Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Dirty Cop Claims He's Black To Protest His Demotion!

A Blue Lives Matter cop plays the role of a Black man.
The former president of the Fraternal Order of Police for Miami-Dade County admits changing his race to Black to get a promotion because he learned that people in his family are of mixed race.

Javier Ortiz was union president from 2011 to 2017, claimed to be a white Hispanic man when he first applied.

But Ortiz in a 2014 lieutenant and 2017 captain's application that he was "Black of African-American (non-Hispanic) decent."

This dirty cop using a Jim Crow-era racial tactic -- a move the local NAACP chapter is calling "downright disturbing."

Ortiz who has a long documented history of racist incidents did this as a protest move to his unethical behavior while wearing the uniform.
Beyonce's Halftime show riled up the far-white.
A string of complains have been issued against Ortiz, who is under investigation for having worked more off-duty hours than what is allowed under the city of Miami's policies.

Ortiz faces countless lawsuits from people claiming that he falsely arrested them. He notably falsely arrested NFL players Jonathan Vilma in 2009 and New York Jets' Robby Anderson in 2017.

The officer has been very vocal about police shootings. He said that Black people being shot by police was justified because they resisted arrest or threaten the lives of cops. He wanted to start his anti-Michael Brown campaign by supporting former Ferguson dirty cop Darren Wilson.

Ortiz was the dirty cop who protests Beyonce's Super Bowl half-time show. She used Black Panther imagery and came out in support of Black Lives Matter.

Ortiz was placed in the freezer after he tried to dox a police critic online.
Dirty cop continues to embarrass Miami.
Ortiz claims that he's being targeted. He said that the "one drop policy" is the perfect reason to justify his reasoning for "being Black."

"I'm a Black male. Yes, I am, and I am not Hispanic. That's how I feel," Ortiz said at a meeting at Miami city hall.

Commissioner Keon Hardemon, the sole black commissioner asked Ortiz what he put on his application when he first started with the department.

"I think I put white male," Ortiz said. "I know I put white male but I don't know if I put Hispanic."

This is why police reform is necessary for America. They hire white nationalists to their ranks.

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