Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2019

How Strom Thurmond Created Trump 

That despicable bigot Strom Thurmond.

The current "president"-  Strom Thurmond and the old bigoted Republican Party  created this monster!

Today, I'm writing about the influence of how right-wing and racist politicians of the previous century contributed to the rise of the alt-right and the 45th "President".  That the mainstream media doesn't want to discuss this because of their role in creating the monster.

Whenever I hear about the media is being liberal, I cringe because it's not true.  The media is actually conservative in not truly challenging the status quo or denying parts of American history.  I'm not just talking about Fox news.  NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, the NYT, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, USA Today, etc.  Today's media is own by very few people and the news we get is often biased or watered down.

Let's get back to talking about that dead senator Strom Thurmond.
Strom's father was an avid supporter of Ben Tillman, a notorious white supremacist who advocated lynching and denying Blacks and People of Color education and employment opportunities other than laborers, sharecropping, and domestic service.

In 1924, Strom exploited and impregnated a Black household domestic who gave birth to his first child, Essie Mae Washington on October 10, 1925.  For decades her existence has been shrouded in secrecy, lies, and humiliation until his death in 2003.

Yep, he said this back in the fifties.

Strom has used race, religion, and gender to divide the people of South Carolina, the South, and, eventually, the nation.  His family was connected to notorious White supremacists such as Ben Tillman and Coleman Blease.   Coleman Blease racism was so blatant and open that some of his White supremacist supporters were turned off by such displays.  Read up on both Ben Tillman and Coleman Blease at Wikipedia.  Some of the stuff are shocking to some but to many people, especially Black people, none of this surprise us as we are going through another time of intolerance and bigotry in 2019.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Evil Walter Plecker

The following article is from the Washington Post regarding Walter Ashby Plecker and how he wanted a racially divided society in Virginia during his reign as the Bureau of Vital Statistics registrar.  It's just like the orange hair guy who still wants to build the wall and to ban Muslims from coming to our country. A few days ago, the Republicans passed a bill to limit legal immigration and to give visas to mainly skilled English-speaking immigrants.  The similarities are frightening and sinister.  Here's the article:

Death of 'a devil'

                            The look of Hate:  Walter Ashby Plecker.  Making America "great"
                            again through racial repression and genocide of many peoples.  

                            Trump would be proud of that despicable piece of s**t.  

According to the Washington Post:

"He built his career on the systematic oppression of blacks and Native Americans, becoming one of the country’s most influential white supremacists. For more than three decades, from 1912 until 1946, Walter Ashby Plecker used his position as head of Virginia’s Bureau of Vital Statistics to champion policies designed to protect what he considered a master white race.
He was the father of the state’s Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which designated every person in the state as either white or “colored” and criminalized interracial marriage. Plecker insisted that any person with a single drop of “Negro” blood couldn’t be classified as white, and he refused to even acknowledge that Native Americans existed in the commonwealth, effectively erasing their legal identities."

He also tried to destroy the Melungeon people as well because he consider them as threats similar to the rhetoric of many Republicans used toward Black and Brown folks as well as Muslims, atheists, and other non-Christian groups in recent times.  His racist legacy did not die in 1947, it was taken up by race-baiting politicians such as Strom Thurmond, Richard "Law and Order" Nixon, Jesse Helms, Steve Scalese, David Duke, Steve King, and of course, Donald.

Here's an excerpt from The Richmond Afro-American in 1947:

Read more at the Washington Post and be sure to link and tweet that article before it disappears.

Did you know that he's the originator of the notoriously racist one-drop rule?  Here it is according to Wikipedia:

"Plecker lobbied the US Census Bureau to drop the category "mulatto" in the 1930 and later censuses. This deprived mixed-race people of recognition of their identity and it also contributed to a binary culture of hypodescent, in which mixed-race persons were often classified as part of the group with lower social status.[5] Not until the 21st century did the federal census allow individuals to indicate more than one race or ethnic group in self-identification."

In other words, he's the father of racial profiling.  In fact, modern-day racial profiling originated with Plecker.  Whether we hear about police profiling, medical DNA, employment/education/housing discrimination, racial gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc., that deplorable racist was the originator.

He told the white mother regarding her newborn child.  What he told her was hateful and dehumanizing:
"This is to give you warning that this is a mulatto child and you cannot pass it off as white. A new law passed by the last legislature says that if a child has one drop of negro blood in it, it cannot be counted as white. You will have to do something about this matter and see that the child is not allowed to mix with white children, it cannot go to white schools and can never marry a white person in Virginia.
It is an awful thing."

So, this SOB called her child an "it" and "awful!  How evil and racist can he be!  Let's not forget that 45(Trump) is also an evil racist and an SOB. And shock jock Bob Dumas. And former NC Governor Pat McCrory.  The ghost of Plecker is alive and well and wants vengeance!  Be vigilant.  Stay woke!

