Showing posts with label Ted Cruz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ted Cruz. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump Slides A Dick Into The Court!

The fuhrer nominates Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Neil Gorsuch is currently a federal appeals judge from U.S. 10th Circuit of Appeals in Denver. He is chosen to be the fuhrer's pick for the Supreme Court. This pick will replace the late Antonin Scalia who passed away a year ago.

Donald J. Trump nominated this judge for the court. Republicans are on board with this pick.

Democrats aren't. So it's likely a showdown for the spot. Democrats are seething over the Republican obstruction to Barack Obama's pick Merrick Garland. The Republicans held off the confirmation hearings and vote. It ended with Garland heading back to the federal court for the District of Columbia. Democrats vow complete obstruction to this guy.

Now the very same Republicans are warning Democrats to get in line or prepare for "nuclear option."

Conservatives are going to praise this guy. Progressives not so much. They're going to hate this guy and the very things he stands for.

The announcement came forth with the spotlights of a reality television show.

Gorsuch would be considered one of
the youngest judges appointed to the highest court. He is currently 49 years old and is married with children.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump Fires Acting AG Out The Cannon!

Trump's inner circle in dissray. He fires his acting attorney general.

The trademark phrase from then reality television star and now fuhrer was simonious with The Apprentice on NBC.

Donald J. Trump said "You're Fired!"

It was a popular catchphrase.

Now fuhrer Trump decides to fire Sally Yates out the cannon. Yates is the acting Attorney General who held over from the Barack Obama administration. She said she will stand by the federal court order. She said that the U.S> Justice Department would not defend the fuhrer's executive order on immigration.

Sean Spicer the spinner of "alternative facts" said that Yates was relieved of her duties. Dana Boente will be named acting attorney general until the Senate confirms that squinty eyed bigot Jeff Sessions.
Sally Yates was fired out the cannon after she refused to stand with the fuhrer.
Session is currently a Republican senator from Alabama.

Spicer said that Yates "betrayed the Department of Justice" by refusing to defend the fuhrer's order.

Again showing his disdain for the law and women, the release of Yates was simple.

According to the fuhrer's minions, Yates is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.

This woman is a career prosecutor.

According tot he AP, former Breitbart president and now confidant to the fuhrer, white extremist Stephen Bannon forged the idea to ban Muslims and immigrants.

A large group of diplomats and senior intelligence officials resigned today. Former Exxon Mobil chief Rex Tillerson is awaiting confirmation for Secretary of State had lost almost 90% of the foreign aides who could help him broker deals with other nations.

Republicans are lock and step with the Trumpster. So don't let their weak cries of concern make you feel remorse for them.

Democrats better get a spine. They better oppose, delay and shut the government down. Do what Republicans done to Obama. Democrats better start bitching and fight dirty. Oppose Trump and the Republican Party.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Take Your Medicine!

Repeal Obamacare with.....still wondering what they're doing.

You must enroll in the healthcare marketplace by January 31. Visit for more information on how to sign up for affordable insurance.

Republicans spent nearly a decade trying to defeat healthcare reform. The Affordable Care Act or best known as Obamacare has been a thorn for Republicans. Now that they have control of the state governorships, the state legislatures, the Congress and the White House, Republicans are all but certain willing to repeal the healthcare law and find a "replacement" to it.

There's just one problem.

They don't have a replacement.

The Washington Post obtained recorded audio from the Republican retreat in Philadelphia. The Republicans are figuring out ways to repeal the massive law without taking away millions of Americans who signed up for it.

By law, you must enroll into a healthcare marketplace if you can't get insurance from an employer or face a tax penalty on your next filing. If you refuse to get enrolled for health insurance, you could face a hefty fine.

Some Republicans feared that for all the bluster and talk, they can't figure out how to replace a law that is actually working. The members scramble for ideas as the fuhrer is demanding a full repeal of the law.

Donald J. Trump's first week in office was marred by controversy. It has gotten major attention from world leaders fearing that his unpredictable and volatile behavior could cause tensions globally.

Republicans have long complained that the law was intentionally making healthcare expensive.

They cite private healthcare insurers opting out of the exchanges as an example.

The law signed by then President Barack Obama went into effect in 2010. The Republicans and their extremist allies have long sought to have the bill (ah law) repealed.

When the insurgency bubbled up, Democrats cautiously walked across the Capitol holding hands while a bunch of rancorous White folks belittled them and one even spat on Rep. Emanuel Clever (D-MO).

They took it to the Supreme Court in 2012 and 2015. They sought to strip out some of the healthcare by a court ruling. Under the John Roberts court, the Supreme Court ruled that the law is valid and it cited state laws requiring car insurance as a factor. Although some of the law lost a tad bit of luster, the law still mainstream and people are signing up for it.

House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) continue to lay out a plan to repeal the law but are uncertain if they have enough support from fellow Republicans who just want the law gone in its entirety.

When asked about the plan, most Republicans revert to the talking points and the same old shit that was underhanded pitched by the likes of agitators like Sean "Softball" Hannity.

"One of the flaws with Obamacare ---there were many -- was that Nancy Pelosi literally wrote the bill in a room with maybe two or three other people the night before the vote and nobody read the bill before they voted on it," said Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA).

Mind you Scalise is a moron and devout White extremist.

The law in its entirety is massive and it was carved into nearly 2,000 pages identifying all the elements to the law. Scalise choose not to read it. He and many Cracker Belt Republicans have no intentions on strengthening the law or finding suitable replacements.

All they believe is the law is killing Whites and their mission is to stop it. Because good and health Black, Hispanic, Native and Asian Americans means White minority.

Yeah, I said it.

I believe that Republicans are determined to preserve the little power they have on White America.

Trump's victory is a setback to progress.

