Gotta love the clickbait stories of racist Trump supporters. Last night I posted the video of two White people flaunting their privilege at Black women. They were brutally attacking Black women and claiming that bad customer service was an act of racism towards them.
Now it's reported that the woman who featured in the video ranting at two Michael's employees was the woman who had ranted at two workers at a Peet's Coffee and Tea store in Chicago.
Her name is Jennifer Boyle and she's now in hiding after the videos were published.
Someone recognized her and posted her name and address and LinkedIn profile to social media.
She attended DePaul University and worked as a human resource business partner at Sinai Health System.
The poster said that in the workplace, she was truly the bitch in the video. He claimed that she's "batshit, racist and crazy."
"She is just as nuts in person as this video depicts," said the poster. "From a legal perspective, I am not sure what I am or am allow to say; but I will leave it at this. Everyone was happy when they found out she was no longer welcome back."
Medical doctor who acted a fool while riding with Uber got fired out the cannon.
Worldwide condemnation came full circle today. The 28-year old 5' foot 100 lbs. medical doctor from Miami, Florida got fired out the cannon after she embarrassed herself and her hospital. Anjali Ramkissoon was placed in the freezer after a video surfaced showing her acting a fool towards an Uber driver.
The now famous video shows Ramkissoon hopping into an Uber driver's vehicle. The driver told her that she wasn't his pickup. The woman highly intoxicated went on a furious rampage.
She would knee him in the family jewels. He would push her to the ground. She quickly got up and hopped into the ride. Ramkissoon would eventually get the man's keys, phone and flyers.
She would literally destroy everything in his car before exiting and heading down the road.
The law was dispatched to the location. The person who was the actual rider filmed it and shared it online.
Pretty stupid. Doctor's social media antics cost her job.
It went through 6.5 million hits.
It lead to Ramkissoon giving an apology and reimbursement to the driver.
But the damage was done. She was widely condemned by the public for being a classless jerk. A privileged spoiled brat. She would get death threats and ridicule online.
Ramkissoon had shut down her social media. Uber terminated her contract for LIFE.
Now she won't be working Jackson Health Systems. She will have the right to appeal the decision.
The most infamous thing said by Ramkissoon was what led to her cannon firing.
So far she announced that she is in treatment for alcohol addiction and is hoping that the ugly memory of this event is put behind her.
Gap Kids does damage control after this promotional shoot got the public riled up.
The Gap went through some damage control. They had a promotional ad for Gap Kids in which the models were wearing their latest fashion. In the advertising you see a little girl being used as an armrest.
The photo features the child and three white girls. While the two girls bookending the photo strike acrobatic poses, the white girl in the middle stands next to the black girl with her elbow on the smaller girl's head—making it appear, some say, like the child is an "armrest." The Washington Post reports the promo is part of a larger GapKids campaign in collaboration with Ellen DeGeneres, meant to showcase "girls can do anything," but the paper notes that in the campaign's commercial, the black child is also on display with "seeming passivity," sitting reticently while the other girls chat with DeGeneres. "While all of the girls are adorable ... it becomes problematic when the black child is positioned to be a white child's prop," Kirsten West Savali writes for the Root.
There's a bit of a twist to the story: The two girls in question are sisters, the daughters of Ray Donovan actress Brooke Smith, reports Co.Create. The white girl, Fanny, 12, is the biological daughter of Smith and husband Steve Lubensky, and the black girl is 9-year-old Lucy, adopted from Ethiopia by the couple in 2008, per People. Smith tweeted: "girl with arm resting on her shoulder is her sister She didn't talk in video because she was 2 shy. everyone needs to calm down." Some replies to her tweet softened after hearing that news, but others said the relationship shouldn't matter. "She deserved better. That is our point," one commenter wrote. A Gap spokeswoman apologized: "We appreciate the conversation that has taken place and are sorry to anyone we've offended."
Here's a poll for you!
Which One Is The MOST Offensive Depiction Of Black People?
Okay, me and S. Baldwin have said it one too many times: Is this what our American media and the public think of people of color?
Pop singer Kesha feuding with longtime producer Dr. Luke. They duke it out in court.
Kesha is a signed act to RCA records and Kemosabe Records, Inc. Łukasz Gottwald (aka Dr. Luke) is the founder of the label. The label has acts such as Kesha, Juicy J, Becky G, and Lil' Bibby.
