Showing posts with label police brutality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police brutality. Show all posts
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Looking at the Worst Towns in America: Sundown Towns | Prism of the Past
Sundown towns are STILL a thing in America. People of Color are still being harassed and discrimated against in such towns. We have sundown towns and neighborhood in and around Dayton. Oakwood, Brookville, Miamisburg, Carlisle, Kettering, Bellbrook, Union, Phillipsburg, Tipp City, Beavercreek, and Springboro.
Let's not underestimate that most Trump supporters are from sundown towns all over America. We as people of Color need to be vigilant as are antiracist and progressive whites and others.
May James Loewen rest in peace. Thanks, Dr. Loewen. Without your diligent work, this painful aspect of America would've been forgotten and victims of racism are being told that "it's in the past" and "don't make it about race."
Be sure to read his book before bigots, racists, and anti Critical Race Theory censors ban this book.
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
Ohio Sheriff Agency Under Fire For Brutalizing Interns!
An Ohio county lockup facing heat for its guards treating interns like shit. |
Phil Plummer is the current elected leader for the Montgomery County, Ohio Sheriff's Department.
Plummer is a Republican who won reelection constantly with no real opposition. He often tries to be the "work across the aisle" lawman. He's not as polarizing as Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke.
Well this week, he has to answer to a lot of things. He has to answer to county commissioners about the racist emails, the reckless behavior of his deputies, and now his correction guards treating interns in the county lockup improperly
The Montgomery County Board of Commissioners announced they have for the U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the allegations of civil rights violations at the lockup.
Commissioner Dan Foley, a Democrat and the rest of the county board members express very serious concern about the the conduct and allegations at the lockup.
Seven federal lawsuits were issued this week and a video leaked online showing the guards giving an intern a knuckle style chili with a side order of toe jam.
David Cooper, Robert Richardson, Emily Evans, Amber Swink, Jeffrey Day, James Howard, and Joseph Guglielmo all filed federal complainants against Plummer and the lockup.
I can testify to the misconduct by deputies. Montgomery County Sheriff's deputies aren't some of the most friendliest people I've been pulled over by.
Thursday, February 02, 2017
Trial Set For Dirty Tulsa Cop!
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The trial is on. Betty Shelby will face a jury for the death of unarmed man. |
Betty Shelby was hoping to have the grand jury throw out her murder charge on the grounds of self-defense. She thought wrong. Trial's on.
She is accused of shooting Terrence Crutcher in the summer of 2016. She was responding to another call when she spotted his vehicle in the middle of the road. She immediately investigated the situation. Crutcher at first seemed to cooperate with her order but refused to listen because he was allegedly high on PCP. She would shoot and kill Terrence upon him getting near his vehicle.
Upon inspection, he had no firearm on him.
Again, I highly doubt she'll be convicted given the track record. The track record of officers getting away with murder is why it's sparking tension between police and the communities they're supposed to protect.
Will his family see justice? |
These high profile police shootings of unarmed Black people has sparked the Black Lives Matter movement. And it's told that many activists are concerned that the court system is rigged to let cops get away with murder.
Shelby wants to get this dismissed on grounds of self-defense. She wants the court to dig up his past convictions to justify her use of deadly force.
She could face LIFE in the iron college for the charges. She is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - |
Stand Off Over At Vaughn!
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Situation under control. A worker lost his life. |
One worker paid the price of the standoff at the James T. Vaughn Iron College.
The standoff is over. The situation is under control. The state, and federal authorities are going to do an investigation into lapses at the facility.
The standoff ended about 5am this morning and it was considered a high priority to get the hostages safe and the situation under control. Interns managed to usurp authority because of their frustration with the staff's lack of compassion and ineptness.
Dubbed the #VaughnRebellion, the interns of the maximum security iron college took control for about 24 hours before the state and fed boys took it back.
The hostages were removed.
A female worker has been hospitalized.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Sheriff Coon Clarke's Misadventures!
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Looney Coon. |
There's no signs of him ending his reign of terror. The junk food media has propped this Black lawman as the voice of anti-Black resentment. He is an elected Democrat who talks like a Republican. He wears cowboy hats and acts like he's a tough guy. He call residents to arm themselves when it came to Blacks robbing them. He said that those who died in his custody deserved their fates.
He has such disdain for the regards of human life. He is being considered for a position in the fuhrer's administration.
He claims to be a "no nonsense" lawman. He spent the last three years bashing on Barack Obama.
Now the pressure is on.
Milwaukee County is launching an investigation into the sheriff's misbehavior on a plane and social media. Earlier this year he got into a huge spat with Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, a liberal agitator who appears on CNN and HuffPost Media.
In a set of tweets, Clarke called Hill a "JIGABOO".
I am tired of this jigaboo telling black people who they should be, what they should do. He's a lackey for Democrats— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) January 17, 2017
The U.S. Justice Department is investigating the sheriff and his department. They believe that the sheriff is abusing his powers and not giving interns in his county lockup the proper health and treatment.
He recently got into a few spats with the junk food media, activists, and regular people.
One incident that happened recently involved a man and him on the same flight where he was detained by the county boys after he got off.
Dan Black filed a complaint against Clarke after the sheriff got angry with him over a dispute over the fuhrer's election. Black said that six deputies and two K-9 units waited at General Mitchell International Airport. They detained him and then questioned him for over 15 minutes. Then he was let go.
Clarke went to social media to brag about the encounter. He said he would knock this person out.
"Next time [Black] or anyone else pulls this stunt on a plane they may get knocked out. The sheriff said he does not have to wait for some goof to assault him. He reserves the reasonable right to pre-empt a possible assault. "
Clarke called Black a "little man" who had the audacity to spew such vile garbage at the fuhrer.
