Showing posts with label DeRay McKesson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DeRay McKesson. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Maria Daly: The BLACKS Made Me Burn Up My Home!

Daniel and Maria Daly. The wife of a Millbury Police officer lied about a robbery and blame the Blacks.

When white people blame the imaginary Black thug for their own crimes.

The ugly rhetoric of the alt right has now pivoted a woman to conduct a serious crime upon herself and her home. Now the Massachusetts commonwealth police are putting her in lockup for this.

The woman is the wife of a cop.

Maria Daly concocts a story about a robbery in her home. She told the law that she was robbed of $10,000 worth of jewelry and her home being tagged with the acronym BLM.

She went to social media and posted some comments aimed at BLM.

"We woke up to not only our house being robbed while we were sleeping, but to see this hatred for no reason," said Daly on Facebook.
BLM is short for Black Lives Matter. The group is demanding police reform in the wake of high profile police shootings. They have been often times targeted by the alt right for being anti-White and anti-cop.

Tensions are high given the presidential election. If this was actually a criminal act done by the group, conservative agitators would play this out for days.

The chief of Millbury Police said that they story didn't feel "quite right."

"I think that was pretty obvious. We came to the conclusion that it was all fabricated. There was no intruder, there was no burglary," said Donald Desorcy, the chief of the police.

The motive was insurance money. To think that if they actually arrested a Black person on false charges would be really interesting. Millbury is a city that is 98% WHITE and 2% other.
So that one Black person in the town would be automatically blamed for the criminal act.

Her husband Daniel Daly is a Millbury police officer. He is now under a watchful eye. Her actions may eventually jeopardize is job. The pull overs and arrests of people could come into question.

He is a handler of the K9 unit. So I am assuming that he would pull over a Black motorist because he suspects criminal intent was done. He would force an unlawful search with his dog. He would issue tickets on the grounds of a simple traffic violation. So in order to get his quota, his partner would sniff for a trace of marijuana or crack in the console.

His social media will be looked at for anything offensive and unbecoming of a public servant.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What Happened To Deborah Danner?

An elderly woman was gunned down by the NYPD. Deborah Danner was naked and holding a bat. A police sergeant had a Taser on him but refused to use it. 

Social media is lit up with the name of a 66-year old Black woman being shot and killed by the New York Police Department.

A police sergeant shot and killed Deborah Danner while responding to a routine check. The fact that a police officer had a taser on him and refused to use it on a mentally disturbed woman in a Bronx apartment is sparking outrage.

The officer named Hugh Barry is placed in the freezer pending a state investigation to why deadly force was justify.

Danner who followed the recent killings of unarmed Black people at the hands of police became a victim as well.

According to the junk food media, Barry entered the apartment. The sergeant encountered Danner in her bedroom naked. She was holding a pair of scissors and bat.
The NYPD claims that the woman attack them first.
The officer told his superiors that he was able to tell the woman to drop the scissors. Then she grabbed the bat and that's when he decided to use force to stop her. He struck her in the torso with two shots.

That's the first mistake of an officer, walking into a room when a person is naked.

Did the officer have a warrant or was let in by Danner?

You have a right to not let an officer into your home without a warrant. If you let an officer into your home, they search your home and find evidence that could be used against you, you've forfeit your rights.

Danner may have been diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

Neighbors would say that Danners was disturbed. She had lost her mother. Many thought that she was inside her home being attacked. But in reality she would be screaming and cursing at herself.

Barry has an eight year history with the NYPD.

The NYPD knew about Danner and the officer may have failed to use discretion in making a judgement call.

Expect that these racist police union presidents Patrick Lynch and Ed Mullins defend the actions of this officer.

There's nothing political about shooting a naked woman inside her own home. The officer didn't have a body camera on him. The officer had a taser but chose to used deadly force. The law knew she had mental issues. This was an assassination.

And once again, the law will say that she probably had drugs on her. She ignored a police command.

She spent time in the lockup.

And conservatives will say that it's President Barack Obama's fault for the outrage by Black Lives Matter.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Colin Kaepernick: So!

Colin Kaepernick's choice to not be politically correct got conservatives outraged.

Conservatives used to get riled up when political correctness was running amuck. They want to be free to call the first Black president a NIGGER. They want to "Make America Great Again". They want to "take their country back".

Hell conservatives don't believe the narratives of "Hands Up Don't Shoot" or "I Can't Breathe".

Now they're outraged when a person of color refuses to use political correctness when it comes to pledging allegiance to his country.

Now they're screaming for him to lose his NFL deal. A freedom of protest and freedom of speech issue runs into the forefront of this ugly campaign between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The calls for him to be fired out the cannon are becoming today's fodder. San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick lit a shit storm by refusing to stand for the national anthem. He said that he can't support a flag that continues to oppress Blacks and people of color.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

He is upset over the recent police shootings of unarmed Black people.
Fans Burning Colin Kapernick Jerseys After He Refused to Stand for National Anthem
Man burns Kaepernick's jersey for click bait.
Colin became the most vocal voice in the NFL to support Black Lives Matter, an activist group that calls for police reform in the Black community.

The group is controversial. Many conservatives dismiss this group as anti-White and anti-cop. The alt-right (white extremists, conservative agitators and Republicans) have tried to brandish this a "hate group". They even tried to infiltrate local BLM groups to instigate violence for click bait.

Former San Francisco 49er Jerry Rice blasted him for his stance. He posted on social media saying that "All lives matter. SO much going on in this world today. Can we all just get along. Colin, I respect your stance but don't disrespect the Flag."

People blasted Rice for bringing up "can we all get along". It was the message of Rodney King, the late civil rights activist who was beaten nearly dead by the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department.

The officers getting off the attempted murder charges sparked the LA Riots.