Here's a past link to my 2016 post:

Also read my 2014 post:


I'll keep writing about this POS because of the events in Charlottesville and the refusal on the part of Trump condemning white supremacist violence.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Take Your Medicine!

Repeal Obamacare with.....still wondering what they're doing.

You must enroll in the healthcare marketplace by January 31. Visit for more information on how to sign up for affordable insurance.

Republicans spent nearly a decade trying to defeat healthcare reform. The Affordable Care Act or best known as Obamacare has been a thorn for Republicans. Now that they have control of the state governorships, the state legislatures, the Congress and the White House, Republicans are all but certain willing to repeal the healthcare law and find a "replacement" to it.

There's just one problem.

They don't have a replacement.

The Washington Post obtained recorded audio from the Republican retreat in Philadelphia. The Republicans are figuring out ways to repeal the massive law without taking away millions of Americans who signed up for it.

By law, you must enroll into a healthcare marketplace if you can't get insurance from an employer or face a tax penalty on your next filing. If you refuse to get enrolled for health insurance, you could face a hefty fine.

Some Republicans feared that for all the bluster and talk, they can't figure out how to replace a law that is actually working. The members scramble for ideas as the fuhrer is demanding a full repeal of the law.

Donald J. Trump's first week in office was marred by controversy. It has gotten major attention from world leaders fearing that his unpredictable and volatile behavior could cause tensions globally.

Republicans have long complained that the law was intentionally making healthcare expensive.

They cite private healthcare insurers opting out of the exchanges as an example.

The law signed by then President Barack Obama went into effect in 2010. The Republicans and their extremist allies have long sought to have the bill (ah law) repealed.

When the insurgency bubbled up, Democrats cautiously walked across the Capitol holding hands while a bunch of rancorous White folks belittled them and one even spat on Rep. Emanuel Clever (D-MO).

They took it to the Supreme Court in 2012 and 2015. They sought to strip out some of the healthcare by a court ruling. Under the John Roberts court, the Supreme Court ruled that the law is valid and it cited state laws requiring car insurance as a factor. Although some of the law lost a tad bit of luster, the law still mainstream and people are signing up for it.

House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) continue to lay out a plan to repeal the law but are uncertain if they have enough support from fellow Republicans who just want the law gone in its entirety.

When asked about the plan, most Republicans revert to the talking points and the same old shit that was underhanded pitched by the likes of agitators like Sean "Softball" Hannity.

"One of the flaws with Obamacare ---there were many -- was that Nancy Pelosi literally wrote the bill in a room with maybe two or three other people the night before the vote and nobody read the bill before they voted on it," said Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA).

Mind you Scalise is a moron and devout White extremist.

The law in its entirety is massive and it was carved into nearly 2,000 pages identifying all the elements to the law. Scalise choose not to read it. He and many Cracker Belt Republicans have no intentions on strengthening the law or finding suitable replacements.

All they believe is the law is killing Whites and their mission is to stop it. Because good and health Black, Hispanic, Native and Asian Americans means White minority.

Yeah, I said it.

I believe that Republicans are determined to preserve the little power they have on White America.

Trump's victory is a setback to progress.

Think about how many votes we could have if people went out to vote. It takes a village to make a city and believe me the young voters are people like my inept younger co-workers and manager who refuse to vote but in turn pout that we have this guy as the leader.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trump Picks Nikki Haley For UN Ambassador!

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley picked to be U.N. Ambassador.

The controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/reality television star who will be your 45th President of the United States picks former Tea Party darling South Carolina governor Nikki Haley as his pick for United Nations Ambassador.

The establishment governor was a fierce critic of the president-elect and supported Lil' Marco for president. She believed that his rhetoric was divisive and racist. I guess all that tiff-for-taff nonsense ended when became the president.

I guess he decided that having Haley on his team will be sort of like him grabbing her by the pussy.

Haley got praise for supporting the removal of a flag from the losing side of the Civil War. She faced pressure from many Civil Rights leaders. A mass shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church by a terrorist forced Haley to do something she likely wasn't sure of doing.

Haley is a woman of color. She is of Indian descendent. She is married to Michael Haley who is an active military and has three children.

The guy is considering Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) as his National Security Officer.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Michael Moore Takes You To Trumpland!

Michael Moore released documentary focusing on the real reasons to why Americans support Trump.

Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore pulled an ace in the hole.

He released a movie over the week called Michael Moore in Trumpland and it's winning praise for its approach. Moore is not shy about bringing controversy to the table. He is famous for taking on the gun lobby, George W. Bush and the American health systems in many of his documentaries and movies.

He's been actively trolling against both Trump and Clinton for being the "blah and yuck" of politics.

He believes that Clinton is the only choice but has his fear that Rust Belt America would reject that for a bombastic agitator who captured the Republican nomination by just being "Joe Smole".

He believes the junk food media has the stirred the beehive. The Trump supporters aren't just wackos.

