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When injustices in America end, I will go home...! |
He gained fame by being an active protester in Ferguson. He's appeared in many high profile events in which law enforcement has used deadly force on unarmed suspects. He has appeared in areas where the not-so-subtle racism exist.
And now, DeRay McKesson has went to Charleston, South Carolina to protest the injustices.
Conservatives are pissed. So they went to the social media to create the #GoHomeDeray hashtag.
This hashtag became one of the most talked about on Twitter. Many conservatives have taken to Twitter to denounce McKesson, Rev. Perm and President Barack Obama. They believe that they "rush to judgement" when it came to the mass shooting at Mother Emmanuel AME Church.
The racist right believes that Dylann Roof's racial hatred towards Blacks wasn't a factor. But it's his mental illness, his drug use and his social ills. They believe that racism wasn't a factor to it. They believe its an attack on Christian beliefs.
Nine lives were lost when a White terrorist shot up a church. His social media unearth a trove of hatred. He shows pride in the Confederate flag and talked about the issues. He believes that Blacks are raping White women, causing havoc and taking over government. Rhetoric you may hear from agitators on talk radio, cable news and the blogs.
McKesson comes to Charleston to show solidarity with the victims. But to the racist right, he's there to start trouble. According to the social media trolls, the people of Charleston doesn't want him or Obama there.
Cue the irony. This is discussed by liberals and conservatives alike. Notice that McKesson did acknowledge this. He brushed off the criticism and told the junk food media that it's a part of a systematic strategy to shut down dissent.
DeRay took to Twitter and responded back to his critics.
I woke to see the trolls made #GoHomeDeray trend.
Home is where my people are, or where they've built. I am home. pic.twitter.com/hFBciAwKn6
— deray mckesson (@deray) June 21, 2015
DeRay Mckesson on #GoHomeDeRay hashtag: It’s proof “racism is alive and well” in America http://t.co/juRMb6GaxU pic.twitter.com/ezIVeor4gM
— zellie (@zellieimani) June 22, 2015
Charleston, SC adopts #GoHomeDeRay hashtag; 'We are handling it with grace and love, not hatred' http://t.co/9JsFqdjvVo
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) June 21, 2015
Social Media Hate Mongers Create #GoHomeDeRay Directed Towards Activist ... - The Root (blog) http://t.co/yhQNDCH6e8
— Debbas (@Debbas) June 22, 2015
#GoHomeDeray = White Supremacists not wanting a powerful, brilliant black voice to be part of the conversation on race, or any conversation.
— Keegan Stephan (@KeeganNYC) June 22, 2015
@ShaunKing #GoHomeDeray is racist? Why don't you define that term for us Einstein?
— Neal Boortz (@Talkmaster) June 21, 2015
The #GoHomeDeray hashtag, which has been a top trend nationwide for over 14 hours, is despicable & cowardly.
It also has deep racist roots.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) June 21, 2015
No rioting, no looting, no violence, just a peaceful black man speaking out & white ppl STILL react with hatred #p2 #GoHomeDeray
— PoliticalGroove (@PoliticalGroove) June 21, 2015
So #GoHomeDeray is white people telling a black man he's not welcome in their town because... there is no racism?
Racists, failing at irony.
— Everyone's Grudge (@paulengelhard) June 21, 2015
Well, look who is trolling the #GoHomeDeray hashtag...Westboro Baptist Church. White supremacists & Westboro. Nice. pic.twitter.com/i5JGmi9zwZ
— tc (@tchopStL) June 21, 2015
These ppl welcomed Deray in droves. This is unity. This is not hatred. The #GoHomeDeray folks were at home pic.twitter.com/CI8buHG5UH
— #JeSuisCharleston (@Brandale2221) June 21, 2015
These #GoHomeDeray folks are defending this guy, his flag & his belief in his white supremacy yep Birds of a feather pic.twitter.com/o7IJxJkZEM
— #JeSuisCharleston (@Brandale2221) June 21, 2015
Well...I though I saw it all..then I saw some more...#GoHomeDeray pic.twitter.com/hnTiOD9kAO
— HersheSquirt™Ⓜ️ (@HersheSquirt) June 21, 2015
I thought I had seen it all...then there's this #GoHomeDeray pic.twitter.com/0QvHteHyMW
— HersheSquirt™Ⓜ️ (@HersheSquirt) June 21, 2015
Everybody in the #GoHomeDeray hashtag. pic.twitter.com/NgR7vqpj9I
— Devin Faraci (@devincf) June 21, 2015
#GoHomeDeray Deray doesn't realize we Southerners , black and white, live and work among each other. That race baiting crap don't fly here.
— Franci (@LadySandersfarm) June 20, 2015
One racist POS is in jail for murdering 9 innocent people...another is in Charleston stiring up hate #GoHomeDeray pic.twitter.com/gmU9tdDP0e
— Hammy the Martian (@e2pilot) June 20, 2015
Ppl of Charleston don't need the self-aggrandizing agitation of Al Sharpton & @deray. They need healing & the peace of Christ. #GoHomeDeray
— Joe the Dissident (@joethepatriotic) June 20, 2015
#GoHomeDeray This beautiful lady preaches peace not hate pic.twitter.com/5vfFVTZxpD
— Franci (@LadySandersfarm) June 20, 2015
— Franci (@LadySandersfarm) June 20, 2015
@deray interesting take from a man making a living promoting confrontation and vengeance. #gohomederay
— Ted Wells Mustache (@Phil_Crackle) June 20, 2015
No one in Charleston wants @deray present. We are handling it with grace & love, not hatred. #GoHomeDeray https://t.co/VBFpcXn0fr
— Palmetto Princess ن (@CarolinaQueen__) June 20, 2015
Looks Like 'Confucius' Aka @Deray is Starting a #SocialConstructMatter Tag- Speaking in Parables Much? #GoHomeDeray pic.twitter.com/lzNo1fBoQF
— The Patriot (@ThePatriot143) June 20, 2015
#GoHomeDeray posters all claim Deray is a Soros paid agitator. This language was started by Hannity and Malkin.
— Ann T Bush (@AnnTBush) June 21, 2015
— Franci (@LadySandersfarm) June 21, 2015
#GoHomeDeray followers should be listening to @WayneDupreeShow and Kevin Jackson @Theblacksphere
Wake up, get real. Stop being pawns.
— Stacy (@springyardsale) June 21, 2015
‘You’re a Race Pimp!’ Hannity, Guest Clash with Activist DeRay McKesson ... https://t.co/lYunzutz6c Not a fan of FOX, but #DerayGoHome
— Ego Altered (@EgoAltered02) June 21, 2015
The world takes note of racist twitter hashtag #GoHomeDeray http://t.co/zSfzDBbFNf Solidarity with @deray, a warrior for justice & equality
— Beautiful World (@4beautifulworld) June 22, 2015
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