Showing posts with label Scott Walker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Walker. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Sheriff Coon Clarke's Misadventures!

Looney Coon.
Now that's he getting mainstream attention for being a vocal opponent of Black Lives Matter, the controversial Wisconsin sheriff, David Clarke, Jr. is now facing pressure. Many in the area want him to do his job. They want him to focus on the city of Milwaukee and the county. They want him to stop making an ass of himself on television and radio.

There's no signs of him ending his reign of terror. The junk food media has propped this Black lawman as the voice of anti-Black resentment. He is an elected Democrat who talks like a Republican. He wears cowboy hats and acts like he's a tough guy. He call residents to arm themselves when it came to Blacks robbing them. He said that those who died in his custody deserved their fates.

He has such disdain for the regards of human life. He is being considered for a position in the fuhrer's administration.

He claims to be a "no nonsense" lawman. He spent the last three years bashing on Barack Obama.

Now the pressure is on.

Milwaukee County is launching an investigation into the sheriff's misbehavior on a plane and social media. Earlier this year he got into a huge spat with Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, a liberal agitator who appears on CNN and HuffPost Media.

In a set of tweets, Clarke called Hill a "JIGABOO".

The U.S. Justice Department is investigating the sheriff and his department. They believe that the sheriff is abusing his powers and not giving interns in his county lockup the proper health and treatment.

He recently got into a few spats with the junk food media, activists, and regular people.

One incident that happened recently involved a man and him on the same flight where he was detained by the county boys after he got off.

Dan Black filed a complaint against Clarke after the sheriff got angry with him over a dispute over the fuhrer's election. Black said that six deputies and two K-9 units waited at General Mitchell International Airport. They detained him and then questioned him for over 15 minutes. Then he was let go.

Clarke went to social media to brag about the encounter. He said he would knock this person out.

"Next time [Black] or anyone else pulls this stunt on a plane they may get knocked out. The sheriff said he does not have to wait for some goof to assault him. He reserves the reasonable right to pre-empt a possible assault. "

Clarke called Black a "little man" who had the audacity to spew such vile garbage at the fuhrer.

The sheriff took aim at the junk food media. He said that it's all fake news and blamed a county executive for the news blowing up.

Chris Abele is getting annoyed by the antics. He warned Clarke to knock it off or face a state investigation. Clarke ignored the comments and started trashing on him.

He called Abele a supporter of Mrs. Bill Clinton, a knock at perennial failure Hillary Clinton. He said that this complaint, the abuse allegations in the county lockup, the brutalizing of a female motorist, the shooting of unarmed people by the law, and the audit a political witch hunt.

Governor and failed Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker is starting to notice but hasn't taken any action on Clarke or any authority figure in Milwaukee County.

Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI), Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) the U.S. Justice Department and NAACP are noticing the antics as well.

Moore said an incident involving Shade Swayzer prompt a federal investigation. The woman gave birth to her child while being held in lockup. Correction officers refused to aid her while giving birth.

The baby died after the staff gave no proper treatment to her. She is suing the county for the death.

Terrell Thomas was asking for water and was dehydrated. He was suffering from bipolar disorder and was having a mental breakdown. The officers shut off the water and let him die. Other interns said that the guards turned off the water on purpose.

Kristian Fiebrink was found dead in her cell. The family doesn't understand how she died in custody.

Michael Madden had a seizure after he hit his head while in lockup. The man would die while in custody. The staff ignored his pleas that he was having a headache.

There are allegations of correction officers having affairs with the interns and abusing them while in custody.

Clarke dismissed them and said that the witch hunts are part of the "snowflakes" bemoaning him over his support for the fuhrer.

Snowflake is a term now the White extremists are labeling progressive activists and Black leaders.

Milwaukee is one of the most segregated cities in the United States. It's still divided among the racial, social and economic lines. When a riot broke out in the city last year, the county's sheriff and governor both wanted the National Guard involved. They felt that the city of Milwaukee couldn't handle the riots.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Vicious Duo Tried To Sacrifice A Girl For Slender Man!

Two twats face attempted murder charges.

Where is the outrage?

A few years ago, two teens were being charged as adults in the attempted murder of a rival in a ritual scarifice. They were obsessed with a folklore about Slender Man.

The teens Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier were indicted on these charges and faced a public trial.

The jury could send these two to the iron college for life.

They are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

Geyser and Weier plead not guilty by reasons of insanity.
Payton Leutner.
These two made national headlines after they lured the rival to the woods. They stabbed the rival 19 times and left her dead. The victim had to crawl out of the woods and alerted a couple about the incident. The victim would survive the ordeal.

The victim, Payton Leutner was devastated over the situation. She hopes the jury put them behind the bars of the iron college.

The vicious duo plotted for months on how to "please" the supernatural figure.

They were 12 years old at the time and they were fully aware of the circumstances at the time.

Now at 14, the duo now plea to the judge and jury that they know they did wrong but they were making a "foolish" mistake. They want to show the world that they are sorry for what they've done.

On the case of Geyser, if she is found mentally insane, she will be interned into the nut farm. But if she stands competent and is found guilty, it's LIFE in the iron college. Trial's on in March.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

What Happened To Sylville Smith?

So he had a gun. In Wisconsin, Sylville Smith was legally allowed to have a firearm. But the perception by the "All Lives Matter" crowd is that he was a no good "thug" and his death by the law was justified.

All is calm right now in Milwaukee. Governor Scott Walker has given the city the national guard in case another night of unrest occurs. The riots in Milwaukee were sparked by a police shooting of an armed Black male. The residents have long complained about police brutality and the Milwaukee sheriff appearing on television ignoring a pattern of problems within the city.

This reached a boiling point overnight. Five businesses were destroyed. An officer was injured and three agitators were arrested.

You got to start thinking that the distrust between the law and the Black Community is now at a record low. You got to understand that these aren't isolated incidents. These are public assassinations.

Black people regardless of being lawful or unlawful are being killed while in police custody.

