Showing posts with label mass shooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mass shooting. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2016

White Terrorist Served In Charleston Massacre!

Slimeball got two options left: LIFE or DEATH.

I hate to say this. But given the track record of Congress, nothing will done about mass shootings.


Dylann Roof was found guilty in the brutal massacre of nine African American church goers. The federal trial against this slimeball nets him a sentencing. Since he's now convicted, he could face the DEATH card.

The white terrorist remained unapologetic to this.

Back in June 2015, Roof entered the Emmanuel African Methodist Church with the intention to start the "great race war".

He killed Cynthia Hurd, Ethel Lance, Susie Jackson, Daniel Simmons, Tywanza Sanders, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, DePayne Middleton-Doctor, Myra Thompson and South Carolina state senator and pastor Clementa Pinckney.

The feds will now recess until mid January for the conviction.

The terrorist fired his defense attorneys and will acts as his own attorney.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Ah, The Holiday Mass Shootings! Louisville, Kentucky!

President Barack Obama was notified of the mass shooting today. The governor of the state was notified as well. No statement from the Republican governor.

The blood of these people lie on Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, and Kentucky governor Matt Bevin hands. Another mass shooting in America and your inept lawmakers in Congress refuse to pass comprehensive gun control.

I normally blame the shooter for every mass shooting. Now that political correctness is off the table, I will blame Republicans for the genocide of America.

By allowing firearms in the hands of everyone, it pretty much gives individuals the power to be executioner of those who wronged them. No matter what the reason!

Two people were killed and four others were injured after a mass shooting in Louisville, Kentucky.

Some will survive this encounter. Others may not survive the night.

This is the Juice Bowl. This event was held at Shawnee Park. This is an event where families come together to enjoy a game of youth football. This terrorist took that away for some petty bullshit.

On Thanksgiving of all things, a terrorist opened fire on a youth football game where many people were in attendance. Even worse, the mayor of Louisville Metro was there and was totally shocked and angered by the rash of violence on a day where we're supposed to be family.

Given that controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/reality television star will take office in January, the thoughts of coming together are over. There's no such thing as unity in Trump's America. He will make America great again on the

Wonder if disgraced news agitator Lauren Podell will hop on social media to rant about being tired of hearing about NIGGERS killing each other? After all she doesn't value the Black lives lost to gun violence.

Louisville Metro Police asks for tips to nab the terrorists involved in this mass shooting.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Blame Game: Nathan DeSai!

Terrorist shot innocent victims before he was put down by the Houston Metro Police. The terrorist was a disgruntled lawyer.
If we consider mass shootings an act of terrorism, maybe the inept Republican-controlled Congress could pass legislation to handle this.

They will not pass anything until a new president is in office. Republicans hope Donald Trump will become the next president. He will do everything if not anything to win. He will not control this. He signals more guns and more freedom for purchasing high powered firearms.

I refuse to say this terrorist name! This terrorist doesn't deserve any attention.

Fresh off the heels of Saturday's mass shooting, here's another one that will get little or no attention. A terrorist disgruntled with his job got a firearm and started bucking people.

The missing element to this story, he was not a Black man as the junk food media reported it was a White man and he wore Nazi paraphernalia.

This man was identified by Houston officials as the gunman, died after a shootout with police. He was wearing an old German military uniform adorned with Swastikas, KPRC-TV reports.

The gunfire broke out about 6:30 a.m. local time outside of Randall’s grocery store in the southwest area of the city. The attack then continued at the Weslayan Plaza strip mall.

Authorities do not believe there are any other suspects in the attack and a motive has not yet been determined. The shooting lasted for 20 minutes, according to Assistant Chief Richard Mann. Mann added that the injuries range from minor injuries to “more serious” wounds.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said that the gunman “appeared to be a disgruntled lawyer who took out his anger and frustration on individuals.”

The Houston PD said at a press conference just after the attack that the gunman was a disgruntled lawyer who had “issues concerning firm.” According to Yelp, the terrorist was a lawyer with Kenneth McDaniel at McDaniel & DeSai LLP. This terrorist specialized in family law and criminal cases, felonies and misdemeanors.

The terrorist father told Click 2 Houston that his son’s new venture wasn’t going well saying, “He was worried … because his law practice was not running good, so he (was) worried about this all the time.”

The victims ranged from minor to critical injuries.

And More To Come: Mass Shooting In Houston!

