Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Guess Who's Coming To The RNC?

A star-studded lineup for the Republicans. The St. Louis couple who pointed firearms at protesters is invited to the event. Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Karen will have a voice in the shitshow of Donald J. Trump.
The couple who brandished firearms at peaceful protesters in St. Louis, Missouri will make a virtual appearance at the Republican National Convention.

The Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign announced that the couple Mark and Patricia McCloskey will make an appearance during the week that Trump and Mike Pence accept their nomination for the Republican ticket.

The two are criminally under investigation for storming outside their home to intimidate peaceful protesters who were heading to the mayor's home.

The McCloskeys face felony charges for unlawful use of a weapon after confronting the protester in June. They maintain innocence and claim that they were defending their property and are not racist.

But the images show that they wanted to start trouble.

Trump pretty much defended their actions and believe that Black Lives Matter and Antifa were the real agitators in the situation. The protesters came through a private gate and walked down a private street to confront mayor Lyda Krewson.
They get rewarded for their incompetence.
Krewson is under fire for calling out protesters who want reforms within the St. Louis Police.

The McCloskeys, both in their 60s are personal injury attorneys. Their attorney who promises to deliver names. The lawyer accused Kim Gardner, the St. Louis prosecutor of siding with criminals and deviants.

Since the incident, Mark McCloskey appeared on far-right outlets to defend his actions. He is getting assistance from the likes of the alt-white.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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