Dr. Luke and Kesha were close during her rise. After all, she released her debut album Animal with the hit singles, "Tik Tok", "Your Love Is My Drug" and "Take It Off".
She also scored major hits with "We R Who We R", "Sleazy", and "Blow" off the Cannibal EP.
Then her follow up album Warrior which produced the hits "Die Young", "C'mon" and the Pitbull single "Timber".
She scored worldwide fame as an iconic pop singer. Now five years later, the pop singer is feuding with the label and Dr. Luke. She wants to get off the label, but the U.S. federal court said, no!
Kesha sued producer Dr. Luke for alleged sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender violence, emotional abuse, and violation of California business practices over their 10 years of working together.
She claimed that Dr. Luke repeatedly drugged her, with and without her consent, and that his abuse caused her eating disorder. Kesha asked the court to break her contract with Dr. Luke as well.
In response, Dr. Luke filed a countersuit against Kesha for defamation, accusing her, her mother, and her management of fabricating the abuse claims to break her contract with him.
In November, Dr. Luke asked the judge to dismiss Kesha's allegations of sexually abusing her.
In early December, Dr. Luke filed a defamation lawsuit against Kesha's lawyer, Mark Geragos, accusing him of implications that Luke had raped Lady Gaga. Gaga's team denied any such incident.
Later in December, Luke's defamation lawsuit took a new turn. His lawyers amended the official complaint which now included a handwritten birthday card from Kesha back in 2009. Luke's attorney claimed the card is several years after Kesha alleges he started abusing her. Other additions included several emails between Luke and Kesha's mother, where the latter wrote to him 'You are part of our family'. Dr. Luke further accused Jack Rovner, president of Vector Management of "longstanding antipathy" towards him, alleging Rovner wants more money and control of Kesha's career.
In 2015, during New York Fashion Week, Kesha wore a Discount Universe dress with the words "You Will Never Own Me" on the front of the garment, which has been speculated as an obvious jab at Dr. Luke amid Kesha's recovery.
During the year, Kesha amended her complaint against Dr. Luke and added a suit against Sony Music Entertainment, with Kesha's lawyer claiming "Dr. Luke's proclivity for abusive conduct was open and obvious to [Sony Music Entertainment] executives, who either knew of the conduct and turned a blind eye, failed to investigate Dr. Luke's conduct, failed to take any corrective action, or actively concealed Dr. Luke's abuse."
Kesha sought an injunction with Sony against working and releasing music with Dr Luke and for greater artistic freedom. Kesha's lawyer, Mark Gregaros, responded about the injunction saying "She cannot work with music producers, publishers, or record labels to release new music. With no new music to perform, Kesha cannot tour. Off the radio and stage and out of the spotlight, Kesha cannot sell merchandise, receive sponsorships, or get media attention. Her brand value has fallen, and unless the Court issues this injunction, Kesha will suffer irreparable harm, plummeting her career past the point of no return." Without the injunction, her career could be effectively over.
Since then, a new petition has been started by Austin Dean, in hopes of gaining awareness to Kesha's situation and support for her injunction. The petition currently has more than 120,000 signatures.
Kesha in the courtroom visibly upset over the court ruling. Her mom is to the left.
Kesha is still under contract with Dr. Luke and has to finish up the albums owed before she can bolt from the label. Kesha wasn't going for that. So this month, she took it to federal court.
New York Supreme Court Justice Shirley Kornreich ruled against Kesha's request for a preliminary injunction that would release her from her contract with Kemosabe Records.
The decision was made after the judge told her lawyer, Mark Geragos, that he was essentially "asking the court to decimate a contract that was heavily negotiated and typical for the industry".
According to the defense, Dr. Luke had already invested $60 million in her career and also offered to allow the singer to fulfill her contract and record without his involvement. The judge also cited what she felt was vagueness in Kesha's counterclaims, referring to the lack of documentation or hospital records supporting the alleged attack.
Before her legal battle against Dr. Luke, in 2011, Kesha had previously sworn under oath that the producer had never assaulted or drugged her in a deposition for a lawsuit against her former managers at DAS Communications, a key piece of evidence that played a role in the court ruling in favor of the defense.
The verdict sparked protests outside the courtroom by Kesha's supporters, and started the "#FreeKesha" movement online.
Say if you were doing this and you thought it was funny!
A group of White teens who attended Arizona's Desert Vista High School posed with t-shirts spelling the word NI**ER. The girls left out the Gs in the offensive word.