Okay, we're here! The debates. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will be on stage debating the latest controversy in the world and they'll have the whole country and world watching.

But in Houston, some won't have an opportunity to view it. There's an active shooting event in the fourth largest city in the United States. The law taken down the threat quickly, but the damage is done.

Please note that all mass shootings should be considered terrorism.

Terrorism isn't solely a Muslim, White, Brown, or Black person. Anyone with a motivation could be inspired to cause great harm among others.

Reminder, if you see something, say something.

If you are involved in an active shooter situation, the three things you do.

RUN - Do not stop for possessions. Run in zig-zag to avoid a shooter's sight.

HIDE - Barricade yourself in an area that could lock. Cover windows and doors with objects that can secure you and others. If you can make a call to 911, make sure you're in a secure area. Make the call without tipping off the shooter. Keep calm. Make sure that if you're in a well secured spot, stay there until the law is there. Follow all instructions when an officer is clearing a scene. Do not take pictures or selfies. If you can post on social media (i.e. Facebook's 'I am Safe'), do so.

FIGHT - It's recommended that you do not play "hero" in an active shooter situation. You are not law enforcement. If you are armed, you could be mistaken as a threat if the law is engaging in an active shooting. If you're willing to sacrifice your life for the safety of others, make sure you can grab something that could disable a threat. Usually a shovel, tossing sharp items and firearms.

BE WARNED - If you use a firearm in disarming a threat, you could injure or kill a hostage. The law will charge you with a crime and you would face charges.

The silly hypotheticals about how if you have a firearm to stop a threat is a farce. Law enforcement see a "good guy with a gun" a threat. So don't believe the nonsense a conservative tells you!

Don't be a hero if you're not willing to sacrifice yourself.

Another senseless mass shooting in Houston. Who takes the blame in this?

Barack Obama
Black Lives Matter
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Sage Quotes

At least seven people have been injured in the neighborhood of Weslayan.

An HPD bomb squad is heading to the scene after a suspicious vehicle was found near the scene.

The terrorist has been described as Black and carrying a revolver.

In open carry Texas, there's an active shooter. Maybe there's large police presence in the area.

HPD says one of its officers was able to shoot the suspect. We are not aware of the suspected shooter's condition.

At around 6:30 this morning, HFD scanners reported a suspect was at a strip center firing upon vehicles.

Emergency vehicles flooded the area around the Randalls supermarket strip center bordered by Weslayan, Bissonnet and Law Street.

Traffic was shut down on Weslayan after the shooting began in an attempt to protect drivers in the area.

Officers concentrated much of their focus on an apartment complex on nearby Law Street, located behind the strip center.

HFD officials reported on radio the terrorist was seen behind some trees as he opened fire on vehicles in the area.

The victims may have been killed. A mass shooting has to involve more than three people shot.

Here's the one thing that gets me upset.

They assume that the person's political ties are the reason for the violence.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Blame Game: Arcan Cetin!

Arcan Cetin Politics
The terrorist who murdered now five innocent lives in a Washington state mall was captured without a single shot fired. The law got some great tips and they nabbed the terrorist.

Please note that all mass shootings should be considered terrorism.

Terrorism isn't solely a Muslim, Brown, or Black person. Anyone with a motivation could be inspired to cause great harm among others.

Reminder, if you see something, say something.

If you are involved in an active shooter situation, the three things you do.

RUN - Do not stop for possessions. Run in zig-zag to avoid a shooter's sight. 

HIDE - Barricade yourself in an area that could lock. Cover windows and doors with objects that can secure you and others. If you can make a call to 911, make sure you're in a secure area. Make the call without tipping off the shooter. Keep calm. Make sure that if you're in a well secured spot, stay there until the law is there. Follow all instructions when an officer is clearing a scene. Do not take pictures or selfies. If you can post on social media (i.e. Facebook's 'I am Safe'), do so. 

FIGHT - It's recommended that you do not play "hero" in an active shooter situation. You are not law enforcement. If you are armed, you could be mistaken as a threat if the law is engaging in an active shooting. If you're willing to sacrifice your life for the safety of others, make sure you can grab something that could disable a threat. Usually a shovel, tossing sharp items and firearms.

BE WARNED - If you use a firearm in disarming a threat, you could injure a hostage. The law will charge you with a crime and you could face charges. 

The silly hypotheticals about how if you have a firearm to stop a threat is a farce. Law enforcement see a "good guy with a gun" a threat. So don't believe the nonsense a conservative tells you!

