Sunday, April 12, 2020

Joe Biden's Tundra Thunder!

Another win for Biden.
Just because Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) dropped out the race for the Democratic nomination doesn't mean we're done with the primaries. The insufferable Berners (Bernie Bros) are losing their minds and they're turning to Russian propaganda and Donald J. Trump to undermine Joe Biden.

Guess what?

Alaska held their Democratic primary.

The former vice president won the Alaska primary in a double digit win.

He beat Sanders 56% to 44%..

The Alaska Democratic Primary moved the date of its contest from April 4 to April 10 and canceled all in-person voting in response to the coronavirus outbreak. They only relied on vote-by-mail.

Sanders still lost despite the vote-by-mail.
The Alaskan Democratic primary concludes with Biden the winner.
The party sent more than 71,000 ballots to registered Democrats around the state and allowed voters the option to download one as well. More than 19,000 ballots were returned to the state party's office in Anchorage on Friday.

Biden now has over 1,200 delegates and will become the presumptive nominee now that Sanders finally dropped out the race.

The results for Wisconsin will be coming soon. Before Sanders dropped out, he and Biden both slammed the state's decision to hold its primaries despite Gov. Tony Evers pushing for a later date.

The state Republicans wanted to keep the primaries going. So thousands of Wisconsin voters stood in the weather elements along with the risk of the coronavirus to vote.

Donald J. Trump urges Republicans to fight against mail-in-voting. He voted in the Florida primary by mail-in-ballot. Yet, he wants Americans to risk their lives for in-person voting.

Biden nets a handful of delegates with this win.

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