Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Linda Tripp Passed Away!

Controversial whistleblower Linda Tripp passed away from cancer.
Linda Tripp, the woman who secretly recorded Monica Lewinsky telling her about the affair with Bill Clinton passed away at the age of 70.

Tripp, sparked the impeachment inquiry into William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States.

Tripp was vilified by Clinton's allies and Lewinsky herself.

Those taped conversations and the semen stained blue dress were the keys for the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to impeach Clinton. Tripp nearly brought Clinton down.

Tipp was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer less than a week ago when she took herself to the hospital after experiencing stomach pains.

Husband, Dieter Rausch and their daughter Allison Foley were the only relatives allowed to visit Tripp while she was in the ICU due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Clinton and Lewinsky had an affair. It became a tabloid sensation.
Foley posted in a Facebook post that has since been designated private that her 70-year-old mother is terminally ill.

"My mommy is leaving this earth. I don’t know myself if I can survive this heartache," Foley said in the message, as reported to the New York Post. "Please pray for a painless process for the strongest woman I will ever know in my entire lifetime."

Tripp's son-in-law simply told the Post, "it’s a family situation."

Lewinsky learned the news and tweeted on social media about her.

Tripp in her final picture.
In 1999, Lewinsky gave evidence against Tripp after details of their private conversations were revealed to the world.

Tripp had grown close with Lewinsky at the white House. She told the world that "the president has a girlfriend" and used the recordings to back her up. Her story was soon picked up by tabloids but turned down. She opened up on the condition of immunity. One of the recording handed to the media before she was granted immunity got her in hot water. Tripp faced charges for illegally recording Lewinsky and providing the tape to Newsweek.

It took a 7-Eleven clerk named Matt Drudge to blow the story out the water. Drudge turn his blog into a conservative/far-white agitating powerhouse.

When Lewinsky testified to Congress, she said that her privacy was betrayed and she "hated" Tripp for bringing a personal matter into the public spotlight.

Lewinsky has been an advocate against public shaming, revenge porn and blackmail.
Lewinsky still despises Matt Drudge, Kenneth Starr, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Fox News and Republicans for their political hypocrisy.

Activist Monica Lewinsky mourns the loss of former rival Linda Tripp.
Tripp had no regrets bringing the tapes to light.

"It was always about right and wrong, never left and right. It was about exposing perjury and the obstruction of justice. It was never about politics."

Tripp's recorded conversations, which she turned over to then-independent Counsel Ken Starr, exposed Clinton's sexual relationship with Lewinsky, who was a White House intern at the time. Clinton's denial of the affair led to a perjury charge when the House impeached him in 1998.

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