Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Kansas Cop Tried To Get A McDonald's Worker Fired!

Kansas cops had to apologize to McDonald's after a dirty cop tried to get an employee fired.
This is why there's no such thing as Blue Lives Matter. You weren't born a cop.

A 23-year old cop was forced to resign on Monday after admitting to making up a story that a McDonald's drive-thru employee wrote "fucking pig" on his coffee cup.

This happened in Herington, Kansas.

The Herington Police chief Brina Hornaday was trying to make this a Fox News story. He was calling upon the community to condemn McDonald's and have them fire the employee out the cannon.

An outraged Hornaday had earlier posted a photo on Facebook of the coffee cup with the expletive scrawled across it, which prompt widespread calls of outrage.

McDonald's disputed the allegations made by the officers following an investigation.

Hornaday has since deleted his Facebook post and the department's page, was forced to backtrack and later "applauded" McDonald's for conducting its own investigation and for cooperating with the department.

"This was completely and solely fabricated by a Herington police officer no longer employed with the agency," Hornaday said.
Dirty police chief was hoping to get Fox News to amplify this story. 
"The investigation that I conducted showed that this was meant to be a joke. However, we can see that how something so serious can get so out of control, very, very quickly."

"The most important thing that could have been done and should have been done in this scenario would be to come forward immediately....however, unfortunately that was not done," Hornaday said.

He would not name the dirty cop by name but he did share the cop's ranking. He was on the force for about two months after spending five in the U.S. Army.

The dirty cop will not face any criminal charges.
This stunt done by a cop is the reason why Black Lives Matter.
The owner of McDonald's was not happy about the situation. They were about to fire the employee out the cannon. The owner, Dana Cook said the Junction City location said that she was disappointed about the whole ordeal.

The former dirty cop will likely be banned from that McDonald's location. He will probably find another job with another community. He will likely be one of those type of cops who may end up killing a person of color. He will claim he feared for his life. The state won't prosecute him and they'll give him a severance package and the family millions to shut them up.

Nothing can bring back the lives of those killed by gun violence. The folks who swore to protect their communities don't care about the lives they've taken away.

Blue Lives Matter is a countermovement in the U.S. advocating that those who are prosecuted and convicted of killing law enforcement officers should be sentenced under hate crime statutes.

Blues Lives Matter support discriminatory policing and racial profiling.

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