Showing posts with label Michael Brown shooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Brown shooting. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2015

Concern Trolls Can't Move Boulders With Their Hands!

In the wake of high profile incidents involving police, concern trolls believe its the victim's fault for their deaths.

Okay, here we go again. In the wake of high profile incidents in which police faced harsh criticism for the deaths of people in their custody, the concern trolls come out with the defense of the law.

They head to the social media and blogs such as our and leave their word vomit.

I would suspect these trolls as members of law enforcement or individuals who have ties to those in law enforcement. These trolls would post nonsense like what you're reading below.

Again, I shrink it down so you will have to have a magnifying glass to read it.

Anonymous said...
Only in a world as profound sick and decadent as ours would saying police officers - dedicated to upholding the laws governing the very society making it possible for black dysfunction and criminality to be protected - lives be construed as racism and cause a controversy
5:06 PM

 Anonymous said...
Why are we quick to listen to the plight of the carjacker and the drug dealer, so willing to put their behavior in “context,” yet we fail miserably to comprehend the fact that cops — particularly cops in high crime areas — are dealing with domestic abusers, addicts, thieves, murderers, pimps, and the various other dregs of humanity on a daily basis? This might take a toll on your psyche after awhile; perhaps make you jaded, cynical, even bitter. I know it would to me, and I know the police who manage to be decent in spite of it all deserve an immense amount of respect.
5:49 PM

 Anonymous said...
For just being....well you know, could be a death sentence. #IfIDieInPoliceCustodyit'sbecauseIpointedmygunatpolice

Okay, if you have an opportunity to strain your eyes, I want you to understand the grievance by this concern troll.

The troll says that "we are quick to listen to the plight of the carjacker, the drug dealer, so willing to put their behavior in 'context'".

As usual the concern troll blames the victim. Hey, no one is perfect. No one can live in a glass house without a stone being thrown at it. I mean haven't you had a traffic violation or even an encounter with the law?

I have traffic citations. I know people who have criminal history. I've been fired from a job. I don't consent to police searches of my vehicle. I question why the law pulls me over.

The victims who died in police custody have not committed any criminal act. So what the fuck are you bringing up someone's past? It's not relevant to why these officers did what they've done to these unarmed citizens.

This troll says that our "very society making it possible for black dysfunction and criminality to be protected - lives be construed as racism and cause a controversy."

What pisses me off is the racial aspect to this. Black dysfunction and protecting criminality! What the fuck are you talking about? No one supports criminality. Not even the suspects.

Crime doesn't discriminate against race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

I don't often use race as a factor to why the victim died in police custody. That's left up to the junk food media and the trolls. Whenever the media releases a picture of the person who died in police custody, obviously you automatically tag race to it.

I can testify to experience that I've been profiled by the law. I had store guards look at me like I'm a shoplifter and I have experienced negative encounters.

I look at this as reckless calls. I also look at the blue wall of silence. This tactic is not official but it's common among those in law enforcement. An officer will defend his brothers. That's why oftentimes the leaks to the media say something positive about the law and something negative about the victim. This is a tactic that often gins up tension whenever someone like this troll says that "politicians and civil right leaders" condone "adjective" dysfunction and criminality.

Concern trolls are like this guy trying to move a boulder.
My psyche is always been common sense. I am reclusive and yet tend to be open minded. I don't have the assumption of guilt of anyone who commits a criminal act. That's why they have the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments. Even the mass shooting terrorists in Tucson, Boston, Aurora and Charleston are innocent until proven guilty. Those terrorists in Boston, Tucson and Aurora faced the victims in a court of law.

It's because he pointed a gun.... How do you know?

Okay this is comes from the controversy facing the law in Dayton, Ohio. Montgomery County sheriff deputies who claimed that Dontae Martin pointed a firearm at them. They opened fire on him, killing him instantly. The cops reported this but yet they are still in the freezer.

Montgomery County sheriff Phil Plummer went into this claim that "he had a criminal record" and "cop killer bullets" to tarnish the victim. The family says this is a smear campaign and they're trying to shield corrupt lawman. I agree that Josh Haas and Gust Teague may have lied about the encounter.

They deserve the benefit of the doubt but I don't take them at their word given that their captain and lead sergeant were caught sharing racial emails. And this isn't the first time citizens complained about these two deputies.

They have no dash camera or body camera to back up their claims. They didn't have their lights on when this encounter occurred. We have to believe their word. I told you that Haas and two of his buddies, one being James DeBarr were the ones who profiled me earlier this year. Haas was the one who put a slug in a man at a gas station last year.

The family is calling for the U.S. Justice Department to look into the matter.

The concern troll is the "a plague on both your houses" approach, where the concern troll tries to convince people that both sides of the ideological divide are just as bad as each other, and so no one can think themselves "correct" but must engage in endless hedging and caveats. This preys on a willingness to debate critics and allow dissent; everyone wastes time discussing the matter and bending over backwards, so as not to appear intolerant of disagreement, all to the great amusement of the troll.

Do me and S. Baldwin a favor. Ignore the trolls. Don't feed them. Use them as an example to keep pushing harder for police reform. Use them for the opportunity to move the discussion forward.

Don't hide the truth!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Conservative Outrage At DeRay McKesson!

When injustices in America end, I will go home...!

He gained fame by being an active protester in Ferguson. He's appeared in many high profile events in which law enforcement has used deadly force on unarmed suspects. He has appeared in areas where the not-so-subtle racism exist.

And now, DeRay McKesson has went to Charleston, South Carolina to protest the injustices.

Conservatives are pissed. So they went to the social media to create the #GoHomeDeray hashtag.