This picture sparked outrage and it put the girls on ice.
The girls were wearing the shirts for senior picture day when a larger group of students wrote letter tees and posed to spell out "Best You've Ever Seen Class of 2016." petition calls for the girls to be sent home without diploma. There has been over 10,000 signatures according to the New York Daily News. Matter of fact, the principal is under fire as well.
The principal said that giving them 5 days of freezer burn is acceptable. Not according to the people who created the petition.
This hurtful use of a racial slur is a complete disregard for the dignity of the black community in Arizona and across the nation and the punishment does not fit the total ignorance and cruelty of the crime.
The people of demand the resignation of the school's principal, Christine Barela, immediately for deeming this "5-day vacation" from school an acceptable punishment.
What did you learn in high school?
RacistGetFired blog outs them by name. In no particular order: Samantha Iannone, Emily Sears, Brooke Taylor, Riley Conner, Erin Lum, and Rachel Steigerwald were the girls involved in this.
The teens received a share of online bullying and death threats since.
There was a Phoenix city councilman who somewhat defended the girls. He said that they're idiots, but it shouldn't merit death threats and online harassment. Sal DiCicco posted on social media saying that school resource officers will try to calm the situation.
"They made a bad mistake as many teenagers do in life. But, any threats against these young women is going to be taken very seriously. The threats against these young girls is unacceptable."
For a few weeks, the law will monitor the school for potential threats upon the school and those attending.
Will the junk food media call these girls a bunch of thugs and miscreants?
Colleen Ritzer was murdered by a student in a Massachusetts school.
A teenager was convicted of first degree murder in the death of a beloved teacher. The teen now age 16 is now facing LIFE in the iron college if the jury decides to serve him hard.
Philip Chism had followed Colleen Ritzer into a woman's restroom. He was caught on surveillance camera going in. He would end up beating her badly, stabbing her and raping her. He cut her body apart and then calmly walk out the restroom with a recycling bin.
On his way home, he would bury her body parts in the woods and a recycling bin.
After he buried the body, he went to the movie and grabbed him a bite to eat.
Chism was caught on camera leaving the woman's restroom.
The Massachusetts state prosecutors believed that the student didn't give a fuck about Colleen.
They wanted his ass tried as an adult. He knew his intentions.
Chism's defense said that he had a moment of insanity. The prosecutors said that he had a crush on the teacher and wanted her affections. She spurned him and he decided to get revenge on her.
Colleen was a popular teacher. She devoted her life to teaching mathematics and helping students achieve a dream.
Chism's disgusting behavior murdered this young woman.
A smile that lights up the room. Colleen's family vows to keep Chism in the iron college for a long time.
As a juvenile, he cannot receive a life sentence without parole, which is automatic for normal adult offenders. He was charged as an adult.
The first opportunity for parole would first come after he serves 15 to 25 years. That's if he's lucky, cause I can imagine the Ritzer family would love to see this MAN spend the rest of his LIFE in the iron college.
His mother declined to talk to reporters as she left the courthouse.
Standing later with the district attorney that prosecuted the case, Ritzer's parents said the verdicts mark a new phase in their lives in which they hope to honor their 24-year-old daughter's legacy.
"This guilty verdict, while the beginning of justice for Colleen, is certainly no cause for celebration as there can never be true justice for the crime committed," said Thomas Ritzer, her father.
"There remains a tremendous absence in our lives, one that sadly can never be replaced."
The family, he added, will still be reminded of the crimes as Chism appeals the case and is eligible for parole at some point.
"We will carry on and do our very best to find the good in every day," said Peggie Ritzer, the victim's mother.
Chism's lawyers are also expected in court in Boston on Wednesday as he faces separate charges of attempted murder and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon after he allegedly attacked a state Department of Youth Services worker in June 2014 while awaiting trial.
Chism wipes tears as he hears his world will be surrounded by bars.
Prosecutors in that case say Chism had been in custody at a youth detention facility in Boston when he followed a female worker into a locker room.
They say he choked and beat her before other workers intervened. The unnamed worker suffered injuries to her face, jaw, neck and back.
Chism will face charges for that attack as well. He is innocent until proven guilty in this incident.
Woman got death threats for putting tape over her dog's mouth.
You gotta wonder how far is too far when it comes to posting shit on the internet!
When people want to make others laugh, they post funny pictures or jokes. But sometimes, they cross the line between funny and absolutely stupid.