Think about how many votes we could have if people went out to vote. It takes a village to make a city and believe me the young voters are people like my inept younger co-workers and manager who refuse to vote but in turn pout that we have this guy as the leader.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Progressives Warn Dems They Better Fight Or They Will Fall!

Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) face scrutiny for supporting Ben Carson's bid to be HUD Secretary.
Democrats are starting to wobble on resistance. Protesters want unrepentant obstruction against the fuhrer Donald J. Trump and the Republicans. The spineless Democrats want to take cautious steps to fight the fuhrer.

You done fuck up now!

Republicans refuse to respect Barack Obama during his eight years as president.

Now the very same Republicans want protesters to respect Trump as their leader. I don't think so!

I will not give in this asshole. I refuse to support Trump and Republicans. If the Democratic Party decides go soft on Trump, they will face the wrath of progressives.

The Huffington Post and many outlets are calling out Democrats for going wobbly on Trump.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) are in the crosshairs of progressives. They were being hammered for supporting Ben Carson, a completely inept, failed presidential candidate. Carson is a former neurosurgeon who is tapped to be the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Brown and Warren are up for reelection. Trump carried Ohio and Brown is easily targeted as the most vulnerable Democrat running.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jackie Craig Got Criminal Charges Knocked Off!

Body camera footage of Jacqueline Craig being arrested.

The woman arrested by Fort Worth police had the criminal charges dropped. The video that went viral showed the officer disrespect her after she called him to an incident involving a man touching her child.

The December arrest of Jacqueline Craig has sparked a discussion. Craig reported to the Fort Worth police about an incident involving a neighbor and her son soon got out of hand. The cop who arrested her decided to lecture her on how to be a parent. When her daughter go in between them, the cop arrested them.

The cop named William Martin, arrested her on disorderly conduct. She and her daughter spent a couple of nights in county lockup. The man who grabbed the child didn't even face charges.

Before the arrest, everything was cordial. But it turned into a heated exchange when Martin decided to be a parent.

"Well, why don't you teach your son not to litter?" Martin said to Craig while being recorded.

"He can't prove to me that my son littered," Craig responds. "But it doesn't matter if he did or didn't. It doesn't give him the right to put his hands on him."

"Why not?" said Martin.
Asshole cop puts the Taser near a Texas mom's neck.
That's when the arrest went down.

They finally released the name of the man accused of putting his hands on the child. He will face misdemeanor charges for assault.

Itamar Vardi, expect death threats. Expect death threats because you put your hands on a child. A child that's not even yours. You have no business putting your hands on that boy. Your actions should have resulted in your arrest. You should have been placed in the handcuffs, not Jackie Craig.

If that had been my son, I'm going to serve you knuckle style chili. Matter of fact, I will either be in the iron college or my son would bury me because I seriously put a dent in his face.

Anyway, Martin got iced for 10 days without pay. Craig's attorney is calling for a cannon firing.

The body camera footage is released and it's explicit. Be warned the language is disturbing.

Monday, January 23, 2017

More Mass Shootings: San Antonio Mall!

Mass shooting inside the mall sparked by a man's reckless need to be a hero?

Reminder, a good guy with a gun is still a threat. A police officer sees a "good guy" with a gun as a threat. That's probably why it's best to leave the criminals to the law. They are trained to handle situations. A "good guy" with a gun could accidentally shoot an innocent person.

Don't lose your life over property.

It's best to lose the property than lose your life. If you want to die a hero, try to neutralize the threat.

This is what happened in San Antonio.
A man's foolish actions to save property cost him his life. His wife now buries him.
One person lost their life trying to stop a jewelry thief. The robbery was botched from the start.

Five people were injured after two men tried to rob Kay Jewelers inside the Rolling Oaks Mall.

The victim killed was a retired Marine named Jonathan Murphy. The man and his wife were inside Kay when it went down. Murphy was trying to stop the robbery by being the "good samaritan".

Murphy shot one of the suspects. The other suspect saw it and bucked Murphy quickly.

Now that Murphy's "good guy" instinct triggered a mass shooting, five others paid the price for his actions. The suspects deserve most of the blame but Murphy also takes the blame as well.

He decided to be a hero and it cost him his life.
Suspect caught. Other suspect fights for his life.
The suspect who was shot is fighting for his life in the hospital. The second suspect was fingered as 34 year old Jason Prieto. He will face murder and robbery charges. The other suspect could face charges as well.

They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

A woman complained of chest pains. Another woman went into labor because of the panic.

All the while, inept police chief William McManus is trying to explain the rise in criminal activity in the seventh largest city in the United States.

So the fault of this senseless act of violence lies on the feet of fuhrer Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, Greg Abbott, the Republican Party and the NRA.

GOP Want To Kick The U.N. Out The U.S.

Republicans want to sever ties with the United Nations.

White extremists are die hard supporters of the Republican Party. The Republicans and their supporters are starting to show teeth when it comes to critics of our brutal treatment of other nations.

Now they're targeting an organization that When the United States was abstained from the United Nation's condemnation of Israel's continuation of the settlements in East Jerusalem disrupting peace talks.

Now a lawmaker is trying to reintroduce a bill that would allow the fuhrer sever ties with the 192 other member states.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) is leading this through Congress. This bigot is trying to cut aid to foreign nations and do "extreme vetting" of individuals who seek asylum in the United States.

It is known as the "American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017."
Republican lawmaker pushes for a departing the United Nations. This is old cracker Mike Rogers, Republican congressman from Alabama.
The bill would repeal the "United Nations Participation Act of 1945," which was entered into after World War Two.

The new bill would eliminate any U.S. commitment to disaster relief or humanitarian aid to U.N. members.

The U.S. would also cease any peace-keeping operations in cooperation with the U.N.

