Friday, April 10, 2020

Drudge Is "Almost Done" With Trump!

Drudge is turning on Trump.
Matt Drudge and his far-white news aggregation website, The Drudge Report was instrumental in spearheading Donald J. Trump into the White House. His website peddled conspiracies and pro-Trump propaganda.

Facing an economic crisis and a medical emergency, Trump is struggling to maintain footing.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world. Over 2 million people have died from the coronavirus. The totals in the United States has reached over 25,000 and its growing.

Drudge, 52 continues to keep information available to please conservatives but deep inside the website lies a dozen or so anti-Trump postings.

The reclusive agitator has been souring on Trump over the last two years. From Trump's massive spending to his unlawful conduct while in office, Drudge has felt that he's betrayed the principles that got him into the White House.
Drudge is a reclusive agitator. He was one of Trump's biggest fans. Nowadays he's trashing Trump.
Some of the most notable headlines on The Drudge Report include.

USA TODAY: Golf, handshakes and Mar-a-Lago conga line; Squandered week highlights President's lack of COVID-19 focus...

Trump Congratulates Himself 116 Times for Response...

'Fake News'...

And of course he linked a USA Today investigative article about how Trump and White House officials squandered precious time in taming the coronavirus.

The Washington Examiner, a far-white newspaper has detailed the sour relationship as well.

Drudge was asked by Columbia Journalism Review's Bob Norman. The journalist visited Drudge's Florida home and asked him about how Trump's doing as president.
In the header, conga line at Mar a Largo. That was an obvious dig at Trump.
"Social distancing" in the words of Drudge.

Drudge has found that Trump has failed at his duties as president.

Drudge isn't the only one who's soured on Trump. The infamous white extremist Ann Coulter has found that Trump's promises are broken. She was a very strong advocate for Trump. She supported the infamous border wall and the Muslim ban.

Since then Coulter and Trump had a huge falling out. Coulter is no longer invited on Fox News.

She and Sean "Softball" Hannity are no longer friends and the far-white has blacklisted her from the media.

Drudge still pulls in traffic. He still could be a kingmaker for Republicans. If he turns on Trump in the coming months, "we'll see what happens."

Here's the map.

There are over 1 million confirm cases of the coronavirus in the United States. There are over 25,000 Americans who have died from the coronavirus. Every state has reported a death and its rising fast.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have predicted that there could be over 100,000 to 4 million Americans killed by the coronavirus. Globally, there are over 2 million people infected by the coronavirus.

With the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are being ordered to stay at home if they're sick and those who are able to work are doing under tight restrictions. Many companies had to lay off millions because of the spread of the coronavirus.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.
13. If you deliberately infect other individuals, food and first responders, you will be charged with crime.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

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