A Florida woman got shook after she posted on social media her dog's mouth being taped shut with duct tape.
Katie Brown is hiding somewhere in the country waiting for the heat to die down. She got a ton of death threats for her Facebook posting.
Not funny. Just plain stupid.
It was shared more than 300,000 times within 36 hours and police were overwhelmed with outraged phone calls from dog lovers around the world demanding they take action, reports the Orlando Sentinel. On Facebook, Brown says she's a South Daytona resident, but police there say she was out of state, possibly in Avon, Conn., when the dog was abused, NBC News reports. The department promised on its Facebook page that it was in contact with her family members and other state agencies as part of its investigation and pleaded with the public to stop "flooding our emergency phone numbers."
Cops in Avon say they were also overwhelmed with calls, while a spokesman for the sheriff's office in Volusia County, which includes South Daytona, tells the Daytona Beach News-Journal that while it is "great that everybody's concerned for the animals and for dogs," the deluge of calls and emails has "literally shut our police department down." Police in South Daytona say they've been told the dog is OK and add they're still trying to locate Brown, whose duct-tape photo had the caption, "This is what happens when you dont [sic] shut up!!!" The original post has now been deleted, but a follow-up one tells people not to "panic" because "it was only for a minute," NBC reports.
Dontae Martin was killed by Ohio deputies. The deputies were cleared of his death.
Two Montgomery County Ohio sheriff deputies are back on the beat after the grand jury decided that the shooting of Dontae Martin was justified. This is despite them having no lights or dash camera on.
They have determined that Dontae did point his firearm on the Gust Teague and Josh Haas.
They were placed in the freezer for a moment. I guess the grand jury found it necessary to prove that Martin's history as a petty drug dealer proved that he may have provoked a deadly encounter.
So in three weeks, the two officers will be back on the beat for the Harrison Township, Ohio jurisdiction.
The shooting happened about a 1/2 mile from where I live. The incident occurred on a tree lined Springbrook Boulevard. The deputies were responding to a single-car accident on the street.
A woman called 911 saying that vehicle was on the side of the road.
The deputies approached the vehicle with a flashlight and claimed that Martin was provoked. He pointed a firearm at the them. Martin was ordered to drop the firearm and when he failed to comply, the shot him.
He was shot from the opposite sides of the vehicle. The wounds were deadly. He would die on route to the hospital.
Republican Sheriff Phil Plummer defended his officers for the usage of deadly force. When asked if they have a dash camera or body camera on them, no comment came from him.
Now the father of six will be tarnished by the #AllLivesMatter crowd as a "no good thug". Even though he was purchasing a permit for his firearm, according to the law and the agitators, he shouldn't have a firearm in the first place.
Haas was the deputy who shot at a man who was deranged back in December 2014. He was cleared of charges. His wife was involved in a police vehicle accident this year.
Montgomery County sheriff is trying to calm tensions.
The county sheriff's department faces some local controversies this year. There was an email scandal in which three officers were fired out the cannon for sending and trading racial emails while on the job. They were stationed at the Harrison Township branch where Haas and Teague serve.
A few of the deputies were caught off the job driving drunk. Even the sheriff's family member became a lightening rod for ethics violations while in office.
No one is perfect.
I know people who have criminal histories.
Does it make me a criminal that I know someone who is a criminal?
Does it merit profiling of me and those who ride in my vehicle?
I've known her for at least four years. The boy has destroyed her life. When she failed to pay her electric bill and her rent, she was kicked out her apartment. I sometimes carry my heart on my sleeve. I decided to take her in for a week.
One night, I took her to Kroger in the area. She wanted to go to her old apartment to get her stuff. I thought of it as a bad idea. She said nothing won't happen. She had no drugs on her and wasn't wanted for skipping court. But I know that perception would cause the law to profile. So as I approach a traffic light near my apartment, a sheriff's deputy (Teague) was sitting about a block away. I said you know what I don't want to be pulled over, so I decided to go forward. The officer saw us and decided to follow. Yeah, that gives the officer a perception. So he followed us for a few blocks. I decided to make a point by pulling over in a parking lot near a business. The officer sure enough decide to follow and then proceed to activate his lights.
He would ask us why did we decide to not turn on the street. I told him that I knew that if you would likely profile me and her because of her history. We both told the deputy that there's no drugs or weapons inside the vehicle and we're not doing anything wrong.