Don't be a hero if you're not willing to sacrifice yourself.

This mass shooting cause by this 20-something loser.

His name will not be mentioned here but I will say that he is facing first degree murder charges and these charges could earn him a DEATH Card.

The law said that the terrorist look like he had that weird "Zombie looking" when he starting plugging into the Macy's perfume counter.  Four women and one man were bucked by this disgusting human.

He was caught in Oak Harbor, Washington. He was walking casually in the city when the arresting officer took a double take. He radioed for help and ordered this terrorist to the ground.

The motive could be the nice guy who spurned by a relationship. No international terrorism as of yet.

He didn't seem to care about the lives he taken because he certainly was motivated.

The Seattle Times reports that one of the victims has been named as 16-year-old cancer survivor Sarai Lara. She was a student at Mount Vernon High School. KIRO reports that she was with her father at the mall. He was outside smoking when the gunfire erupted, according to the station. Her classmates have hatched a plan to wear purple and pink in her honor on Monday, September 26. While Lara’s mother, told the Seattle Times, “It’s not fair what happened to her.”

Innocent lives lost to a terrorist.
Another of the victims has preliminarily been named as 52-year-old Shayla Martin who worked at the makeup desk in the Macy’s store. Her sister, Karen Van Horn, told the Seattle Times, “We’re having a really hard time.” Van Horn is an employee of The Herald newspaper in Everett, Washington. Van Horn told that newspaper that a witness had confirmed to the family that Martin had been killed. Van Horn said, “She was so sweet. She was just very independent. She wanted to make her own way. She didn’t want to rely on anyone else.”

KIRO reports that two of the other victims are Belinda Glade, a probation officer, and her 95-year-old mother Beatrice Dotson. The Mayor of Burlington, Steve Sexton, referred to those lost as “treasured members” of the community.

Of course, we're already getting into the motivations of this shooter.

Here's the one thing that gets me upset.

They assume that the person's political ties are the reason for the violence.

Some are calling this terrorist a "Democrat". Some are calling him a "Trump" supporter. Some are saying he's a sympathizer with the "Islamic State". Some are calling him an immigrant.

None of these things are true. What is true is that he is a cold blooded killer and his politics had nothing to do with this whatsoever.
The hero tried to stop the threat. He lost his life.
Online records show that he was arrested in July 2015 on charges of assault in the fourth degree. KIRO reports that as a result of the charges, the terrorist was ordered to undergo mental health counselling that he completed in March 2016. During which time, he was ordered not to take drugs or drink alcohol. As of August 25, 2016, he was found in compliance with the court order.

The New York Daily News reports that the victim in the assault was the terrorist's stepfather. That man said at the time that the suspect was “going through a hard time.” The newspaper adds that he also had an arrest for drunk driving.

Initial descriptions had described the terrorist as being Hispanic. According to his Facebook page,the guy is a native of Adana in Turkey. He’s a graduate of Oak Harbor High School, class of 2015. He describes his nickname as “The Turk.” As of 2014, he was in a relationship. While in high school, Cetin was in ROTC.

These type of mass shooting don't get the coverage like the Pulse shooting.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Shockwave In NYC An Act Of Terrorism!

The city of New York was rocked with an explosion in the Chelsea neighborhood. There were 29 people injured but so far no deaths recorded.

The New York Police Department and FBI are very determined to catch the people involved in this horrendous act of terrorism.

As usual, the blame game will come into play and usually the first thing that comes out an agitator's mouth. What is said is pretty simple: Who's gonna take responsibility for the act?

Almost immediately, the finger of blame is pointed at the Islamic State. Then of course, the president, Muslims, Black Lives Matter, liberals, Democrats and Bill de Blasio.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York governor Andrew Cuomo and President Barack Obama were notified about this. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were notified about this as well.

Each of these people express sorrow and anger at this. Yadda, yadda, yadda!

The NYPD and National Guard are on high alert. The city was planning on increasing police presence as foreign dignitaries are arriving at the United Nations. President Barack Obama will be in attendance for the last time.

Someone allegedly put a pressure cooker bomb into a dumpster and the thing exploded and it sent a shockwave across the neighborhood. There were another pressure cooker bombs found in New York about a few blocks away. Then there was one in suburban New Jersey.
A bomb went off in a residential neighborhood in New York City.
A man in Minnesota was stabbing people with a large knife. He stabbed nine people before the law bucked him. According to witnesses, the man was screaming at people asking if they're Muslims, before stabbing him. He decreed in holy Islamic rhetoric that "god is great" before the law bucked him.