The law isn't doing enough to catch suspects in the murder of Black people.

The Blue Wall of Silence is no different than the No Snitchin' credeo.

You got to thank the ones who point out the discrepancies in open carry laws. When that showboat David Clarke called for residents to arm themselves, I guess he meant for White folks to strap up.

Trust me, if a White person was carrying his firearm in public, he's given his respect.

If you're fleeing the law, it doesn't merit your death. It merits your arrest.

Tariq Nasheed is the man right here. I guess open carry is solely for White folks. He gets frustrated like many of us when the trolls start peeking into the social media of the victims of police shootings. He gets tired of this narrative because "he had a gun". He said that many White suspects were brought in alive without a shot being fired. Hence the Charleston terrorist.

If a White person is posing with a firearm, its his right to bare arms.

If a Black person is posing with a firearm, its because he is a thug or a criminal.

According to conservatives online and in the junk food media, the victim, Sylville Smith deserved to die. Seeing him pose with a firearm in a selfie is automatic guilt. They don't care about his life and family. They just see a Black "thug".

The 23 year old man and another man were being pulled over in Milwaukee's north side. They would flee the vehicle and the officer gave chase. According to Tom Barrett, the image shows that Sylville had a firearm on him.

Police said the semiautomatic handgun recovered at the scene was stolen in a burglary from a home in Waukesha, Wisconsin, in March 2016. The burglary victim said 500 rounds of ammunition were also taken.

Barrett told reporters the gun was loaded, according to The Associated Press.
Two polarizing figures in Milwaukee. Mayor Tom Barrett and county sheriff David Clarke, Jr.
“This stop took place because two officers … saw suspicious activity,” Barrett said. “There were 23 rounds in that gun that that officer was staring at. I want to make sure we don’t lose any police officers in this community, either.”

Sylville was a victim of a gun shooting. He survived a shooting where he took six to the body. Maybe he had a reason to have a firearm on him.

The law said in a press release that the 23-year-old man who was fatally shot had a “lengthy arrest record.”

A search of Wisconsin court records revealed several arrests, but only one misdemeanor conviction for Sylville Smith. His record also included traffic offenses. No felony convictions were found.

The misdemeanor conviction, for carrying a concealed weapon, came in July 2014. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $443 and ordered to serve one day in jail.
Unrest eased up today. National Guard on standby.
His record also included guilty findings on traffic offenses for speeding, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, possession of open intoxicants in a motor vehicle and operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license.

Smith was arrested in 2015 on a charge of intimidating a witness by a person charged with a felony, which is itself a felony offense. The case was dropped later that year by the prosecutor.

He was also charged with first-degree recklessly endangering safety, a felony, and misdemeanor possession of THC earlier in 2015. Those charges were dismissed by a judge based on a motion by the defense.

According to the Milwuakee Journal Sentinel, both cases stemmed from a February 2015 shooting in which he was a suspect.

Smith was accused of calling his girlfriend from jail to tell her to call the victim in the shooting case to get him to fill out a sworn affidavit saying Smith didn’t commit the crime, according to court documents obtained by the Journal Sentinel.

The victim recanted his identification of Smith and the case was dropped after the victim did not show up to court and was uncooperative, the newspaper reports.

In 2013, Smith was charged with retail theft, but that case as also dropped by the prosecutor.

And to make this even more interesting, they say that the cop who shot Sylville is Black. They specifically point this out for the reasons to make this not a "White and Black" issue.

So they now want to justify the shooting by saying the Black cop shot the Black thug.

Once again, we're seeing this happen time and time again. A police shooting of a lawful, unlawful or unarmed Black person. The name of the victim is released. The conservative agitators and trolls hop online to complain about how this person's life doesn't matter.


While this was going on, a Muslim imam  and his friend was gunned down.

A Georgia cop was killed. A New Mexico cop was killed by two suspects from Ohio who may have ties to the Ohio mass shooting.

Who's Gonna Be Blamed For The Milwaukee Riots?

Unrest in Milwaukee sparked by a deadly shooting of an armed suspect.

There was a fatal police shooting in Milwaukee and it touched off a series of unrest in the city.

There were businesses torched, an officer was injured by a projectile. Three agitators were arrested.

Conservative agitators are ready to blame #BlackLivesMatter, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the aftermath of the riots.

100 protesters at first protested the shooting but the agitators decided to set the north side ablaze.

What we know was the police were chasing after a man who fled in a vehicle after a traffic stop.  The law claims that man was armed. They didn't clarify if the man was pointing at the officers or shot at them. They claim that the man had a lengthy rap sheet.

According to the law, the man was acting suspiciously and it prompted an investigation into the man.

The man was shot in the arm and chest. He died at the scene.

The boiling point started when a group of protesters and agitators clashed.

The Wisconsin justice authority will handle the case. The officer's name wasn't released.  His training was six years on the force with three on the beat. His name will likely make it through social media. He was wearing a body camera. The officer is in the freezer pending the outcome.

The man who was killed wasn't released yet.

Assured conservatives will troll social media to find something they deem incriminating on the deceased. They will try to justify the police shooting.

Republican Governor Scott Walker, President Barack Obama, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) were notified about it. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will address the controversy.

Mayor Tom Barrett will issue a mandatory curfew for areas affected by violence.

This is the area where conservative agitator Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County resides. He will not make the situation any better. He could inflame more tension by showing his face on camera calling residents and protesters a bunch of "thugs."

What makes this tragedy horrible, five victims of gun violence and the community believes the law is inept in stopping this.

Tensions are rising and the irrational could strike. Something gotta be done about gun violence. Its time to act on this before another mass shooting.

The police need to be held accountable for using deadly force on unarmed suspects. We can't allow the blue wall of silence to continue.

More developments on this controversy soon.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tater Bucks Mom With Boyfriend's Gun!

The Milwaukee County sheriff department may file charges against the boyfriend for negligent homicide and child endangering . The boyfriend who is a security guard at local business left his firearm in his girlfriend's ride.

