Saturday, January 04, 2020

Jameela Jamil Canceled Candace Owens' Check!

Jameela Jamil cuts Candace Owens out the picture. The actress said the far-Black agitator is too extreme.
Final four episodes of The Good Place will air on NBC this month. The series starring Kristen Bell, William Jackson, Manny Jacinto, D'Arcy Carden, Ted Danson and Jameela Jamil.

Jamil has also a podcast that is called Earwolf.

The Good Place actress was scheduled to invite far-Black bigot Candace Owens on. The invitation was canceled after the agitator was talking trash about a transgender man giving birth to his first child with his non-binary partner.

Owens who is the creator of Blexit, a conservative organization devoted to convincing Black Americans to ditch the Democratic Party for the Republican Party. She operates her own podcast on the campus of Prager University.

Owens is a notorious huckster and agitator.

Jamil's support for the LGBTQ+ community has been very known. She canceled the invitation because Owens was doing her usual trolling.

Jamil's employees feel "unsafe" after Owens made comments about transgender people.

Candace Owens has a podcast called Looney Coons.
Owens was taking a shot at British transman who gave birth to his first child.

Owens commented: "Woman gives birth to partner's baby with male sperm donor. There. I fixed it for you."

Jamil sent a note to Owens' representatives to rescind her invite.

"Sorry. We have trans people working with us. I can't have Candace on the podcast anymore. You are both free to say whatever you like about this publicly. I'm sure you will have an entertaining spin. But nothing is worth my friends and coworkers feeling unsafe. J (Jameela Jamil)."

Candace Owens went to social media to react in the usual trolling fashion.

Kanye West has distanced himself from Blexit. It affected his fan base and album sales. Many people have tuned out West because of his high profile support of Donald J. Trump.

"I introduced Candace Owens to the person who made the log and they didn't want their name on it so she used mine. I never wanted any association with Blexit."

Sure, Ye!

Even a controversial figure like Owens had a moment of support. Killer Mike came to her defense when Clifford "T.I." Harris slammed her remarks on "America being better for Blacks under Trump."

Russell Brand at least gave Owens an opportunity to spew noise pollution

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