Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Trump Served Some "Lemonade" To Ice Cube!

Ice Cube went from NWA to MAGA in one swoop.

I really hate this Blogger interface. I have to make my posts a copy and paste from WordPad. Cause if I do it through this interface, it will not embedded Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram videos and images.

I will keep reminding you that it's difficult to post now that Google rolled out their new interface. It deletes posts. Trust me, I am one of millions who are really not feeling this. Google will find its reckoning.

Nonetheless I keep saying this.







It seems like the Platinum Card, Donald J. Trump offered to the Black community came from a rapper. A rapper who has criticized his former bandmate for meeting Republicans during the height of the Rodney King incident that led to the Los Angeles riots.

O'Shea Jackson, Sr., known as Ice Cube was a member of NWA. He left the group after he got into a feud with Jerry Heller and founding member Eazy E.

Ice Cube called Eazy E a "sell out" for meeting with Republicans. Now folks are calling Cube out for the very things he's accused Eazy E of.

Ice Cube directing Looney Coons.

On Tuesday, far-right agitator and Black Trumper Katrina Pierson posted a tweet thanking Cube "for his willingness" to work with the Trump administration on the "Platinum Plan" -- a $500 billion package that will purportedly helped Black communities. The plan is to create 3 million new jobs, push for criminal justice reform, improve access to better education and job opportunities, reduce health care costs and designate Juneteenth as a national holiday. < br>

Cube tries to deflect from his Trump ass licking.

The entertainer has made numerous statements in regards to suppress Black turnout. He has said that both parties have done nothing to help Black people. However, he said that Trump is at least willing to do his "Contract with Black America."

Cube found himself kinship with a man who divided this country with divisiveness.

Sound like something Newt Gingrich dug out of his ass.

Cube's past remarks come back to bite him in his ass. The 51-year old entertainer has been known for anti-government and anti-police lyrics. The K-Hive won't let that go. Especially after he took aim at Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) for her days as a district attorney and Attorney General.

Well many folks believe rapper/actor/media mogul Ice Cube is peddling anti-Semitic tropes.

So it's no wonder that Ice Cube could be endorsing Donald J. Trump for president. I mean from "Fuck the system" to "Bow down (to Trump)!"

C'mon man!

You can't do shit right now. You can't direct your movies. You can't do any concerts with this goddamn pandemic. You and Dre both have fucked the system to make yourselves wealthy.

You "Pro-Africa" but support a white nationalist who tried to masquerade his likeness to Black culture. Fuck you Ice Cube. You're a token dude.

It's no wonder Biden had to focus on winning over disgruntled Republicans. Biden is looking to court suburban voters, Black women, college educated people, moderates and mainstream progressives. Biden is wasting his time trying to win over Black men, leftists and young voters. They are not reliable and never will be.

Biden still has 91% of the Black vote. 

Trump has 8% of the Black vote. 

Kanye West has 1% of the Black vote.

Yeah, don't take the Black vote for granted. But please, don't play stupid games and think you're going to win smart prizes.

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