Pathetic. The Republican Party is the party of extremism\and you idiots allowed it to happen by electing this asshole Donald J. Trump as the fuhrer of the United States.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Cory Booker: Jeff Sessions Ain't AG Material!

Sen. Cory Booker and many others oppose Jeff Session as the Attorney General.

Today is the confirmation hearings of the Attorney General. A controversial senator from the state of Alabama is the pick for the position. But his neo-Confederate ties, his past statements and his reaction towards the current issues in a post-Obama America are under fire.

Democrats are determined to fight against Republicans. They may lose this fight after the 113th Session pulled the "nuclear option" when it came to confirmation hearings. The 115th Session will quickly confirm nominees in this Republican controlled senate. They will now have the power to play moves they've longed complained the Democrats done during the eight years of Barack Obama's term.

New Jersey Democratic senator Cory Booker will testify against Alabama Republican senator Jeff Sessions in an attempt to block his nomination as the Attorney General of the United States.

Republicans faced criticism after they said they'll swiftly confirm fuhrer Donald J. Trump's picks for his cabinet and the federal courts.

At the Judiciary Committee, Booker will say that Session's record on civil rights and immigration will not live up to the principles of his predecessors.

The NAACP, the ACLU, many LGBT groups and immigration rights groups are opposing the nomination.

"I'm breaking a pretty long Senate tradition," said Booker when he was on All In with Chris Hayes.

"We've seen Jeff Sessions that's Senator Jeff Sessions --- consistently voting against or speaking out against key ideals of the Voting Rights Act, taking measures to try to block criminal justice reform."

Session was called "a threat to desegregation and the Voting Rights Act" by the NAACP.
The fuhrer and the squinty eyed bigot who he wants as the Attorney General.
So far Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) are strongly opposed to the nomination and will vote against him. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) signaled the same.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) are cautious about Sessions as well. Scott as the only Black senator who votes as a rank-and-file Republican had said that Sessions will get his vote after a "special emphasis". He is going to remind Sessions that his vote will be cast on the answers that are relevant to the current environment.

Given the time of racial and societal unrest, Scott did voice a bit of concern about the nominees.

Republicans demonized Eric Holder and his successor Loretta Lynch. Holder and Lynch are African American and they were attacked on their credentials and race by many agitators. Sessions was one of those agitators.

Fuhrer Trump, vice fuhrer Mike Pence and the beady eyed squinty bigot Jeff Sessions are a match made in Hell.

Thursday, January 05, 2017

McKinney Pool Teen Sues The A** Who Slammed Her!

Asshole cop getting served with a lawsuit. 

Back in 2015, a teen was body slammed to the ground after a pool party got out of hand in McKinney, Texas. Now a federal lawsuit is thrust upon the city and the officer who was filmed slamming her to the ground.

When the cops came, they weren't handling the situation properly. Eric Casebolt, the officer who was filmed barrel rolling, pointing his gun at some of the teens and arresting Dajerria Becton was the guy who set off a week of national outrage.

In a complaint filed in December, Becton and her legal guardian, Shashona Becton, allege that Casebolt violated her constitutional rights by using excessive force and holding her without probable cause. The family also claims that the city and the police department are to blame for her injuries.

The federal lawsuit seeks $5 million in damages. She was 15 when this all happened. She was crying face down in the grass while Casebolt pinned her with his hands and knees.

Casebolt didn't get charged for the act. Casebolt claimed that he was stressed after helping save a Black man from committing suicide. This was a deflection tactic to say "I'm not racist."

The video which was filmed set off weeks of discussion of how the police are treating minorities.

The people who called the law were outed by social media. Tracey Carver-Allbritton and Sean Toon were the people who instigated the fight by saying racial slurs at the teens. The website RacistsGetFired got them and Casebolt fired out the cannon.

Casebolt is allegedly working for the Maricopa County sheriff's department.

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Rand Paul Blocks Obamacare Repeal!

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) resorts back to this Don Quixote nonsense.

Republicans threaten to repeal Obamacare. It may hurt over 30 million who signed up to the healthcare exchanges. The law is controversial. But Republicans still fixated on the past are willing to hurt Americans to please their hateful base of idiots.

We have the fuhrer Donald J. Trump coming to power in mid-January. 

President Barack Obama urges Democrats to not lose faith. He says stay strong and fight.

Democrats vow to fight Trump and Republicans all the way. 

Kentucky senator and failed Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul pissed off Republicans today. He said that he will support the repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act only if the law doesn't hurt the budget. 

"I won't vote for a terrible budget just to repeal Obamacare," said Paul.

Paul's refusal to support the Republican resolution was not acceptable to him. 

"Republicans won the White House. Republicans control the Senate. Republicans control the House. And what will the first order of business be for the new Republican majority? To pass a budget that never balances. To pass a budget that will add $9.7 trillion of new debt over 10 years. Is that really what we campaigned on? Is that really what the Republican Party represents? Our first order of business will be a budget that never balances... and they tell us, 'Oh, but it's not a budget.' If you listen, they tell us, 'Oh, but it's not a budget.' If you listen, they will say, 'No, no, it is a vehicle to repeal Obamacare.' And yet I have the title in front of me. It says a concurrent resolution for the budget of 2017."

The latest accomplishment for a senator with no historical achievements is the grandstanding over principles.

The cautious tale of Republicans fight to repeal President Barack Obama's first term. 

Republicans now want to be the grown-ups in room. After nearly 8 years of opposing about 95% of President Barack Obama agenda, Republicans are now eager to rollback the laws that helped stabilize the economy.

This vote on repealing Obamacare could be a dangerous move. If they kick millions off the insurance exchanges, it could lead to insurance providers to raise rates on everyone. 

The resolution passed 51 to 48 vote. Republicans will gamble repealing the law without any replacement or alternative. 