The Islamic State has praised the terrorist for his actions.

Terrorism is a part of a daily routine. It happens just as much as a gun crime. It happens without notice.





Of course, we must be vigilant. If you spot something, say something! It's most important that you contact the law if you see suspicious activity in highly populated areas. It's very critical to let the law know about friends or family members who may have issues that could inspire terrorism.

And for the last time, terrorism isn't solely Muslim or Brown people. It's an act committed by an individual(s) who have a political bone to pick with the government. Their objective is to disrupt the lives of others for the sole thrill of "making a statement".

Those who are arrested will face federal charges. In a federal charge, you can face the "DEATH CARD" if the government indicts you on terrorism.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Never Stops: Possible Mass Shooting At Mall In Raleigh!

Possible mass shooting at North Carolina mall

Just in: An active shooter at a Raleigh, North Carolina mall. No word on casualties but a large police and emergency presence is there in the area.

What could be the motivations of this terrorist?

Could the terrorist been inspired by the Islamic State?

Could the terrorist's motives been inspired by the death of Kouren Thomas?

Could the terrorist been inspired by a loss of job, relationship, or spurn by service?

Could the terrorist been a person with mental illness?

What could motivate a mass shooter?

Well I have an easy answer. Easy access to firearms. Congress continues to avoid passing comprehensive gun control laws that could prevent many of these tragedies to happen.

Sure you can't prevent ever mass shooting in the world. If we have the laws to stop these military style firearms from reaching the hands of domestic terrorists, then it could change the dynamic of mass shootings.

Anyway, what I know so far is that the Crabtree Valley Mall is on lockdown after were reports of an active shooter in the facility. Officials at the mall have gave no reason to the why the building was ordered a lockdown.

If the mass shooting involved more than five people, the junk food media will talk about it non-stop for the next two or three weeks. The agitators will come to Raleigh, North Carolina and post outside the mall or a designated area for the junk food media. They will hear from residents, victims and survivors of the tragedy.

You will hear comments about how this incident carries forth since the last incident. You will hear about other mass shootings that didn't make the news but finally got recognition.

Republican governor Pat McCrory and President Barack Obama will be notified of this. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) will respond. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will issue statements.

The blame game will once again begin.

If the shooter was a Muslim, you've hear cries of "Radical Islam" and President Barack Obama not doing anything to stop it. They will say that refugees from Syria and Iraq are the reasons to why this happened. They will blame the entire Muslim community for this. They will say that Muslims won't condemn terrorism. Conservative agitators and Donald Trump will lick their chops about this being a Muslim. They don't care if the terrorist is American born. As long as it's a Muslim, they will have their "I told you so moment".

If the shooter was a Black male, obviously Black Lives Matter and President Barack Obama will be blamed. Conservatives will say the terrorist had probably got riled up by cops killing unarmed Black people. They will play concern troll and bemoan about gun violence in the Black community or Black on whatever crime. Racial asshats Matt Drudge and Colin Flaherty will use this narrative to get unwanted attention to his blog or YouTube page. Softball Hannity will chant the repeated chants "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" or play the endless loop from a protest rally.

If the shooter was a Hispanic, obviously the cries of illegal immigration and closing the U.S.-Mexican border will be brought up. Conservatives will rehash the old canard that President Barack Obama is "soft on the border" and he will allow immigrants and refugees into the country in massive numbers. It will be once again played on Fox News or AM agitator programs about how Obama is responsible for the mass shooting since the terrorist is an illegal immigrant. If he was American born but had parents who were immigrants, you're going to hear or read nonsense from bigots who believe that if you're family came here illegally, they need to go back to their own country and take you along with them.

If the shooter was a White guy. Conservatives will claim he's a liberal Democrat. Obviously, they don't want to be blamed for every mass shooting in the country. But whenever it's revealed that the terrorist had some form of connection to Republican causes, the conservatives will deflect from the subject to say that Democrats are likely the ones who harbor racial angst towards people. They will rehash narratives about how the shooter was a registered Democrat by looking up old records. Some of the stuff is not confirmed or verified but once it hits Gateway Pundit, Breitbart News, InfoWars and GotNews, conservatives take it as fact.

