Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Blacks Die Because We Work Our Asses Off!

An Illinois man passed away from coronavirus.
Of the 15,000 deaths of the coronavirus, 54% of the victims are African American. There are 604,000 confirmed cases in the United States. The coronavirus has killed 2 million people worldwide.

The Wisconsin primary is today. Folks are going to risk their lives for the right to vote.

Some scary stuff folks.

As a Black man, I am not afraid to die. We all are going to die someday. As long as you make the best of your life, death won't be scary. Still, this coronavirus pandemic has grinded the United States to a halt.

The virus isn't Donald J. Trump's fault.

However, Trump's failure to prepare for this, downplaying this, dismantling organizations that handle these matters, attacking the press for asking questions involving the health and safety of Americans are solely his fault.

Many Black Americans have died from COVID-19. Many of these victims were working at their jobs when they contacted the virus. Remember the bus driver, Jason Hargrove. He was the Detroit SMART bus driver who told the world that a rider was sick and failed to cover her mouth while riding on the bus. He ended up catching it and dying only a few days later.

Wondo Evans worked loyally at Walmart.
The medical doctors and nurses are putting themselves at risk for the disease.

The grocery store workers and stockers are putting themselves at risk for the disease.

The journalists and reporters covering the stories are putting themselves at risk for the disease.

A Washington, DC area cashier passed away from complications of COVID-19.

Leilani Jordan, 27 died in Largo Maryland after she contracted the disease while working.

Zenobia Shepherd, Leilani's mother told the junk food media, "She said: 'Mommy, I'm going to work because no one else is going to help the senior citizens get their groceries.'"

"She only stopped going to work when she could no longer breathe."

Two other workers contracted the disease and passed away.

Phillip Thomas, 48 and Wondo Evans, 51 were loyal workers at a Chicago-area Walmart. The two have died from complications from the disease. Wondo worked for Walmart for 15 years as an overnight maintenance worker. Phillip would have turned 49 years old this week.

Walmart is facing a lawsuit on behalf of the families of the victims. The families claim that management would not send workers home or get them ample PPE (preventive protection equipment).
Leilani Jordan worked loyally at Giant stores. One day she went to work and felt ill. She died a few days later from the coronavirus.
The state governor J.B. Pritzker ordered the stores to operate on limited times.

The Washington Post reports that thousands of grocery staffers nationwide continue to work and their fears of contracting the disease are rising. Now grocers are installing plexiglass sneezing guards, sanitizer, masks, gloves and a little extra dollar or two in their paychecks.

They are closing their stores
Family said she was really healthy.

However, I am afraid that the perceptions are coming back again.

Black Americans have to work our assses off because of the perceptions we're lazy and lacking intelligence. We are classified as criminals, thieves and primarily looked upon as suspicious.

We are heckled by trolls on social media, on racist websites, vilified by white established Americans.

We have the highest in diabetes, heart disease, cancer and ashemta.

European scientists want to test vaccines in the African Union. The American scientists want to test vaccines in Kansas City and Philadelphia, cities with a heavy Black population.

 Here's a map.

There are over 400,000 confirm cases of the coronavirus in the United States. There are over 11,000 Americans who have died from the coronavirus. Every state has reported a death and its rising fast.

Phillip Thomas worked with Wondo. 
Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have predicted that there could be over 100,000 to 4 million Americans killed by the coronavirus. Globally, there are over 1.5 million people infected by the coronavirus.

With the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are being ordered to stay at home if they're sick and those who are able to work are doing under tight restrictions. Many companies had to lay off millions because of the spread of the coronavirus.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.
13. If you deliberately infect other individuals, food and first responders, you will be charged with crime.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at cdc.gov.

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