He believes that Trump's chances at winning are fair. Given the conditions of how everything is "corrupted" by the likes of a 24/7 media, he wouldn't be surprised if the big "fuck you" is a Donald Trump presidency.
Conservatives believe that Michael Moore may help Trump win.
The film's premiere, just 11 days after the film was shot, was on October 18, 2016 at the IFC Center in New York City, where tickets for the 400 seat venue were given out to the public for free. The premiere was followed by a Q&A with Moore.

General showings around the United States started October 19, with the announcement of digital downloads available in the near future. Moore had announced the event on Twitter.

The film is based on a one-person show that Moore originally wanted to perform in Midland Theatre in Newark, Ohio on October 7, but management of the Midland Theatre chose not to go forward on a rental contract.

He eventually held the show at the Murphy Theatre in Wilmington, Ohio, with the movie based on a recording of that performance over two nights in October.

Mind you that Wilmington, Ohio is the hub for ABX air freight. The city was in the news for being one of the hardest hit communities in the Cincinnati/Dayton metroplex. The DHL national hub relocated into Kentucky (via the suburbs of Cincinnati) for a smaller venue. It displaced hundreds of workers.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Tim Huelskamp Fell Flat On His Face!

Republican congressman Tim Huelskamp's Black family. The Kansas lawmaker was defeated in a GOP primary.

One insurgent lawmaker felt the bern yesterday. While I will cover the Donald Trump controversy, I want to get issue out the way.

Kansas congressman Tim Huelskamp was defeated in the Republican primary. The Tea Party insurgent was defeated by a physician. Great Bend obstetrician Roger Marshall, a somewhat moderate Republican defeated the Softball Hannity supported Huelskamp.

Marshall's supporters said that Huelskamp's ignorance harmed the 1st Congressional District.

When Huelskamp was stripped of his title in the House Agriculture Committee, many Republicans saw this as a failure. He comes from a Kansas district that depends on farm aid.

Huelskamp who was gaining a national profile often clashed with Republican leaders over the farm and budget legislation. He was a critic of the former Weeper of the House John Boehner of Ohio.

Huelskamp said that he provided the GOP a conservative voice.
Roger Marshall knocks the smirk off Republican lawmaker's face.
He even went as far to not congratulate the opponent and kicked the media watch party out of the hotel in Hutchinson.

Did you know that the Huelskamp had an adopted Black family?

Maybe the Republicans pulled the "race card" on him.

Huelskamp refused to support Donald Trump. I guess the Trump effect wiped him out.

Other lawmakers skirted by easily. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS), Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-KS), Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) managed to easily beat their opponents.

Huelskamp will be on his way out along with Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA), Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), Rep. Pedro Pierluisi (D-PR), and Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA).

Forbes and Ellmers were defeated by Republicans in their primaries. They will finish their terms.

Fattah quickly resigned from his seat after he faced defeat. He didn't endorse Clinton for president.

Edwards was running for the U.S. Senate against Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD). She lost.

Resident commissioner Pedro Pierluisi was running for governor of Puerto Rico under the New Progressive Party ticket (an affiliate of the Democratic Party). He lost his primary. His seat is a four year term. He will resign from the House soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Steve King Feels Better Having Harriet Tubman On A Food Stamp!

One Republican lawmaker believes Harriet Tubman belongs on a food stamp.

Iowa Republican lawmaker tried to block the U.S. Treasury Department decision to have abolitionist and civil rights icon Harriet Tubman from appearing on the $20 U.S. dollar bill.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) a notorious racial agitator in Congress has openly express frustration with the president and Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew.

CNN reports that King introduced an amendment to bar the Treasury Department from spending any funds to redesign paper money or coin currency.

The amendment would have nullified the Treasury Department's plans to replace the current image of Jackson on the $20 bill with a portrait of Tubman, one of the most prominent abolitionists for her work in the Underground Railroad during the Civil War. She will become the first black woman ever to appear on a U.S. banknote.

Speaking to CNN at the Capitol on Wednesday, King said Tubman's accomplishments didn't measure up to the seventh president.

"As much as she did, she didn't change the course of history," King said.

But King's amendment to block Tubman from the bill won't get a vote in the House.

The House Rules Committee determined Tuesday evening that the amendment had a point of order, meaning it was not in compliance with House rules. The committee will not be taking up the amendment, averting a potentially contentious vote.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) are worthless lawmakers. They are apart of this "Freedom Caucus" which supports racially motivated policies.
Iowa Democratic Party Chair Andy McGuire hit King's amendment as an attention-grabbing stunt.

"For King, a Congressman who has based his entire career on hate speech and xenophobic policies, to accuse President Obama of dividing the country is the definition of hypocrisy. The truth is Rep. King is more interested in grabbing headlines than in improving the quality of life for Iowans in the 4th district," McGuire said in a statement.

In 2030, Tubman will appear on the twenty dollar bill. Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States. Jackson has an ugly legacy as the president and many civil rights leaders praise the decision as a sign of progress.