Patrice Price, a 26 year old mother of three was on her way to pick up her boyfriend when her 2-year old son found the firearm underneath the front seat. The boy grabbed the gun and it went off striking Patrice in the head.

Patrice was on the highway when the incident occurred.

As she was shot the vehicle crashes into the barrier. The grandmother who was riding with Patrice held onto the 1-year old son at the time. She was shocked that her ignorant boyfriend left his firearm in a place that children could reach.

The children weren't in proper seating.

The Milwaukee police and county sheriff's department are investigating how this horrific tragedy happened. The boyfriend was a security guard. He left his firearm inside the vehicle.

This comes a few weeks after a woman named Jamie Gilt nearly lost her life to her son finding her firearm under her truck seat. Gilt was a conservative agitator who supported gun rights and rallied against President Barack Obama's executive orders on gun violence.

This also is a week since the tragic shootings in Ohio. The Ohio incident involving eight members of a family may have bigger implications than expected. The Rhodan family was digital dashing with the weed. Ohio lawmen say that the grow operation may have ties to cartels.

World News Today send our condolences to Patrice Price and those lost to senseless gun violence.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Former House Perv Heads To Federal Time Out!

The longest serving House Speaker is the biggest pervert to ever exist.

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is heading to federal time out. He admits that he had numerous affairs with boys when he was then a coach a local high school. The former lawmaker from Illinois was the longest serving Speaker in history.

His legacy of hypocrisy came full circle today. The 75-year old was wheeled into federal court in Chicago to face the music.

The former Congressman will now head to federal time out for hiding money.

He hid money for one of his victims who ended up as one of  his mistresses.

Now his reputation is forever tarnished as a child molester and pervert.

The judge put his ass in the federal time out for 15 months. Unfortunate it wasn't LIFE in the federal time out.

The former speaker says he's deeply sorry for this shit. Yeah, right!

This statute of limitations prevented him from being charged with sexual abuse.

Hastert must now register as a sex offender for the rest of his life once he exits the federal time out.

He will now payback those he's abused.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016


Victories for insurgents. Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz set back Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The rats won the cheese. The Wisconsin primary results are in and the Associated Press and CNN calls the primary for Texas senator Ted Cruz. This now places the odds of a contested convention in high gear. The odds of a Republican infighting is 90% and it's likely that Cruz and Trump will now go even further down the rabbit hole to being defeated by the Democratic nominee.

The Associated Press also calls the race for Bernie Sanders. The independent senator who running as a Democrat beat Hillary Clinton in a nail-biter. Sanders will likely fight this all the way to the Democratic convention. Hillary Clinton is leading in delegates but Sanders and his insurgency campaign has caused great setback against her.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Cheddar Jack Cruz!

Wisconsin is leaning to Ted Cruz and it could be a blowout for the controversial Texas senator.

Conservatives in the state have mounted war against Donald Trump and Ohio governor John Kasich.

Trump had some major derailment these last two weeks.

Failed presidential candidate and current Wisconsin governor Scott Walker endorsed Cruz in a last ditch effort to stop Trump from winning the nomination. Perennial loser Mitt Romney endorsed Cruz for president in his last hurrah for relevance. Both have openly said that they may sit it out if Trump is the nominee.

So far it's working.

Cruz is leading in the state by 10 points. The Cruz campaign gained momentum in the wake of allegations of an affair with five women. Trump's attack on Heidi Cruz was a bad move.

Not to mention the incident in Florida where Trump's right hand thug Corey Lewandowski shoving conservative agitator Michelle Fields.

Even Trump's strongest backer, former Alaskan half-termer Sarah Palin flopped at a Wisconsin Republican dinner.

Many conservatives agitators in Wisconsin have tried to sabotage Trump.

The media mogul went on a radio program and got his ass handed to him by a radio agitator who was in favor of Ted Cruz. Then when he went to MSNBC to engage conversation with Hardball's Chris Matthews, he said that women should be punished for having abortions. That lit a shit storm with Republicans who whisper the message. They hated the fact he used the bullhorn. Trump's foreign policy flopped as well. Now he's doing damage control and warning that if he fails at winning the nomination, he will engage in an insurgent candidacy.

Trump, Cruz and Kasich vowed to not support the Republican nominee if its not them.

They complain that Republicans threaten to nominate a candidate who hasn't ran. House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Wisconsin lawmaker and former vice presidential nominee is considering taking control of the situation by becoming the nominee.

Also Cruz gained a victory today. North Dakota's delegates went to him in a landslide. The state's Republican convention nominated Cruz as their candidate of choice.

Wisconsin's primary is two days away. Cruz and Bernie Sanders are leading in the state polls.

Sanders is leading by a narrow lead of 4 points against Hillary Clinton.

Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont who is running as a Democrat for the nomination is catching up with Clinton. He's scored a huge bank of donations. He raked in $35 million in the month of March. Sanders promises to stay in the race until the convention.

Even though he's trailing in the delegates, he's showing signs of life in states like California and New York. Clinton currently leads in these states but Sanders running a stronger offense is likely to make the states a challenge for the former first lady and secretary of state.

Friday, April 01, 2016

GOP In The Black!

Republican National Committee chief Reince Priebus still trying to color the White rainbow.

Republicans are hoping to create that coalition of non-White supporters. They've suffered a huge deficit of non-White voters in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. They hope they can capitalize off the dysfunction the Democrats are having right now.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Hillary Clinton are duking it out for the Black, Hispanic, young and women voters. These groups are the Democrats hope to see turnout this election.

Right now, Black and Hispanic voters are turned off to Sanders and Clinton. It's been rough for both candidates to capitalize off the Obama waves. President Barack Obama managed to carry huge turnout in 2008 and 2012. His success was based on grassroots to communities that candidates overlook.

Telly Lovelace.
Republicans are still hoping that they can at least gain at least 25% of the Black vote.