Even the Republican nominee Donald Trump said that Kaepernick should go to a country that works better for him.

Obviously, he meant continent because Africa is has 54 countries and the ignorant believe Africa is a country.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Colin Kaepernick: I Have A Right To Shame My Own Country's Treatment Of Black People!

Colin Kaepernick faces backlash for refusal to stand for national anthem. He says that our country allows law enforcement to legally murder unarmed citizens.

Crank up the conservative outrage meter. We have a professional athlete of color not supporting our country. The junk food media is covering the refusal to stand for the national anthem by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Colin who is passionate about Black Lives Matters said to the junk food media that he's not going to respect a country that continues to disrespect people of color.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. THere are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.

The 49ers said that while they take pride in the national anthem, they respect Colin's right to dissent.

"The National Anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose and participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem."

The NFL issued a statement.

"Players are encouraged but not required to stand during the playing of the National Anthem."

The backlash is going to be expected. Of course, social media lit into him. They were saying some of the most trivial things. Telling Colin, to "go back to Africa". Saying he should quit the NFL or donate his earnings to black oppressed youth. Saying he's a "racist because he blames White people for his own faults".

And of course, they blame President Barack Obama for this.

White conservatives are often downplaying and denouncing the right to dissent.

They rather see Black athletes shut up and play the games. They are supposed to be brainless jocks.

During the Summer Olympics, they were going after Gabby Douglas for not placing her hand over heart for the national anthem. They were calling her a monkey and saying that she should be grateful for winning the Gold medal.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Baltimore Police Roughed Up Black Residents!

The Baltimore Police are working on uprooting corruption within its department after a damning DOJ report came out.

I remember watching an episode of Nightline on ABC. Byron Pitts, a native of Baltimore done a ride along with the law trying to uncover a pattern of corruption within the police department.

This week marked a bombshell in the wake of Freddie Gray murder trial. The six officers will walk but the department they represent will have a top-to-bottom scrubbing by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The Department of Justice determined that Baltimore Police officers were really out of line.

Damning evidence determined that the Baltimore city police were engaging in pattern of bias stops and unconstitutional searches of Black residents. Some of these stops were merited on perception of criminal activity without proof of an event occurring.
The riots of 2015.
The report covered nearly six years of monitoring and evaluations of the Baltimore Police.

There were systemic deficiencies in training, policies and accountability structures. The police department failed to equip officers with the tools they need to police effectively.

Baltimore has a 70 percent Black population. The police department is 86 percent White. The DOJ had finalized a pattern of behavior that involved officers and supervisors saying NIGGER towards suspects and President Barack Obama.

Martin O'Malley, then mayor, governor and failed presidential candidate enforced the "zero tolerance" enforcement practices that emphasized on stops, searches and arrest for repeated violations of constitutional rights that eroded the community's trust.

Outgoing mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake continued the "zero tolerance" enforcement throughout her term until the Freddie Gray incident.

Over 44 percent of the stops occurred in two small predominately Black neighborhoods that contained only 11 percent of the city's populations. The affluent neighborhoods of Baltimore.

Hundreds of individuals were stopped at least 10 times during this period, and seven people were stopped more than 30 times.

Only 3.7 percent of these stops ended with a citation or an arrest.

Some of the officers used excessive force and escalated verbal exchanges with people they've stopped. Instead of brushing it off, officers would threaten arrest or brutally assault the person.

Some of the suspects who were juvenile were treated like adults. They were searched without being read their rights.

They treated a rape victim who was a transgender woman as a man who shouldn't been flaunting his junk on the streets. A transgender prostitute would be stripped searched by men. Some of the rape cases remained open because the officers questioned the victim's account because they were prostitutes.

When some residents filmed officers, cursed or pointed their third digit at officers, they were detained and cited for disorderly conduct. Under the First Amendment, you were allowed. The officers were in the wrong by confiscating the recording, arresting an individuals because he said "fuck the cops".

Marilyn Mosby is determined to uproot injustices caused by officers and is determined to restore order and respect within the Baltimore Police Department. She felt that the DOJ's report satisfy claims made by residents in the city about unfair practices.

Conservatives have attacked her for being in the forefront of #BlackLivesMatter. As state prosecutor, she had made it a mission to hold those responsible for the deaths of individuals held in police custody.

Police commissioner Kevin Davis said that any officer who "chose to engage in racist, sexist, discriminatory or biased-based policing" will be under the radar.

This was never mentioned by conservatives or Republican lawmakers. After all, they are supposed to be the group that supports the cops and stand by this "law and order".

Now if you're a supporter of the police being innocent of horrific crimes, read from The Drudge Report, support the ignorance of Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, support the racial arsonist Colin Flaherty and blog, determined to give corrupt cops the "benefit of doubt", share racially insensitive emails about Black people, President Barack Obama or other groups and listen to agitators like that old fart Rush Limbaugh and "Softball" Hannity, you're likely a Donald Trump and Mike Pence supporter.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Mass Shootings Continue: Baton Rouge Officers Gunned Down!

Fatal police shooting.

Those in law enforcement are on high alert after a significant threat by extremists was reported by the Homeland Security. There are groups that are plotting motivated terrorists attacks on those who wear the badge.

Some of these extremists are former military and trained with high powered firearms.

Breaking today, Baton Rouge police officers were killed this morning. This happened a few miles from the police headquarters. The law can't confirmed the identities of the officers, but we do know that officers were ambushed.

Chief Carl DaBadie asks the public to keep prayers for his officers who were shoot this morning.

The event happened at 9am (CST) and the officers didn't expect it.

The motivations of the terrorist is unknown. I assure you that if its Black, Muslim or Immigrant shooter, expect conservatives to exploit the event and yes blame everyone but the shooter.

The shooting does have some indications of retaliation against those officers who killed Alton Sterling. I can't confirm that as an excuse but given the fatal shootings of Black men across the country, I expect extremism to be on the rise.