Republicans begin the 115th term with skepticism and distrust among themselves. They already faced a huge backlash when Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) was trying to get a House vote on rolling back the policies of the Office of Congressional Ethics. He was trying to strip the OCE of its independence and ability to investigate anonymous claims.

The fuhrer warned the Republicans to support the vehicle that helped his victory.

Again I say fuck Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Melania Trump, Rand Paul, Republicans, this white extremist movement they labeled the "alt-right" and those who support them. Fuck this country and the systematic bullshit they masquerade as patriotism. 

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Yearly Wrap Up!

On to the next one.

And like that we're gone....!

Here's our unscientific poll for the last of the year.

What will you most remember about 2016?

Donald J. Trump becoming the 45th President of the United States.
The shocking deaths of many known legends in politics, sports, education and entertainment.
The tragic shootings of unarmed people of color.
The mass shootings that happened this year and Congress not acting on measures to curb gun violence.
The junk food media giving White extremism (far right politics/conservatism) the title "alt-right".
Fake news websites becoming mainstream.
The meltdowns of Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, George Zimmerman, Tomi Lahren, Ronda Rousy, Bill Cosby, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz.
Calling out systematic racism. People Magazine, The Academy Awards, Facebook, The Bachelor and public officials who advocated racism and people called them out for it.

Damn, who would've thought Donald J. Trump would become the 45th President of the United States. A billionaire with no political experience or the temperament to lead the world's only superpower makes me shake my head with disgust. His win was apart of the flagrant racism, sexism, Islamophobia, xenophobia and utter ignorance of the American people. 

White conservatives came out for the former reality television star and business mogul. President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will have the opportunities to prove to their supporters they can actually "Make America Great Again." 

And Democrats will now have to prove to their disgruntled supporters that they have fight in them.

With the defeat of Hillary Clinton, the progressive and moderate/conservative wing of the Democratic Party are at odds with each other. They are trying to find a viable path to winning in the 2018 Midterm and 2020 General. With four years on the line, Democrats have no real viable candidate to take on Trump when he wants to run for reelection. 

Hillary Clinton will be the first woman in American history to be a nominee for a major party. Her loss was a slap to the face to the establishment, women and history. Thanks to the onslaught of misinformation, resentment, and a lackluster appeal to the hardcore left, she lost the electoral college but ended up winning the popular vote. Clinton blames the FBI memo, the conservative agitators, Bernie Sanders, and Russia for the loss.

Trump's win also gave Republicans a HUGE majority. The Democrats go down in flames after this election. Republicans have the White House, Congress and many state legislatures.

And they have the wind in their sails. Trump can sign off the repeal of Obamacare, swing the court back when he gets his nominees for the Supreme Court confirmed. Trump's inept behavior spells trouble for those who believe in progress. The Republicans have insulted and dog whistle through the eight years of President Barack Obama's term. We are reminded that White supremacy is still relevant. 

It's unfortunate that we live in the society where Jada Pinkett Smith, Jesse Williams and Colin Kaepernick are attacked for being engaged. From #OscarsSoWhite to taking a knee to police brutality, Black entertainers and athletes have expressed frustration with the justice system. 

When cops get away with murder, it makes the irrational target them. So many in law enforcement were lost in the wake of gun violence. And the police are overworked as well. They have to defend their honor from the corruption within their departments. They allowed Michael Slager, Ray Tensing and many other cops walk. Even with video evidence, it's nearly impossible to indict an officer.

Mass shootings continue to plague the United States. The most deadliest shooting in history was the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Omar Mateen, a former security guard went into a gay bar and massacred many people before the law him. The law involuntarily massacred the innocent in their attempt to stop Mateen. Then of course, the mass shootings in Washington state mall where Arcan Cetin massacred four people before the law caught him without a bullet being fired.

The shootings of law enforcement in Dallas and Baton Rouge brought attention to police officers being targeted in the wake of other officers murdering people of color.

Things must change. We must change things for the better and hope for a better future of all humans beings.

We lost so many this year. The biggest shocks were the deaths of Prince, David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Natalie Cole, Glenn Frey, Maurice White, Denise "Vanity" Matthews, Gwen Ifill, Frank Sinatra, Jr., George Michael, Patty Duke, Joanie "Chyna" Laurer, Florence Henderson, Bankroll Fresh, Shawty Lo, Phife Dawg, John Glenn, Nancy Reagan, Antonin Scalia, Doug Banks, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Harper Lee, Rob Ford, Doug Banks, Afeni Shakur, Billy Paul, Kimbo Slice, Gordie Howe, Ricky Harris, Christina Grimmie, Miss Cleo, Janet Waldo, Elie Wiesel, Fidel Castro, Gene Wilder, Lou Pearlman, Jerry Heller, Thomas Mikal Ford, Arnold Palmer, Ron Glass, Henry Judah Heimlich, Janet Reno, Sharon Jones, and many others this year.

Not to mention the man who created the red Solo cup, Robert Leo Hulseman passed away this year.

I didn't have time to name everyone else who died this year but I want them to know that they all will be missed.

See you when I get there.

You know I wanted to keep this short and simple because you have to proof-read and reedit this stuff constantly. Hell I know I am not perfect. I don't have to prove to anyone that I'm not.

But in the next year, we'll be vigorous and motivated. I will address an issue that's personal in the coming weeks and give a rundown of the latest issues in my community, the government and the junk food media.

Again, thanks to S. Baldwin for allowing me an opportunity to help grow the blog and the many contributors who help as well.

Let's be motivated.

Let's be strong.

Let's be at least better a human......!

Farewell 2016! I'm ready for the new year and I'm motivated!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Fort Worth Police Put Cop Who Arrest Jackie Craig In The Freezer!

The two women who were arrested by Fort Worth police are telling the junk food media that the cop was out of line.