This hashtag became one of the most talked about on Twitter. Many conservatives have taken to Twitter to denounce McKesson, Rev. Perm and President Barack Obama. They believe that they "rush to judgement" when it came to the mass shooting at Mother Emmanuel AME Church.

The racist right believes that Dylann Roof's racial hatred towards Blacks wasn't a factor. But it's his mental illness, his drug use and his social ills. They believe that racism wasn't a factor to it. They believe its an attack on Christian beliefs.

Nine lives were lost when a White terrorist shot up a church. His social media unearth a trove of hatred. He shows pride in the Confederate flag and talked about the issues. He believes that Blacks are raping White women, causing havoc and taking over government. Rhetoric you may hear from agitators on talk radio, cable news and the blogs.

McKesson comes to Charleston to show solidarity with the victims. But to the racist right, he's there to start trouble. According to the social media trolls, the people of Charleston doesn't want him or Obama there.

Cue the irony. This is discussed by liberals and conservatives alike. Notice that McKesson did acknowledge this. He brushed off the criticism and told the junk food media that it's a part of a systematic strategy to shut down dissent.

DeRay took to Twitter and responded back to his critics.

Friday, June 05, 2015

Hannity Feuds With Lindsey Graham!


Pathetic agitator is the go-to guy for Republicans says the conservative Craigslist. His ego is certainly blooming these days. You thought the demotion, loss of advertising and embarrassments were the end of the road for him.

Not quite yet!

He still on and doing pretty damn good for a piece of shit.

He's wagering his job! He believes that his influence will help a Republican win the White House.

And if he see another Democrat win, maybe Chief Roger might prepare the cannon for a firing.

I don't understand why the worst cable news host is even given this much attention. I have to admit, that he and the conservative Craigslist are the two reasons to why Republicans are so fucked up right now.

I know everyone wants to point the fingers at that old fart on the AM dial, but really you got to really focus on the most active agitators in the media. These two are no exception.

This guy is the most annoying agitator to ever host a show.

When he's attacking what he perceives as liberal, this guy is like a dog in with a bone in his mouth. He can't fathom anything that promotes liberalism. When it comes to concerns in the Black community, this guy plays the concern troll. He would find issues with gun control when it comes to Black on Black crime, but stand firm with gun rights for White men.

If an unarmed suspect is killed by police, this guy believes the cops regardless. According to him, Freddie Gray was on drugs when he died in police custody. Even though a witness lied about this, he's firm in believing Michael Brown was charging at Darren Wilson while firing his service weapon like a football player.

You can count on that annoying conservative agitator as the guy to promote the unarmed suspect's friends, family, and President Barack Obama were responsible for the death.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) whines to Chuck Todd about the junk food media's treatment of him.
This guy's program is a nightmare. It's like listening his three hour radio show packed as a television show. If you're into the countless nights of complaining, arguing with people and utter stupidity, you find this guy's right wing carnival right up your alley.

It's gotten so worse, even clown car running Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) aimed at him and Rachel Maddow. Graham a frequent complainer of all things Obama has formally declared his intentions of running into the clown car. He and his old buddy Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) are senile and worthless as the Stallmigos.

Graham appears on GOP Sundays quite frequently. His interview with Chuck Todd went right into his beliefs that partisans ruin the country. He aims at the gay and Maddow.

Of course, the thin skinned agitators have responded back.

I actually like Rachel Maddow. I admit I do like listening to that annoying conservative agitator. He's really annoying but honestly he's got my attention. I listen to him. I am hoping that day will come when I call his show and boldly tell him that he's extremely annoying and he will probably be the reason to why perennial candidate Hillary Clinton is the next President of the United States.

So you think Graham's complaining of that guy may have damaged his standing with voters?

I mean he's probably polling low even in his own state, so I would imagine that it's not a good idea to attack a guy who gives them a hour infomercial.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Twitter Twat Suspended!

Controversial blogger got banned from at least one social media forum.

Charles C. Johnson (aka Chuck Johnson) is a notorious race-baiter. He is the founder of conservative blog GotNews. He is allied with agitators such as the conservative Craigslist, racial asshat Colin Flaherty and numerous other bigots.

He spends his time in the social media trolling. He wants to prove the point that liberals lie.

He wants to prove that unarmed Black suspects being killed by law enforcement deserved it. After all, you seen the Facebook page of the deceased Michael Brown and he's giving you the finger. Proof of a violent thug.

Note that THUG is being used instead of NIGGER. The conservatives are using every event in which a crime is committed by a Black male as an excuse to denounce #BlackLivesMatter.

Johnson is a part of this.

Today, Mediaite can claim a victory in the battle against racism. They report that Chuck is banned.

Chuck was trying to troll Ferguson activist DeRay McKesson. He threatened to publish the information about McKesson.

McKesson wrote an email to Twitter and called upon others to effectively throw Chuck off the social media. It was successful. For the time being, Chuck is off the social network.

Chuck has been suspended from the site several times before, largely for releasing news figures’ personal information, such as the Dallas nurses Amber Vinson and Nina Pham who contracted ebola. Many have derided Johnson as a serial harasser and called upon Twitter to remove him from the service, his main megaphone along with his would-be news site

He tried to regain his account and created phony profiles. Alas, Twitter suspended them.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Who They Gonna Blame Now That Two Officers Were Killed In Separate Shootings?

Omaha officer Kerrie Orozco was gunned down by a suspect who didn't give two fucks about her life. He killed a wife, mother, sister and friend of the community. This heartless act gotten the junk food media's attention because she was going to be on maternity leave after this. 