So here's the poll for the day.

There was a senseless mass shooting in Baton Rouge. Those in law enforcement were killed. Who deserves the blame for this?
Barack Obama
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Quiz Maker

Obviously if you're not blaming the shooter, you're not helping.

The fatal shooting of Alton Sterling has Baton Rouge Police under the investigation by the U.S. Justice Department. The officers who fatally shot Alton are in the freezer pending the outcome.

The shooting caught on video went viral and the Black residents are upset over the fatal encounter.

Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards and President Barack Obama were notified of this this. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will speak on this event at their political rallies.

Again, those in law enforcement know the risk. It's a thankless job. They know that day would come when their lives could end. This is one of the most dangerous jobs. There is no war on cops.


Stay tuned for the Blame Game series.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Another View!

The junk food media shows the fatal police shooting of Dylan Noble.

The Fresno Police released the disturbing video of the fatal shooting of Dylan Noble. Noble was stopped for speeding and pulled over to a local gas station,

When cops ordered him out the vehicle, he had one hand behind his back, the cops gave numerous warnings before they shot him. When he was on the ground they kept repeating their calls to show hands.

What got the attention of the FBI was the final shots while Dylan was neutralized on the ground.

They shot him when he was gravely wounded. They didn't render aid immediately.


Heighten tensions between Blacks and police picked up full steam after the fatal killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

There were protests in Fresno. Also it brought out the supporters of the losing side of the Civil War.
The footage shows police fired two rounds at Noble, at least one of which struck him in the stomach, and then shot him twice more as he laid on the ground wounded
They shoot a wounded man.
The U.S. Justice Department is involved in this. The officers were not named. They are in the freezer pending a state and federal investigation. Dylan didn't have weapons on him.

Someone had recorded the encounter and sent the video to the junk food media. That led to Fresno Police providing the dash camera and boy camera footage of the fatal encounter.

Wondering if conservatives are going to start claiming #BlackLivesMatter isn't concerned about Dylan?

Wondering if conservatives will find the criminal records of Dylan?

Will the conservatives start trolling the social media of Dylan to say that his death by the law was justified?

Will conservatives start trolling the officers who shot Dylan?

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Dylan Noble.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Diamond Reynolds: The Media Is Painting [Philando] Like He's A Criminal!

The woman who captured the shooting of Philando Castile goes to the junk food media to clear his name. She denounces the conservative agitator's accuastions of him being a criminal by birth.

I watched ABC's The View and GMA today. The woman who filmed the fatal shooting of a Minnesota man which sparked outrage in the Black community came to the junk food media to denounce the tactics of conservatives. Conservatives are slandering the names of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. They want to say they were involved in gangs and have lengthy criminal history.

They accused the men of disrespecting the law. They both had firearms on them. The cops put the work in them. Alton was on the ground. Philando was in his car.

Diamond "Lavish" Reynolds with her attorney were talking to the junk food media about how this impacted her. She said that the officer now identified as Jeronimo Yanez shot her boyfriend after he was trying to reach for his wallet. The officer and his lawyer deny this and claim that he was reaching for the firearm.

If it wasn't for the power of social media and camera phones, the police would cover up evidence and find ways to smear the victim. They often drive the narrative that Black suspects are often likely to be more dangerous to cops than White suspects.

Many comparisons come to mind. The Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas where a white man grabs the gun of an officer. He was not killed. He's sent to a psychological facility and later charged with a state crime. A white man rushes the stage at Trump rally in Dayton, Ohio. He was restrained and arrested. He was not killed. He is facing federal charges.

A former Stanford University swimmer raped an unconscious woman. He was charged and convicted of the crime. He was sentenced to 10 years in-house, 1 year in the iron college with time suspended, and a lifetime enrollment in Offender's U. No life without parole sentence. A former Indiana University student raped two women by penetrating their bodies when they were sleeping after being drunk. He was charged and convicted of the crime. He was sentenced to less than 5 years of in-house, an enrollment in Offender's U and payment to the victims. No life in the iron college without parole.
Answers.  A police officer shot Philando Castile in front of Diamond Reynolds and her daughter.
Each crime sheds light on how Black suspects are harshly sentenced for criminal acts while Whites get easier sentences.

The fact that the junk food media is bringing up the traffic violations of Philando is disgusting. It's giving the public the notion that his death was justified.

It took the NRA over four days to finally react to the notion that Philando was a legally armed citizen. He had a conceal carry permit. The NRA supports open carry laws in many states.

Last night, I listened to this loudmouth Bill Cunningham. He is a conservative agitator from Cincinnati who hosts a radio program Monday through Fridays and nationally on Sundays. He also host a Jerry Springer-themed talk show on many CW and Fox stations.

He and many like him are concern trolling and blaming #BlackLivesMatter for the actions of a terrorist who killed five Dallas police officers. The terrorist was targeting White cops and the cries of reverse racism and Obama keep popping up in the internet community.
This Black extremist called Diamond Reynolds a Black bitch.
Kevin Jackson, this black conservative concern troll who has a blog and radio show called Diamond "Lavish" Reynolds, the woman who filmed her boyfriend being shot by a St. Anthony Police officer, a crazy bitch.  He says that she failed to render aid and was so eager to post on social media how cops are bad. Of course, ignoring the fact that the officer told her not to move and she had the camera on throughout the aftermath of the shooting.

Cunningham, Jackson and many other conservatives assume that Philando Castile is the suspect in a robbery of a gas station. The ConservativeTreeHouse, a notorious white extremist website "confirms" that Philando was the suspect wanted in the robbery four days before the shooting. They claim that evidence of Diamond holding a pack of Newport cigarettes as proof.

They claim the robber took off with money and a few cartons of Newport cigarettes.