Kristal Quarker-Hartsfield, the former national director of African-American Initiatives and Media at the RNC, left Friday to be director of intergovernmental affairs for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R). Orlando Watson, communications director for black media, departed in March. Tara Wall and Raffi Williams, son of Fox News political analyst Juan Williams, also left the RNC late last year.

Now GOP chief Reince Priebus announced that he's found him a new toy to play with.

Telly Lovelace, a veteran GOP communications strategist, is the new leader of the party’s black political engagement and communications efforts, the Republican National Committee announced on Friday.

Lovelace, who starts Monday as the national director of African-American Initiatives and Media, will spearhead black voter engagement.

“Telly is a welcome addition to our team, and I’m confident his experience will help us build on our commitment to cultivate relationships and trust with Black media and Black communities,” said Priebus in a statement.

The RNC is also launching a new diversity initiative — including a paid internship program focusing on historically black colleges and universities — to bring more black people into the party.

“I really want to focus on getting the Republican message into urban America and urban communities,” said Lovelace, who is overseeing the program.

Lovelace’s appointment comes in the middle of a mass exodus of black staffers from the organization.

I've always believed that the Republican Party is White like cocaine.


They've engaged in this ongoing culture war against everyone including themselves. The Republicans don't know who to trust right now!

All they got left is pretty much the blame going to Barack Obama and the media for their continuous failures.

I got so many suggestions for the Republican Party, but I just couldn't contain myself from delivering my honest opinion about the rebranding of the national party. Here are some healthy and yet obvious suggestion to the ailing party.

The Republicans must stop this culture war against everyone! If they do so, I'll stop calling them racist.

I'll stop calling them bigots if they refuse to allow anyone within their party to hate a person's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, educational, political and economic standings.

I'll stop blaming them for all the mass shootings in a suburban school or shopping center if they could at least pass a background check for all registered gun owners.

I'll stop blaming them if they can separate themselves from all the White supremacist rhetoric we've seen through channels such as The Drudge Report, InfoWars, Breitbart, WorldNetDaily and Conservative Review.

I'll vote for a Republican for president if the person can deliver a plan to help everyone. Not a select few. I would hope they would engage in communicating to all voters instead of just conservative voters.

I'll vote for a Republican if they stop acting like a bunch of idiots!

Here's a poll for you!

GOP's Diversity Tour: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Good idea. Republicans need to reach out to Black voters who feel that President Barack Obama's policies aren't helping them. If the party's willing to go out their way to win Black voters, more power to them.
Bad idea. Republicans can't fix a problem that's exists for years. Black voters can't support candidates who ignore issues. It's hard enough for Republicans to win Black voters because of the party's condescending rhetoric.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Oh, God! Not Another Debate!

Another debate.

I am going to make this a short posting. I was at work. Unfortunately, I missed the PBS Democratic Debate on television. But I did get an opportunity to hear Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton duke it out in Wisconsin. 
PBS Newshour hosts Judy Wooduff and Gwen Ifill gave the Democrats a working. 

See the candidates are competing in the South Carolina primary and they're hoping to court the precious Black and Hispanic vote. 

Both candidates have struggled to win over Black voters. 

The New Hampshire primary was a blowout for Sanders. He beat Clinton in 3:1 win.

Now Clinton is hoping to bank on South Carolina primary and the Nevada Caucus. She is leading for the time being in those states.

Both were cordial but they did hit each other over a manufactured talking point they've pulled out their asses. They both agreed that they love President Barack Obama's policies but Clinton did slam Sanders on his Obama love. Sanders is endorse by a handful of liberal agitators. Sanders did plug for the liberal agitator Bill Press's book Buyer's Remorse: How Obama Let Progressives Down.

The national security issue also came up. They both have no real strategy to defeating the Islamic State. They flex their tongues like the Republicans. 

The economic policies came up and of course both candidates believe that Obama's policies are working.  But they both agreed that the policies aren't doing enough and they're hoping to make them better. 

It's up to you to decide on who won the debate. 

Who won this debate?

Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
You Don't Care! You're Voting Republican!
Poll Maker

I mean I don't care who won. All that matters is who's going to eventually be the nominee?

Thursday, November 05, 2015


Christie doing the "Dad" dance.

New Jersey governor Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee got sent to the kiddie table. That right wing business network along with Wall Street Journal announced the participants of the fourth Republican debate.

On the stage of course, the new front runner, Ben Carson. Then bombastic Donald Trump comes in next. Then the rest, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich and Rand Paul.

I guess all that Clinton and Obama name drops and telling like it got Christie heading to the kiddie table along with Huckabee. The Kim Davis fiasco may have helped insurgent Matt Bevin take the clown car to Frankfort, but in Milwuakee. Huckabee will be breaking bread with even lower tiers Bobby Jindal and Rick Santorum.

Lindsey Graham, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore were sent to the dumpster. They were barred from the debate.
Off to the kiddie table.
The controversial sheriff David Clarke and failed presidential candidate Wisconsin governor Scott Walker will be there to watch the clowns throw pies and poo after each other.

After the disastrous CNBC debate, Republicans are monitoring the words of the moderators. The candidates demand that all debates are "fair to them".

The previous debate gave conservative agitators a "talking point". The junk food media hates Republicans and conservatives. They have proof.

That so-called liberal media has given more airtime to Republicans than those wascally Democrats.

I mean Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders gets attention from the junk food media. Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio get 3 times more coverage.

Martin O'Malley barely gets any attention.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Paul Ryan: I Hope I Don't End Up Like Dennis Hastert And John Boehner!

No easy decision for Wisconsin's Paul Ryan.

The failed vice presidential nominee is likely to become the next Weeper of the House. The controversial decision to place Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) in the position has many in the junk food media wondering if the party is capable of governing.

In the beginning, Ryan refused the position. He knew that the insurgents would attack him if he decides potential bipartisanship with Democrats and the president. He said that he wanted most of his party to support him.