Now if the victims or survivors speak to the junk food media, some will call them crisis actors. I don't understand why people are so driven to making accusations about people they don't even know personally. You don't know what happened! If a mass shooting occurred in your area, you're going to panic. You're going to have a moment that will be forever etched in memory. You might see traumatic things like a person dying right in front of you. Calling a victim a "crisis actor" is ridiculous. But given the freedom of speech and the constant cynicism of fellow Americans, expect this come forth.

Another thing that annoys me, is the price of fame. Obviously some will whip out their camera phones to record the events. Is it worth your life to do such dangerous things for click bait?

Some of the early videos show a bunch of shoppers exiting the mall en masse.

But it's obvious if this is either a mass shooting or a domestic shooting, the facts are clear, the shooter is a terrorist. It's not because of his skin color, nationality, religion or political motivations.

It's the fact that he would ruin the lives of others because of rejection. I don't care what his life was, he sure as hell didn't value the lives of others.

More developments as they happen.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Charleston Terrorist Got Served!

I refuse to say this asshole's name. He was the terrorist who massacred nine innocent lives at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

This terrorist was inspired by the rhetoric of white extremists and agitators in the junk food media. He claimed that Black people were ruining his country and he felt the need to put end to it. He would soon escape and be on the run for nearly 22 hours. He was soon caught in North Carolina.

On his way back, the law gave him a bite to eat. He was a pampered twit who got riled up over #BlackLivesMatter and the riots in Ferguson, Missouri.

This terrorist was drapped in the losing side of the Civil War. The South Carolina governor Nikki Haley was pressured to drop the flag. The losing side of the Civil War was sent to relic museum. For over 50 years the relics of the losing side of the Civil War draped the state grounds until 2015. Some states are ridding themselves of these disgusting figures of a failed legacy.

The terrorist got a meal that gave him a trip to the hospital. This happened in the iron college while this terrorist is awaiting trial.

He was served a five knuckle roll with a side of butta pudding.

The attacker Dwayne Stafford was placed inside a hole in the wall after this incident. He might get some extra time in the dark.

The attacker got through an unlocked door and decided to make himself a "hero" for serving the terrorist. The law denies the attack wasn't racially motivated.

The terrorist is facing state and federal charges for this horrific act in June 2015.

He has the death card hanging over his head. The terrorist is innocent until proven guilty.

The attacker is innocent until proven guilty.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Never Stops: Mass Shooting In Austin!

There was a mass shooting in Austin, Texas. There was at least one person right now killed and four others who suffered life threatening injuries. The police are searching for the terrorist.

The shooting happened in the Sixth Street entertainment district. The incident happened overnight between 2am and 3am.

The victim was a woman in her 30s and two other women and a man were injured.
At least one person has been killed and several have been injured after a gunman opened fire in Austin, Texas. Pictured, police at the scene
Mass shooting in Austin, Texas.
Besides Barack Obama, Muslims, Black Lives Matter or illegal immigrants will be the first things uttered out the mouths of the gun supporters.

A video posted on social media purported to be from the scene of the shooting showed people running and screaming after shots were heard. Instead of running for their lives, they want to capture the moment so they can share for click bait.

We don't know the name of the victims or the name of the terrorist but I can tell you conservatives will find a way to claim the shooter is.....





Once again, Texas governor Greg Abbott, President Barack Obama and the local leaders will offer their condolences and prayers to the victims. Every time the president speaks out against gun violence, the tone deafness of conservatives will be that Obama's coming for your guns. Now that Hillary Clinton is the nominee for the Democratic Party, the NRA and agitators in the junk food media will say that she's coming for the guns now.

A few days or a few weeks will pass by and then we're off to another mass shooting, a terrorist attack, or a cop shooting.

When it comes to fighting these issues, Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress and conservative agitators use their only muscle they got. It's their tongues and they're getting tongue tied trying to blame everyone else other than the shooter.

Developments will continue.
A woman in her 30s died and at least three more were shot, Austin-County Emergency Medical Services said. Pictured, police at the scene
Another life lost to a senseless mass shooting.
Instead of offering condolences and prayers to the victims, I am going to say that Congress is allowing mass shootings to happen in the United States. They're too busy taking vacations to pass Zika virus funding, highway infrastructure funding, and a gun control or background check law.

They're afraid and inept. If this is what you want for your government, vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Cause they sure as hell ain't doing much to solve the problems. With a Republican controlled Congress, they'll do whatever it takes to repeal laws or throw up road blocks.