Of course we blame the shooter. But since we live in this gotcha media, the fingers start pointing at the people who have an opinion about it. Of course in the minds of conservatives, it's obviously going towards President Barack Obama.

Damn, it's almost like they believe that Obama was the man who shot two officers. Seeing that he's spoken about the disparaging statistics of Black residents and interactions with police being on the rise, one would think he's talking about a real issue in America.

Of course not. In the minds of the tone deaf, he's preaching anti-cop rhetoric. He's trying to justify rioting and looting. He won't allow the critics to say "THUG". He won't mention the names of hundreds of other victims lost to gun violence.

On average, one day can equal 2000 people killed by gun fire. That's a list that would take at least four hours to read if the president had time to cover every name.

Now I haven't got the whole information on the police officers who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, World News Today will continue to honor those who serve in law enforcement.

There was a officer from Omaha, NE who was about to go on maternity leave. She was killed by a man who she tried to serve an arrest warrant to. The man went down in a hail of gunfire.

Marcus Wheeler was killed after firing on police.
Kerrie Orozco, a 29 year old mother of a newborn daughter was on duty. She was suppose to be on maternity leave a few days later. But that didn't happen. She got slugged in the chest just above her bulletproof vest. She would die of injuries at a hospital.

Orozco was assigned to the gang activity unit. She was trying to deal with criminal activity in the streets of Omaha.

The shooter Marcus Wheeler, 26 eventually ate a bullet sandwich after a brief pursuit. He died on scene.

A New Orleans Housing Officer was found this morning with a slug to the head. In a brazen assassination, the police officer was bucked without remorse. The suspect in this shooting is on the loose. The name of the officer wasn't released to the public.

These two officers were doing their jobs and paid the price for protecting the citizens they swore to protect. World News Today sends our condolences to the families of Kerrie Orozco and the New Orleans officer who's name wasn't released.

Now the Blame Game. A tradition that comes whenever the agitators finds some reason to blame someone other than the actual criminal.

Wheeler was a Black man. So of course, the conservative outrage meter is on. Wheeler was a "racist" cop killer according to the idiot Jim Hoft.

Usual word vomits include the following.

Will Obama say something about Orozco? 

Will this be a reminder of the violent behavior of Blacks?

Will Rev. Perm and Cut His Nuts Off Jackson say something about the shooting of this young woman and her role as an arresting officer?

Will the people supporting the #BlackLivesMatter Movement finally understand that #BlueLivesMatter?

The conservative agitator Loudmouth Bill Cunningham went right into it on his Sunday night cabal.

Cunningham is the pitchman for the conservative Craigslist. He took over when the head honcho Matt Drudge (founder of the conservative Craigslist) left the Sunday night radio gig after failing to make $$$$.

The moment he mentioned the shooting of two officers, I say I bet he will say Obama in the sentence.
New Orleans police are searching for the suspect who assassinated an officer.
As predicted. The agitator went into the holier than thou argument that the president supports criminal behavior and his words are dangerous to cops.

Note this Loudmouth Cunningham is a fraud. He has a trash television show on The CW that is going into its fourth season.

Loudmouth Cunningham plays the role of a midday agitator from iHeart Radio in Cincinnati at WLW 700 AM. On Sunday nights he does it from New York while he's taping his reality television talk show. He's the second most listened to in the noon agitation. He and that old fart Rush Limbaugh are buddies.

What makes him so bad is the fact he trashes on the very same folks he kindly invites on his reality talk show. He has spoken on the John Crawford shooting the very same way he's talked about Michael Brown and Tamir Rice.

Again we don't condone the killing of anyone in law enforcement.
Right wing agitator Bill Cunningham.

We don't condone police brutality, abuse of power, the Blue Wall of Silence, and the killing of unarmed suspects.

We believe that those in law enforcement should be held accountable for any event in which they use improper judgement in a situation. That includes firing a service weapon, using restraint, profiling an individual based on "suspicion", running a traffic signal without lights or siren, and doing unprofessional conduct while on and off duty.

We believe that law enforcement should be photographed or videotaped by residents. An officer's body camera or a dash camera isn't effective enough. The officer's dash camera or body camera footage can magically disappear or it may be released in portions to sway public opinion.

We believe that the media shouldn't believe "everything" a cop tells. That includes a public statement on a controversial event, a grand jury decision, leaking evidence to portray an unarmed suspect as the one who agitated the event and spreading the perception that anyone who criticizes the police are anti-cop.

The Supreme Court allows an arresting officer to "stretch" the truth. Basically the officer can lie when doing a vice/terrorist/drug sting operation, a pull over, a citation, an arrest, a restraint and a discharge of a service weapon.

We take the opportunity to talk about issues that face our community, the government and the corrupt mainstream media.

I tend to have a rational view on most things. I am not a raving partisan. The constant negative reactions towards President Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and the Black community in general by the conservative agitators in the media made me a little more liberal on most issues facing America.

Yeah, I call them names. They deserved to be called more than just that. I believe that they're entitled to their opinions. But I figured that since they're name calling, why not!

When they die, some will care. Others won't.
Photo Credit:
Officer Kerrie Orozco meeting with youth at a sporting event.
Although I tend to be more independent minded on issues, I have to conclude that I tend to be a little more progressive (liberal) on issues now because of four notorious agitators.

What pisses me off more than anything is the tone deafness of conservatives whenever President Barack Obama actually makes a statement on an issue.

This month he held a forum on policing and reminded them how proud he was of the men and women in law enforcement. He told those in attendance that there needs to be a call for unity among the police and the residents of the recent events.

The president mentioned the rise in cop being killed while on duty. He also signed an executive order banning the use of military style weapons and vehicles for police.