Back in the day, conservatives were associated with the Democratic Party. They were the party that was in favor of imperialism and slavery. Old Hickory was a notorious cheater on his wife and allowed his buddies into the job.

Conservatives now hang with the Republican Party. King is a proud member of that party. His racism is showing again.

Donald Trump even said that he prefers Tubman on the $2 U.S. dollar bill. Like the asshole he is!

Friday, June 03, 2016

Stacey Dash Really Takes Pride In Being Clueless!

Still clueless.

What's next for Stacey Dash? Maybe the washed up celebrity can be Softball Hannity's fill-in radio host. Maybe she'll have her own show on Fox News.

Hell, maybe she should get her a book deal trashing President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton because she thinks they are assholes who can't say "radical Islam" or act more patriotic like her.

Too late! She already did. She wrote a book. The book "There Goes My Social Life: From Clueless to Conservative". In some of the book, she aims at fellow conservative, transgender activist and former athlete Caitlyn Jenner, for using Donald Trump's restroom without being shunned.

The sky's the limit for a woman whose star faded in the 1990s.

Name one movie besides Clueless, Stacey Dash being featured in.

You can't. 

I mean no one wants her anymore now that she's came out the closet a raging conservative.

Or maybe the fact that she's two quarters. 

The 50-year old agitator was on Entertainment Tonight giving her two cents on the North Carolina law that bans transgender Americans from using the restroom of their identified gender. 

She puts it in one word, "YUCK"! 

"It's tyranny by the minority," Dash said. "Why do I have to suffer because you can't decide what you wanna be that day? It's your body! So, it's your decision, right? We all make choices!"

When Nischelle Turner asked Dash on how this affects her life in a way, Dash responded in her condescending fashion.

"Ok, then go [to the bathroom] in the bushes. I don't know what to tell you, but I'm not gonna put my child's life at risk because you want to change a law. So that you can be comfortable with your beliefs which means I have to change my beliefs and my rights? No."

Dash is piece of shit. She needs to flushed down the toilet. Her ass is through and it's a damn shame that this once beautiful actress is now an old fart who cashes in on her celebrity.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Gary Johnson: Give Me Airtime, Please!

Gary Johnson is running to stop Donald Trump.

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson is the nominee for the Libertarian Party. He's a former Republican who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. He's trying once again to garnish attention from the junk food media.

You may remember him from 2012. No you haven't?

The Huffington Post says that not too many know who he is. So far he polling at 10% in national polls and this is something to take notice. If he was able to secure 15% of the vote, he could qualify for a national debate.

The junk food media often ignores the Libertarian and Green Party candidates because of course, they get no play.

Here's a quiz for you.

Who is Gary Johnson's running mate?

William Weld, former Massachusetts governor.

What city was he born in?

Minot, North Dakota.

When was he the governor of New Mexico?

He was governor of New Mexico from 1995-2003

Does Johnson support legalized marijuana, same sex marriage and prostitution?

Yes. He supports legalization of marijuana. He supports same sex marriage. He wants to decriminalize prostitution. He is pro-choice and anti-death penalty. He believes in a flat tax. He supports the Second Amendment. He wants to rid the country of private prisons and offer treatment to low risk offenders.

Is he similar to Bernie Sanders?


Is he similar to Rand Paul or his father Ron Paul?


Is he similar to Donald Trump?


Gary Johnson doesn't want to be labeled as such. He doesn't want to be mainstreamed by political parties.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Republicans Are Now The Party Of Trump!

Donald Trump dumping on Hillary Clinton for struggling to win the nomination.

The Associated Press reports that Donald Trump has secured enough delegates to clinch the Republican nomination. The controversial billionaire started from a pack of 17 candidates to emerge as the only one standing.

The divisiveness of the primary isn't forgotten. He managed to upset a number of Republicans on his quest to the nomination.

Trump has 1236 delegates and he's only one delegate away. Trump starved off a contested convention in Cleveland.

There was a riot in Albuquerque. Protesters broke through a police barricade after Trump arrived to the city. The city was on lockdown after this event. Conservatives of course, blame President Barack Obama and the Democrats for the violence sparked by Trump and the agitators who support him.

Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz who felt took the most brutal hits have vowed to not to support Trump for now. Marco Rubio will embrace the nominee because he fears if Hillary Clinton wins the White House, the Republican Party is doomed regardless.

As Clinton and Bernie Sanders continue to duke it out for the nomination, Trump has the halo over his head. The nomination between the Democrats have split the party. Some call for the ouster of Debbie Wasserman Schultz after accusations of bias came into the forum.

Republicans have spent all their resources to defeat Trump. It failed. Now the Democrats are going to make the same mistakes that Republicans made.

Clinton already facing a firestorm of criticism after the inspector general for the State Department said that her choice of using a personal server is unauthorized.

