Monday, October 26, 2020

Make This A** Famous!


Black men and women have to deal with Asian people being racist. This realtor lost everything in a two minute video. He told a internet agitator his property is a "No Nigger Zone!"

I really hate this Blogger interface. I have to make my posts a copy and paste from Google Doc and WordPad. Cause if I do it through this interface, it will not embedded Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram videos and images. The pictures on the interface mysteriously disappears or appears at the bottom of the posting. I have to navigate through a bunch of unnecessary buttons to at least adjust the picture to fit the posting. On top of that, in its HTTL format is worthless. 

I will keep reminding you that it's difficult to post now that Google rolled out their new interface. It deletes posts. Trust me, I am one of millions who are really not feeling this. 

Google will find its reckoning.

Nonetheless I keep saying this.








Thank you President Donald J. Trump. You have served the country. But it's now time for a new path forward. It’s time to allow Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take control of the United States.

We gonna make you famous.

An Arizona realtor better recognize that his antics may have cost him his license, his job and his reputation with the Phoenix area.

A Black man who does videos on social media recorded this Asian-American realtor N-tapping him.

Thanks to this asshole, YouTube celebrity LilAJDre now earned him more subscribers and a reason for Black men and women to vote.

So over the weekend in Scottsdale, this asshole named Paul Ng took pictures of two Black men who were on the property that he managed. The young man would confront him on why he was taking pictures of them.

He admitted that he was a racist and he made some conclusion that “some things” happened around the property and the like.

Simply put, the asshole said this was a “NO NIGGER ZONE.”

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I’m posting this to protect not only myself, but also my good friend and camera man @itschief.kane ! He experienced this encounter aswell, and will proceed to seek JUSTICE!! - - PAUL NG!!! We have his location, we also know that he has been terminated from his Independent Contract. - - However, he is a Real Estate Investor. Meaning this is SOMEONE’S LANDLORD!!! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!!! He will not receive a DIME from a MINORITY! ESPECIALLY NOT FOR AN NECESSITY - - Please spread this to any Black Individual!! I know what we should have did PHYSICALLY!! But as a CULTURE, we must learn a better response! We are owed IN THIS COUNTRY! But, we will NEVER receive what’s ours if WE DO NOT FIND A BETTER WAY!! - - The Time Is Now!! I NEED EVERYONE WATCHING THIS!! HELP!!

A post shared by It’s Dre Baby! AZ 🌵 (@lilajdre) on

The video was two minutes long and the antics of this asshole went viral. The racist was fired from Russ Lyon Sotheby’s International Realty. He also was pulled from all realtors websites and went ghost on social media.

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Posted with @DittoRepost #dittorepost • @lilajdre (SWIPE) “Nigger Free Zone” [UPDATE] #TeamGlobal with your help with bringing awareness !!! & SCOTTSDALE POLICE DEPARTMENT!! WE GOT JUSTICE !!! THE COMMANDER OF SPD HAS AGREED TO A FRIENDLY SIT DOWN! On Camera!!!!AS THEIR SUPPORT AND EFFORTS DURING THIS EVENT WAS NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING ( YES !! EVEN DURING TIMES LIKE THIS) Also, the individual is NOT a worker for that establishment! I’ve received that FACT today! So as a collective, we are not going to vandalize the community! In this case it would be pointless and senseless! We must target our aggression towards getting justice and setting an example! THIS SHIT IS NOT OKAY!!!! THANK EVERYONE!!!

A post shared by River Trading Post (@rivertradingpost) on

This is why it’s important to kick Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) out of the Senate. It’s important to swing Arizona to Joe Biden. It’s necessary to send a message to white, Asian and some Black people who justify racism as their platform.

Yes, there are Black people who are racist. Ask, Candace Owens, Tariq Nasheed, Kevin Jackson, Larry Elder and Jesse Lee Peterson. They’re extremists and grifters trying to sow discourse in the election.

Ignore Tariq Nasheed’s bullshit. We ain’t got time for a grifter trying to tell Black people to not vote in this election. He is a Trump supporter and a misogynist. He ain’t nothing more than a troll and an articulate idiot like Candace Owens.

Don’t take your foot off the pedal. Vote like your life depends on it.

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