Whoopi Goldberg, Sonny Hostin and Joy Baher tore into Rudy Giuliani today. They said that for a White privileged asshole like the former mayor, he's sure one to talk. His rhetoric was not helpful in the time of mourning and Whoopi pointed out the White people marching holding the sign as well.

Whoopi said that if Black Lives Matter is a racist group why are Black and White people marching together.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Will Someone Put A Cork In Rudy Giuliani's Mouth!

Shut up....Giuliani!

The failed 2008 Republican presidential candidate and serial finger wagger Rudy Giuliani was on GOP Sundays blaming #BlackLivesMatter for the deaths of five Dallas police officers.

Giuliani was playing the concern troll today with this.

He basically called the group racist.

Giuliani added that "When you say black lives matter, that's inherently racist."

The inflammatory rhetoric from Giuliani isn't helpful. When he appeared on CBS "Face The Nation", Giuliani had little to say about the fatal encounters of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, but he had a lot to say about the terrorist who murdered five Dallas officers.

"The real danger to them, 99 out 100 times, is other Black kids who are going to kill them," Giuliani said.

The closest estimate the FBI's 2014 homicide data, which said Black victims are killed by other Black people 90% of the time. The rate of White on White crime, the stats says is 82%.

Giuliani says that "the real danger" in the African American community is Black kids.

Will someone please put a cork in this asshole's mouth.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Hello Racist!

Be careful. What you post on social media will earn you a title on Hello Racist or Racists Getting Fired.

I am happy to promote this website devoted to exposing the underbelly of the internet. This website HelloRacist is exposing racists and its picking up steam. The Raw Story and Huffington Post has reported on this website devoted to outing online trolls who post racist stuff on social media.

So what does that mean?

Whenever someone clicks on The Drudge Report linked stories or post on Facebook, they may react to the story on a Facebook plug-in comment section. Sometimes the comments are not filtered.

If the person decides to post a racist comment, HelloRacist asks for the screenshot, the name of the person and an actual picture of the person posting it.
A stupid right wing meme
The mods will collect the posting, find their job or organization. The mods will ask for users to call the the racist's job or the organization to get them fired.

The website's mods are anonymous and they want to keep it that way.

We are happy to help expose racists who hide behind the internet bandwidth.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

It's Getting Wild In B-More!

This is a toy but to the law its a real gun.

One year to the day of the riots that affected the city of Baltimore, two incidents happened.

Both incidents happened with police using force.

A 13 year old boy who was playing with a toy gun was shot in the leg by the Baltimore police. The plain clothes detectives thought the boy was acting menacing with the toy. They claimed that they acknowledge themselves as "police" and the boy took off.

One of the officers shot the boy when he was running. According to the officer who shot the boy, he turned towards them with the intent.

Witnesses say that the plain clothes officers heard the boy say it's not real and shot him anyway.

Police commissioner Kevin Davis told the junk food media that his officers will be interviewed for the incident. Davis believes that the officers were justified in their pursuit but will take consideration in how the situation was handled.

The officers: two male and one female officer were placed in the freezer pending an investigation of the incident.

So far no charges were filed on the boy.
Sniper aim at man who held local television station hostage.
A racist troll who felt the need to comment on it went to social media to blame the victim and the mother. I mean when if it was a White person with a BB gun, I bet you money, the law wouldn't even mess with him.

And of course today, a man walks into WBFF's Fox 45 studios demanding he gets airtime or he'll blow the place up.

The Baltimore police got the news agitators out of the building. The terrorist wearing a vest with wires sticking out was bucked by the snipers. The sniper took a clear shot.

The suspect is a 25-year old who was wearing panda pajamas. He had in possession, a bunch of candy bars, rope, and a red inflator. The terrorist was a White guy.

It seems like Commissioner Davis has to deal with being his first year as the top cop for the city of Baltimore.

World News Today send our prayers to the boy who was shot by the law. If the boy and the terrorist are charged with any criminal act, they are innocent until proven guilty.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Chicago Residents Let A Bystander Die In The Street! [NSFW]

Pathetic that residents of Chicago allow a man to die in the streets because they refused to call 911.

The fear of retaliation from gang leaders is common among those who refuse to call the law. They believe if you "snitch" you may end up being the next victim.

Marques Gaines was attacked by a man in the street. A cab would run over his body and no one called the law to report the matter. Marques would die at the hospital after four hours of being not treated for his injuries.

Security guards working for 7 Eleven were around the area but refused to get involved. They removed the suspect from the store and I guess Marques was there at the wrong time.

Marques was in the store buying snacks after leaving a bar. Somehow there was an exchange of words and the suspect dealt Marques a five finger roll that laid him out.
Marques was minding his business when a man attacked him. He was laying unconscious in the street and no one helped him.
As he lays there unconscious, bystanders grab his wallet and cellphone. A few minutes later a taxi driver runs over his body. The taxi driver would alert the store that he ran over someone.

The security guards at the 7 Eleven would finally call 911. This event happened in a span of twenty minutes.

This event happened on Feb. 7. The folks over at ABC-7 and the Chicago Sun-Times requested the tape of the incident.

Within two minutes, a cab wheels around the corner and strikes Gaines. Gaines' family is now suing 7-Eleven, as well as the cab companies involved.

"It is the duty of 7-Eleven corporation to provide competent people to protect their stores and their customers because they know that criminals target these stores," attorney Chris Hurley said.

About 20 minutes later, police and onlookers lift the car off Gaines. He was alive, but died in the hospital four hours later, his internal organs crushed.
Friends mourn the loss of Marques Gaines.
"Our family has suffered tremendously by this loss," said Drexina Nelson, Gaines' cousin.

Gaines grew up in Georgia with his cousin, Drexina. After college he made his way to Chicago where he earned the nickname "Groomsman". He was loved enough to stand for some 15 friends at their weddings.

