Thursday, August 13, 2020

Bigger Love!

John Legend sneaks in a surprise announcement with wife Chrissy Teigen.
Chrissy Teigen (born Christine D. Teigen-Stephens) and John Legend confirm they're going to be parents again. The couple announce the pregnancy on social media and a music video. She grew up in Delta, Utah and is born of a Thai mother and American father of Norwegian decent.

Chrissy Teigen, 34, is a celebrity agitator is a model, chef, activist and television personality. She is the executive producer of Lip Sync Battle and Chrissy Court. She currently host Chrissy Court.

She recently had surgery to remove her breast implants. She is one of the few celebrities to be blocked by Donald J. Trump.

John Legend (born John Stephens), 41 is an Oscar-award winning musician, reality television agitator, songwriter, actor and activist. He has ties to Dayton, Ohio. He was born in Springfield and has family living in the community. He is currently the celebrity coach on The Voice.

He is one of the few celebrities to have an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award win).

The couple who are parents of Luna, 4 and Miles, 2 had their children through in vitro fertilization.

In the music video, Wild, the couple confirm the news of a third child.

Listen to the full album, Bigger Love

The lyrics of Wild

They endorsed Elizabeth Warren in the presidential election. Now they've endorsed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

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