The sheriff took aim at the junk food media. He said that it's all fake news and blamed a county executive for the news blowing up.
Chris Abele is getting annoyed by the antics. He warned Clarke to knock it off or face a state investigation. Clarke ignored the comments and started trashing on him.
He called Abele a supporter of Mrs. Bill Clinton, a knock at perennial failure Hillary Clinton. He said that this complaint, the abuse allegations in the county lockup, the brutalizing of a female motorist, the shooting of unarmed people by the law, and the audit a political witch hunt.
Governor and failed Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker is starting to notice but hasn't taken any action on Clarke or any authority figure in Milwaukee County.
Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI), Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) the U.S. Justice Department and NAACP are noticing the antics as well.
Moore said an incident involving Shade Swayzer prompt a federal investigation. The woman gave birth to her child while being held in lockup. Correction officers refused to aid her while giving birth.
The baby died after the staff gave no proper treatment to her. She is suing the county for the death.
Terrell Thomas was asking for water and was dehydrated. He was suffering from bipolar disorder and was having a mental breakdown. The officers shut off the water and let him die. Other interns said that the guards turned off the water on purpose.
Kristian Fiebrink was found dead in her cell. The family doesn't understand how she died in custody.
Michael Madden had a seizure after he hit his head while in lockup. The man would die while in custody. The staff ignored his pleas that he was having a headache.
There are allegations of correction officers having affairs with the interns and abusing them while in custody.
Clarke dismissed them and said that the witch hunts are part of the "snowflakes" bemoaning him over his support for the fuhrer.
Snowflake is a term now the White extremists are labeling progressive activists and Black leaders.
Milwaukee is one of the most segregated cities in the United States. It's still divided among the racial, social and economic lines. When a riot broke out in the city last year, the county's sheriff and governor both wanted the National Guard involved. They felt that the city of Milwaukee couldn't handle the riots.
Jackie Craig Got Criminal Charges Knocked Off!
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Body camera footage of Jacqueline Craig being arrested. |
The woman arrested by Fort Worth police had the criminal charges dropped. The video that went viral showed the officer disrespect her after she called him to an incident involving a man touching her child.
The December arrest of Jacqueline Craig has sparked a discussion. Craig reported to the Fort Worth police about an incident involving a neighbor and her son soon got out of hand. The cop who arrested her decided to lecture her on how to be a parent. When her daughter go in between them, the cop arrested them.
The cop named William Martin, arrested her on disorderly conduct. She and her daughter spent a couple of nights in county lockup. The man who grabbed the child didn't even face charges.
Before the arrest, everything was cordial. But it turned into a heated exchange when Martin decided to be a parent.
"Well, why don't you teach your son not to litter?" Martin said to Craig while being recorded.
"He can't prove to me that my son littered," Craig responds. "But it doesn't matter if he did or didn't. It doesn't give him the right to put his hands on him."
"Why not?" said Martin.
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Asshole cop puts the Taser near a Texas mom's neck. |
They finally released the name of the man accused of putting his hands on the child. He will face misdemeanor charges for assault.
Itamar Vardi, expect death threats. Expect death threats because you put your hands on a child. A child that's not even yours. You have no business putting your hands on that boy. Your actions should have resulted in your arrest. You should have been placed in the handcuffs, not Jackie Craig.
If that had been my son, I'm going to serve you knuckle style chili. Matter of fact, I will either be in the iron college or my son would bury me because I seriously put a dent in his face.
Anyway, Martin got iced for 10 days without pay. Craig's attorney is calling for a cannon firing.
The body camera footage is released and it's explicit. Be warned the language is disturbing.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
I Hate Ignorance!
Concern troll gets an answer to the Evanston Police and Lawrence Crosby controversy. |
So Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States. Okay, fine. I guess you idiots will give this asshole the chance. Unfortunately I won't. I want to treat him and Mike Pence like they've treated Barack Obama. For the next four or eight years, I will be unrepentant.
I will not support this reality television star as my president. I refuse to respect this asshole and I won't bend over backwards like the people who voted for him.
So mind you I am honest about what I say. I don't have to apologize for it. Understand.
Now I posted this week about the issue with Lawrence Crosby who was roughed up by the Evanston Police after a woman called them. The woman clearly stated that she was "racially profiling" him.
I bluntly said. "Blake Murphy, expect death threats. You're going to get them for trying to be a 'hero.'"
"Your reactionary decision to follow a motorist because you suspect criminal activity was not only dangerous, but extremely stupid," I said. "You give the information to the law and let them handle it."
That brought this troll to question my posting. So in order to respond back to this troll, I want to look at the comments piece by piece and respond back with the answer.
Remember people, do not feed the trolls. Delete the comments and move on. Don't worry what a troll thinks. They can't change your mind. I am certainly not going to change theirs. As long as they are reading what me and S. Baldwin are posting on World News Today, I am pretty damn satisfied.
Get your reading glasses together. You have to look really hard at the word vomit.
This article is a hate crime! You are encouraging people to attack Blake Murphy. Your argument is apparently that white people cannot report apparent crimes to the police if they involve a black person.
The race is not the issue in the woman's 911 call. She reasonably thought that someone was breaking into a vehicle, regardless of their skin color. She did say that "I didn't mean to racial profile the guy," but that was after she had seen the police beat down an innocent and arrest him on trumped up charges. She knew that he was being railroaded and was upset. Is she racist? There is no conclusive evidence on the tape to go either way. She may feel that her identifying his race in her earlier call would be viewed that way, as it had been in the edited tape of George Zimmerman's 911 call (largely due to NBC's "re-editing" of the tape).