He said that he doesn't want to travel constantly like Boehner. He still has children that are young and they always come first. Ryan doesn't want the spotlight on him. He believes that if he can't cut it as the Weeper of the House, his ambitions (i.e, governor or presidential aspects) could be ruined.

He actually loves his job being the head of the Ways and Means committee.

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) give the middle finger to his fellow Republicans this month when he announced an abrupt resignation. That sparked a civil war within the party.

In the beginning Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) wanted the position. But when he went on that annoying conservative agitator's program to declare that Hillary Clinton's decline was due to Republicans pressuring her on Benghazi, he was slammed for putting their business out there.

Ryan who was hammered for his Project to Prosperity bill is now hoping for Republicans to guide him through another stand down with  President Barack Obama and the next president.

Ryan was picked by perennial loser Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential elections.

The insurgent wing concludes that Ryan is "establishment". Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) isn't keen on Ryan. He and many of the insurgent "Freedom Caucus" wants Ryan to give them more input in bills and floor time. Ryan refuses to concede to Republican insurgent demands.

Conservatives also slam Ryan as being a "squish". The AM agitators like Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and Michael Savage calling the party to resend the thought of Ryan being the House Weeper.

Before Boehner leaves Washington, he wants to thumb one more in the eye of the insurgents. He and Majority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will rally members to pass a bipartisan budget and raise the debt ceiling for two years.

The budget deal and debt ceiling are going to likely be passed despite the obstruction from the insurgent wing of the Republican Party.

Ryan doesn't like the budget, but he will vote for it. Ryan also support rival Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) when he issues an impeachment hearing for the IRS head. Expect this controversy to go nowhere.

Meanwhile, ex-House Weeper Dennis Hastert plead guilty to lying to the FBI, wire fraud and extortion. He was caught up in a "hush money" scandal. He was secretly paying off his mistress. The mistress is a male prostitute he once mentored as a wrestling coach.

By taking the plea deal, he may end up getting up to six months to five years in federal time out for every charge.

Ryan hopes that his term as House Weeper doesn't become another disaster.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What Really Happened At Walker's Place?

Scott Walker ending his quest for the White House. Hopefully he will fade into the limelight.

As soon as he called it quits, many in the junk food media started to question his motives.

His departure was a shock to many of his supporters.

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker's rise to the top quickly came tumbling down when Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina stole his lead. The last poll released showed that Walker dropped from 15% to 0.3% in his seven month quest.

Some are saying that the well-discipline Scott Walker was hiding something. Maybe his Republican and Democratic opponents may have found something damaging to his campaign.

Anyway, Walker plea to the Republicans to end the nonsense and support a truly conservative candidate was ignored. As of right now, the front runner Trump is still ahead with Fiorina tailing close behind. Ben Carson took a drop after tepid debate performance and the "I don't want a Muslim president" comment.

What could it be?

Many finger his campaign manager. Some insiders want the cannon to fire on the campaign manager.

It may have involved something that Gawker and Buzzfeed was eager to release but had no full confirmation.

We may never know. But like John Edwards, I hope it's not a secret love child.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Scott Walker Couldn't Cut The Cheese!

It looks like he couldn't cut the cheese. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker announced that he will end his bid for the White House. The clown car is down to 15 candidates.

The controversial governor survived three elections. Yet, he couldn't survive an insurgent Donald Trump. The last debate performance was a disaster.

Walker was the pick of David and Charles Koch, the billionaires of Koch Industries. He was the candidate that I had the halo around. I thought this guy had the potential to be the president.

Walker saw the slide in Iowa and South Carolina. He was supposed to regain that lead. It turned out to be harder than expected.

Walker was one of the most high profile candidates to run for the bid.

Walker gained support from conservatives after he took a fight to the public sector unions.

Walker had a war chest but not enough support.

Walker never lived up to expectations on the campaign trail or the debate stage. Walker is expected to announce he is dropping out of the race Monday evening in a press conference in Madison, Wis, three Republicans confirmed.

Walker, whose super PAC raised millions, had difficulty raising hard dollar donations and couldn’t afford to maintain his large campaign staff, one of the Republicans said.
I thought they liked me! 
In a CNN/ORC national poll of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents Sunday, Walker garnered less than 0.5% support, from well into the double digits earlier this year. In recent months, Walker has struggled to gain attention in a media environment dominated by Donald Trump and Ben Carson, and has found his pitch as a battle-tested reformer to be overshadowed by the desire for political outsiders.

Time reports that Walker’s swift exit from the race draws easy comparison to the 2011 withdrawal of former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (formerly known as T-Paw), who quit the race after losing the Iowa Straw Poll and garnering just 2% in national polling in August of that year. He too struggled with hard-dollar fundraising in a crowded field. Pawlenty later said he regretted the early exit.

Walker’s withdrawal brings the record Republican field down to 14 major candidates, after former Texas Gov. Rick Perry dropped out of the race on Sept. 11.

Walker’s money trouble further highlights the limits of super PAC fundraising, which can accept unlimited dollars but cannot use them for the core functions of a campaign, such as travel costs, office rent and payroll.

Republican operatives have been warning for months that Walker’s operation had grown too large without a corresponding emphasis on fundraising. Instead, Walker’s circle pointed to the robust super PAC as a stopgap to their own lagging financials. That group, Unintimidated PAC, had already reserved more than $9 million in television ads for the early presidential primary and caucus states.
If the Democrat wins the White House, Walker might try it again. I hope not!
His exit offers an opportunity for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to consolidate his support among voters looking for a experienced executive. It also opens a potential avenue for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to become darlings of those same voters, who are wary of a third Bush in the White House.

In recent weeks, Walker has resorted to ever more dramatic efforts to claim headlines and drive grassroots enthusiasm. Just two weeks ago, Walker rebranded his campaign around promising to “wreak havoc” on Washington. And on Sept. 14, launched a new assault against national public sector unions in hopes of recapturing conservatives’ imagination.

