Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Kris Kobach's Defeat Eases Republican Tensions!

Rep. Roger Marshall (R-KS) will be the U.S. Senate nominee for Kansas' open seat.
With Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) retiring, Republicans were hoping that Mike Pompeo would resign from the U.S. State Department to run for the seat. He declined. So the Republicans were left with two candidates they loathe.

Kris Kobach and Roger Marshall. Two extremely polarizing figures who could jeopardize the seat that normally trends Republican.

Republicans can breathe a sigh of relief. The one they loathe the least won.

Rep. Roger Marshall (R-KS) fended off 10 challengers to become the nominee for the open seat. He will now face a formidable challenger. The Democrats have lined up Kansas state senator Barbara Bollier who easily won her primary.

Marshall is from Grand Bend, Kansas. He entered the Congress in 2017 after he beat the polarizing Tim Huelskamp. Marshall is an obstetrician by occupation represents Kansas 1st Congressional District which includes Hutchinson, Salina, Great Bend, Dodge City, Emporia, Manhattan, Junction City, Clay Center and Hays.
Another L for Kris Kobach.
Kansas was one of five states that held congressional primaries

Trump stayed out of this race. He knew the risk of having Kobach as the nominee. Democrats were hoping to seize on the controversial remarks Kobach used during his failed gubernatorial bid.

Kobach was then Kansas Secretary of State. He was focused on curbing illegal immigration and championing unproven theories about voter fraud. Kobach worked directly with the Trump administration on a 2018 investigation into possible voter fraud in the 2016 election, but found no evidence.

The race for the open seat in Kansas is competitive. I have it LEANING REPUBLICAN.

Now that Kobach is out of the question, Kansas Republicans can take some ease to the challenges ahead.
Trump stayed out the race. It hurt Kobach.
Marshall who voted for the CARES Act.

Marshall and most of the Republicans are not willing to vote for a second coronavirus package.

Marshall survived a train accident. He was a passenger on a chartered Amtrak train involved in Crozet, Virginia. He administrated first aid and CPR to the injured.

He is married and has four children.

Donald J. Trump has polled unfavorably in Kansas. But Republican are still willing to give him another term.

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