You could argue that it was foolish of her to follow his vehicle, and it probably was. However, the 911 operator did not tell her to stop doing so. By the same token it was probably foolish of Mr. Crosby to get out of his vehicle, but, again, the police are supposed to know how to handle these situations correctly.
The fault in this lies solely in the response of the police. They could have instructed Mrs. Murphy to stop following the car. They could have given coherent instructions to Mr. Crosby and avoided most, if not all, physical contact with him. Really, though, the most reprehensible part is the cover up and charges afterwards even when the correct situation had been determined. Is there racism in how the police handled things? It would definitely seem so.
You need to exam yourself and see why you feel such hate for someone who is trying to be a good citizen and keep someone's car from getting stolen.
This person by the name SrAgri responded with the comments.
Okay, thanks for commenting.
The first thing you said was this article is a hate crime. In what matter am I encouraging crimes against anyone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political, economical, and financial standings?
I don't condone hate crimes against anyone. So that's the first thing you got wrong here.
You claim that I believe White people should never report crime to the police if the suspect is Black. No I am not saying that. First thing, you do not approach a person committing a crime. You do not follow a person who commits a crime. And if you have a description of the suspect, let the police handle it. I will not put my life in danger to save property.
Crime isn't based on color. It's an equal opportunity offender. So you're wrong on that one.
When Murphy said "I don't really feel like I'm racially profiling", that's an example of it. I don't assume that a person breaking into a car is actually breaking into a car. I know the reactionary have called the law on a man who had a CPR dummy inside his vehicle. The law broke his window because someone claimed that an older woman was trapped inside. I seen reactionary call the law on people who leave stuffed animals or dolls inside a vehicle. So for you to claim that the woman didn't racially profile Crosby, you're wrong on that one as well.
You actually have to pop the door locks out of older model vehicles. For a vehicle like Crosby's, you might have to have OnStar and special tools. It's highly unlikely for him to break into a vehicle like his based on technology that makes it harder for criminals to get into it. That's why newer model cars have keyless entry. It eliminates the driver from losing a set of keys or having unauthorized motorists inside their vehicles. The only way a criminal gets into a vehicle is the person leaving their keys inside an unlocked vehicle or having the engine running when they're in a business "for a minute".
Bringing up George Zimmerman. That's what Joe Madison used to call the diversion tactic. NBC was sued by Zimmerman on a claim that they purposely edited a tape where it only seems like Zimmerman was only considered about the race of Trayvon Martin. The case was thrown out on the grounds of the audio was fair use and it wasn't a copyright of Zimmerman. The producer who made the video was fired out the cannon. No different than Fox News running misleading audio from individuals. Or perhaps the James O'Keefe undercover sting operation videos. They have been a subject of controversy. I don't see you getting all upset over people like O'Keefe deliberately editing videos. He paid the price by being arrested and sued by the people who he went after.
By the way, Trayvon Martin was the teen who was shot in Sanford, Florida by Zimmerman and it launched the Black Lives Matter movement. It became a polarizing issue for the fact that the junk food media was obsessed with Martin's past instead of the shooter's past. Zimmerman is forever tarnished by the celebrity. He can't live a normal life because he openly bragged about murdering an unarmed child. Regardless of what Martin did, he didn't have a gun and for you to bring that up is an example of the four Ds.
Joe Madison used to say that concern trolls often work on Diversion, Distraction, Distortion and Deception. You are an example of what he's talking about.
I am not arguing whether following the suspect was a smart move. I am bluntly saying that it was stupid. Regardless, the 911 caller doesn't sit in the passenger seat. They don't know where the person is located. They ping the phone and alert the police to the nearest area where the phone's data is on. Most phones active or inactive allow you to make a 911 call.
Crosby came out his vehicle with his hands up. So you're saying you rather see him dragged out his car or shot. Regardless of what he would have done, either he would have tasted the pavement or the hot lead from the officer's service weapon. For a Black person, getting a wallet, putting your hands in the glove compartment or even being a cell phone could mean a threat to a cop's life. The cops see threat regardless of what he done.
He has a dash camera in his vehicle and he could use that in his lawsuit against the Evanston Police.
Evanston Police didn't hold these officers accountable. So given in a few years, one of them would use deadly force against another person of color. I promise you that it will happen soon.
I don't need to examine myself. I am pretty damn confident. I'm a father now and I don't need to be lectured by the likes of you or any other troll here.
So do me and S. Baldwin a favor. Go to my last posting in November and read it very carefully.
I reject racism and extremism. I reject Donald Trump and conservatism. I am unabashedly opposed to Trump and the Republican Party.
Anything else you got!
Please recycle your garbage before you step up to the plate.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
What Happened To Lawrence Crosby?
I own the vehicle, why are you arresting me? |
It's unfortunate that for every bad cop, there will likely be a dead cop. The bad cops make it more dangerous for the good cops. When they are exonerated from criminal acts, that makes it harder for the law enforcement to get assistance from the public.
Lawrence Crosby is suing the city of Evanston, Illinois after he had a brutal encounter with the police. And it was started by a call by a concerned citizen who believed he was "up to no good."
He was doctoral student at Northwestern University. He was pulled over in 2015 after a woman called 911 saying he looked like he was stealing a car.
He is a law abiding PhD student. But to the caller and the five officers who roughed him up, he was a no good car thief.
"This is my vehicle, sir. I have evidence..... I purchased this vehicle on January 23, 2015, from Libertyville Chevrolet," said Crosby.
It wasn't enough for the officers. When he got out of his vehicle with his hands up, they flung him to ground, kicked him and ordered him not to move. They placed him in handcuffs and detained him.