"He's a very fun-loving person who was all about unity. In the video he kind of holds his hands up, and I know he's like, 'I just don't want any trouble,'" Nelson said.

"Security should have locked the door, told the customers to wait and called the police," Hurley said.

His aunt was too upset to speak at the press conference, but had a message for Chicago.

"I just don't understand people today. I don't understand why people don't get more involved in what's going on around you," Phyllis Nelson said.

The family is planning on suing 7 Eleven, the cab company and the security company hired to watch the store.

It's unfortunate that this young man loses his life to a senseless act of ignorance.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Marques Gaines. His life was taken away by a senseless act of violence and those who done so were negligent. The Chicago Police are searching for the suspect. Hopefully this suspect is caught.

Teen Loses Her Life In Senseless Beating Inside Delaware High School!

A Delaware high school student loses her life to the senseless violence that plagues the Black community. Gang violence is often talked about in our community but is widely ignored by the junk food media.

When Black leaders talk about the senseless violence in the community it's ignored by the concern trolls.

The junk food media, the concern trolls and racial agitators (i.e. Colin Flaherty) often make Black on Whatever crime a frequent talking point. These entities are giving the world the notion that every Black American is prone to violence.

The life of this young girl is being highlighted in the junk food media. It's basically a story about a "good guy in the wrong place". This young girl was known to stop the violence. She ended up being a part of the systematic violence that plagues America.

Amy Inita Joyner-Francis was beaten senseless after being jumped by a group of girls. She would be killed inside the high school. Her friends mourn her death. They believe gang violence in Wilmington may have contributed to her death.

According to the junk food media, Amy was engaged in a fight inside the school. She was fighting one of the suspects. She was ambushed inside the restroom.

Amy was usually the one who stopped the fights. It's unfortunate her friends didn't stop this one.

As it was, Amy was often the one who calmly counseled her friends, many said. Amil Gibbs, a sophomore at Howard, said she would sit with Amy during lunch and tell her about problems she had in school. Amy would reassure her using simple encouragements, like “be strong,” she said, but from her they were effective.

Amy had a goal to attend college after her years at Howard High, Stryminksi said. In the same math class where she diffused a scuffle, he said, she sometimes had her own struggles with the numerical concepts. “Simple stuff that other people would say but I would react differently because she was very important to me,” Gibbs said.

“But even if she was struggling you could still see her pushing thought trying to pass, trying to get that good grade.”

That's the image many of Amy's neighbors had of the 16-year-old who had just recently earned her driving learner's permit. She was frequently seen quietly walking to the school bus each morning with her book bag.

"She would walk to the bus stop by herself," said Maxine Wilson, who lives near the teen's New Castle home. “I had never seen this little girl messing with anybody.”

Howard High School and the Wilmington Police are looking for the suspects.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis. Your life was bright and you have opportunities to shine in the world. It's unfortunate that ignorance took this lovely young girl's life.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bill De Blasio Had To Check Himself Before He's Destroy Hillary's Self!

I didn't know the lingo but I guess conservatives are crying racism at New York City's mayor Bill de Blasio and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

de Blasio endorsed Clinton for president. He's been squaring off with the racist dick of the NYPD police union Patrick Lynch. The union prez has spotters watch de Blasio's move. Rudy Giuliani and many other Republican operatives are trying to derail the progressive agenda of de Blasio.
Bad timing.
At an event, Clinton and a Black performer heard a joke from de Blasio. He mentions the word "CP Time".

"I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough,” Clinton told her former campaign manager.

"Sorry, Hillary, I was running on C.P. time," de Blasio replied to gasps from the crowd.

As Raw Story explains, "C. P. time," or "colored people time," refers to "the stereotype that African Americans generally tell as a reason for being late to an event or a traditionally black event not beginning on time.”

The performer joked "I don't like jokes like that, Bill", and I guess that's what took off to the social webs.

I guess when you say that, you're offending Black performers. After all, "we'z colored folks!"

Bill de Blasio is married to a Black woman by the way.

This latest event is another attempt at "guilty by association" and the unfortunate political "gaffes" that political agitators harp on.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Cop Walk In The Jamar Clark Shooting!

Cop walk in Jamar Clark shooting.

How many more innocent victims?

When will there be accountability for those who wear the badge?

We shed tears for those who were killed! But who pays the price for those who are killed in their so-called justification?

Jamar Clark was shot and killed by the Minneapolis Police Department. Witnesses say that Jamar was killed as he was handcuffed. The grand jury decided that the officers didn't commit murder.

Two police officers, Mark Ringgenberg and Dustin Schwarze, were involved in the shooting and were subsequently placed in the freezer. The night after the shooting, Clark died at a local hospital after being taken off life support.

In response to the shooting, #BlackLivesMatter organized protests outside the Fourth Precinct police station that lasted for 18 days, as well as other protests and demonstrations in and around Minneapolis. Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced that cases concerning officer-involved shootings would no longer be put before grand juries. On March 30, 2016, Freeman announced that no charges would be filed against Ringgenberg and Schwarze.
Cop walk for two who claimed Jamar reached for the gun.
The officers said that Jamar grabbed the gun while being restrained. The grand jury decided that Jamar's actions lead to her death. For more than 30 minutes in a downtown Minneapolis news conference and with Clark’s family and supporters present, Freeman laid out in meticulous detail the evidence that led to his decision and showed video from the scene on Plymouth Avenue N.

Clark, 24, a black man, was shot in the head during the scuffle.

Officers told Clark to take his hands out of his pockets and he wouldn’t. Ringgenberg, who had initially drawn his gun, put it back in the holster and grabbed Clark’s right wrist. Schwarze grabbed Clark’s other arm and dropped his handcuffs while trying to cuff him. Ringgenberg then tried a takedown move of Clark, and they both fell to the ground with Ringgenberg’s back to Clark’s stomach.

