Monday, November 09, 2020

Trump Demanded GSA Head Emily Murphy To Not Certify Biden!

Time to get to work.







The Trump Administration had ordered its General Service Administration official to halt the certification of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In a desperate attempt to undermine the results of the election, Trump is not conceding to the race. He refuses to accept the results and believes the election was “rigged” and the “deep state” is trying to overthrow him.

Republicans continue this farce in order to generate momentum for the Georgia senate races which are going into a run-off.

The Electoral College is set to meet on December 14 and Inauguration Day is on January 20.

Trump will contest the results all the way to the Supreme Court.

Biden had gotten congratulatory calls from former presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. He also got calls from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada.

GSA lead Emily Murphy is being ordered to not certify Biden.

Other officials from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, China, Iran, Australia, Mexico and even Israel responded to the results with congratulations to Biden.

Mind you that Russia, Saudi Arabia and Brazil haven’t responded yet.

This little unknown official Emily Murphy, a political appointee, still needs to “ascertain” a winner before the Biden campaign can send teams into the agents to obtain briefing books prepared mainly by career civil servants and access $9.9 million in funds. According to the Government Executive, Biden will not be able to get his transition team into the government centers without an official certification.

“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under law,” the spokesman said.

Murphy is getting death threats as well as the people working at the Philadelphia County Elections Commission.

Trump continues to push baseless claims that there was election fraud in Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Pittsburgh.

So far, the Associated Press called the election for Biden. As of today, Biden has 284 electoral votes and Trump has 214.

Trump is a chaos agent. He wants to continue to sow discourse and ensure Biden a stressful presidency once he leaves.

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