Looks like the social media is lit up once again over the Jacqueline Craig arrest video. Ms. Craig and her two daughters were arrested by a Fort Worth police officer after they called to report a man choking the woman's 7-year old son.

This incident was recorded in its entirety.

Be warned the video contains explicit language and scenes of violence.

The Facebook Live video, shot by Jacqueline Craig’s daughter, Brea Hymond, 19, begins with Craig, 46, and her family confronting a man painting his fence in the 7400 block of Rock Garden Trail. Then, viewers hear Craig’s 911 call saying the man assaulted her 7-year-old son by grabbing his neck for littering.

Seven minutes in, an unidentified man who appears to know Craig gets out of a white car, approaches the man painting his fence, tells him to keep his hands off the boy, gets into his car and drives away.

When the officer arrives, he first asks the accused man what happened, then asks Craig what happened.

While she gives the officer her account, Craig says her son’s littering didn’t give the man the right to touch him.

“Why don’t you teach your son not to litter?” says the officer, who has not been identified.

“He can’t prove that my son littered,” Craig responds. “But it doesn’t matter if he did or didn’t, it doesn’t give him the right to put his hands on him.”

“Why not?” the officer says.

A struggle between the two ensues and Craig’s 15-year-old daughter, Jacques Hymond, steps between them.

The officer then pulls his Taser, wrestles Craig to the ground and puts her in handcuffs before pointing the Taser at Jacques, who was lying in the street. She is also handcuffed and placed with her mom in the police vehicle.

The screen goes black about 16 minutes in, when the officer arrests Brea Hymond and takes the phone from her but does not turn it off.

Around 20 minutes into the video, a conversation between the officer and Jacques is heard.

“Who’s kicking my door? Who’s kicking my door? Was that you?” the officer asks.

“It don’t matter. You kicked me,” Jacques says.

“Yeah,” the officer replies.

“You kicked me on my side,” she says.

“When a police officer tells you to get in the car, you get in the car,” the officer says.

“I don’t know how to. I’m 15 years old,” she replies.

Jacques told the Star-Telegram after the incident that she was kicked while being put into the police vehicle.

“I am 15 years old. How was I supposed to know I wasn’t supposed to interfere?” Jacques said. “I was just trying to protect my mom.”

In the final 15 minutes of the video, the officer talks to Craig and Jacques in the patrol car before Jacques is taken by another officer to a juvenile detention center.

The officer turns the phone off just after the 29-minute mark.

Police told Fox 4 News that they have a copy of the full video and it is expected to be analyzed by internal affairs.

The video that went viral after it was posted Wednesday night — with 3.2 million views on Facebook, to date — was six minutes long and didn’t include portions from the beginning and end. The six-minute video was posted on Facebook by a family relative, Porsha Craver, who recorded it on another phone.

A YouTube user by the name of Black Power Prince posted the full version on YouTube. It shows 11 minutes before the officer arrived and more than 13 minutes after the women were arrested.

At a news conference with city officials last week, Fort Worth Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald called the officer’s actions rude, but said, “I can’t call [the incident] racism.”

“What I can say is that I noticed in the video that the officer was rude,” Fitzgerald said. “And there’s a difference between rude and racism.”

The officer has been placed on restricted duty while internal affairs conducts an investigation.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Crooked A** Netanyahu Found Common Ground With The Fuhrer!

The D'evil's are in the details!

If criticizing the genocide of Palestinians by a brutal Israeli military is anti-semitic, then you're dumb as fuck!

Palestinians are being terrorized by a government that claims to be for the freedom of all people.

They are being evicted from their homes. The military and police are shooting children and raping women. And the junk food media always seems to be on the side of Israel.

I am so tired of the conservatives.

In a 3:1 fight, Israel is winning and we're paying for it. The United States gives billions of dollars to crooked foreign leader. President Barack Obama doesn't bow to right wing leaders. That's why fuck faces like Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu are so glad a Republican got into the White House.

They could string this dummy up and drag us again into another endless war.

Netanyahu and his Likud Party were none too happy after the United Nations condemned Israel for ignoring the settlement ban. The Israeli government continues to built in East Jerusalem and it's stroking tension with the Arab world. The United State, the European Union and the Asian Pacific Alliance are getting tired of this conflict.

The U.S. abstained itself from a voting resolution causing its passing. Netanyahu privately was calling Obama a "NIGGER". He said that Obama had tuned his back on Israel.

Well if Obama was really turning his back on Israel, he should pull the military aid.

As Obama leaves the White House, he leave the Afghanistan War and the semi-ongoing Iraqi War. The fuhrer Donald J. Trump will take over with ambitions that could spell trouble for world leaders.

He has no political experience and yet believes his "charming" personality will grab the world by the pussy.

Fuhrer Trump and Christian terrorist Mike Pence both are inept in governing but the ignorance has spoken.

The Times of Israel and The Daily Mail are doing dirt digging on the Netanyahu administration.

Netanyahu is facing a "criminal investigation" over bribery and fraud claims after police were handed new documents in the case, it has emerged.

Netanyahu saying that the investigation is bullshit and its Obama's plot to get rid of him.

Fuck Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Melania Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and this White extremist movement called the alt-right.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

I Dare You Take Away My Healthcare You Chickensh*t Republicans!

The inept Republican leaders will attempt another repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act despite high enrollment and positive results.  Fuhrer Trump wants the law scrapped. Republican congress can't figure out an alternative. They could kick 30 million people off health insurance.

I dare you Republicans to repeal my healthcare. 

The fuhrer and the Republican mafia continue to push forward their repeal and replace Obamacare objective. Even though it survived a Supreme Court ruling, millions of new enrollment, and working state mandated healthcare exchanges, Republicans rather see you lose your insurance and place you in a position where the healthcare industry will put you in the poor house for a just a simple visit.