The Evanston Police released the dash camera footage and it detailed the half-hour encounter.
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Lawrence Crosby from his Linkedin profile. |
A white woman saw him pass by. He was wearing a hoodie and he had a bar in hand. She called the law.
"He had a bar in his hand, and it looked like he was jimmying the door open," said the caller.
When Crosby drove off, the woman followed his vehicle and relayed the directions to the police.
Crosby was on the phone was on the phone and talking to someone about him being followed.
"It was a little bid dark. You know how it is with Black people ---- they think we're always trying to do something wrong," Crosby said.
He was heading to the police station. He felt that the was the only place available for his safety.
He thought wrong.
He was arrested and charged for disorderly conduct and failure to obey a police order. The case was thrown out. The officers who roughed up Crosby weren't placed in the freezer and they're back on the beat ready to buck an unarmed Black person.
The woman said, "I didn't mean to racial profile the guy."
Her name is Blake Murphy.
Blake Murphy, expect death threats. You're going to get them for trying to be a "hero". Your reactionary decision to follow a motorist because you suspect criminal activity was not only dangerous, but extremely stupid. You give the information to the law and let them handle it.
Don't try to follow a person who may be armed.
Videos below.
Monday, January 09, 2017
A**hole Cop Who Arrested Jackie Craig Heads To The Freezer!
10 day vacation for corrupt Fort Worth cop who busted mom after she told him a stranger assaulted her boy. |
We know the name of the cop who arrested Jacqueline Craig in December. His name is William Martin and the Fort Worth Police placed him in the freezer pending an internal investigation.
Martin arrested Craig after a brief argument that turned ugly and it was filmed and shared on Facebook over 3 million times.
He's "snarky" comment on parenting got him in some deep shit. He was on camera saying to Craig that she should be a better parent. Craig called the law on an accusation of a man placing his hands on the neck of her 7 year old son.
Martin who was called to the area didn't pursue charges against the man. He instead arrested Craig and the 15 and 18 year olds who were in the vicinity.
Immediately after the incident, the officer was placed on "restrictive duty status by order of the Chief of the Police" pending an outcome from Internal Affairs.
Martin would apologize for the incident. Martin is a 10 year veteran with the department.
Craig's attorney said that the punishment was not harsh enough.
"You would get more justice if someone kicked a dog," said Jasmine Crockett, Craig's attorney.
Craig was tearful when the news of the punishment came.
His superiors and the police union disagreed with the freezer burn. They believed that the chief's demand to place the officer in the freezer was too harsh. They wanted the chief to be more lenient.
Joel Fitzgerald, the chief of Fort Worth Police said that Martin violated some its rules. He cited that Martin had a neglect of duty and discourtesy, noting that there was "some inappropriate contact with two of the females." Other findings include excessive force, failing to thoroughly investigate and conduct prejudicial to good order.
Fitzgerald said that the arrest was legal and the grand jury will decide whether he continues to be on the force or be loaded into the cannon and be fired out of it.
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Ohio Cop Dropped The Burner!
An Ohio cop is being charged for public intoxication, inducing panic, reckless endangerment and felonious assault. Shauna Lambert works for the Cincinnati Police. The police department is facing a DOJ investigation. |
Reminder: The Blue Wall of Silence is no different than the No Snitching philosophy. The dirty cops make it more dangerous for the good cops.
Expect more of this stuff happening in Fuhrer Donald J. Trump's America.
Cincinnati Police are placing one of their own in the freezer after she was accused of leaving her firearm inside a movie theater. On top of that, she was intoxicated. The cop beat an OVI charge last April.
Milford Police and the Clermont County boys arrested District 2 officer Shauna Lambert after she left her service weapon inside Rave Movie Theaters on Friday. She was off-duty when this all happened.
Cellphone footage of the arrest was done by a viral seeker.
Moviegoers were watching the Rouge One: A Star Wars Movie.
Someone panicked when the burner was found on the floor.
Lambert was lying across the seats and witness said that she was acting a tad bit odd and not normal of a moviegoer.
Not a good night for a Cincinnati officer. |
The Cincinnati and Milford Police have no comment on the matter other than she will face a disciplinary hearing. The possibility of being fired out the cannon is LIKELY.
On top of that, she will banned from Rave Movie Theaters for LIFE.
And she will have a court date in Clermont County.
The corrupt cop is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Where's the Blue Lives Matter crowd on this one?
Thursday, January 05, 2017
North Carolina Cop Slams Teen!
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Cop slams a teen into the ground in North Carolina. |
Would you want this done to your child?
Hopeful that law enforcement agencies finally root out the corruption within their ranks. They have to rid themselves of the perception, the corruption, the racism, the nepotism and the sexism within their agencies.
With fuhrer Donald J. Trump and vice fuhrer Mike Pence coming to power in 15 days, their Attorney General in waiting could make it easier for a person to obtain a firearm. This beady eyed bigot named Jeff Sessions will ignore systematic racism within the police. He might toss out the recommendations from Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder. He could instigate profiling of Black, Hispanic, Native American and Muslim activists who protest injustices.
This Sessions guy will not pursue any federal charges against police officers who violate the constitutional rights of people of color.
Let's head to Rolesville, North Carolina. The city is 30 miles from Raleigh and it's the scene of a brutal attack by the city police on a young teenager.
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Cop in the freezer after video showed him brutally taking a female student to the ground. |
The video circulated online showing now identified officer Ruben De Los Santos body slamming a young female student on the ground. She was picked up by the torso and then tossed on the ground hard.
The 9-second video shows the teen picked up by her right arm and being lead away by the body slam.
Jasmine Darwin was the victim in the video. She tells the junk food media, that she was defending her sister from being assaulted by another teen.