Ringgenberg felt his holstered gun go from his hip to the small of his back. Ringgenberg reached back and felt Clark’s hand on his gun. He repeatedly told Schwarze: “He’s got my gun, he’s got my gun.”

Schwarze put his gun to edge of Clark’s mouth and said, “Let go or I’m going to shoot you.”

They said that his DNA was placed on the holster of the officer's firearm.

The shooting led to international attention, widespread local protests, and an 18-day encampment outside the police department’s Fourth Precinct in north Minneapolis, near the site of the shooting.

Police chief Janeé Harteau said her department and other law enforcement agencies have several contingency plans in place should police action against protesters be necessary. “Officers will exercise restraint,” she said. “Their actions will be based on the actions of others.”

In a prelude to rolling out the evidence followed by his decision, Freeman nodded to the spate of killings of black citizens by police officers in Chicago, Cleveland and elsewhere in the past year or so, saying, “This case is not at all similar to others seen around the country,” he said. The officers “did not have an opportunity to withdraw” from the physical conflict with Clark.

The U.S. Department of Justice's Community Oriented Policing Services office announced that they would be conducting a review of the way the city handled the November protests.
#BlackLivesMatter plans to disrupt businesses.
Mike Freeman, Hennepin County Attorney, announced that his office would cease the use of grand juries in shootings involving police officers. The announcement was met with approval from activists and described by the Star Tribune as a "rare move" with potential ramifications throughout the country.

Later in March, in preparation for Freeman's office's announcement about whether they would be pursing charges against Ringgenberg and Schwarze, Harteau released a video warning against "violence or disruption" based on Freeman's actions.

These incidents make it harder for law enforcement to gain support from communities of color.

These issues aren't mentioned by the Republicans. They're too busy trying to tear away constitutional rights from Americans who demand police reform.

Rest in peace Jamar Clark, the system failed you and many others.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Jamar Clark.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

The Standard!

Black people face a higher standard.

Yeah, I've denied it for years. I believe that Blacks are held to a higher standard when it comes to the law, jobs, government, activism, sports, and entertainment. It seems like I'm waking up to the reality that our country is failing on equal rights.

I am starting to realize that "high hopes" are just "wishful thinking".

White people are treated much differently than Blacks. From the jump, I should have seen it coming.

It's never too late to keep one eye open when it comes to understanding that the path to success is to overcome the standard.

The junk food media holds Black America to a higher standard than the rest. Go down the list of athletes, entertainers, politicians and activists. They have been roundly criticized for being either "too Black" or "not Black enough".

I seen it in Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters, Ben Carson, Nicki Minaj, LaBron James, Drake, Serena Williams, Trevor Noah, Lil' Wayne, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Anthony Anderson, Chris Rock, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, DeRay McKesson, Shaun King, Tim Scott, Cory Booker, Cam Newton, Michael B. Jordan, Van Jones, Steve Harvey, Michael Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Melissa Harris-Perry.

The word vomit from the concern trolls is Blacks are lazy, immoral, and dependent on the government. The Republicans and their conservative allies concluded that the Democrats are responsible for the economic poverty and dependency on government. They're immune from taking fault for their incompetence.

These narratives that Blacks are like sheep to the Democratic Party are starting to irk me. I mean if the Republican Party would take their heads out their asses, the Black support would be more than 10%.

On CNN, I heard that extremist Jeffrey Lord go into this ridiculous narrative that the Klan is bunch of leftist Democrats. I thought the right always thought that the left played the race card.

Well for one thing, he's right. The Democrats of yesterday were the conservatives back then. The Republicans were actually liberal. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican to win the presidency. His polices helped end the slavery but didn't stop discrimination and brutality towards African Americans. It took Harry Truman, a cautious Democrat and Lyndon B Johnson, the south's last president to integrate society. It was the Democratic Party that flipped the script on Black history.

If it wasn't for Johnson signing off the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts, Blacks would still be segregated from Whites. Democrats mended their old ways. Under a liberal Supreme Court, interracial marriage would be legalized. Democrats offered Native Americans the opportunity to own land and sovereignty. After World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the Democrats made good on their promise not to punish all Asian American for the acts of some. They would apologize for the callous acts of Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive orders to place Asians in interment camps.

For Pete's sake, the Democratic Party has nominated and the American people elected Barack Obama, the first African American to be the President of the United States, twice.

And yet, Donald Trump had called for President Barack Obama's birth certificate. And perennial loser Mitt Romney asked for his endorsement.

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson claim that the Republican Party is the true party of racial equality. Yet, they look the other way when the Republicans pass restrictions on voting rights, a woman's right to chose, a loving same sex couple's right to marry and a parent's right to sue gun manufactures after a terrorist murders their loved ones with firearms.

They play concern trolls when Blacks are killing each other. They want to take away firearms from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. The Republicans have reacted to Blacks killing one another as a fault of Barack Obama's and not the shooters. They don't care about unregistered firearms being sold to the criminals and terrorists.

When Black America express concerns about police brutality, the conservative automatically assume that Blacks are threatening violence on police officers. Black America has real issues to deal with.

Unemployment, class warfare, gun crimes and drugs being sold into our communities has been an issue mentioned by the Democrats. But not enough issues mentioned by the Democrats.

This silly narrative that Donald Trump could pull 30% of the Black vote is highly unlikely. I mean just look how Trump threw out Black students in Alabama. Or how about Trump telling his supporters to push a Black woman out of a rally. Some of those supporters were White extremists.

Trevor Noah addresses it.

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Ohio Cop Fired Out The Cannon For Social Media Rant!

Some real ignorant trolling about an activist's suicide got a cop fired out the cannon.