With the 115th Congress having a Republican president, a Republican controlled Congress and the possibility of a Supreme Court pick who can rollback the law, it's likely Obamacare will be repealed.

Democrats are seething with revenge but no real plan to stop the Republicans from accomplishing their long held objective.

I certainly will waste no time burdening Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), my local congressmen Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) will signs calling a bunch of "pussies".

I mean signs and name calling won't do much. Death threats will earn you federal time out. Harassing them could lead to you being banned from government properties or events that host lawmakers.

Calling in to a radio show won't help much either. It only gets your voice heard and ease frustration.

What can you actually do with these pussies?

These pussies along with the rest of the Republican controlled Congress get healthcare for life. They get perks for being elected. They spend about 1/3 or less of their time actually doing their jobs. They spend most of their time taking earmarks and trying to get reelected despite having no reasonable accomplishments.

I mean think about how Turner's pork benefited the cities of Dayton, London and Xenia.

Think about how Jordan's pork benefited the cities of Urbana and Sandusky.

Think about how Davidson's pork benefited the cities of Eaton, West Chester and Troy.

They have no real accomplishments respectfully. The only real accomplishment is the fact that Jordan gets airtime on Sean "Softball" Hannity's show. Turner and Davidson are rank-in-file Republicans who vote with the herd.

Each of them show nothing but contempt for the status quo.

In my opinion, Turner and Davidson are likely to be the ones to be caught in a sex scandal.

Yet they are rewarded with another term and it's like nothing ever happened.

Some of Fuhrer Donald J. Trump's promises is to build a border wall that Mexico will pay for. He wants to have a Muslim ban. He wants to keep refugees from war torn nations from entering the U.S. until they go through extreme vetting. He wants to have Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines built. He wants to tear up the Iranian nuclear deal. He wants the Dodd-Frank banking regulations repealed. He wants to sue his alleged accusers of sexual harassment. He wants to replace the healthcare law because in his opinion it's a disaster. He believes that if we bomb the shit out of the Islamic State, we can win this endless war on terror. He wants punish companies that move out the United States despite some of his affiliates and his own brands being made in foreign countries. He wants to exit NATO. He wants to make our allies pay for military defense (but give special privileges to Israel). He also wants to keep the press from knowing what he's doing by regulating who gets press access to the White House (and Trump Tower).

He wants to grab the world by the pussy. Republicans are willing to give him what he wants.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and the Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are willing drop their pants and let Trump get him some.

Republicans signal a fast repeal of the law.

Despite having no suitable replacement, the Republicans are playing their bets on a fickle voter base.

Obamacare as its called by the Republican mafia is actually known as the Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act. The law was signed in two portions in 2010. The law requires Americans to enroll for primary health insurance. In order to keep cost low, the federal government gives exchanges to states to help low income or newcomers the opportunity to enroll for insurance without going through private providers. Some private providers pulled out because of the Republican kill switch. The switch allowed private providers to opt out when their costs outweigh the government's costs. You must enroll into a healthcare exchange before January 31 of the following year. If not, you might be penalized on your federal taxes.

Save your comments for Friday. I will devote a post each Friday to address the week. Make sure when you comment leave a name and a message. Anonymous comments are deleted. 

What Happened To Jacqueline Craig And Her Family?

A mother from Texas was arrested after she smarted off an officer. The officer was called on a report a man put his hands on her child and she wanted to press charges.

Thankfully nobody was killed in this incident.

I wonder if the next mass shooting of law enforcement will be the fault of this officer and not Black Lives Matter.

Because 40 miles east, the Dallas Metro Police were ambushed by this terrorist. This terrorist murdered five officers. Later that year, Baton Rouge was the scene of a mass shooting. Three officers were murdered.

Expect more police incidents with people of color. Expect more good police officers being killed because of the bad officers.

Expect Black Lives Matter to be a player in the fuhrer's term. Will it go away? Maybe. But given the power of cameras and public shaming, this group will be around. The White extremist movement they labeled the alt-right and all the players of the conservative junk food media will denounce this group.

They will call BLM it a "terrorist organization" and the "murderers of cops".

Is it time to call conservatives, the enablers of "genocide" and the enablers of "corruption?"

I place the blame of this incident on Fuhrer Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Greg Abbott, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. They refuse to support police reform and advocate for the genocide of Americans through gun violence. They defend the actions of corrupt police officers and agencies. They would endorse the notion that a person's minor criminal history is deservence of death. So I expect that one of Fuhrer Trump's minions underneath the bandwidth will make note of the criminal history of the victim.

An incident where a Fort Worth mother called the law on a neighbor after he put his hands on a child became an altercation between her and the officer. The officer would arrest her and two of her daughters. The daughter while recording the officer was arrested. She would bond out of county lockup and post this video and demand for the officer to fired out the cannon. She would also demand the man who put his hands on the child be arrested.

Jacqueline Craig, can be heard telling an officer that she called the law on a neighbor who assaulted her son.

Craig tells the officer the man who accused her son of littering was choked. The man choked the boy after he ignored him. As the officer and Craig talk, things got escalated when he decided "lecture" the mother about how to raise her child. That eventually led to the arrest of Craig, Brea Hymond and the person filming Porsha Carver.

According to the junk food media, the women are still in county lockup pending charges. The man who put his hands on the boy wasn't arrested.

The officer was named by last name in the video. The Forth Worth Police hasn't released his name to the junk food media. But it's noted his name is Martin. So it won't take long before the name and social media of the officer be put in the junk food media.

They'll defend his actions for the most part. It will take the comments he addressed to the woman to undo him. It will be the officer ignoring a serious crime that will undo him. He had no business speaking an opinion to a victim. He should have taken all the information from the woman about the man who put his hands on that boy.

He should not have arrested her because she "smarted off" to him. He should have taken his parenting skills to his own children. I thought police officers were not your parents. He is a public servant and he can be filmed by civilians. Photography is not a crime. Cussing at an officer is not a crime.