The president's speeches are often lost to the bombastic agitators who solely believe that no matter what is said, Barack Obama is just a naturally born NIGGER/ They believe that he's a criminal and he should be locked up with the rest of them.

I will conclude the month with a honest opinion about the agitators in the media.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Jay-Z's TIDAL Wave Crashes Into Baltimore!

Jay-Z made a huge payday in the launch of TIDAL Music Service. The Carters helped protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson. Conservatives are outraged. 

As he launches TIDAL, a streaming music network, Shawn Corey Carter, is now an activist in the fight for equality.

Jay-Z has introduced the world to TIDAL, a subscription-based music streaming service that combines lossless audio and high definition music videos with curated editorial. The service has over 25 million tracks and 75,000 music videos.

Currently offering no free subscription plans, Tidal claims to pay the highest percentage of royalties to music artists and songwriters within the music streaming market.

Tidal was launched in 2014 by Swedish/Norwegian public company Aspiro. It has distribution agreements with all of the three major labels, in addition to many indies. In the first quarter of 2015, the parent company Aspiro was acquired by Jay-Z's Project Panther Ltd.

The service was promoted as being the first artist-owned streaming service. Each artist publicly signed a declaration, which opened with: "Throughout history, every movement began with a few individuals banding together with a shared vision – a vision to change the status quo." The relaunch of Tidal with the new artist-owned model received a mixed reception from publications and fellow musicians alike. Some praised the impressive high fidelity, lossless audio quality, and the higher subscription fees which would result in higher royalties to the artists and songwriters, whilst others felt the high subscription fees and exclusive Tidal content from the artists involved could result in an increase of music piracy.

As of March 2015, the service has over 580,000 paying users after being integrated with its sister service, WiMP, as well as 17,000 using the high fidelity service.

Tidal currently operates in 31 countries.

Jay-Z is a very rich man. He's got the money to burn. And apparently Jay-Z and his wife Beyonce Knowles-Carter got a heart.

A reporter claims that the media mogul actually sprung out protesters during the rioting during the deaths of Freddie Gray and Michael Brown.

Jay-Z has actually done some good with this. He and Queen Bey have been very vocal about the situations in Ferguson and Baltimore.

Some aren't happy about this move.

The conservative Craigslist and that network that scares White folks join the choir of agitators on the AM dial pissed that The Carters bought "get out of free" cards for some of the active protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson.

And it's gotten ugly after the three dipshits spoke.

The social network exploded after this "explosive" report.

As with Prince, Jay-Z came to perform in Baltimore and express solidarity to the families of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray. He and many other entertainers joined the BlackLivesMatter Movement. They figured that the junk food media isn't giving a fair shake to the victims of gun violence.

When the agitators complain about President Barack Obama, civil rights leaders and "rich rappers" it's a double standard. They can't be satisfied. Regardless of what is done, they'll bitch.

All the talk about the lack of fatherhood, black on black crime, unwed pregnancy, gun violence and poverty, Jay-Z, Rev. Perm and the president have talked about that. They frequently talk about issues facing Black America.  It's often tone deaf to the conservative media. Because in their mind, they believe it's divisive, anti-White, anti-cop and anti-whatever.

They complain. Regardless.

If Rev. Perm shows up to an event, they complain. If he doesn't, they complain.

Jay-Z does some good in the world, they complain. Jay-Z does something that is not good in the world, they complain.

Thanks to the Raw Story and Crooks & Liars.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Prince Charming Baltimore!

Prince performs at Baltimore. Conservative outrage over Marilyn Mosby attending the event.

When Prince came to perform for Baltimore he released a song in tribute to Michael Brown and Freddie Gray.

The song was leaked online and it's called "Baltimore".

As Prince performed for three hours at a sold out show, one guest managed to catch the ire of conservatives and the Baltimore police union.

In attendance is Marilyn Mosby, the state prosecutor in the case against six Baltimore cops who were charged in the murder of Freddie Gray.

While the junk food media went up Interstate 95 to cover the derailment in Philadelphia, the junk food media was silent (or barely covered) the Baltimore state prosecutor taking stage at a concert.

It's nothing bad about her appearing on stage. But to the racist right and the police union, it's a conflict of interest. They are calling for her to recuse herself and have an independent prosecutor look into this. They are also demanding that she gets ethics charges for appearing at the concert.

They seriously believe that Mosby is inexperienced. They feel that she's playing politics. Despite the already numerous federal investigations into the city police and the millions of payouts to victims of police brutality, this Freddie Gray situation is different.

If it wasn't for them cameras filming the officers lift up Gray and drag him to the vehicle while he was screaming in agonizing pain, they would have gotten away with a disciplinary or no charges at all.

Mosby found enough evidence to charge the six officers with involuntary manslaughter and misconduct in office. They had enough evidence to charge the officers. They will have a day in court.

They are innocent until proven guilty.

The racist right is angry at Marilyn Mosby.
The murder of Freddie Gray set off two days of rioting in the city.

Of course the networks were running with cameras in tow trying show the world that young Black teens are looting the Foot Locker for Nike's. Or the Black man stealing a 40 out of the CVS. Maybe they managed to witness two correction officers stealing a bag of chips and grape juice.

Conservative agitators take to the internet to slam Mosby, the mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Rev. Perm, Cut His Nuts Off Jackson, Eric Holder, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and their favorite son President Barack Obama as being racial agitators and NIGGERS.

I bet them white extremists were seething in joy watching Black frustration in the matter of injustice launch into violence.

