took nearly 3,000 lives.

Americans have died of the coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have estimated that the peak of viral spread could reach 4 million with 100,000 to 250,000 deaths.

This is some real crazy shit going on. Everyone, including myself, LeReyna, our contributors, our wonderful readers, our families, our friends, our neighbors and yes, the critics are at risk of COVID-19.

It's expected by mid-April we will see over 50,000 people killed by this.

With the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are being ordered to stay at home if they're sick and those who are able to work are doing under tight restrictions. Many companies had to lay off millions because of the spread of the coronavirus.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

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