I want to know the name of the guy who put his hands on that little boy!

That officer needs to be fired out the cannon. His actions were out of line and conservatives are going to defend this scum.

I know you want to vent off about this issue. No comments here. The only opinion that matters to me is mine and S. Baldwin. But if you feel that it's not right, let your voice be heard. After all, I want to know what the opposition is thinking. I want to know how to take on such stubbornness and such vile individuals who don't value the lives of all humans.

Starting Friday, I will leave a post for you to "shout out". Any posting I made will have no comments made on it. I will make a page specifically for comments. Please leave a name and a message. 

Offensive or not I will read it. I will address it.

Anonymous comments will be deleted. There's no trolling here. 

So if you want to drop a comment without leaving a name, it's deleted.

Here's a bonus feature. One of the officers on Fort Worth's victim and crimes unit was fired out the cannon after botching up a child rape case. A 15 year old girl was raped and the former detective Dennis Hutchins in July 2016 mishandled multiple child abuse cases.

Maybe Martin might join Hutchins in the unemployment line.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

John Glenn Passed Away!

Famed astronaut and former U.S. Senator John Glenn passed away.

Sad news to report. The legendary astronaut and former Democratic senator from Ohio, John Glenn passed away. Around that time, he was hospitalized at the Ohio State University James Cancer Center. A specific cause of death wasn't revealed but at the time of his death, the family confirmed he was in dire straits.

Buzz Aldrin is suffering from declining health issues as well. He was in Antarctica when he was getting ill and had to return back to the United States. He was told of the news while in the hospital.

President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump were notified of the passing.

Obama said that "with John's passing, our nation has lost an icon."

"When John Glenn blasted off from Cape Canaveral atop an Atlas rocket in 1962, he lifted the hopes of a nation," Obama said in a statement. "And when his Friendship 7 spacecraft splashed down a few hours later, the first American to orbit the Earth reminded us that with courage and a spirit of discovery there’s no limit to the heights we can reach together."

Trump said in a tweet that the nation had lost "a great pioneer of air and space in John Glenn. He was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers."

Ohio governor John Kasich, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) were notified as well.

Glenn was the last survivor of the Mercury 7. He was selected in 1959 as NASA's first groups of astronauts. He became the first American to orbit the Earth on February 20th, 1962.

He was born on July 18, 1921 in Cambridge, Ohio to Clara and John H. Glenn, Sr. The family moved to New Concord when he was young. His father was involved in the business of plumbing. He didn't want to get into the business, he wanted to be an engineer.

He went to Muskingum College to study there. He dropped out to join the Navy. He was influenced to join after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In World War II, John flew 59 combat missions in the South Pacific as Marine aviator. He flew a further 90 combat missions during the Korean War. He survived skirts with enemy fire and lived to tell about it.

Around that time, he met his love Annie and she always had his back. They would have two children and live in Columbus, Ohio.

Glenn was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1974. Served from 1975 until 1999. He lost his first bid for the Senate from Ohio in 1970, after abandoning a race in 1964 because of a head injury suffered in a fall.

Glenn was briefly considered as a running mate for Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter in 1980. But a ponderous address at the Democratic National Convention – people walked out – caused Carter to remark that Glenn was "the most boring man I ever met."

Glenn sought the Democratic presidential nomination himself in 1984 but was quickly eliminated by eventual nominee Walter Mondale, Carter's vice president. His failure was all the more stinging because he had been touted as an early front-runner.

In the Senate, Glenn was respected as a thoughtful moderate with expertise in defense and foreign policy. But his career's luster was dulled by a Senate investigation of the "Keating Five" – five senators suspected of doing favors for campaign contributor Charles Keating Jr. The panel eventually found Glenn did nothing improper or illegal.

He took a leading role in seeking to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, especially to Pakistan. He was the author of a law that forced the United States to impose sanctions on India and Pakistan in 1998 after both countries conducted nuclear tests.

He also was a staunch advocate of a strong military and took a keen interest in strategic issues. He retired from the Senate in 1999.

Thirty-six years after his maiden space voyage, Glenn became America's first geriatric astronaut on Oct. 29, 1998. He was 77 years old when he blasted off as a mission specialist aboard the shuttle Discovery. He saw it as a blow to stereotyping of the elderly.

"Maybe prior to this flight, we were looked at as old geezers who ought to get out of the way," Glenn said after his nine-day shuttle mission. "Just because you’re up in years some doesn't mean you don't have hopes and dreams and aspirations just as much as younger people do."

Recently the city of Columbus renamed its airport John Glenn Metro Columbus International Airport.

The former was Port Columbus.

The skies are the limit for a legend. He will be sorely missed. Godspeed John Glenn.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fidel Castro Passed Away!

The world is mourning the loss of Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro.

Fidel Castro, the legendary leader in the Caribbean nation of Cuba has passed away at the age of 90. World leaders have sent their condolences to the former Cuban president. Born Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, he led Cuba throughout the Cold War. He was icon in Cuba as well as her in the United States.

Here in the United States, I can only imagine how conservatives are screaming for joy knowing an "enemy" of the country is gone.

Castro was the leader of the 1959 Cuban Revolution. He lead a coalition of Cubans to overthrow U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Castro ruled the island nation for nearly 50 years. His supporters say that he was for the people. His detractors said that he was a dictator and cruel despot who suppressed opposition.

He would test the United States by thumbing his finger in the eye of 10 presidents.

In 2006, Castro would face ill health and couldn't lead the nation. He would pass his legacy to his younger brother Raul. Raul Castro announced the news on state television tonight.

Castro spent his final years in seclusion and made some appearances with foreign dignitaries. He would also take to a blog to talk about the world events. The junk food media over here broke into local programming to express their know nothing opinions.