The police released a statement on the matter. They immediately placed De Los Santos in the freezer.
"We will work diligently to review any and all pertinent information so that we can provide an accurate account of the events," said Rolesville Police.
McKinney Pool Teen Sues The A** Who Slammed Her!
Asshole cop getting served with a lawsuit. |
Back in 2015, a teen was body slammed to the ground after a pool party got out of hand in McKinney, Texas. Now a federal lawsuit is thrust upon the city and the officer who was filmed slamming her to the ground.
When the cops came, they weren't handling the situation properly. Eric Casebolt, the officer who was filmed barrel rolling, pointing his gun at some of the teens and arresting Dajerria Becton was the guy who set off a week of national outrage.
In a complaint filed in December, Becton and her legal guardian, Shashona Becton, allege that Casebolt violated her constitutional rights by using excessive force and holding her without probable cause. The family also claims that the city and the police department are to blame for her injuries.
The federal lawsuit seeks $5 million in damages. She was 15 when this all happened. She was crying face down in the grass while Casebolt pinned her with his hands and knees.
Casebolt didn't get charged for the act. Casebolt claimed that he was stressed after helping save a Black man from committing suicide. This was a deflection tactic to say "I'm not racist."
The video which was filmed set off weeks of discussion of how the police are treating minorities.
The people who called the law were outed by social media. Tracey Carver-Allbritton and Sean Toon were the people who instigated the fight by saying racial slurs at the teens. The website RacistsGetFired got them and Casebolt fired out the cannon.
Casebolt is allegedly working for the Maricopa County sheriff's department.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Fort Worth Police Put Cop Who Arrest Jackie Craig In The Freezer!
The two women who were arrested by Fort Worth police are telling the junk food media that the cop was out of line. |
Looks like the social media is lit up once again over the Jacqueline Craig arrest video. Ms. Craig and her two daughters were arrested by a Fort Worth police officer after they called to report a man choking the woman's 7-year old son.
This incident was recorded in its entirety.
Be warned the video contains explicit language and scenes of violence.
The Facebook Live video, shot by Jacqueline Craig’s daughter, Brea Hymond, 19, begins with Craig, 46, and her family confronting a man painting his fence in the 7400 block of Rock Garden Trail. Then, viewers hear Craig’s 911 call saying the man assaulted her 7-year-old son by grabbing his neck for littering.
Seven minutes in, an unidentified man who appears to know Craig gets out of a white car, approaches the man painting his fence, tells him to keep his hands off the boy, gets into his car and drives away.
When the officer arrives, he first asks the accused man what happened, then asks Craig what happened.
While she gives the officer her account, Craig says her son’s littering didn’t give the man the right to touch him.
“Why don’t you teach your son not to litter?” says the officer, who has not been identified.
“He can’t prove that my son littered,” Craig responds. “But it doesn’t matter if he did or didn’t, it doesn’t give him the right to put his hands on him.”
“Why not?” the officer says.
A struggle between the two ensues and Craig’s 15-year-old daughter, Jacques Hymond, steps between them.
The officer then pulls his Taser, wrestles Craig to the ground and puts her in handcuffs before pointing the Taser at Jacques, who was lying in the street. She is also handcuffed and placed with her mom in the police vehicle.
The screen goes black about 16 minutes in, when the officer arrests Brea Hymond and takes the phone from her but does not turn it off.
Around 20 minutes into the video, a conversation between the officer and Jacques is heard.
“Who’s kicking my door? Who’s kicking my door? Was that you?” the officer asks.
“It don’t matter. You kicked me,” Jacques says.
“Yeah,” the officer replies.
“You kicked me on my side,” she says.
“When a police officer tells you to get in the car, you get in the car,” the officer says.
“I don’t know how to. I’m 15 years old,” she replies.
Jacques told the Star-Telegram after the incident that she was kicked while being put into the police vehicle.
“I am 15 years old. How was I supposed to know I wasn’t supposed to interfere?” Jacques said. “I was just trying to protect my mom.”
In the final 15 minutes of the video, the officer talks to Craig and Jacques in the patrol car before Jacques is taken by another officer to a juvenile detention center.
The officer turns the phone off just after the 29-minute mark.
Police told Fox 4 News that they have a copy of the full video and it is expected to be analyzed by internal affairs.
The video that went viral after it was posted Wednesday night — with 3.2 million views on Facebook, to date — was six minutes long and didn’t include portions from the beginning and end. The six-minute video was posted on Facebook by a family relative, Porsha Craver, who recorded it on another phone.
A YouTube user by the name of Black Power Prince posted the full version on YouTube. It shows 11 minutes before the officer arrived and more than 13 minutes after the women were arrested.
At a news conference with city officials last week, Fort Worth Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald called the officer’s actions rude, but said, “I can’t call [the incident] racism.”
“What I can say is that I noticed in the video that the officer was rude,” Fitzgerald said. “And there’s a difference between rude and racism.”
The officer has been placed on restricted duty while internal affairs conducts an investigation.
Monday, December 26, 2016
NYPD Snapchats A Family Under Arrest!
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This is New York Police Department's finest using our taxpayer dollars to mock a family being handcuffed. |
The power of social media has a New York Police Department officer in the freezer. I guess it must have been really funny using Snapchat to take a picture of a woman and her family under arrest.
This knucklehead wasn't named in the junk food media, but the person who was arrested was.
Kimberly Santiago was embarrassed to see herself along with her family handcuffed in her living room and it was shared on social media.
The Brownsville, Brooklyn woman claimed the NYPD broke into her mother's third floor apartment during a "NO KNOCK". The NYPD forced her and six other family members out of bed while pointing guns at them.