It seems like the situation is settled for now. Of course, he has a right to appeal his cannon firing but for the sake of the community go away.

The Fairborn Police Department has decided to load Lee Cyr into their cannon and fire him out the tent. He was placed in the freezer, three weeks ago. 

Cyr realized his ass was grass when activists outed him.
On the social media, Cyr posted trolled on the page of MarShawn McCarrel, the leader of Ohio's #BlackLivesMatter movement. He was battling depression. He would end up committing suicide.

Well the now former cop posted a snide remark. He said that he'd, "Love a happy ending."

The folks over at RacistGetFired on Tumblr grabbed a screenshot of the comment and sent the comments to his superiors.

Well his superiors have found out that he was responsible for this comment as well as many other nasty and politically divisive remarks on social media.

The law said that Cyr's comments was "violation of the department's social media policy and does not conform to the professional standards and core values established by the organization".

Cyr was with the department since 1994. He certainly blew that long time career out the water.

His actions gave reasons to unjustifiable pullovers and unreasonable searches. His actions may have canceled out many tickets that he's issued to motorists. His actions may have canceled out cases of probable cause arrests and detainment. It made the Black and Hispanic residents of Dayton's fifth largest suburb think the law is profiling them when they're driving safely in the city of Fairborn.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Teens Cleared Of Gang Rape! No Mention By Junk Food Media!

Phillip (l.), one of the five teens wrongly accused in the Brownsville park rape case, covers up while leaving State Supreme Court in Brooklyn. Philip was cleared of all charges.
The damage is done.
RAPE IS RAPE! There's nothing funny about it.

Also making false statements about a rape does make it harder for actual rape victims to report their cases.

This is an example of how many in the junk food media questions the motives of rape victims. They always expect a victim to have "proof" of an actual sexual assault. Doubters always shame the victims of rape.

Also the falsely accused are often ridiculed and shamed by the junk food media. Even if they're cleared of a crime, the public perception still exist.

The falsely accused will have a difficult path ahead when it comes to relationships, jobs and a social life.

Well that's interesting. Back in January, I posted that there was a horrific gang rape in Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York The suspects were five Black teens. It was alleged that these teens gang raped the victim at a playground. The victim reported it to the NYPD and it lead to their arrests.

Well it turns out that the teens were cleared of this criminal act. Now they're trying to clear their names in the junk food media. They fear that the damage is done and they can never have a normal life. They will always be looked as rapists even though they didn't commit the act.

After a thorough investigation, cops and Brooklyn prosecutors announced Wednesday that the accuser recanted her story. There was no gun. She was having sex with her father in the playground. She had sex with an undetermined number of the teens. Sources said it was consensual.

“The complainant, as well as her father, provided multiple inconsistent accounts to NYPD detectives and to experienced special victims prosecutors about important material facts in the case,” Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson said.

I am wondering if Colin Flaherty will do a retraction or The Drudge Report will actually report that the victim made up the whole thing.

If the victim turns out to be a Black woman, will they blame President Barack Obama, Al Sharpton or #BlackLivesMatter?

If it wasn't for Van Jones of CNN, I would have not noticed it. During the coverage of Super Tuesday, Van Jones got into a heated debate with White extremist Jeffrey Lord over Donald Trump's dog whistle to White extremists.

Jones was telling Lord that these teens were wrongly accused of a gang rape and no one made a mention about it. He said that Trump promoted that story and it brought David Duke into the picture.

It's unfortunate that the junk food media continues to stand firm in letting this story stay out of the mainstream. Conservatives already assume guilt before innocence. Even before the name of the suspect is released, they concluded the suspect is a Barack Obama, liberal, #BlackLivesMatter racist.

They are so devoted to making Black on Whatever crime a topic for the election.

One of the accused is now fearing for his safety. People around his neighborhood believe the story and they've stuck to it like glue.

Ethan Philip was one of the five accused of the gang rape. He can't even get a job because of the accusations being hurled at him.

Ethan who plays the piano and aspires to be a professional musician, the damage was done.

“Yesterday I went to the rec center and a girl said, 'There goes the rapist,’” he told New York Daily News.

"People are looking at me like I did something wrong," Ethan said. "They (the police) only put my name out there (not the woman and her father), that's not fair. I don't see how I can overcome this."

Ethan was a star on the basketball team at Brownsville Collegiate Charter School, but after his arrest, his mom and the school agreed that he would stay away from Brownsville Collegiate for an unspecified period of time.
The names of Phillip and fellow suspect Shaquell Cooper (r., in black hood) were quickly distributed.
Ethan Philips and Shaquell Cooper were falsely accused of rape. They were photographed and put in junk food media publications. The New York Post posted their names and school to the public.
Police released the names of the suspects and surveillance video of the teens at a neighborhood grocery store was released to the media.

"This case is similar to the Central Park Five because these kids were convicted in the court of public opinion without a trial," said Ethan's lawyer Amy Rameau.

"The police jumped the gun and everyone followed," Rameau said. "The girl and her father should be prosecuted for having incestuous sexual relations in public, for making false statements, and wasting city resources."

A law enforcement source told The News that the accuser's account changed repeatedly during the course of the investigation.

"It’s impossible to know what really happened," the source said, adding that she initially said all five raped her.

Later she repeated her account without specifically identifying Ethan as one of the suspects who attacked her. He provided a limited account of the playground incident to The News and declined to discuss the actions of the other teens at his lawyer's insistence.

Ethan says that during the time he was being questioned by special victims detectives, they falsely claimed to have a video showing one of the boys holding a gun.

"They kept trying to get me to say there was a gun," he said.

Ethan's mother described his demeanor as depressed and withdrawn "like a light has gone out" in him. The school has agreed to take him back tomorrow, however.

