Sunday, October 11, 2020

A Shot In The Mile High!

Far-right extremist loses his life when he confronted an armed leftist.







Be warned the images and video are graphic. 

Okay, I am really, really, really starting to hate Blogger right now. Since July 2020, Google decided to rollout their "improvements" to Blogger by changing its interface. When they changed their interface, they managed to make it disorganized and really complicated.

I tried it a few times and I didn't like it. So I reverted to the "legacy" format and stayed on it. Now Google has ended their legacy period and now it's new interface is permanently forced upon millions of Bloggers.

I am seriously considering finding the exit ramp and moving forward to Wordpress.

Google better fix this because it's not looking good.

So the far-right clashed again with the far-left in Donald J. Trump's America. 

Here's the images. Be warned it's graphic.

A man was shot in the face by a private security guard who may have been associated with Antifa. The man who got shot in the face instigated a conflict with an armed man. 

The man sprayed bear mace in the face of the guy after a brief confrontation. The man was killed at the scene and the terrorist was arrested within minutes. In a series of videos, you will see a confrontation between a Black male and a group of Proud Boy white extremists. The Black male wore a "Black Guns Matter" T-shirt which instigated that he was armed. The victim, a white extremist was up in his face for a brief moment before he moved on.

Between crosstalk, we witness the guy confront a man who is allegedly contracted to protect news reporters at a local junk food media station. 

The two clash for a moment and then he pulls out mace. By that time, the mace is sprayed and the terrorist pulled his firearm out and shot the far-right extremist in the face. Once the guy hit the ground, the Denver Police began to swarm the terrorist and quickly apprehended him. 

The terrorist is facing charges that range from first-degree murder to homicide with reckless intent. 

The transracial grifter Jeffrey Shaun King decided to troll the situation. 

King is a white man who masquerades as a Black man. He often posts controversial videos and tweets to generate talk. He would also ask for support of his shady causes. He often attacks Black women, Joe Biden, post information about people and blocks critics who often are former allies. Mind you that King often is getting shit wrong and folks continue to support his disgraceful campaigns.

I hear now that he's started another organization with the money he's earned from suckers who support his causes.

The shooting took place in the courtyard of the Denver Art Museum during a "Patriot Rally" that was met by a group of counter-protesters who called their rally "BLM-Antifa Soup Drive." The incident was caught on camera by a photojournalist at the Denver Post. 

The Denver Police did say that the terrorist had no ties to antifa but you know how social media gets around. The far-right peeped into his social media and found that he's on the left and it won't stop their beliefs that he deliberately killed a Trump supporter. 

Terrorist caught.
The far-right are embracing the Illinois man who killed two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The far-right often uses the "SECOND AMENDMENT" for their promotion of gun violence. 

But when the far-left uses it, it's always someone else's fault for this. Bet you money, they're blaming Black Lives Matter and Joe Biden. 

Again, the suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The suspect is facing up to LIFE in the iron college for murder. 

The company that hired him will lose its contract with the news company. The victim's family will sue the news company, the security firm and the terrorist. 

Obviously Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Gov. Jared Polis, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) and the U.S. House members of Colorado will offer their thoughts.

Trump and lawmakers elected to federal office made politics extremely toxic. It's not just the fault of our dear leader and lawmakers, but relentless agitators on the 24/7 cable news channels. They are profiting off division and divisiveness. The internet is also a problem. It's is a breeding ground for potential mass shooters. Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media outlets have been "ground zero" for disinformation, partisan threats and social activism. Incels and social outcasts find their outlets on sites that inspire them to cause harm to their fellow human beings.

It never happens in your community ... Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. Gun violence will affect your town, your family and your life.

Everyday at least 103 people die from gun violence. I can't even tell you how many stories I've missed involving gun violence in the country. Police shootings are part of the systematic problem with gun violence. No amount of training will ever stop a cop from using split judgement when it comes to a life-or-death situation. However, given how many of these incidents should have involved  deescalation, these fatal encounters should have been prevented.




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