She said the reason they were given by police for the lockdown was "so no one will go crazy or act up," while they were searching the place.
Santiago and her family were handcuffed for three hours, while an officer who was watching them decided to take a picture and post it through social media. Santiago's friend saw the pictures and contacted her immediately.
One of the postings said "Merry Christmas it's NYPD!!" and the other "Warrant Sweeps it's still a party smh."
According to the warrant, they were looking for a suspect named JD Blue. The apartment was the last known location or the place where his mail was sent. The officers were searching for him and decided to rouse all those who were inside the apartment. The person was allegedly having tattoos on both arms and a mole on his face.
Santiago said none of the family knew the man. They were shaken by the event. "My mom almost got a heart attack," she said. "I told them 'leave me in handcuffs but take my mother's off please.'"
The officers at least had a heart. Her father passed away and was cremated. She begged the law not to search the ashes. They obligated to that request.
Once the photo was sent to her phone, she made a formal complaint and said that officers took or damaged property in this "NO KNOCK".
Santiago is now fearful that the same event could occur again.
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NYPD arrest a woman who is topless . |
Placing my bets on that racist dick Patrick Lynch of the NYPD Union to defend this scum. I bet you money that an internal review will just net him less than 45 days off the beat and loss of pay. But after a few weeks of retraining, he'll be ready to buck an unarmed homeowner.
NO KNOCK WARRANTS are controversial. The judge issues a late warrant for law enforcement to engage on an individual or a property. This allows law enforcement to enter a property without notification. It is under the belief that the law could expect the individual could destroy evidence or be packing heat.
Some people are mistaken for the suspect and it could be deadly for the homeowner or the law.
Oftentimes its considered lawful and constitutional by a federal judge to issue these warrants.
It is truly a controversial issue that will merit a Supreme Court challenge. It goes against the Fourth, Fifth and Eight Amendment.
But if you're a Black, Hispanic or Muslim homeowner, the Constitution doesn't matter to the law or the concern trolls who automatically assume guilt before innocence.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
What Happened To Jacqueline Craig And Her Family?
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A mother from Texas was arrested after she smarted off an officer. The officer was called on a report a man put his hands on her child and she wanted to press charges. |
Thankfully nobody was killed in this incident.
I wonder if the next mass shooting of law enforcement will be the fault of this officer and not Black Lives Matter.
Because 40 miles east, the Dallas Metro Police were ambushed by this terrorist. This terrorist murdered five officers. Later that year, Baton Rouge was the scene of a mass shooting. Three officers were murdered.
Expect more police incidents with people of color. Expect more good police officers being killed because of the bad officers.
Expect Black Lives Matter to be a player in the fuhrer's term. Will it go away? Maybe. But given the power of cameras and public shaming, this group will be around. The White extremist movement they labeled the alt-right and all the players of the conservative junk food media will denounce this group.
They will call BLM it a "terrorist organization" and the "murderers of cops".
Is it time to call conservatives, the enablers of "genocide" and the enablers of "corruption?"
I place the blame of this incident on Fuhrer Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Greg Abbott, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. They refuse to support police reform and advocate for the genocide of Americans through gun violence. They defend the actions of corrupt police officers and agencies. They would endorse the notion that a person's minor criminal history is deservence of death. So I expect that one of Fuhrer Trump's minions underneath the bandwidth will make note of the criminal history of the victim.
An incident where a Fort Worth mother called the law on a neighbor after he put his hands on a child became an altercation between her and the officer. The officer would arrest her and two of her daughters. The daughter while recording the officer was arrested. She would bond out of county lockup and post this video and demand for the officer to fired out the cannon. She would also demand the man who put his hands on the child be arrested.
Jacqueline Craig, can be heard telling an officer that she called the law on a neighbor who assaulted her son.
Craig tells the officer the man who accused her son of littering was choked. The man choked the boy after he ignored him. As the officer and Craig talk, things got escalated when he decided "lecture" the mother about how to raise her child. That eventually led to the arrest of Craig, Brea Hymond and the person filming Porsha Carver.
According to the junk food media, the women are still in county lockup pending charges. The man who put his hands on the boy wasn't arrested.
The officer was named by last name in the video. The Forth Worth Police hasn't released his name to the junk food media. But it's noted his name is Martin. So it won't take long before the name and social media of the officer be put in the junk food media.
They'll defend his actions for the most part. It will take the comments he addressed to the woman to undo him. It will be the officer ignoring a serious crime that will undo him. He had no business speaking an opinion to a victim. He should have taken all the information from the woman about the man who put his hands on that boy.
He should not have arrested her because she "smarted off" to him. He should have taken his parenting skills to his own children. I thought police officers were not your parents. He is a public servant and he can be filmed by civilians. Photography is not a crime. Cussing at an officer is not a crime.
I want to know the name of the guy who put his hands on that little boy!
That officer needs to be fired out the cannon. His actions were out of line and conservatives are going to defend this scum.
I know you want to vent off about this issue. No comments here. The only opinion that matters to me is mine and S. Baldwin. But if you feel that it's not right, let your voice be heard. After all, I want to know what the opposition is thinking. I want to know how to take on such stubbornness and such vile individuals who don't value the lives of all humans.
Starting Friday, I will leave a post for you to "shout out". Any posting I made will have no comments made on it. I will make a page specifically for comments. Please leave a name and a message.
Offensive or not I will read it. I will address it.
Anonymous comments will be deleted. There's no trolling here.
So if you want to drop a comment without leaving a name, it's deleted.
Here's a bonus feature. One of the officers on Fort Worth's victim and crimes unit was fired out the cannon after botching up a child rape case. A 15 year old girl was raped and the former detective Dennis Hutchins in July 2016 mishandled multiple child abuse cases.
