Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Scott Franklin Trumps Ross Spano!

White nationalist Scott Franklin beats white nationalist Ross Spano.
The far-right beats the far-right. It seems like this is going to be an interesting year.

This is the eighth lawmaker to be defeated by a primary challenger.

It happened to Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO), Rep. Steve Watkins (R-KS), Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA), Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D-IL), Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO) and Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY).

Now Rep. Ross Spano (R-FL) is defeated. The freshman lawmaker is under federal watch for campaign finance violations was defeated by Lakeland city commissioner Scott Franklin.

Franklin beat Spano by a mere 3 points in a race to keep hold of the 15th Congressional District of Florida. The district went to Trump by 10 points. But now it could be a potential pickup for the Democrats.

The district carries parts of East Tampa and Lakeland.

Spano faced heat over 2018 loans he accepted from two friends, which he then used to loan his own campaign, a clear violation of campaign finance laws governing contribution limits. Spano faces a federal sandwich.

Spano got backing from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Franklin got backed by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), the white nationalist lawmaker who backed Laura Loomer, Marjorie Taylor Greene and other QAnon nuts.
Rep. Ross Spano (R-FL), a white nationalist lawmaker was defeated by white nationalist Scott Franklin.
Trump stayed out the race but is now throwing his full support behind Franklin.

"Tonight is a win for Florida's 15th Congressional District. The voters have made clear that they want someone they can trust to get the job done in Washington. They want someone who will defend our freedoms and our family values. They want someone who will fight back against the socialist liberals like Nancy Pelosi and AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez). They want someone who will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with President Trump," said Franklin in a press release.

Gaetz backed Franklin in a phone call.

"Hi, this is Congressman Matt Gaetz, President Trump's No. 1 ally calling you to tell you that your Congressman Ross Spano has just got to go. Ross Spano is so weakened by the Justice Department corruption investigation that we can't count on him to defend President Trump against Pelosi and the liberals. President Trump and I personally need Scott Franklin to help keep the fight for the Trump agenda alive and to take back the House of Representatives. Everything is on the line this election and we can't have a weak link like Ross Spano take down our team," said the white nationalist lawmaker.

Gaetz appeared with Franklin in a last minute attempt to generate votes.

The 15th Congressional District of Florida is LEAN REPUBLICAN.

The Republican will take Alan Cohn, a former investigative journalist who worked for WFTS-28.

He will face an uphill battle to take on a seat. This is the second time around for Cohen. He will be labeled a "socialist" and the like by a very polarizing Franklin.

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