Friday, November 27, 2020

Trump: I Hate This F*cking Hole!







The outgoing president Donald J. Trump continues to not hold any public events. He is continuing his golf outings. And he is also losing the battle in the federal courts to overturn the results of the election.

Given that he’s out of luck trying to halt the certifications in Georgia, Pennsylvania and likely Michigan, the president tweets a baseless conspiracy about President-elect Joe Biden.

On one note, Trump ain’t calling him “Sleepy Joe” anymore. 

Still the president shows no signs of conceding to Biden. Yesterday, Trump went bonkers on folks when he made a call to the U.S. troops overseas. He was sitting at a small table and a photographer captured how uncomfortable the table was for the president.

He was angry at a reporter who asked him about his plans post-election.

The reporter Jeff Mason was pressing him on the claims of the election being “rigged.”

“Don’t talk to me that way,” Trump raged. “You’re just a lightweight.”

“Don’t talk to me that way,” he continued on. “I’m the President of the United States. Don’t ever talk to the president that way.”

Mason only asked what he will do if the Electoral College certifies Biden on December 14.

“Well if they do, they made a mistake, because this election was a fraud,” Trump said.

Folks were shocked to see the president at a small table and not at the Resolute Desk, a desk that was made from the timbers of a Royal Navy ship called the HMS Resolute. It was one of the historical facts of the presidency. It projects pure power. So for Trump to use that tiny table, it shows that he’s a lame duck and a bitter loser. 

The desk was so small it has his legs barely fitting beneath it. It also sparked rumors of Trump being seated. Some believe he was wearing an adult diaper because he butt was sticking out and looked weird. 

A hashtag trended yesterday saying #DiaperDon and it was spreaded by progressives and some of Trump’s harshest critics. Of course, he still complaining about cities like Detroit and Philadelphia robbed him of his victory.

While at his Trump National Golf Course in Virginia, the president got a little heated when he shot his golf ball into the pond. In words mentioned, Trump uttered, “I hate this fucking hole.”

Before he shot his ball into the water, he grumbled, “Oh, shit.” 

Yeah, he is frustrated and disappointed that his presidency will be coming to an end soon.

Many of his supporters want him to run again in 2024. Almost immediately, he will try to suck the air out the room. He’s already doing it right now by sabotaging the BIden transition.

He already told Republicans to make sure he’s a “one-term” president.

Trump has done little since he’s lost the election. He was expected to host a large gathering at Mar-a-Largo but that was scrapped for the White House. 

He says he might campaign for Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) in a last ditch effort to motivate voters to turnout in order to keep the Senate in Republican control.

Trump has all but abandoned his usual calls to Fox News. He openly mocked the far-right network after it called Arizona for Biden. 

Trump and his allies will continue to push baseless conspiracies about the election. Twitter and Facebook warned Trump that he will be punished once he leaves the White House. 

Trump had special access to Twitter. As the president, Twitter must maintain a special operation for U.S. leaders for the public to know. Once Trump is out of office, he loses his privilege to say whatever the hell he wants without being suspended or blocked on social media.

Trump cannot block Americans as the president. As a private citizen he can do whatever he wants. But he can too be banned from Twitter and Facebook if he continues to push baseless claims or incite violence.

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