Trump is going after her for that as well as throwing accusations of cheating from her husband Bill Clinton. Trump is exciting the Republicans by playing in the sleazy shit.

President Barack Obama today had said that world leaders are concerned that Trump's rhetoric could damage the world relations.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Trolls Are "Bern'n" Bridges With The Dems!

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is still in the race and Democrats are getting frustrated with his supporters.

Democrats are starting to get annoyed with the supporters of Bernie Sanders. They seriously believe that Sanders is starting to act like a "sore loser" and the party is getting behind Hillary Clinton.

The supporters believe that the system is rigged and they threatened to vote against Clinton if she becomes the nominee. The line has been crossed! There's a huge rift within the Democratic Party.

We're seeing a same folks who once trolled failed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul now troll the Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. The so-called Bernie Bros. are the newest version of trolls underneath the bandwidth bridge.

While it looks like Sanders may pull off a win in Oregon and Kentucky, party leaders are starting to get concerned that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will to the convention weaken by the onslaught of the Bernie Bros.

Sanders who is an independent U.S. Senator from Vermont. He caucuses with the Democrats on crucial policies that help the middle class. He made it top priority to focus on helping the middle class and stopping the greed of is popular among the young and well educated.

Well almost well educated.

On Saturday, the supporters of Sanders went batshit crazy over the delegates being handed to Clinton.

Some of the Sanders delegates weren't registered on time and the rules were to have it done before closing date. Of course, the memo was ignored and the supporters were none to happy about it.

Roberta Lange, the Democratic chairwoman for the Nevada Democratic Party was getting hit with death threats and sexist voicemails.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), the Minority Leader in the Senate said that Sanders's needs to control his crew. Reid also condemned Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) for being the "Ted Cruz of the left". Reid said that he rather see Grayson lose badly and leave the House for good. Reid said that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Grayson are unaccomplished lawmakers who run their mouths than pass legislation.
Bernie supporters are trolling the Democrats.
Grayson who is facing ethics investigation is a longshot for the nomination for the open seat being vacated by failed presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL) is the most suitable choice for the Democrats and Grayson promised to stop the coronation.

There are real concerns about the party platform and the superdelegates. Some believe that the superdelegates gives Clinton a leg up. It's also not helpful that some of the Sanders supporters are getting their advice from AM agitators (i.e. liberal and conservative shitkickers).

Bill Press, Thom Hartmann, that old fart Rush Limbaugh and even that annoying conservative agitator Softball Hannity are causing the rift between the Democrats.

I got so annoyed listening to the left agitators Press and Hartmann spin the hypothetical bullshit about how Sanders could beat Trump in a matchup. Sanders is not recognized by most Americans. Sanders has proposals that wouldn't even make it through a stubborn and lackluster Congress.

To make this clear for everyone here, Clinton and Sanders aren't strong candidates. They could  be defeated by Trump. Trump has dirty politicos like Roger Stone who could distract the public with baseless allegations and stupid hearsay. The message about improving the lives of Americans will be wasted on the fear of socialism and the 2012 Benghazi tragedy.

Donald Trump isn't a strong candidate either. He's too goddamn polarizing. He's negative and he is an embarrassment to the country. His rhetoric could hurt relations with allies.

The ignorance of voters and a tad bit of racial angst is driving the controversial billionaire into the spotlight. Barack Obama's presence in the White House is a driving factor to Republicans pushing forth this hostility and Trump's candidacy. Trump is being covered in  4:1 ratio. Sanders gets 2:1 ratio of coverage and Clinton gets 2.4:1 ratio of media coverage.

I've even got tired of liberal agitator Stephanie Miller defending Clinton and constantly name dropping Donald Trump in every sentence. She is starting to be as annoying as Softball Hannity with the word vomit of names.

Not one of the liberal agitators focused on the lackluster Congress, the president's push to getting Merrick Garland appointed to the Supreme Court and the economy. All I heard from these agitators on AM is "TRUMP", "CLINTON" and "MEDIA".

Sanders and his campaign team said that the behavior is inappropriate but the frustration is legitimate.

They defend some of the tactics and said that if things don't change expect more. They warned that they'll run this Philadelphia. Sanders needs 85% of the delegates to clinch the nomination.

Don't worry folks! It's not over for the #NeverTrump people. Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) isn't supporting Trump. The Republicans are willing to accept Trump as the nominee (as long as he's capable of beating Clinton).

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Former House Perv Heads To Federal Time Out!

The longest serving House Speaker is the biggest pervert to ever exist.

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is heading to federal time out. He admits that he had numerous affairs with boys when he was then a coach a local high school. The former lawmaker from Illinois was the longest serving Speaker in history.

His legacy of hypocrisy came full circle today. The 75-year old was wheeled into federal court in Chicago to face the music.

The former Congressman will now head to federal time out for hiding money.

He hid money for one of his victims who ended up as one of  his mistresses.

Now his reputation is forever tarnished as a child molester and pervert.