Knowing the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement are color blind and tone deaf is understatement.
O'Loofus complains about Baltimore having a high crime rate. Yet, he never thinks about taking his private jet down to the city. He never will visit a neighborhood and interact with the residents in Baltimore. In his mind as well as many other agitators in the media, the city is an American Benghazi. 
But to see the Democratic Party use this as a weapon is also a disgrace. They seem to take advantage of these issues to encourage Black America to rise up against injustice.

In the minds of Republicans, the Democrats are the ones who keep Blacks poor. I agree. But not the way the Republican Party sees it.

No one wants to see people live in poverty. At least in my opinion, no political party owns "poor", "poverty" and "welfare".

Once again, I stress that Republicans are condescending. They don't see the poor as victims. They see them as lazy, immoral, leeches and handouts. They believe just because you have a microwave, a refrigerator, a television, a computer and a cell phone, you are able to work. They don't know the poor's struggle. They can't understand that people who have things have earned them too.
Angry Megyn saying that Marilyn Mosby attending a Prince concert was inappropriate.
They see you in the store with an EBT card or state issued child support debit card buying groceries and some items maybe name brands. They believe if you're buying a pack of Oreos. Fruit Loops,  and Coca-Cola 36 cubes on food stamps, you're abusing the system.

You're buying a pack of Newport or Marlboro cigarettes or an Ol' English. And even though you got a little bit of cash, the moment they see that EBT card, they consider you leeching off the system.

They believe that you own a luxury car or a nice home, but still earn less than a "hard worker", you're a parasite to the government.

That narrative being express by agitators makes Republicans look like heartless assholes.

The Democrats believe the safety net is unfiltered. No one should go hungry. No one should live on the streets or homeless shelters.

The Republicans believe that the safety net creates entitlements and dependency. And even though, in their minds, giving to the poor is going overboard, they too believe that no one should go hungry. They believe you have to work 50 hours at least earn a piece of that apple pie.

See in a perfect world, you should have a home. If there's some who are of the working class unable to work, they should be able to own a house and luxuries of a single family home. Why have a family lives on the streets? It should be right not a privilege to have a home.

No one wants to see their child buried before them. The families of Trayvon Martin, Rekia Boyd, John Crawford, Michael Brown, Tony Robinson, Darrien Hunt, and Eric Garner  weren't thrilled about their deaths.

They have a right to complain about issues of police brutality, the Blue Wall of Silence, and the need for reform. When the junk food media gets the names of the victims of gun violence (especially by law enforcement) it's almost routine to hear about the race. If the victim is Black, the conservative agitators immediately start searching court public records and social media to find something incriminating. They find guilt-by-association in the friends, immediate family members or non-essential figures. Conservatives will label the victim a "thug" or call him "Obama's son".

It never ceases to amaze me that a man smoking weed is more criminal than an officer putting a bullet in him. And to make this clear, that man was unarmed at the time.

The families deserve the right to see those in law enforcement (or an armed vigilante) be held responsible whenever they fire their service weapon. And if the suspect is unarmed, the families have a right to demand an officer be charged with criminal misconduct.

But unfortunately with the first Black president, the conservatives who agitate on radio, television and the social media are polarizing it to a degree where anything that involves race is magnified.

You may not be able to obtain Prince's new song on YouTube. He doesn't advocate video streaming or use of music without permission. Anytime, you upload a video or download illegally a song from Prince, you may be subject to a lawsuit. 

He doesn't play any games when it comes to his copyright.

So if you want to hear the song, hear it on Soundcloud or buy it on iTunes and Google Play. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Cop In The Tony Robinson Shooting Walks!

The cop's excuse for killing an unarmed man is the fact he was high on the "shrooms". The cop who killed Tony Robinson walks and the family gets no closure.

Cue Fred 101.....

He and many of our friends on the racist right will automatically assume that because Tony was on drugs, had a few run-ins with law enforcement and the cop used "proper" judgement, he deserved to die.

The Dane County state prosecutor stated that the officer who shot and killed Tony Robinson acted in self-defense and is not going to be charged.

Madison cop Matt Kenny shot and killed unarmed Tony Robinson in March.

As usual the cops release a statement to why they used deadly force on the suspect. Robinson who did have a share of minor run ins got taken to the cleaners by the racist right.

After all a few minor misdemeanors is like him robbing a bank and taking hostages.
Tony Robinson's death touched the nation.
The Huffington Post reports Kenny shot the 19-year-old inside an apartment near the Wisconsin state Capitol on March 6. Police said the officer was responding to calls that the biracial teen was running in and out of traffic, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. According to Dane County district attorney Ismael Ozanne, Kenny said Robinson struck him on the side of his head and knocked him into the wall. Police also said they later received reports alleging that Robinson had assaulted two other people.

No charges for Matt Kenny, officer who shot Tony.
Ozanne said that marijuana, Xanax and psychedelic mushrooms were found in Robinson's system.

Shortly after the district attorney’s announcement, the Wisconsin Department of Justice released its report, which similarly suggested that Robinson’s allegedly erratic behavior could be explained by the use of ‘shrooms.

Shortly after the district attorney’s announcement, the Wisconsin Department of Justice released its report, which similarly suggested that Robinson’s allegedly erratic behavior could be explained by the use of ‘shrooms.

Robinson's death sparked protests in Madison, and hundreds of people attended his funeral in mid-March.

On Tuesday, Chris Ahmuty, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin, criticized the decision not to file charges as leaving a "cloud of uncertainty" over the circumstances of and responsibility for Robinson's death.

"If Officer Kenny did not violate the law, then is anyone legally responsible for Mr. Robinson's death?" Ahmuty said in a statement. "Does the criminal law protect individuals like Mr. Robinson from deadly force exercised by police officers? Are police officers above the law?"