Walker, 47, rose to national prominence in 2011 when he declared war on many of his state’s employee unions, sparking months of protests and failed recall effort in 2012. Walker became the first governor in American history to survive such a challenge. He won three elections in four years, while signing into law a host of measures that endeared him to conservative voters, including Right to Work legislation and new restrictions on abortion rights.

Watching from afar, donors and activists cheered Walker and pledged financial and political support. ​*He was at one point a darling of the political network assembled by billionaire conservative donors Charles and David Koch.*​ That aid was slow to come.

So if you're looking forward to at least a Walker presence, look for his endorsement of a candidate.

But if he is to keep his political fortunes in tact, he might want to run against Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) when 2018 comes forth.

Walker's name can finally be retire from World News Today.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Thud!

Trump high five pic
How about some skin...

The circus was a disaster. Once again we see Republicans struggle to explain their policies. The only thing I've seen overall is the negative criticism of President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Trump is the front runner. He along with Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina have been the insurgents who managed to steal the show.

In the debate, most agree that Fiorina won this debate. Trump survived. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are struggling to climb out the decline.

Chris Christie Ted Cruz, and Mike Huckabee had the best applause lines. 

Carson may have bombed at the debate.

The primary debate had the four juniors. Jim Gilmore wasn't invited to the event. Lindsey Graham and Bobby Jindal were the winners of the junior league debate. George Pataki did pretty well in the junior league.

Rick Santorum will continue to be the officially last place candidate. 

CNN may see big ratings for this three hour train wreck.
Overall, I didn't like the debate. It was just like its rival, another stupid attempt to generate controversy among candidates who have no necessary reason to be running. 

I am almost certain that Trump coverage will start dying down. Carly Fiorina may have risen in stock after this debate. Bush, Paul, Pataki, Christie, Jindal, Walker, and Kasich better step their game up or bow out.

The word vomit spewed by the Republican candidates. The candidate gave the most time to their idol Ronald Reagan. They aimed their vomit at the current president, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


Minimum Wage - mentioned by candidates. Walker and Carson were asked about it. 
Gun Crime - mentioned by candidates. No mention of everyday occurrence of gun crime.
Vehicle Safety - no mention of this.
Black Lives Matter - no mention of this.
Police Reform - no mention of this.
Sick Pay And Family Leave - no mention of this.
Wealth Gap - mentioned briefly.
LGBT Rights - mentioned briefly.
Women's Rights - mentioned briefly.
Supreme Court - mentioned by candidates. Cruz, Bush and Christie had talked about it.
Bernie Sanders - mentioned by Huckabee in a snide comment.
Financial Aid Reform - no mention of this.
Free Community College - no mention of this.
Labor Rights - mentioned by candidates. 
Coal Mining Safety - no mention of this.
Energy Renewal (i.e. Solar Power, Man-Made and Wind) - Some mention of this.
Climate Change - mentioned by candidates.
Immigration Reform - mentioned by candidates. Lindsey Graham stood out on immigration.
U.S.-Canadian Border - no mention of this.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

CNN Deliberately Trying To Make Republicans Fight!

CNN is a total mess. Just like its rival, the cable agitators see $$$$$$$ in the insurgents.

CNN is in Simi Valley at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for the second Republican debate.

The 11 candidates and 4 minor leaguers had an opportunity to duke it out. And in the first five minutes of both debates Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama came up in topic.

Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul already gotten into it.

CNN deliberately trying to get Republicans to fight Trump.

I'm not a fan of Trump. But what CNN and the establishment is trying to create is these immature fights for ratings. Not much was talked about on stage other than "I think I'm so much better than Obama.... Clinton.... Bush and I can be like Reagan".

I'm pretty damn sure that me and many others see this CNN debate as a fucking joke.

Republicans are supposed to be talking about real issues. Not petty name calling.

I know they hate President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Democrats.

The Republicans are falling into the trap. They're too predictable. With them being predictable it becomes a weakness.

I don't want to watch bitching. I want to hear serious issues.

John Kasich may have save this train wreck by pointing out the deliberate tactics conducted by CNN to get them to fight one another. Kasich was rational but a tad bit boring and uninspiring.

This post will be updated throughout the debate. I will go ahead and give insight to this train wreck.

It was a clusterfuck of time. Three hours of partisan bitching. All of them mentioned Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Ronald Reagan by name.
Fiorina won the debate.
Trump got the most talk time and was the most mentioned by name after Obama and Clinton. I am certain that the night wasn't his best. Trump's lead may cap. I'm certain that he will see a drop in the polls. This debate was focused on the rise of Fiorina. We'll see in the coming weeks if the debate damaged Trump's lead.

Walker got little time and not enough time to debate his issues. Walker seemed unprepared for this debate. He faced off with Trump. Trump knocked Walker for causing the state of Wisconsin to be in debt. Walker wanted to deflect the hard truth about his budget. He managed to use the same old strategy of attacking Hillary Clinton and Trump for using Democratic "talking points".

Bush got some time and is still struggling to recapture his lead. Bush defended the brother's "keep us safe" narrative. Okay, Bush, what about September 11, 2001 and August 29, 2005. Them events didn't keep us safe. Bush stumbled on the talking point about Trump taking property for his casinos. Trump knocked Bush, Christie and Fiorina for being failed leaders in business and government. No mention of Terri Schivo or Bush's role in the "stand your ground" law.

Christie got some talk time. He interrupted the most in this debate. Got the best applause lines. Of course, Christie blasted Obama for failed leadership. No mention of the president's handling during Hurricane Sandy in which Christie said that government did right. Christie wanted to make the focus on the people "suffering" under Obama's economic policies. He also wanted to take the spotlight off the candidates accomplishments. He told the viewers that their accomplishment don't mean shit. He wants to be the candidate that watches Americans achieve accomplishments and not failure.