The judge put his ass in the federal time out for 15 months. Unfortunate it wasn't LIFE in the federal time out.

The former speaker says he's deeply sorry for this shit. Yeah, right!

This statute of limitations prevented him from being charged with sexual abuse.

Hastert must now register as a sex offender for the rest of his life once he exits the federal time out.

He will now payback those he's abused.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Cruz'n For A Bruisin!

New York Republicans eat while Ted Cruz speaks. He got a cold reception in Long Island.

Remember that the junk food media was on Donald Trump's lame speech in Wisconsin. They said that Trump's huge loss in Wisconsin could signal a brokered convention. Ted Cruz's win in Colorado has sparked conspiracy theories about how the Republicans are devoted to derailing Trump the nomination.

Cruz is being called a "cheater", a "liar". a member of the "establishment" and no friend of New York.

The New York Republican Gala was really cold on Ted Cruz. The Republican presidential candidate is trailing in the New York race against Donald Trump and John Kasich. The "New York Values" remark at the debate kind of turned off many Republicans in the state.

Trump used that as an advantage. And it's hurt Cruz so far.

New York Republicans don't see Cruz as a viable choice.

The so-called constitutionalist and Christian moralist was blatantly ignored by the Republican elites at the dinner last night.

Trump and Kasich both got a warm reception from the crowd.

Me and S. Baldwin haven't forgotten about the sex scandal looming around Cruz. Matter of fact, there's a website devoted to unearthing the "truth" about the Senate's most despised politician.

I just found out a few weeks post the #CruzSexScandal that his official senate site turned up in the Ashley Madison website. The lawyer for the DC Madam wants to do a major document dump but is barred from doing such.
Hackers got into Ashley Madison. Guess who popped up in the list?
And the most shocking was Cruz calling President Barack Obama a NIGGER.

Yeah, he's a White guy with a bit of Hispanic in him! But for him to be a candidate running for president saying that is another reason to why he's toast.

Now you know, Cruz is feuding with Matt Drudge. He blasted The Drudge Report for being in the tank for Donald Trump.

Cruz better be careful. Drudge was the one who brought Monica Lewinsky into the spotlight. Drudge held back the NIGGER comments and sex accusations so far. While the rest of the junk food media is tearing into these accusations, we're waiting for the shoe to drop.

If these allegations are true, Cruz will go out like Marco Rubio and Joe McCarthy.

Monday, April 11, 2016

The "People's" Choice!

Ted Cruz is now being called the Establishment. The conservative Craigslist is preparing for an all out war against Cruz.

It's no secret that Matt Drudge is a huge Trump supporter. He's so far up Donald Trump's ass. This is clearly a shot at Ted Cruz. The Republican senator from Texas managed to maneuver delegates and it's gotten him a victory in Colorado. He swept all the delegates.

Donald Trump and his supporters are fumed up over this.

Republicans blundered big time. Donald Trump's victories aren't worth shit. He ends up losing a portion of the delegates he's earned. Ted Cruz managed to maneuver Republicans to side with him.

The Colorado Republican Party also made things worse when a person tweeted, "We Did It #NeverTrump". The tweet was deleted quickly, but it too late, the junk food media got wind of it and now the supporters are screaming "voter fraud" and "backroom tactics" to deny Trump the nomination.

Trump's supporters felt betrayed.

The Republican Convention in Cleveland is going to be ugly. I mean really ugly.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

No Likes!

Trump is getting hit with unfavorable ratings.

It's no surprise that the country doesn't really feel inspired to vote for any of the five remaining candidates running for president.

But the Associated Press got some bad news for the GOP and Democratic frontrunners.
Donald Trump by far has the most negative views about him overall. The junk food media says he's unfavorable with women, Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites. The White males who are the bulk of Trump's support is down as well. 

Hillary Clinton is coming right behind with negative favorability. She's considered dishonest and untrustworthy among the candidates. 

Ted Cruz is also negative. After all, many Republicans don't like him. He's has no real accomplishments as a senator. His bombastic rhetoric has turned off many Hispanics, Blacks and women.

Out of the negative is the few exceptions. Bernie Sanders and John Kasich. Sanders is the only one for the moment with a favorable ratings. Kasich is borderline. 

Not too many Americans know about Sanders to have an unfavorable opinion of him. Young voters are very confident in him. Older Americans aren't so much. They still resonate with the fear of "socialism" because of talk radio and other agitators.

Kasich has favorable approval in Ohio. But in the rest of the campaign, not much. Republicans are trying to stop Trump and they hope that Kasich could take away delegates from Trump to bring forth a contested convention. Conservatives hate Kasich because he's too cozy with President Barack Obama. 

Friday, April 01, 2016

GOP In The Black!

Republican National Committee chief Reince Priebus still trying to color the White rainbow.