Ahmuty also called for greater transparency from the police. "Furthermore, what will the Madison Police Department do to ensure that Madison police officers stop killing unarmed individuals, when they have killed three people in the past 11 months? The MPD needs to find ways to hold officers accountable, so that they will know there will be consequences for their actions," he said.

Okay, where's that jackass Milwaukee sheriff David Clark?

I bet you money the sheriff has something to say about Tony Robinson. I bet Clark will call him a "no good punk" and the Black community needs to shut the "well you know" up.

Another sad day in America.

Where's the body cameras?

Friday, May 08, 2015

Dorian Johnson Spent A Night In The County After He Resisted Arrest!

Key witness in Michael Brown shooting got a night in the county after disorderly conduct with the law.

Damn, not a great day to be Dorian Johnson. Just a few days after filing a federal lawsuit against the city of Ferguson and the former cop Darren Wilson, the friend of Michael Brown got his ass back in lock up again.

Giving himself another reason to why the racist right attacks him.

Once a thug......

Okay, here's what happened. According to the junk food media, he was resisting arrest and having possession of drugs. An arresting officer was trying grab his brother after a protest. Johnson was trying to film and shout out the cops. The cops decided that Johnson was too much of a burden so they put the clappers on him. The cops said that he was pretty damn feisty.

The arrest came on the same day that an attorney announced Johnson is suing the city of Ferguson, its former police chief and former officer Darren Wilson. In the lawsuit, Johnson claims he suffered psychological scars and emotional distress on the day that Wilson stopped him and Brown, CNN affiliates KTVI and KPLR reported. He is seeking at least $25,000 in damages and is also asking for an injunction to stop what he calls discriminatory police practices in Ferguson, KTVI and KPLR said.

MSNBC reports that Dorian Johnson is charged with interfering with an arrest, a misdemeanor.

His brother Demonte Johnson is charged with resisting arrest and third-degree assault on a police officer, both misdemeanors. Requests for comment from Dorian Johnson’s attorneys were not immediately returned Thursday.

Johnson's arrest is automatic bait for the racist right. Even though it's minor criminal acts, to the racist right, it's like he robbed a bank and took hostages.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Dorian Johnson Sues Ferguson And Darren Wilson!

Dorian Johnson sues Ferguson. Conservative pounce on him.

As the racist right prays for more violent riots in Baltimore, let's take a ride on Interstate 70 and head back to St. Louis. Back to the city of Ferguson, MO. The city that sparked a few days of unrest because of the death of an unarmed man being gunned down by the law. The officer got off and it triggered riots in the city.

Dorian Johnson, the guy who claimed that Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown like an animal, is back in the news. Johnson gave his account of the shooting. He the junk food media, that Michael Brown was not a criminal. He got his share of death threats and slander by the racist right. To this day, those on the racist right will respond with their keyboard garbage slandering him and the Black community.

The "Hands Up Don't Shoot" narrative was sparked by his account. This narrative is used to this day despite the racist right's frustration with it and those who use it.

Johnson was there with his friend and he told the federal authorities that he and Michael Brown left a QuikTrip. As they were walking, they saw Wilson pull up in his police vehicle. Wilson ordered them to get on the street.
Darren Wilson is cleared of federal charges.
Johnson claimed that Wilson tried to pull Brown in his vehicle and there was a struggle. The firearm goes off. Brown was struck. Brown runs away and Wilson was shooting him after he exited his police vehicle.

The U.S. Justice Department determined Wilson didn't violate Michael Brown's civil rights. But it also noted that the city of Ferguson was using its police force as a money maker. It was wrongly targeting residents (mostly Black) at an unprecedented rate. This was the things that came after the grand jury's decision to find Wilson not liable.

Johnson's account didn't match up. Of course the Witness 40 claim that Brown charged Wilson like a football player was dismissed too. But these narratives are stuck in the minds of some and to this day will be aforementioned.

Johnson like many others was upset that the criminal justice system is stacked against Black America.

So in order to get his redemption ($$$$$$$), he files a federal lawsuit against Darren Wilson and the city of Ferguson for unlawful restraint.

I am assured that the racist right is already attacking him as I speak.

In the case of Freddie Gray and the six officers being charged. You hear the carnival barkers.

That annoying conservative agitator boldly claimed that Freddie Gray had heroin in his system. The worst cable news host to ever be on, says this "bombshell" could help the cops. Of course, he talks to an anonymous source who heard from another anonymous source and talked to the bail bondsman and not his probation officer. Of course a parole officer can't disclose an offender's information without a court order.

So I don't understand why that annoying conservative agitator would have a bondsman on instead of a probation officer!

A bondsman can say anything without being verified. Of course, that's the narrative of this piece of shit.

That old fart said that state prosecutor Marilyn Mosby might as well go riot with the people of Baltimore. Mosby's swift charges towards the six officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray dire the ire of the racist right. That old fart refers to Michael Brown as "the gentle giant" and Freddie Gray as "a known dope boy"

Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard professor who the racist right uses as their "token liberal" said that Mosby's charges are not going to fly because according to his oh-so great mind, the charges were too harsh.

Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, Jr. called Mosby a disgrace and the protesters a bunch of filthy scum. He said that it's a sad day for all in law enforcement to see a partisan charge cops for a criminal's own faults.

Each of these partisan hacks have the right to criticize.