He was born in Cuba. He was upset over the Batista government and how it was cruelly treating the people of Cuba. Castro was aided by guerrilla war strategist Che Guevara. They fought the Cuban leader and defeated him. Castro would become the prime minister of Cuba.

He would criticize the United States after the CIA-lead Bay of Pigs Invasion. He would ban all Americans propeties from the island. That in turn led to the embargo of Cuba. This is still in effect. President Barack Obama eased tensions with Cuba by lifting sanctions against the island.

Castro would spark the Cold War when he said that the United Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR/Soviet Union/Russia) and their nuclear weapons are welcomed in Cuba.

Castro would be sworn in as president of Cuba in 1976.

Castro played a role in the Elian Gonzalez affair. The Cuban government demanded the U.S. to return the boy to his father. The U.S. rightfully so by force. It was the iconic picture of a frightened boy with U.S. Marshals armed pulling him from a closet. The U.S. and Cuba would negotiate a refugee agreement after that.

Throughout the Cold War, Castro was considered a threat to the U.S.

Expect President Barack Obama and his successor, that controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/pussy grabbing/dictator in waiting Donald J. Trump to respond to the news.

Cubans exiles are cheering the death.

The nation of Cuba uses economic Communism. Castro believed that the government should give the land back to the people and to defend the rights of the poor. Some didn't agree to Communism and opposed him. But all threats were quickly stopped. Some middle class Cubans would flee to Florida to settle after Castro threatened imprisonment and death to people who tried to overthrow him.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Texas Cop Fired Out The Cannon After He Bragged About Feeding Homeless Man Poop On Rye!

This jackass tried to feed a homeless man a poop sandwich. Did I forget to mention he was once a cop.

The San Antonio Police may charge a former cop with felonious assault after he was bragging about feeding a homeless man a feces sandwich.

Matthew Luckhurst may face criminal charges for this reckless decision. He is innocent until proven guilty. 

Luckhurst was a five year member of the department. He bragged to another officer in May that he picked up some feces off the side of a road. He placed it on bread and placed it in a Styrofoam container next to a sleeping homeless man. 

The officer told him to retrieve it and Luckhurst refused. The officer reported it to superiors. 
Disgraced cop William McManus is a poop sandwich. Everything he touches turns to crap.
Authorities tried to find the man. They weren't successful.

Regardless of this, the chief of the police was none to pleased by the actions of his officer. 

"This is a vile and disgusting act that violates our guiding principles of 'treating all with integrity, compassion, fairness and respect'. The fact that his fellow officers were so disgusted with this actions that they reported him to Internal Affairs demonstrates that this type of behavior will never be tolerated," said San Antonio Police chief William McManus.

I am familiar with the top cop of San Antonio. He was the inept top cop of Minneapolis and my hometown of Dayton, Ohio. He was fired out the cannon when Dayton was having a huge spike in gun violence. McManus is a worthless piece of shit. And you could put that turd on a piece of bread. 

He was around when Dayton got a contract with RedFlex, the controversial traffic camera company under investigation by the Feds for bribery and fraud by deception.

No Charge!

Clinton is feeling like a winner. Conservatives are outraged.

Can we finally put to rest those goddamn emails?

Confirmed. The FBI stands firm in not indicting Hillary Clinton on the emails being held on a private server.

Two weeks since the bombshell, Donald Trump and his allies have push the notion that Clinton would be indicted for criminal acts. It turns out that Clinton followed the rules and is once again cleared of any criminal acts.

FBI director James Comey who is facing backlash for dropping a bombshell close to the election.

The FBI has cleared Clinton in the ongoing issue facing Huma Abedin's estranged husband Anthony Weiner. The disgraced congressman is accused of sending inappropriate sexting pictures to a minor.

He sought sexual treatment and is cooperating with the FBI.

Clinton's lead shrunk because of this FBI memo to Congress. Clinton blames Republicans and their obsession with issues that aren't important in this election.

Clinton's odds of winning the U.S. presidential election remain at 60% at present time.

Trump. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and RNC chief Reince Priebus condemn the decision and still believe that Clinton committed criminal acts.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Republicans Signal Fight With Clinton!

Hillary Clinton is working to help down ticket candidates. Will it help

Hillary Clinton celebrates her 69th birthday by campaigning in the crucial swing states. Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina are the key to her victory. She sees an advantage in plucking away three states that normally goes to Republicans.

Republican in the Congress are by far the most inept ever to run government. Running on the narratives of agitators in the junk food media, these lawmakers are determined to create scandals where none existed.

Take for example, the John Podesta emails. I don't give a damn about those emails. They are not really important to me. Yeah, this is a scandal for the Democratic nominee, but this is cake compared to the nonsense coming out of Donald Trump's mouth. The Republican nominee and his party are determined to make life miserable for Clinton if she does win.

Right now over 200 days and counting since President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court. Republicans said that they will not take up any nominee until a new president is sworn in.
The most inept members of the Republican controlled Senate will fight President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to the bitter end.
Now that it's looking likely Clinton got this in the bag, Republicans are taking back their pledge.

Embattled Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is leading by five in state polls. The senator and former presidential nominee in 2008 said that he and Republicans will oppose any nominee Clinton lines up in her administration. He walked back the comments after the junk food media called him out on his bullshit.

He already let the cat out the bag. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen. Ted Cruz already planning an opposition tour. Lee will likely win his senate race. Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) also likely to win signaled his opposition to a potential Clinton nominee.

Now Clinton, Obama and Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick have seized upon those comments as a way to prove that Republicans can't govern. Democrats are hoping his "senile" moment will hurt him.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) the Majority Leader has been awful stubborn about getting Garland through. Matter of fact, there are a handful of federal appointees wrangled up. It will Obama without most of his nominees confirmed.


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