Republicans are hoping to create that coalition of non-White supporters. They've suffered a huge deficit of non-White voters in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. They hope they can capitalize off the dysfunction the Democrats are having right now.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Hillary Clinton are duking it out for the Black, Hispanic, young and women voters. These groups are the Democrats hope to see turnout this election.

Right now, Black and Hispanic voters are turned off to Sanders and Clinton. It's been rough for both candidates to capitalize off the Obama waves. President Barack Obama managed to carry huge turnout in 2008 and 2012. His success was based on grassroots to communities that candidates overlook.

Telly Lovelace.
Republicans are still hoping that they can at least gain at least 25% of the Black vote.

Kristal Quarker-Hartsfield, the former national director of African-American Initiatives and Media at the RNC, left Friday to be director of intergovernmental affairs for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R). Orlando Watson, communications director for black media, departed in March. Tara Wall and Raffi Williams, son of Fox News political analyst Juan Williams, also left the RNC late last year.

Now GOP chief Reince Priebus announced that he's found him a new toy to play with.

Telly Lovelace, a veteran GOP communications strategist, is the new leader of the party’s black political engagement and communications efforts, the Republican National Committee announced on Friday.

Lovelace, who starts Monday as the national director of African-American Initiatives and Media, will spearhead black voter engagement.

“Telly is a welcome addition to our team, and I’m confident his experience will help us build on our commitment to cultivate relationships and trust with Black media and Black communities,” said Priebus in a statement.

The RNC is also launching a new diversity initiative — including a paid internship program focusing on historically black colleges and universities — to bring more black people into the party.

“I really want to focus on getting the Republican message into urban America and urban communities,” said Lovelace, who is overseeing the program.

Lovelace’s appointment comes in the middle of a mass exodus of black staffers from the organization.

I've always believed that the Republican Party is White like cocaine.


They've engaged in this ongoing culture war against everyone including themselves. The Republicans don't know who to trust right now!

All they got left is pretty much the blame going to Barack Obama and the media for their continuous failures.

I got so many suggestions for the Republican Party, but I just couldn't contain myself from delivering my honest opinion about the rebranding of the national party. Here are some healthy and yet obvious suggestion to the ailing party.

The Republicans must stop this culture war against everyone! If they do so, I'll stop calling them racist.

I'll stop calling them bigots if they refuse to allow anyone within their party to hate a person's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, educational, political and economic standings.

I'll stop blaming them for all the mass shootings in a suburban school or shopping center if they could at least pass a background check for all registered gun owners.

I'll stop blaming them if they can separate themselves from all the White supremacist rhetoric we've seen through channels such as The Drudge Report, InfoWars, Breitbart, WorldNetDaily and Conservative Review.

I'll vote for a Republican for president if the person can deliver a plan to help everyone. Not a select few. I would hope they would engage in communicating to all voters instead of just conservative voters.

I'll vote for a Republican if they stop acting like a bunch of idiots!

Here's a poll for you!

GOP's Diversity Tour: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Good idea. Republicans need to reach out to Black voters who feel that President Barack Obama's policies aren't helping them. If the party's willing to go out their way to win Black voters, more power to them.
Bad idea. Republicans can't fix a problem that's exists for years. Black voters can't support candidates who ignore issues. It's hard enough for Republicans to win Black voters because of the party's condescending rhetoric.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Omarosa: Donald Trump Is Looking Out For Us!

TV's iconic villain Omarosa comes out in favor of The Donald.

The most controversial contestant on The Apprentice came out in favor of her old boss. Omarosa, the celebrity agitator who is an ordained minister came in favor of Donald Trump. She is fiercely defending him from the accusations of being sexist, racist, ignorant and immature.

This little spat between Trump and Cruz has dominated the junk food media's attention.

Trump retweeted an offensive image of Heidi Cruz next to his current wife Melania and it set off  a shitstorm of criticism from Republicans and Ted Cruz himself.

Now his former castmate from The Apprentice says this is all bullshit.

Omarosa, the famed diva of the first season endorsed Trump for president. Omarosa Manigualt is reality television agitator, media analysis and ordain pastor. She was voted by most critics as the most nastiest villain in television.

She slams Cruz for being melodramatic. She also took aim at Megyn Kelly for being such a diva.

Basically Omarosa is saying that her friend and mentor Donald J. Trump isn't a mypobic, sexist, xenophobic, racist dick.

She also hit the junk food media for saying that Trump's rhetoric is considered racist.

She was on CNN with Don Lemon. The debate got a little heated. Don got so frustrated with the filibustering he actually scolded her.

Omarosa was once engaged to the late actor Michael Clarke Duncan. He passed away in 2012. She has secured a deal with GSN to host a game show.

She is a native of Youngstown, Ohio and attended Ohio's Central State University and Howard University. She has a bachelor's degree in communication and broadcast journalism.

Western Bern!

Big victory for Bernie Sanders. The junk food media took an iconic picture of the Democratic candidate smiling while a bird landed on his podium.