Maybe Martin might join Hutchins in the unemployment line.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Former 🐖 Sues City After She Was Cannon Fired For Flying The Stars And Bars!
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Former Roswell sergeant sues city because she was fired out the cannon for flying the losing side of the Civil War. |
Man it's getting hot in here....!
Deep in the red states of Fuhrer Trump, there lies a former lawman (or a former woman of the law) suing the city of her sworn duty. She claims that her old rebel heritage didn't inflict on her days as a woman of the law. After all in her days from rookie to a sergeant, she pulled over some rough ass folks.
You know them beady eyed Black men riding in her town. Probably up to no good. Inflicting on the rights of them Southern folks. She probably busted a car full of them.
But she none a racist, she claims.
Hers lawyer is a man who represents [persecuted people] of Southern heritage. He says that his job is to represent people who are hated, whose beliefs are unpopular and he's damn proud to do so.
And of course we's talking big money so she can gather her pension.
A former Georgia police sergeant is suing the city of Roswell, Georgia after she was fired out the cannon for flying the losing side of the Civil War on her property. He legal defense was an accused white extremist.
Silva Cotriss filed a freedom of speech lawsuit against the city after she was fired out the cannon for being an officer "unbecoming" of city. According to the lawsuit, this bigot decided to celebrate her "southern pride" by flying stars and bars on her Woodstock home.
She wasn't trying to rile up her community with the losing side of the flag.
This Southern Legal Resource Center is trying to defend her by saying that she was wrongfully fired out the cannon without given reason to explanation. Kirk Lyons, the lawyer representing Cotriss is apparently hiding a hood in his briefcase.
The Southern Poverty Law Center which monitors extremism says this lawyer has been affiliated with the Klan and white extremism for years.
Roswell Police declined to comment on the lawsuit. They send it to the city for further action.
WSMV Channel 4
Friday, December 16, 2016
Corrupt Cop Is Trying To Pin Murder On The Victim!
So I guess being on THC, having a busted taillight and looking like the guy who robbed a convenience store because of a "wide set nose" is grounds for death.
The Minnesota cop who murdered Philando Castile is trying to have the case dismissed on the grounds of the victim being "stoned". Geronimo Yanez and his attorneys are trying to blame the victim for his own death. The St. Anthony Police officer and his union believe that this is politically motivated through outcry from the public and Black Lives Matter.
Castile was pulled over for busted taillight. According to Yanez it was the victim who didn't follow a police order and prompt the fatal encounter.
Corrupt cop trying to place blame on the victim. |
Even with video of Philando's girlfirend Diamond Reynolds saying that Yanez shot him for no reason, the grand jury may allow this corrupt cop off.
In a statement, attorneys for Castile's mother said, "This is the designed play for the defense of police officers who kill citizens, always blame the victim," and "They want to say and have you believe that Philando was the negligent one and somehow that matters in excusing or defending the officer. It does not."
The deaths of unarmed Black men has been a big issue. The corrupt cops get off with justifiable murder.
And it inspires good cops to be killed.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Michigan Firefighter Found The Cannon Wasn't Filled With Water!
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Firefighter fired out the cannon for racist post. |
Now in the fuhrer's America, a White firefighter can get into an ALL CAPS rage over Black Lives Matter and NFL's Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem. Now he learns that he's out of a job and the junk food media will take out the trash.
Someone had to put this dumpster fire named Ryan Hudson out. He was fired out the cannon after he posted racist comments on social media. He is a former U.S. Marine turned firefighter for the city of Belding, Michigan.
Belding is 30 miles from Grand Rapids.
He got into a heated conversation with a black woman named Tarvenia. She is from California and she was none too happy to read the word vomit from this dumbass.
The New York Daily News report that a posting about Donald J. Trump going after Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) prompt Tarvenia to comment that her brother was also a veteran and her support for San Francisco 49ers' Kaepernick when he kneeled during the anthem to protest police brutality.
"Your brother can pack up and leave this country. I don't care if he is a vet or not. I am a vet and what [Kaepernick] is try to represent is wrong," said Hudson.
California woman let Belding know that a member of the team has racial hatred towards Blacks. |
"Fuck Black Lives Matter. You are the epitome of a NIGGER. All lives matter. And if you think it's just Black lives, kiss my ass bitch and go back to the fields that use in the north fought to free you from," said Hudson.
When she posted that on HelloRacist, it went viral. Now Belding's fire chief Greg Moore had to place Hudson in the water cannon and fire his ass across the street.
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Troll picked a fight with the wrong woman. |
Hudson claimed he was drunk at the time. Yeah, right. I bet you money he trolled the social media to drop the NIGGER word around Black commentators.
His non-sincere apology.
"It's very out of character for me," said Hudson. "I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart because it doesn't reflect everybody."
He's sorry only for the fact he got caught.
Hudson didn't check out those websites called and .
I blame fuhrer in waiting Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence and Rick Snyder for the actions of this asshole and those who troll social media. These people in the public sector are showing their true colors when it comes to the lives of all Americans.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
What Happened To Jerime Mitchell?
Iowa man was paralyzed by a cop's bullet after a minor traffic violation. Jerime Mitchell and his wife Bracken (right). |
When the controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/pussy grabbing/immature reality television star become your next fuhrer, I bet you money his squinty eyed Attorney General if confirm will not pursue charges against corrupt police officers.
Having a burnt taillight and a pound of weed might end up being a death sentence for a Black man.
Yeah, fleeing an officer was pretty stupid but to use deadly force instead of backing away from a fleeing vehicle is bad training in my opinion, I would not try to stop a vehicle fleeing the scene.