“I had no doubt he was innocent,” she said. "You know your children. He's very child-like and tender and playful. I have a faith that I believe truth prevails."

For his part, Ethan has a theory why the father and daughter fabricated the rape claim.

"I think they did this because they were embarrassed (after getting caught having sex in the park) and tried to blame it on us," he said.

World News Today would like to say to Ethan and those who were falsely accused of a criminal act to rightfully sue those who put you in this situation. We hope that you can regain the trust and respect you've lost upon the junk food media's accusations of criminality.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Birther Pastor Losing His Church!

Pathetic Black preacher James David Manning about to be kicked out of Harlem.

The controversial pastor who ranted that Barack Obama is the long legged "mac daddy" is about to lose his church.

James David Manning, a notorious Black preacher who is the founder of the ATLAH Worldwide Church is on the verge of having his building foreclosed. He has skipped bills and the New York state auditors are saying enough is enough.

Manning said that it's a "high tech lynching" and he vows to fight against the "sodomites" who run New York City and state.

Manning is an anti-gay preacher who once called for violence against gay couples after the Supreme Court ruled that human marriage is legal in the United States.

Manning owes $1.02 million through unpaid tax, unpaid water bills and general debts. He appears likely to lose his church which is due for public auction on February 24, 2016. The Ali Forney Center, a nonprofit organization providing transitional homes for homeless LGBT youngsters has reached its target of $200,000 to buy the church as of February 9, 2016.

What makes this so ironic, is that he gain national attention by appearing on YouTube attacking Barack Obama and his policies. He was given the honor of being on annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity and pushover Alan Colmes debate show.

He teamed up with Andy Martin, Orly Taitz and numerous kookspiracy theorists to denounce the president as an American born citizen.

He threatened to use force to prevent the activists from taking his church.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Minnesota Lawman Fires Himself Out The Cannon After Trolling #BlackLivesMatter!

Jeffrey Rothecker had a blast peppering a protester in 2008. This happened at the Republican National Convention in 2008.

If it wasn't for those rascally activists on social media exposing racism, this St. Paul lawman would have gotten away with his offensive comments about peaceful protesters affiliated with the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Andrew Henderson found out about the troll through his family life. He managed to figure out who the troll was by looking through the profiles of JM Roth.

JM Roth was a notorious troll who often posted offensive comments on social media and its comment sections throughout the web. He managed to get caught this time after a savvy internet sleuth found his wife was named Rothecker. You put two and two together and he found out that JM Roth is a member of the St. Paul Police Department. He was outed as Jeffrey Rothecker.

At the time, his superiors put him in the freezer pending a potential cannon firing. They had to filter through his social media and concerns from other residents who were trolled by him.
Corrupt cop said run #BlackLivesMatter activists over!
Before he was to face a cannon firing, he resigned from the department.

The now former St. Paul lawman admits that he was trolling.

The troll was outed after he posted that offensive message about a #BlackLivesMatter protest on Martin Luther King, Jr. day.

Here's what Jeffrey Rothecker said on social media.

Internet savvy activist outed corrupt cop. Andrew Henderson of CopWatch and PhotographyisNotaCrime brought "JM Roth" to the St. Paul Police Department.
Run them over. Keep traffic flowing and don't slow down for any of these idiots who try and block the street. Here is the deal, you continue to drive and if you hit someone make sure you call 911 to report the accident and meet the cops a block or two away and you can justify stopping further away because you feared for your safety since the past people in this group has shown a propensity towards violence.

Since they are trying to block the street and/or cross where there is no crossing you should not be charged with anything. Now these idiots could try and sue you in civil court, but remember that it will be jury trial and so most likely it will come out in your favor.

Once again, after being outed, the former lawman tearfully apologized and say he's very sorry for the post on social media.

I am extremely sorry for posting what I did, I understand that the post was insensitive and wrong. My poor choice of words conveyed a message I did not intend and am not proud of. Shortly after submitting the post, I re-read it and deleted it. As a law enforcement officer, I would never intentionally encourage someone to commit a crime. I very much regret my actions.

I apologize to all the citizens of St. Paul, the department, my fellow law enforcement professionals and my family for the scornful attention my mistake has brought upon them.

I apologize for exposing all law enforcement officers to increased scrutiny, during this difficult time of ongoing conflict between officer and members of the community.

I apologize to the community members who participated peacefully in the protest, 

--Sergeant Jeff Rothecker

Not everyone is taking the apology with sincerity. Mayor Chris Coleman said in a statement, "I continue to be outraged by the online comments. While an apology is certainly in order, it is not sufficient to repair the trust that has been broken. Beyond that, Minnesota law prevents me from talking about disciplinary action until any employee appeals period is over".
He apologizes after he was hit with death threats and calls for cannon firing. Jeffrey Rothecker and his wife took to hiding after he fired himself out the cannon.
Some people come to the defense of Rothecker.

The Minnesota Fraternal Order of Police issued a press release saying that mistakes happen. The public should forgive him and move on.

"The public should be aware that Sergeant Rothecker is an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Army. He has served the City of St. Paul for over two decades as a police officer. He has many supporters in the community and among his fellow officers."
Chris Coleman, mayor of St, Paul.
You should understand what Rothecker done. Like the other asshat cop in Ohio, this fool posting on social media posting gave Black America an understanding potential police brutality by some in the St. Paul Police and its neighbor Minneapolis. Of course this happens when tensions are high post Jamar Clark.

Jamar Clark was killed by the Minneapolis Police. Some accuse the law of shooting him while being handcuffed. The U.S. Justice Department is investigating the situation.

Rothecker's actions give me reason to justify that many in law enforcement engage in profiling. This doesn't just affect St. Paul Police Department but the law enforcement agencies of Minneapolis, Andover, Bloomington, Brooklyn Park, Coon Rapids and numerous other communities.


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