Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Birther Stuff Again!

The birthers are going after Kamala Harris.
When Black people run for higher office, we should always expect these things to happen. This applies to both Democrat and Republican Black candidates.

1. They will question the candidate's Blackness (whether they're too Black or not Black enough).

2. They will question the Black candidate on why he/she haven't done enough in the Black community (in regards to crime, drugs, gangs, gun violence and single parenting).

3. They will question whether biracial (mostly identified as Black) isn't Black.

4. Who the Black person is married to. If a Black candidate is married to someone who isn't Black, they will question it.

5. If the parent is born in another country but gives birth to a child in the United States, they will question the Black candidate on whether they're qualified to run for higher office because their parent isn't American.

Donald J. Trump and his allies are starting the whisper campaign against Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the vice presidential pick for Democratic presumptive nominee Joe Biden.

The birther nonsense is back on.

Harris' parents were immigrants from Jamaica and India. She and sister Maya were born in Oakland, California. So that would make her an American citizen by birth.

But the Trump presidential campaign doesn't care. They seek only opportunity to distract from their horrible handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The coronavirus pandemic has killed over 200,000 people. There are over 6 million people infected by the disease. We have over 35 million Americans unemployed. We have uncertainty in the global markets. We have thousands of businesses filing for bankruptcy and closing up shop forever.

Trump still has a loyal base of supporters who are willing to die for him.

Jenna Ellis, a senior legal advisor for the Trump campaign believes that because her parents were foreign nationals at the time of her birth, Harris is ineligible to be a vice president.

"It's an open question, and I think Harris should answer so the American people know for sure she is eligible," Ellis told ABC News.

Ellis brought this shit up after she read an article from some jackass named John C. Eastman.

"Her father was (and is) a Jamaican national, her mother was from India, and neither was a naturalized U.S. citizen at the time of Harris’ birth in 1964," he wrote.

Harris' parents met as graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley. Her father, an economist, immigrated from Jamaica; her mother, a cancer researcher, immigrated from India.
Trump and dingbat Jenna Ellis push the birther nonsense.
The birther movement dogged Barack Obama. Trump and many far-right agitators were active in questioning Obama's birthplace. The former president was born in Hawai'i. Trump continuously pushed this conspiracy and forced Obama to release it.

Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton started the rumor. That was false.

This Eastman clown challenged Harris back in 2010 for the California Attorney General. He lost and he's a bitter old white nationalist who wants attention.

Harris is the first African American woman to be picked on a presidential ticket.

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