I decided to turn on my camera phone and record the encounter. I decided to make it clear to the officer that I have no criminal history and I know the person personally. I told the officer that I am not committing any criminal acts.
We told the officer "are we free to go"!
That tactic is used when they often try to bait you into an unlawful search of your vehicle.
The officer said "not yet, I'll be back!" So we wait for 10 minutes and then two officers would appear. The officers came with a drug sniffing German Shepard. The officer once again asked if we had drugs on us. I told them no and didn't consent to a drug search.
The officer decided to give me the verbal warning that if the dog detects a trace of drugs, they'll search the vehicle. So once again, admit that you or her have drugs or you're going to jail.
I told the officer and his supervisor (Haas), there's no drugs in the vehicle. So the officers decide to allow the dog get a whiff around the vehicle. The dog circled the vehicle and didn't do really much.
The officer flagged his fellow officers to a "hit". So they decide to place us in separate police vehicles for detainment. The officer go through the vehicle and take out the seats and glove compartment.
After 10 minutes they let us out the vehicle and they told us that we're free to go. While they were searching the vehicle it caught the officers saying that their dog's "hits" aren't netting good results.
I was hoping that day wasn't going to come but I will turn this recording to their supervisor.
I want to make a point that profiling is wrong. Dayton Police and Montgomery County Sheriff have denied profiling motorists. But the proof is in Dontae Martin, John Felton, and Kaylen English.
John is still alive. He managed to get the city of Dayton and its police chief Richard Biehl to formally apologize to him for a "profiling" situation.
Kaylen and Dontae weren't so lucky. The junk food media often see them as violent and their fates were justified.
She is often regarded by the law as a repeat offender when it comes to drug and prostitution charges. I fear that day will come when she's either killed by the boy or the john who may rob or rape her.
Send my condolences to the family of Kaylen English and Dontae Martin.
Send my prayers to John Felton.
Lindsay Bogan went missing this year. She was last seen in Middletown, Ohio getting into a vehicle.
Send my prayers to Lindsay Bogan, the missing Middletown, Ohio woman who was reported missing after her pimp claimed she got into a vehicle and was never seen again.
She was a woman who had a promising future in nursing. But things went wrong when she was introduced to the boy. She was hooked. She was in the Middletown stroll trying to feed the need.
She leaves behind a young child. The junk food media and Lindsay's family fear she may be dead.
The pimp Eric Sexton is facing charges for promoting prostitution and he's under federal watch. He is facing charges in Butler and Montgomery County for numerous criminal acts.
I'm proud to! Rachel Dolezal comes out of hiding to tell the public that she's pregnant. By the way, she's White.
The former NAACP president who brought her "faux pas" to the junk food media announced she is pregnant. Oh, by the way, she admits that she is a White woman. She's also admits she's bisexual.
This woman is a hot mess.
Rachel Dolezal became a lightening rod for the agitators in the media. Despite all the good she's done for the civil rights organization, she hid the fact that she was a White woman portraying herself as a Black woman.
Dolezal's own parents "outed" her as a White woman. They told the junk food media that she was born in Montana. She wasn't adopted. She does volunteer work for the community. She was infatuated with Black culture. She lied to get into Howard University. She married a Black man. She adopted two Black teen boys. She even tries to talk "Black".
The junk food media sought interviews with her and wanted to know why did she fake the funk!
Dolezal refuses to be called a White woman. She says that she's a product of African roots.
The Real got an opportunity to talk to her.
She also addresses her feud with her family.
The Real co-hosts Tamar Braxton and Loni Love asked Dolezal about the matter sans pretense.
“It was hurtful to a lot of Black women,” said Love. “There were some people who felt that you never identified yourself as white so when you went to Howard University. Some people felt like they never knew you were Black, and so maybe the scholarship, you know when you got admitted to Howard, that took an opportunity from a Black woman.”
Rachel Dolezal talks about her ordeal and her pregnancy. She gets a grilling from Loni Love and Tamar Braxton.
“Right, and that’s why I said, I acknowledge that I was biologically born white to white parents, but I identify as Black,” Dolezal responded.
Whether or not her admitting to being born white was enough, Braxton pushed the issue further and asked what ethnicity Dolezal lists herself as in official forms and documentation. Say, if she were to fill out a job application. Dolezal’s response?
“The form in particular usually defines things,” she said, before adding: “I check white and black, because we all have human origins in the continent of Africa.”
