Thursday, April 23, 2020

You're Never Too Old To Have Children!

An elderly Nigerian couple gave birth to twins. The couple tried for over 40 years to have children.
Given we're in the COVID-19 pandemic, expecting mothers face a bigger risk of infection.

Now fathers might be banned from entry when the mother gives birth given that the coronavirus could spread with folks being asystematic.

In the country of Nigeria, an elderly couple celebrates the birth of their twins after trying for 45 years.

Noah and Margarett Adenuga announced they are the proud parents of a boy and girl.

The 68-year old mother and 70-year old father had celebration came at a time where the world is in fear and uncertainty. Margarett had the babies by cesarean at the local hospital in Lagos.

The couple had told the junk food media that they were inspired to keep going by a dream he had in 1996 that told them they would be "known across the world."

Lagos University Teaching Hospital said the IVF treatment was carried out elsewhere and the couple were only referred to them for treatment afterwards.

Dr. Adeyemi Okunowo said that the birth of these babies was a "miracle."

He noted that Margarett took a big risk. Giving birth at such an age could be dangerous for the mother and children.

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