They'll keep the little majority of White uneducated individuals fearful of change.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Blame Game: Terrorist Attack In Baton Rouge!

President Barack Obama released a statement on the umpteenth mass shooting event.

He will of course condemn the suspects, call upon peace within the Black community and those in law enforcement. He will continue to push for gun control and background checks. And he will call the families of those lost in this tragedy. He will order Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson to investigate if the attack was motivated by actions of Black extremism (gang violence) or terrorism.

John Bel Edwards, the governor of Louisiana and Baton Rouge mayor Kip Holden have condemned the shooting. They ask for "prayers". Again both lawmakers are supporters of guns.
Airline Highway in eastern Baton Rouge is shutdown.
Of course, this all will be ignored by the junk food media. Fox News of course, will try to spin it to make it seem like the protesters calls for police reform is anti-White and anti-cop.

Tensions are going to be high this week as Donald Trump and Mike Pence take the crown of being the Republican ticket for president. They are already plotting to exploit these tragedies for political gains.

And of course, Republicans, Fox News and the conservative agitators will ignore the real threat to America.

It's not "radical Islam".

It's not Black Lives Matter.

It's not abortion doctors.

It's not the junk food media.

It's not the president.

It's the easy access to firearms in the hands of terrorists, gang members, sex traffickers, poachers, mentally insane people, untrained firearm users, children, people who threaten themselves with suicide, police officers who lack training on how to handle tense situations and of course the NRA.


Once again the junk food media leaves Nice, France. Now it heads to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to cover another senseless tragedy for the sake of riling up people and raking in money for ratings.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and other news agitators are often covering these events. These events will be covered for a week or so and then we're off to another tragedy in the country or the world. These events are often exploited by agitators like Sean "Softball" Hannity and Matt Drudge. They will spook White people into voting.
Another mass shooting in the United States. President Barack Obama will address another shooting.
Those two are prime agitators in the race baiting. Add Sheriff David Clarke, Kevin Jackson, Alex Jones, Colin Flaherty, Bill O'Reilly and that old fart Rush Limbaugh to the list of  "concern trolls" quick to blame others for the actions of the shooter.

No one condones killing those in law enforcement other than the extremists driven with rage over a system they believe isn't fair to Black or Hispanic men.

No one condones killing unarmed Black men other than the agitators who troll social media for a smidgen of unlawful behavior or heresy.

I bet you money, conservatives will lick their chops. They wil blame not only Black men, Muslims and immigrants, but their usual whipping posts are Black Lives Matter, President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The usual conservative word vomit to a mass shooting.
  • All mass shooters were liberal Democrats.
  • If the shooter was a Black male, he is a Thug associated with Black Lives Matter or one of "Obama's sons". The shooter wanted dead cops and White people. He got the notion from Obama and race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. 
  • If the shooter was a Muslim, he is a terrorist associated with the Islamic State and the president won't utter the phrase "radical Islam". The president wants to bring terrorists into our country. He is weak on terrorism because he called the Islamic State and al-Qaeda the "JV" team. 
  • If the shooter was Hispanic, he is an illegal immigrant or a Thug. The president will allow more immigrants into the country. He won't build a border wall to stop immigrants and terrorist from coming from the southern border. The president wants amnesty for illegal aliens and he won't listen to his FBI and CIA directors about the immigrants and refugees.
  • If the shooter was White, he is a liberal. After all, Democrats are the reason to why we have mass shootings. The shooter was a registered Democrat. I have all the facts online stating his voting history.
  • If the shooter was a police officer. It was an accident. Cops deserve the benefit of the doubt. Cops have to make split decisions. The suspect had a lengthy criminal history. Obama is not for the cops.
And all the while, conservatives will do nothing to stop the constant mass shootings. Two major mass shootings in a month. Closing in on the July 2012 shooting of Aurora, Colorado. Four years ago, the fatal mass shooting by the terrorist who had mental issues.

There is no such thing as a "good guy with a gun". In a mass shooting, a good guy with a gun could be the first one to be killed. If the good guy tries to take out the threat, the law might mistaken him as the threat. The good guy could end up killing an innocent person. The good guy with a gun could be charged with murder if he kills the threat or an innocent victim.

The good guy with a gun could be a ploy for a sinister plot. 

Louisiana is an open carry state. Anyone in the state and its many parishes are allowed to carry firearms as long as they are licensed to carry within safe travel. If a Black male was carrying a firearm, obviously a white person would call the police and they will investigate.

