Sunday, August 02, 2020

Trump Will Accept The Nomination Without The Media Watching!

Trump and Pence will be the nominees of the Republican presidential ticket. The junk food media won't see their nomination speeches.
The Republican nomination will no longer be held in Jacksonville due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The original location of Charlotte will be effectively scaled back to a point where Republicans will no longer gather to see the nomination of the incumbent President Donald J. Trump.

The Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel conceded that the convention will not go as planned. The nomination of Donald J. Trump and Michael R. Pence will be held in August. The two will be on the ballot in November.

It was reported that the junk food media will not be allowed on site as RNC delegates vote to formally nominate Trump as their 2020 presidential nominee. The vote will be livestreamed and possibly viewed through virtually.

It gives me the feeling that Trump is trying to recruit foreign operatives to meddle with the election.
Trump realized that his big party is out of the question.
He used foreign operatives to help him win the first time. He will do it again.

The RNC's communication director said that "no final decision has been made" regarding the press.

"No final decision has been made and we are still working through logistics and press coverage options," said RNC communication director Michael Ahrens who talked to CNN on Sunday.

"We are working with the parameters set before us by state and local guidelines regarding the number of people who can attend events."

COVID-19 has pretty much been the main issue dogging Trump. His handling of the pandemic has put everything at risk of collapse. Hollywood, Broadway, the housing industry, the consumer market, the hospitality industry, the airline industry, the restaurant industry, retail, oil and gas industry at risk of failure.

We have lost over 200,000 Americans to the coronavirus. We have over 5 million people in the country affected by the disease.

The convention will continue in Charlotte scaled back.
We have became more polarized by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, Ahmaud Arbery and white people calling the law on Black people minding their business. We have seen more protests in the streets and Trump's decision to deploy federal troops to city streets despite warnings about authoritarianism.

The formal proceedings of the 2020 Republican National Convention -- including voting to formally nominate Trump as the 2020 GOP nominee -- are still expected to take place in Charlotte, but the number of people attending has been dramatically scaled back.

An RNC official says the President is not likely to accept the nomination in Charlotte in a big public speech. If Trump goes to Charlotte, the expectation is that it will just be to thank the delegates in a private, closed press event.

The proceedings on the Monday of the convention -- including the vote to formally nominate Trump -- will be live-streamed, according to a Republican official familiar with the plans.

Due to space restrictions, not all delegates will attend either. Instead, 336 delegates will vote at the convention proceedings -- one for every six delegates.

Associated Press reporter Zeke Miller, the president of the White House Correspondents' Association, called the move to close convention activities to the press an "an ill-advised decision" and called on the GOP to "reconsider" on Twitter Saturday evening. "The nomination of a major party presidential candidate is very much the business of the American people."

His rival Joe Biden will make his selection for vice president in the coming days. He said he will pick a woman as his running mate and the junk food media is speculating.

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