Cedar Rapids Police and Linn County Sheriff are doing an investigation into the shooting of Jerime Mitchell. The Iowa State Police and U.S. Justice Department are also determining if the officer used justifiable force. He was an unarmed motorist.
A routine pull over because of a license plate light led to a Black man being shot three times. He is paralyzed from the waist down. Now his family and the NAACP are demanding answers to why a simple stop could lead to this.
According to Officer Lucas Jones, Jerime struggled with him and his Belgian mulatte partner. Jones and the police dog were on him. Jones activated his door latch to release his police dog. But Jerime managed to slip through and got into his pickup truck.
Cedar Rapids Police are doing damage control after a routine stop turned into a near fatal shooting. |
Jerime who is a 37-year old father was being searched for possession of marijuana. Jones was "trying to search" the vehicle with Jerime saying forcible no to the search. Jones claimed that Jerime was the instigator.
Jerime disputes the account, he said that Jones was the aggressor. His supporters and civil rights activists have blasted the prosecutor for the ending the secret grand jury inquiry without obtaining any statement or testimony from him, who is now hospitalized with a bullet lodged in his neck.
The pull over was around 1:17 am. Investigators says Jones initiated the stop because the light bulbs that illuminate the license plate on Jerime's truck were burned out. A minor infraction.
This issue has touched a nerve to the lives of Black men.
Once again, Jones's testimony was more important than the victim's. The grand jury decided to not indict the officer. They also decided to not indict Jerime for the charges of marijuana possession and fleeing and eluding an arresting officer.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
The Law Owns Up To Dun Deal After Wrongful Arrest!
The city of Augusta gave Dun Deal a bigger studio to produce his hits. |
Make America Great Again!
Not so for great for rap producer Dun Deal and the city of Augusta, Georgia. He was detained by the state boys for a crime he didn't commit. The city loses money that could repair the roads, bridges and fund city workers. It seems like they'll have to do some retraining on them police officers involved.
Matter of fact, it might cost Augusta police recruits.
Dun Deal, born David Cunningham doesn't live in Augusta. But he's now a resident after he was awarded $300,000 in a settlement by the consolidated city county of Augusta/Richmond County. The feds and Richmond County Sheriff's office swore out a false warrant against the producer. They claimed his fingerprints were on a getaway vehicle involved in a geeking of an Augusta Costco back in 2014.
Dun Deal had no connection to the crime, despite a witness allegedly identifying him from his artist page on social media. The geekers were involved in stealing nearly $100,000 in jewelry from a display case.
In addition to the settlement, the Sheriff's office formally apologized to the rap producer and placed those involved in the freezer pending an investigation.
When he was on social media he accepted a friend request from a fan. That fan was an alleged ringleader in the group. The alleged geeker Ronnica Westmoreland rented a vehicle. She let her fellow geekers bolt off with the loot.
Instead of reading the woman her rights, the law let her sung like a canary and she fingered Dun Deal. She should have clammed up and got an attorney before speaking to the law.
Instead of reading the woman her rights, the law let her sung like a canary and she fingered Dun Deal. She should have clammed up and got an attorney before speaking to the law.
"She said, 'I loaded it to a guy named David.' David is a pretty common name so they went to her Facebook page, found everyone named David. They found a Black man who wears a lot of jewelry. So they jumped to the conclusion, that must be him," said James Radford, the rap producer's attorney.
"The picture that they showed me of me was with Birdman. They asked me who that was. He was wearing a lot of diamonds and they slid me the picture, and they asked, 'Who's this? I'm like, that's Birdman!" said Dun Deal.
In the warrant, police said Dun Deal looked like one of the men in this security video. They even said they had his fingerprints, which turned out to be a total lie because he has no criminal history.
While in Dallas, the FBI and U.S. Marshals intercepted Dun Deal. Undercovers arrested him while he was with his family. They went to his studio in Atlanta and swarmed the place during a 6AM Knock-Knock. That's a controversial no knock warrant. It's a tactic that prevents alleged criminals from hiding evidence or obtaining firearms while being detained.
"They threw tear gas over the gate, put guns in people's faces," said Dun Deal.
He spent 10 days in the county lockup and wasn't given a reason why.
The suspects were detained and pled guilty to the criminal geek. Dean Summers, Nikevion Curtis, Brian Bickman and Demetrius Pennamon were given nickels in the iron college. Westmoreland was charged for making false statements to federal officers. She is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Dun Deal hasn't talked much since the incident. Matter of fact he is now extremely cautious on social media. He hasn't accepted the friend request from people on Facebook. So I rather follow and see his developments. I am not trying to get him in anymore trouble.
"If he was someone else, someone else without family, without means without a father who understood the process, that 10 days could have turned to 50. It could have turned to 100. That's how people get sucked into the system," said Dun Deal's second attorney Caleb Gross.
Dun Deal produced tracks for The Migos, Gucci Mane, Young Thug, Future, Young Dolph, Blac Youngsta, Juicy J, Rich Homie Quan, Kevin Gates and others.
Known hits produced by Dun Deal are The Migos' single "Hannah Montana."
Here's the single Still Beating from Gucci Mane featuring Peewee Longway and Young Dolph.
Here's the single Still Beating from Gucci Mane featuring Peewee Longway and Young Dolph.
The controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/pussy grabbing/immature fuhrer in waiting Donald J. Trump is building his cabinet full of well-established billionaires and lawmakers. He may put that controversial Black coon cop David Clarke as his Homeland Security secretary. He already put that pro-Confederate squinty eyed bigot Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as the Attorney General.
See in Donald Trump's America, a rap producer is automatically a criminal.
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