We have a right to tune them out and keep the pressure on those who believe that Freddie Gray's death was due to police brutality. Regardless of the outcome, this will give those in law enforcement a sense of understanding the need to work as protectors and not enforcers. See if the law was more invested in working with the communities they serve, you wouldn't hear "FUCK THE COPS" from those already lost to the pipeline of society's ills.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Cop Who Killed Rekia Boyd Walks!

No justice for Rekia. Her murderer walks after he claims he thought he saw gang members drawing guns.

During the week of protest and the overblown media focus on the rioting in Baltimore, another sad chapter in America. In 2012, a young woman was gunned down by an off duty detective. The detective fired from his vehicle after he made the perception of Black criminal activity in progress.

Last week the cop who killed that innocent woman got his freedom.

Chicago district court let a killer cop walk.

Dante Servin, the cop who claim he was in fear of his life when he fired his Tommy gun on a group of young people.

The bullets flew right into the head of Rekia Boyd, a woman who was a bystander who with  a group of her friends. Servin who was off duty claimed that a man was pulling out a piece. Servin didn't notice the man was holding a cell phone.

The court found him "not guilty" in the involuntary manslaughter of Boyd. Many claim that the charges filed against Servin were foul. He should have been charged with murder.

Judge Dennis J. Porter in a rare directed verdict.

Porter's reasoning was that since the shooting was intentional, Servin could not be charged with recklessness. "It is intentional and the crime, if any there be, is first-degree murder," said Porter in his ruling. It has been suggested that state prosecutor Anita Alvarez may have deliberately undercharged Servin, knowing that the charges would be dropped, in order to curry favor with the police department.

Servin claimed he fired because someone in the group was holding a gun, but it was actually only a cellphone.

Witnesses said that Servin appeared drunk at the time of the incident.

This was overlooked by the junk food media. The media was scaring White folks with the pictures of Black folks looting liquor stores and CVS.

Servin would have faced 30 years in the iron college. He had a great police union lawyer a lot of excuses (i.e. Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Chicago gangs, Black on Black crime, etc.) and the prosecutors in his corner.
The former Chicago detective Dante Servin shows no remorse for his actions.
Had it been a Black cop, he would be found guilty. Had it been an unarmed White woman, the cop would have been found guilty.

It's going to be unlikely that the Department of Justice finding that Servin violated the civil rights of Rekia.

When an unarmed suspect of color is killed by law enforcement, the Black community is outraged.

The racist right sees $$$$, click bait, victim blaming and concern trolling as their excuse to the Black community being outrage.

When I've heard the AM agitators say that Blacks aren't concerned about Black on Black crime, unwed parents and not point the fingers at the president, I shake my head.

Rev. Perm, Cut His Nuts Off Jackson, President Barack Obama and many civil rights leaders have often talked about the problems in the Black community. This is ignored or taken out of context by the AM agitators.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Rekia Boyd and all those who were killed in senseless tragedies in Chicago.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Ohio Man Charged At The Law! Still Alive Despite Being A Danger To Cops!

Police: Drunk teen tried to head-butt, bite officers photo
This man charged at a police officer and yet didn't get shot or physically restrained.

This guy charged at a police officer like a football player and yet he didn't get shot and killed.

Dayton, Ohio man is in the county lock up for felonious assault on a police officer. Minus the underage drinking charge, the suspect Steven Line, got some time out in the county lockup after he attempted to headbutt and bite at Dayton police officers.

The 19-year old man was apparently in his underwear and in the back of a home. He was completely knocked out. When officers tried to revive him, he gets violent.

See if the guy was probably Black or Hispanic, the law would probably have used the Taser or the service weapon to put him down.

This guy is going to face a judge on Monday.

At least he'll have drug and alcohol treatment and probably probation for the charging at an officer.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cops Bounce From Missouri Town After Black Mayor Took Oath!

A southeastern Missouri town becomes national news after a majority of the city quits after they elected a Black woman as their mayor.
Out you go. About 80% of the city of Parma, Missouri's police force quit. They claim it's not the new mayor but it's their safety.

Tyrus Byrd, a former city clerk, was officially sworn in as mayor on Tuesday after beating incumbent Randall Ramsey. Ramsey had served as mayor of Parma for 37 years under two terms.

They claim their resignation comes in regards to "safety" and not the fact of race.

The city manager, the attorney, water sanitation operator joined the cops in submitting their resignation. 

The racial makeup of the city was 67.46% White, 29.45% Black or African American, 0.14% Native American, 0.56% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 1.12% from other races, and 1.26% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.81% of the population.

According to the city mayor Tyrus Byrd, she is moving forward. After the cameras stop rolling, I bet you that she's probably pissed that this event happened.

The mayor is a Black woman.

Some say they're not worried about their safety and it wasn't necessary to have that many on staff for a city the size of Parma.

Some say they're relieved about the situation and that Parma doesn't have that many problems in town to require so many officers.

“I think it was pretty dirty the way they all quit without giving her a chance, but I don't think they hurt the town with quitting because who needs six police for 740 people?” said Martha Miller of Parma.
Tyrus Byrd got handed a controversy on her first day.
As for why the police and two city employees resigned, Mayor Tyrus Byrd is still trying to figure that out.

The resignation letter could not be found, according to Mayor Byrd.

"They say we have six cops on the payroll. How can we have six cops and we go days without cops patrolling and we have these recent break-ins?” asked one Parma resident.

"We needed somebody young and energetic to help our town and that is what we need,” said one Parma resident.

She said she is receiving outside help from other communities and folks are reaching out to help their town rebound.

Some residents agree the city needs it.

"Just ready to get the town back to the way it was, back to the flow of business,” said another Parma resident.

The mayor said her experience as city clerk years ago will help.