Fiorina is the likely winner but will that matter in the polls? If the polls matter Carson and Trump could cap their leads. Trump's controversial "her face" managed to get into the debate. The candidate got an opportunity to respond to his comments. She didn't go hard on him, but she did address the fact that women are struggling for greatness and her role in this race is to make everyone succeed. Trump didn't apologize or make any snide comments at her. All he done was basically praise her for her beauty and the opportunity to be on stage with him.

Paul got little talk time. Got nailed by Trump on falling polls. Trump also knocked the candidates for all being in the pocket of special interest. Paul did mention the failed leadership in Iraq. Although he is in support of military action against the Islamic State, Paul failed to explain how his policies would be able to cap the drama over in Syria. All the candidates fault Obama for withdrawing from Iraq. Depsite the Iraqis wanting the U.S. out of their country, the candidates claim that even though Iraq was a mistake. They believe Obama's early withdraw cause the "vacuum" of "radical Islam" to retake Iraq.

Huckabee got little talk time. He said that Kentucky's state ban on marriage should have stand. He said that Kim Davis should have not been put in the county lockup. Huckabee was stern on the religious freedom. He believes that there's a double standard. Convicted mass murder Nidal Hassan was allowed to have a beard when he faced his military tribunal. He lumped a military officer to an elected politician in his argument. The Republicans couldn't agree on religious freedom. Kasich and Bush both argued with Huckabee. Davis was wrong they said. Cruz had an opportunity to defend her as well.

Rubio got the least talk time. He didn't get much time to explain his foreign policy when it comes to Iran, Cuba and Mexico. These issues were a must for Rubio. Since he's got nothing to lose, he is often floated as a potential vice presidential candidate. He's still a novice on domestic policies.

Carson got some talk time. Spared foreign policy question.

Cruz got little talk time but had the most aggressive response to policies. Cruz knocked Supreme Court chief John Roberts. He believed that Chief Justice Roberts was "immorally" wrong on Obamacare. He also said that Bush and his father Bush, Sr. were caving to political pressure in nominating moderate or liberal justices.

Kasich got little talk time and was combative with CNN agitators.

Okay the debate was covered by the news agitators and they all agree that Carly Fiorina won the debate. I agree as well. The candidates didn't have ample time to debate real serious issues.

Also the debate on a woman being on a $10 bill. Kasich and Bush picked foreign. Bush picked Margret Thatcher. Kasich picked Mother Teresa. Fiorina said no woman should be on a bill. Carson and Huckabee picked family over politicians. Trump, Cruz and Rubio said Rosa Parks. Cruz wanted to put Parks on $20 because he denounced the Andrew Jackson legacy. Walker pulls Red Cross founder Clara Barton. Christie picked Abigail Adams.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Simi Simi Ya!

Another debate where Obama and Clinton's names are mentioned more than policies.

The circus is heading to Simi Valley, California. CNN will do round two of the Republican debate. There will be 11 candidates on stage debating the front runner Donald Trump.

The Ronald Reagan Library will host the event. Once again Republicans will deflect issues. They will be counted on the times they've mentioned in policies or saying the same themes. We will determine who gets the most airtime and the least airtime.

We will have an expected back and forth between candidates and Trump. CNN bowed to pressure. They allowed Fiorina on stage after she succeeded in that rival network's minor league debate.

Jeb Bush is losing footing. He will have to regain the momentum. People are already writing Bush off as a viable candidate. He's well funded and principled. But like Hillary Clinton, Bush has to defend the actions of his dad and brother, presidents respectively. Clinton has to defend her husband and former boss's actions. They were presidents, respectively.

Ted Cruz's failed attempts to stop the Iran deal hasn't slowed his standings. He is tied with Carly Fiorina in the national polls. His presence in this race has been many a headache to establishment Republicans. Cruz stands firm in shutting down the government if President Barack Obama supports Planned Parenthood.

Ben Carson hopes to pass Trump in the next poll. Carson's quiet approach may benefit him. Carson best get his foreign relations skills together, he gonna get some questions about foreign policies. He's in second place. Trump leads with 35% of supporters. Carson has 14%, Bush has 8%, Cruz and Fiorina have 7%.

Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie and John Kasich will join the rest of the candidates on stage. They made the cut.

Bobby Jindal, Lindsey Graham, Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum and George Pataki missed the cut. They will have an opportunity to talk to CNN pressers. Rick Perry bowed out after he failed to make the cut and ran out of cash.

What I expect on Wednesday night's debate will be the usual word vomit


What I could hear (but I highly doubt it).

Minimum Wage
Gun Crime
Vehicle Safety
Black Lives Matter
Police Reform
Sick Pay And Family Leave
Wealth Gap
LGBT Rights
Women's Rights
Supreme Court
Bernie Sanders
Financial Aid Reform
Free Community College
Labor Rights
Coal Mining Safety
Energy Renewal (i.e. Solar Power, Man-Made and Wind)
Climate Change
Immigration Reform
U.S.-Canadian Border

Currently, the rival network hosted the first debate. It pulled in 24 million viewers. As Trump puts it, if he wasn't running, that network would only obtain 5 million viewers. It was a train wreck.

This debate is a make or break for the candidates.
Ronald Reagan is a Republican god.
Rand Paul is trailing in national polls. He is at a measly 2%. His attacks on Trump failed. Trump aimed at Paul for running as a presidential candidate and senator. The state of Kentucky is not thrilled about Paul.

Scott Walker was the leader in Iowa until Trump got into the game. Trump stomped out every lead Walker had in the state. Now Walker stuck at 3% is hoping to make a comeback. He's struggling in fundraising and support.

Chris Christie is still on stage. Despite many Republicans souring on him as the governor of a failed state, Christie often brash tone could make interest. The governor wants a round with Trump. But could this bout with Trump and nemesis Paul doom his chances? Christie is at 4%.

Kasich is the Jon Huntsman of the debate. Huckabee is hoping people remember he still exist. He had an opportunity to give martyr status to Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis. He will likely mention that as well as Paul's failure to support her.

Are you willing to watch the debate?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Oopsy Daisy!