Dolezal did receive a standing ovation from the crowd for admitting her white heritage, as well as for her supposedly being honest while answering the co-hosts’ questions.
Woman accused of driving her vehicle through a parade crowd killing four and injuring dozens.
Tragedy in Stillwater, Oklahoma. There was a woman today being held on a murder charge. She was behind the wheel of a car when she allegedly plowed into people watching a parade for the Oklahoma State Cowboys football homecoming.
The BIG 12 Cowboys are ranked 14 in the National College Football Standings.
This 25 year old woman may face LIFE in the iron college if they determined that her actions resulted in murder.
The suspect Adacia Chambers is held in the lockup.
Plowed through.
Chambers drove her car through a crowd killing four and injuring 22 people. Of the living, eight of them have life-threatening injuries. Some have walking wounds.
The witness say that she was plowing through the crowd at speeds totally 50 mph.
The suspect in today's incident in Stillwater, Adacia Chambers, has been booked into the Payne Co jail
After exiting her vehicle, Chambers was arrested for driving under the influence. Police have stated that it will be “several days” before the full facts of the incident will be released. She was booked and is currently at Payne County Lockup.
At the scene, multiple choppers were used to airlift victims to Stillwater Medical Center. Multiple law enforcement agencies are involved in the recovery process. The accident occurred at the corner of Hall of Fame and Main Street, a very populated area just two blocks from the football stadium.
World News Today send our condolences to those lost today in this senseless tragedy.
Dana Loesch got trolled and she threw a hissy fit.
I thought the conservative agitating, gun totting mother of three from the outskirts of St. Louis was bigger than that!
The Blaze's Dana Loesch got shook by a stalker online. Loesh got trolled by some nobody who mocked her in a gun training video. She had to call upon the U.S. Justice Department and FBI to find out who the fuck is trolling her with threats on her life.
She appeared in the NRA's "I'm Not A Victim" promotional.
Of course, Loesch uses the "thug" in this promotional.
The troll decided to mix it up a bit.
And holy shit, she got pissed. Matter of fact, she asked her supporters to troll the troll.
The edited version of this ad included Loesch holding a gun, then gunfire and blood spatter. The post was from a Twitter user named Tom Adelsbach, who describes himself as a "Graphic Artist, Website Designer, Flash Animator" from Chicago.
Pimping ain't easy. The feds are searching for Ohio man who has ties to missing women in Chillicothe.
The Feds are looking for an Ohio man who may have led Chillicothe women to their deaths.
Ernest "Dollar Bill" Moore is a notorious pimp says the Ross County sheriff. He is a person of interest in the disappearance of three women.
Moore, 36, has been declared a "parole violator at large" by Ross County Sheriff George W. Lavender. He's also been named a "person of interest in the drug trade and at risk women involved in human trafficking," the Missing Women's Task Force said in a Thursday evening press release.
The task force, made up of officials from the sheriff's office, Chillicothe Police Department, FBI and Ohio's Bureau of Criminal Investigation, was formed earlier this summer to search for answers in a string of unsolved deaths and disappearances.
Tameka Lynch and Shasta Himelick
Chillicothe is 74 miles from my hometown of Dayton, Ohio. The city is smack in the middle of Ohio.
It's part of the Columbus, Ohio metropolitan area.
The city of Chilliocthe is on the edge. Six women turned up either missing or dead. Some of these women were associated with the stroll. They were either addicts of the "boy" or "toke".
There is a hotel that many considered the red lights lights district. Many of these women were near that hotel when they've disappeared.
Three of the six have been found dead in or near different creeks and streams. One was found shot to death, and the remaining two are still missing.
During a June 23 press conference, Lavender said authorities have not yet ruled out the possibility that a serial killer could be responsible for some of the deaths and disappearances.
Charlotte Trego and Wanda Lemons
"When you start ruling things out, you overlook stuff, and we don't want to overlook anything," the sheriff said.
The Huffington Post reports that the two missing women have been identified as Charlotte Trego, 27, who was last seen alive on May 3, 2014, and Wanda Lemons, 37, who disappeared from Chillicothe on Nov. 3, 2014.
Shasta Himelrick, a 20-year-old expectant mother, was last seen by her family on Christmas Day 2014. Roughly a week later, searchers found her body in the Scioto River.
Timberly Claytor, 38, was found dead of gunshot wounds on May 29 in Massieville, a small town about five miles south of Chillicothe. A grand jury has indicted Jason McCrary, 36, on one count of murder in connection with Claytor's slaying. He has not been named a suspect in any of the other cases.