As for when the vacant positions will be filled, it's unclear at this time.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tulsa Police Release Video Of Oklahoma Reserve Officer Shooting Unarmed Suspect!

The Tulsa Police release the video of unarmed suspect Eric Harris purchasing an unregistered firearm. He would run and eventually get caught. But in the apprehension an elderly reserve officer would "accidentally" fire his service weapon instead of his Taser. Harris was shot and killed. The Department of Justice is investigating this situation. 

In Tulsa, OK there's a controversy. A suspect who was unarmed was shot by a reserve cop who thought he had drawn the Taser. The suspect would later die of his injuries. The Oklahoma State Patrol Enforcement Agency is looking into the death of Eric C. Harris.

This shooting follows a few high profile shootings such as the Walter Scott and Michael Brown shooting.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Eric Harris.

Harris was under investigation for purchasing firearms. While in a police pursuit, Harris would exit the vehicle. The arresting officer would tackle him down.

But in a few seconds, the reserve officer drew the firearm. He would shoot Harris in the back. The officers who restrained him were cursing at him after Harris screamed he was shot by the reserve officer.

Reserve officer Robert Bates inadvertently shot Harris when he was confronting him. Tulsa Police are defending the 73-year old reserve deputy.

This was recorded on body cameras and yet it still didn't make a lick of difference. 
Cops told Eric Harris despite being unarmed and shot in the back, he fucking ran! I guess it's perfectly legal to shoot a fleeing suspect if he's not even armed!
CNN reports that the reserve deputy who shot the suspect with his firearm rather than his stun gun, and another deputy who can be heard cursing at the suspect after he was shot, were not in their normal states of mind because of the elevated stress of apprehending the suspect, according to a Tulsa, Oklahoma, investigator.

As deputies tried to handcuff Harris, Bates arrived with a pepper spray gun in hand. He warned his fellow deputies he was going to use a Taser on the suspect, but instead, he fired a single gunshot — and immediately apologized, Clark said, citing a recently released video.

Clark attributed Bates’ actions to a phenomenon known as “slip and capture.” An example is when someone who drives a car with a manual transmission gets behind the wheel of a car with an automatic transmission. The driver will press her or his left foot down when stopping abruptly, even though there’s no clutch pedal, he said.

Tulsa Police Sgt. Jim Clark was emphatic that Bates had done nothing criminally wrong and went so far as to say the reserve deputy was a victim.

“Reserve Deputy Bates did not commit a crime. Reserve Deputy Bates was a victim, a true victim of slip and capture,” he said. “There’s no other determination I could come to.”

‘He shot him!’

Reserve officer Robert Bates is on leave.
When they set up the undercover sting, police wanted evidence on camera. But when they recorded the operation targeting Harris earlier this month, cameras continued to roll as the suspect ran, and as he was fatally shot.

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office released the video on Friday. The shooting was an apparent accident, it has said.

In the last minutes of the video, Harris lies on the pavement with police on top of him.

An officer calls for a Taser, but in place of an electric clicking sound, a gunshot rings out.

A voice can be heard saying, “Oh! I shot him! I’m sorry!” Another officer screams out, “He shot him! He shot him!”

Harris, who is bleeding, calls out, too. He’s losing his breath, he says. An officer yells back at him.

“You fucking ran! Shut the fuck up!” he yells. “Fuck your breath,” he said.

Clark defended the officer’s language, saying the deputy experienced auditory exclusion, never heard the gunshot and thought the suspect was out of breath from running. The language has no bearing on whether the shooting was justified, Clark said.

“One deputy thought he was going to have to shoot this person at the arrest site. It’s very upsetting when you think you are going to have to take someone’s life and this deputy, one of the involved deputies, was upset,” he said. “Secondly, this is total stress. They are going after a dangerous suspect that they have no idea whether or not this person is armed.”

Clark added, “They did not know that he was shot at this time. They had audio exclusion. They was at a point where they couldn’t hear. They didn’t even hear the gunshot go off. The officers did not know that Mr. Harris had been shot.”

An officer can be seen in the video taking his foot off an object lying on the pavement not far from Harris.
Tulsa Police are doing damage control after an elderly cop shot an unarmed man.
Shortly after the suspect is shot, the officers begin tugging Harris’ hands behind his back as the video ends.

Harris later died at a local hospital. Police said at the time of the shooting that Harris admitted to medics at the scene that he may have been under the influence of phencyclidine, a street drug commonly known as PCP.

The video is edited to block out the officers’ faces. Harris is clearly visible.

Police have said that Harris had reached for his waistband, and officers feared he might endanger them. When Harris was on the ground, he “refused to pull his left arm from underneath his body where his hand was near his waistband,” they said after the shooting.

The officer’s body camera video did not reveal that area of Harris’ body.

Bates, a former Tulsa police officer, was placed on administrative leave after the shooting, the sheriff’s office has said.

Asked whether Bates’ age may have been a factor in the shooting, Clark said, “It’s happened to 21-year-old law enforcement officers. It’s happened to 30-year-old law enforcement officers. Age is not really a factor in consideration for the dynamics behind slip and capture events.
BlackLivesMatter. What image will the racist right use?
Despite the details released over the weekend, Harris’ brother says he still want answers.

“I want to know if he was shot in the back accidentally or on purpose. These are all the things that not only I want, but the public wants,” Andre Harris told CNN affiliate KTUL.

Bates’ attorney, Scott Wood, told CNN on Friday he would contact the network later. He had not issued a statement or called back as of Sunday.

With that said, what do you think?

Should Bates be charged with murder?

The Tulsa police are giving him a "pass" because he made a mistake. Looks like the U.S. Justice Department and FBI are investigating this.


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