The glasses didn't help much.

It seems like the Republican clown car had left one behind at the truck stop. It seems that the second time was really a bad decision. The biggest bad decision that former Texas governor Rick "Oops" Perry made when he decided to go for it again.

I guess the spotlight wasn't really on it. I mean he didn't make the cut yet again. CNN will host the second Republican debate and it seems like Perry wasn't ever going to take on Donald Trump.

I mean he's broke literally.

He couldn't keep any of his Iowa and South Carolina staffers paid.
At the Eagle Forum, Perry declared his ill fated journey to the White House adieu.

"We have a tremendous field – the best in a generation – so I step aside knowing our party is in good hands, and as long as we listen to the grassroots, the cause of conservatism will be too," Perry said.

"I give you this news with no regrets," Perry added. "It has been a privilege and an honor to travel this country, to speak with the American people about their hopes and dreams, to see a sense of optimism prevalent despite a season of cynical politics."
It wasn't my time.
Now that Oops is the first one to bow out, who will be next? Matter of fact, who's gonna take those supporters?

Another lower tier Bobby Jindal may find some interest in it. He was first to congratulate Perry on a failed run.

Matter of fact, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush may need some of them Perry supporters.

The Donald even wished him well. Despite the two having some bad blood.

I wonder what Perry would do next?

I am guessing he'll end up on that network with that annoying conservative agitator and Megyn.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Conservative Outrage Over RNC Loyalty Oath!

Still leading.

How much of that donor's money been used for this "loyalty oath"?

Reince Priebus is getting tired of Donald Trump and insurgent candidates. He believes that Trump's influence on the Republican Party could damage its brand.

So in order to quarrel any attempts to go third party, Priebus is aiming to get the 17 candidates to sign a pledge to not "run third party". This is meant to stop Trump from running a third party.

The pledge reads:

I, _______, affirm that if I do not win the 2016 Republican nomination for President of the United States I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee, regardless of who it is.
I further pledge that I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate nor will I seek to accept the nomination for president of any other party.

I mean who's to stop him?

Regardless of whether he signs it or not, I don't believe any Republican should sign it. I think they will cave to the party politics. Matter of fact, most candidates consider themselves as "outsiders" and the such.

So why do you want to kiss and make nice with the very insiders who look at your campaign as a joke?

I mean they really want Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul out of the race.
Republican chief trying to squash Trump and Cruz before they become the nominee.
The party leaders hate them as candidates. They believe these clowns could make the party too extreme for independent voters.

The conservatives are outraged over this. They believe that this is an attempt to line up an establishment candidate.

Republicans are having a hot mess on them. The insurgent candidates are leading in the national polls. Trump, Carson, Fiorina and Cruz have lack of experience.

Trump is still the front runner despite his feuds. Everyone was writing him off during his ongoing feuds with NBC, Macy's, Mexico, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Megyn Kelly, Jorge Ramos, Anthony Weiner and Rosie O'Donnell.

Many speculate that the Trump backlash has not affected his poll numbers. For you see, he's still in the lead and it's stomping the Republican insiders.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Pass The Popcorn, It's More Uglier Over At The Network!

Many consider this network the communication arm of the Republican Party. 

I kind of wished President Barack Obama ran a third term. He would beat every contender running.

He seems to ignore the noise. And believe me, many of us should. But it's a shame we can't! The noise is still making $$$$$$$$$$. The junk food media is basically the best PR for a bunch of idiots who talk a lot of shit.

It's also the best PR for The Donald, Uncle Ben and iCarly.

Donald Trump, Benjamin Carson and Carly Fiorina have no political experience but they're leading in the national polls. The only candidate that has little political experience is Stallmigo Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is in fourth place right now. The establishment candidates running Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, John Kasich, and Chris Christie are barely in the top ten. They were supposed to be the best to run against Hillary Clinton. Well with no media coverage, they're suffering.
Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson are top-tier candidates.
Matter of fact, everyone expect the herd will be thinning soon.

There are 17 clowns running for the Republican nomination. There are 5 clowns running for the Democratic nomination.

The Democrats are souring on Hillary Clinton. They fear that the mudslinging has taken its toll. She is taking hits from the right and the left. The left thinks she's too established. The right thinks she too liberal. The national polls suggest she's untrustworthy and dishonest.


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is in second place and is slowly catching up with Clinton. If Vice President Joe Biden joins the race, it will make the Democrats less inspired.

The Democrats really have a weak field of candidates. The junk food media barely covers Martin O'Malley, Lincoln Chafee and Jim Webb. The news is solely focused on Clinton, Sanders and possibly Biden.

Again, no one should drop out until the delegates are counted and distributed.
Donald Trump is leading in most national polls. Scott Walker is struggling.
Polls don't matter. Votes do.

If the Republican and Democratic primary voters select their candidate then that's who wins the party's nomination. The junk food media is invested in this clown car. It's an unprecedented amount of Republican contenders in this race. The Democratic candidates are relatively weak. The Republicans are so invested in repealing Obamacare, Hillary's server, stopping Iran's nuclear deal and sending immigrants back.

To be clear, Republicans have the most to gain in this election. They are riding on this nationalist rhetoric and it maybe their last rite as the White majority political party. Democrats have the most to lose. They have lack of diversity in their candidates and the groups that support Democrats the most are not inspired by Hillary Clinton and are barely jumping into Bernie Sanders corner.

If the Republicans are hoping that Trump self destructs, then they better hope it happens when it gets colder in the year. Trump is considered a bombastic agitator and blowhard. But his rhetoric along with Ted Cruz makes them favorites among the insurgency. Same goes for Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson. They have no experience. It doesn't matter to the base. They love to hear the word vomit coming from their mouths.

Democrats better mount a defense. Start playing the role of Republican basher. The Democrats are extremely spineless because they don't want to lose the voters who may crossover (i.e. independents).

Anyway, do you view that network as the public relations arm of the Republican Party?


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