The mayor called this an ambush. It may have been a rouse to attract attention before the massacre.

A woman saw a man walking with a high powered assault weapon. He was walking on Airline Highway near a B-Quik gas station. The woman told the officer the man was wearing a coat and walking behind a store.

There were two adults and two juveniles were involved in a plot to target police and parish sheriffs in Baton Rouge. These terrorists were involved in the fatal shooting of Baton Rouge police officers.

We don't know the name of the shooter who was taken down. There were two alleged shooters on the loose. The FBI, ATF and U.S. Marshals are now on IMS (intense manhunt search) for any individuals involved in this fatal shooting. This was a coordinated terrorist attack by a group of individuals motivated by the shooting death of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the shooting of Dallas police officers.

The names of the victims weren't released but the names of the suspects were. And as usual, here comes the blame game.

Okay, a twelve year old boy, Antonio Thomas, 17, Malik Bridgewater 20, Trashone Coats 23, were the individuals identified in the theft of weapons at a pawn shop. They were arrested last week and it may have been associated with today's tragedy.

They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. But for conservatives and White extremists, they are guilty as sin and give them the death card.

There is a hostage situation in Baltimore. A Burger King restaurant in the city is being held by a terrorist. The terrorist was wanted on a rape charge. He was being chased by the law and crashed into a pole. He got out and fled. He ended up heading to the restaurant where he is holding people hostage.

Cleveland Police call on Ohio governor and failed presidential candidate John Kasich to temporarily suspend open carry laws. Kasich, the dingleberry said "NO". He will speak at the NAACP Convention in Cincinnati, ignoring the GOP Convention in Cleveland.

More developments on the way.

Mass Shootings Continue: Baton Rouge Officers Gunned Down!

Fatal police shooting.

Those in law enforcement are on high alert after a significant threat by extremists was reported by the Homeland Security. There are groups that are plotting motivated terrorists attacks on those who wear the badge.

Some of these extremists are former military and trained with high powered firearms.

Breaking today, Baton Rouge police officers were killed this morning. This happened a few miles from the police headquarters. The law can't confirmed the identities of the officers, but we do know that officers were ambushed.

Chief Carl DaBadie asks the public to keep prayers for his officers who were shoot this morning.

The event happened at 9am (CST) and the officers didn't expect it.

The motivations of the terrorist is unknown. I assure you that if its Black, Muslim or Immigrant shooter, expect conservatives to exploit the event and yes blame everyone but the shooter.

The shooting does have some indications of retaliation against those officers who killed Alton Sterling. I can't confirm that as an excuse but given the fatal shootings of Black men across the country, I expect extremism to be on the rise.

So here's the poll for the day.

There was a senseless mass shooting in Baton Rouge. Those in law enforcement were killed. Who deserves the blame for this?
Barack Obama
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Quiz Maker

Obviously if you're not blaming the shooter, you're not helping.

The fatal shooting of Alton Sterling has Baton Rouge Police under the investigation by the U.S. Justice Department. The officers who fatally shot Alton are in the freezer pending the outcome.

The shooting caught on video went viral and the Black residents are upset over the fatal encounter.

Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards and President Barack Obama were notified of this this. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will speak on this event at their political rallies.

Again, those in law enforcement know the risk. It's a thankless job. They know that day would come when their lives could end. This is one of the most dangerous jobs. There is no war on cops.


Stay tuned for the Blame Game series.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Mass Shootings Keep Happening: Five Dallas Officers Killed!

Dallas police mourn the lost of their own after a terrorist launched an attack on a Black Lives Matter protest rally.


World News Today send our condolences to those lost in these senseless tragedies.

When will it stop?

When will we finally get something done about gun violence?

Who's going to be blamed?

In the wake of the mass shooting in Dallas sparked by a terrorist's anger with the death of unarmed Black men, who takes the blame for this?

Barack Obama
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Quiz Maker

I bet you money, the blame game will focus solely on President Barack Obama. They will accuse him of inciting violence against police. They will complain about the protesters supporting this terrorist and his horrific act against those in law enforcement. The concern trolls will use the "If I had..."

I bet you that "the shooter was...." will be the first thing coming up. Agitators in the junk food media will fault people other than the shooter.

In the wake of two officer involved shootings in which two Black men were gunned down, a peaceful protest in Dallas was disrupted by a terrorist attack.