Last week they were writing his campaign off. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the Democratic candidate for president won a swept yesterday.

Sanders pulls off healthy victories in the caucuses and primaries. The states of Washington, Idaho and Hawaii gave Bernie Sanders a healthy victory.

The junk food media barely covered it. Matter of fact, they ignored the fact that turnout was huge for the Democratic candidates.

The momentum that Bernie's getting is showing that the Democrats aren't the only ones with problems.

Hillary Clinton is leading in most national polls. But she could lose to John Kasich, Ted Cruz and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

Bernie Sanders performs way better against the three.

Congratulations to Bernie Sanders on his huge victory.

Delegate count so far has Hillary Clinton at 1728 and Bernie Sanders at 1034.

Now the candidates are taking a minor break from campaigning to celebrate Easter. They will be back on the campaign trail soon. Wisconsin is coming up and the candidates will fight for the votes.

Scott Walker, the failed presidential candidate hasn't endorsed a candidate yet. Milwaukee County sheriff and conservative agitator David Clarke, Jr. will be given more unwanted attention as well.

#BlackLivesMatter will be protesting the candidates if they land in Madison, Milwaukee and Green Bay.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Playa's Cruz!

Ted Cruz posing with Katrina Pierson, a Black Republican activist. There are allegations of Cruz having an affair with her and numerous other women.

Let's get the minor stuff out of way. 

Donald Trump's odds at winning the Republican nomination is 85%. 

Chances at being the U.S. President is now sitting at 43%. 

Hillary Clinton chances at nomination is 92%. 

Chances at being the U.S. president is now sitting at 51%. 

What a person does in the bedroom is none of our business. But since we live in a country where this stuff is gold for ratings and click bait, it's a part of the daily grind. Here's my take on it. 

Who gives a crap about what someone's love life. If the person is accused or confirmed of cheating on their spouse, then that's between the person and his loved one. 

It's nothing new. The tabloids want to get into the personal business of a presidential candidate. 

It is a part of the junk food media culture to humiliate human nature. I understand that people have feelings. Love and lust are a part of the sexual induced culture that creates iconic figures like Kim Kardashian. 

Yesterday, the National Enquirer reported that the Texas senator had numerous affairs with staffers, agitators in the junk food media, a hooker and a schoolteacher. Some of the mistresses were notable for being in the junk food media defending Cruz from Donald Trump.

Notable names include Katrina Pierson, the failed Black Republican congressional candidate who became an activist for Tea Party Patriots. She was a Trump supporter before a Cruz supporter and defender.

Amanda Carpenter is a writer for Conservative Review and agitator on CNN. Sarah Isgur Flores is a Republican strategist for then failed presidential candidate Carly Fiorina's campaign were alleged mistresses.

Pierson and Flores aren't married. Carpenter is married. 

All the women accused have denied the allegations. Cruz went to the junk food media to slam the National Enquirer and Trump for spreading the false and vile nonsense.

The hashtag #CruzSexScandal is trending and it's got the nation talking. 
Amanda Carpenter, Katrina Pierson and Sarah Isgur Flores were alleged mistresses.
Matter of fact, if the allegations are true, it could damage Ted Cruz's campaign.

Ted Cruz will fall from grace like Joe McCarthy. Cruz's star power with conservatives will diminish.

And it could affect his marriage and open the door to Federal Election Commission investigations of alleged misuse of campaign money. Cruz's SuperPac agreed to pay off failed presidential candidate Carly Fiorina's campaign $500,000. Some call it "hush money". 

When conservatives were obsessing over allegations of cheating from 42, they singled him out for being a hound dog. They attack Hillary Clinton for standing by her husband despite Monica Lewinsky. To this day, some agitators (i.e. that annoying agitator Sean Hannity) will rehash the Clinton sex scandals to try to make the issue about Hillary Clinton's trust with the nation.

Now we know that Donald Trump is cheater himself. But no one seems to care about that. Trump is the frontrunner in the Republican race for the nomination and he is fighting dirty to win. He's tapped into what Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan's base of Americans.

Republicans are scrambling for a way to stop him before he clinch the nomination. The controversial business and media mogul has warned the Republicans Ted Cruz and John Kasich that "time's up". 

The dirty season begins.

If it's confirmed that Ted Cruz had numerous sexual affairs, will it damage his presidential campaign?

Oh yeah! It's over for Ted Cruz. He can't recover from this if these allegations are true.
Nope. This is tabloid speculation. There's no proof of alleged cheating by Ted Cruz.
Who cares! Whether he cheated or not, it's none of our business to go into his personal love life. That's between him and Heidi Cruz.
Poll Maker

Here's a video of a Washington Times reporter Adriana Cohen flat out going there with conservative agitator Amanda Carpenter. It caught CNN host Kate Bolduan by surprise. 

Matter of fact. Here's something that should sum up my opinion on the Cruz sex scandal.

Watch the video at your discretion. 

David Pakman gives his take on this.


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