A terrorist managed to take out five Dallas officers and injured 15 in the #BlackLivesMatter march.

The terrorist named Micah Xavier Johnson, 25 was responsible for one of the most deadliest shootings for law enforcement since 9/11. He is a former Army reserve ranger.
The terrorist before the shooting.
The terrorist said that he's not in tone with the protesters. He just showed a strong hatred of White people, especially White officers. He believes that the recent incidents in the junk food media inspired him for the attack.

The terrorist was eventually taken down by SWAT snipers and a police robot.

Downtown Dallas is on lockdown as they are trying to figure out if the terrorist had any help.

Three individuals were also detained for questioning. The incident happened around 9pm in the wake of a protest. Police negotiated with the terrorist. Dallas Police chief David Brown said that the terrorist was not willing to surrender to the authorities He said he was turned up.

He was cornered in the El Centro College. The terrorist was determined to take out many.

The terrorist was from Mesquite, a nearby suburb of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The terrorist had no prior history with the law or the feds.

Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings, Texas governor Greg Abbott, President Barack Obama were horrified about this ambush attack on those who served and protected. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have canceled their campaigns for the time being.

Mind you that Texas is an open carry state. The terrorist would have strolled with the firearm without any retaliation from the law.

Did you happen to notice the junk food media erroneously accused a man protesting with his firearm as the suspect?

Mark Hughes was there at the protest with no intentions of using his firearm. He was accused of being the shooter by the junk food media. The Dallas Police Department had made the mistake and quickly apologized to Hughes. The damage was done. Hughes face were splashed across the networks and he immediately got death threats.

And here comes the racial agitators.

The Drudge Report once again spread more hate and fear in the wake of a mass shooting. The racist right will automatically use this as a rally call to start the "great race war".

Congress will once again ignore the threat of gun violence.
Nothing will be done about gun violence.

Today Black and Hispanic members of Congress and Loretta Lynch have talked to the junk food media about the "rush to judgement" and the accusations of profiling.

The nation's law enforcement will step up forces in the wake of this.

Again the blame game will be often addressed. As expected, you will hear the conservatives deflect from the gun violence to single out #BlackLivesMatter for the actions of the shooter.

The media will cover this for a few weeks and then it's off to another shiny coin.

Almost four weeks since the Orlando massacre. About a year past the shooting in Charleston and four years since the Aurora movie theater shooting.  Now we can add the Dallas massacre to the list of mass shootings.

It keeps on going!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Wayne LaPierre: "Janet" Lynch Ain't Taking My Gun!

The Three Stooges stand firm in guns, name calling and all out bitching. Chris Cox, Donald Trump and Wayne LaPierre go to GOP Sundays to deny facts. Sen. Jeff Session (R-AL) comes along for the ride.

Ignorance continues to be a part of American culture. We are numb to gun violence. Everyday 20 to 50 people are killed by firearms. About 3,000 people are killed by firearms.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch heads to GOP Sundays to discuss the Orlando massacre, Hillary Clinton's emails, and the president's gun control proposals. 

Congress continues to hold a moment of silence and their prayers with the 

There's not enough prayers to stop this.


Donald Trump goes to GOP Sundays to discuss his falling poll numbers, his upcoming appearance at the oldest gun lobbyist group the National Rifle Association and why he is being criticized by fellow Republicans.

The NRA president and spokesman for the group go to GOP Sundays to defend their stance on firearms. Chris Cox, the president of the the NRA-ILA and chairman Wayne LaPierre both appear on GOP Sundays to complain about the president and Lynch.

Mind you that LaPierre is an idiot and he couldn't even say her name right.

Wayne LaPierre says that "Janet" Lynch and her gun grabbing losers at the Justice Department ain't going to take his gun.

The Brady Foundation teams up with the victims of gun violence to head to Virginia with the intentions of protesting the NRA's stubborn views on gun violence.

Also the old tired argument of the "good guy with the gun". 

In the wake of an active shooting, the good guy with a gun wouldn't be even capable of stopping a threat given the mass shooter having an automatic firearm. The law doesn't see a "good guy" with the gun. They see a threat. Even if you disarm the threat, the law might mistake you as a threat or you could end up injuring a victim. You will likely face criminal charges if you kill an innocent victim.

The good guy with a gun argument is stupid. You can't predict the motivations of a mass shooter. 

Trevor Noah and Jordan Klepper knocks down the argument of a "good guy" with the gun.


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