Tameka Lynch, 30, disappeared in Chillicothe on May 3, 2014, the same day Trego was last seen alive. Lynch was found dead three weeks later, in a creek roughly 20 miles downstream from where it passes through Chillicothe.
The latest victim to be found is 26-year-old Tiffany Sayre, who was last seen in Chillicothe in May. The following month, two people discovered Sayre's body near a culvert along Paint Creek, not far from where Lynch's body was found.
All six women are believed to have known each other, police said.
Timberly Claytor and Tiffany Sayre.
The Missing Women's Task Force did not specifically indicate why they want to talk to Moore. However, one of the women's friends told The Huffington Post that Moore is known to run in the same circles that the women did.
According to local media outlet ABC6 News, court records show Moore was released in February from jail, where he had been held on a drug trafficking offense. It remains unclear when he was initially incarcerated for that charge. Court records further indicate Moore has been in and out of jail several times in the past 10 years for drug-related charges, the news station reported.
Moore is described as an African-American male, with black hair and brown eyes. He is approximately 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighs 205 pounds.
Anyone with information regarding Moore's whereabouts is asked to contact the Missing Women's Task Force at 740-774-3463. Anonymous tips can be made through Southern Ohio Crime Stoppers by calling 800-222-TIPS.
Street slang for boy is heroin.
Street slang for toke is crack/cocaine.
Street slang for stroll is prostitution.
Street slang for p'game is pimping.
World News Today send our condolences to those lost in this senseless tragedy.
County clerk sent to federal time out for defying court order.
Kim Davis is a Rowan County, Kentucky clerk. She is an elected Democrat who runs the county records. She is the focal point of a big controversy in the coal country. She will face federal time out for defying a court order on the matter.
Davis is standing on her moral grounds to deny marriage licenses to couples because she doesn't support gay marriage.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision. This historical decision grants marriage equality to every state and territory in the United States. Every marriage bans imposed by states are null and void.
Gay couples have the right to marriage as the straight couples.
Davis is stubbornly and boldly denying four gay couples and three straight couples marriage licenses.
The ACLU took it to federal court. Davis aided by the extremist Liberty Counsel have argued that her moral stances should grant her some legal immunity against issuing licenses.
Democrat Governor Steve Beshear gave up the fight on his state ban. He actually is ordering all state clerks to issue licenses. He ordered her to do so. She refused.
Davis went to the Supreme Court for a writ of delay. That was denied. The U.S. Federal Court in Ashland ordered an immediate issuing of licenses to the couples. She refused.
So today, she got served up.
Davis is ordered to the county lockup for the time being for defying the court of law. As she tearfully is hauled off, she tells jackass Todd Starnes that she is willing to "die" for her Christian beliefs.
That means she's becoming a martyr for the racist right.
Mother of the year. Brittany Pilkington is facing a capital case for the death of her three children. The defense claims mental issues and spousal abuse as the reason.
The residents of the city of Bellefontaine, Ohio are shocked. To hear that a woman killed three of her children because according to the junk food media, she was jealous of her husband's close relationship to them, is beyond belief.
This woman is being held on a $1 million get out of jail free card. She is innocent until proven guilty.
Brittany Pilkington, 23, is charged with three counts of capital murder. These charges could land her in the gas house.
Right now, her attorneys are going to try to say that "she flipped". The defense is going to line up the fact that she has mental issues and the intelligence of a pre-teen. I am peeping out the social media and she's kind of loony.
Many in the law have sensed that the danger was there. Logan County Family Services have done routine checks on Pilkington and her kids. She was the mother of four children. When her first child died because of unknown circumstances, the law ordered mandatory checks on the family.
In July 2014, she lost her 3-month-old son, Niall. In April of this year, her 4-year-old son, Gavin, would die. Authorities were still trying to determine the cause of Niall and Gavin’s death at the time of Noah’s passing.
Gavin and Niall died because of smothering.
So it was totally understandable that police would like to have a talk with Brittany. After just a few hours of questions, Brittany admitted she had killed her sons by placing blankets over their faces and suffocating them.
Her motive? According to Brittany, she killed the boys because her husband was giving them more attention than he was their 3-year-old daughter, Hailey.
“In her mind she was protecting her daughter from being not as loved as the boys were by their father,” said Logan County prosecutor William Goslee.
Noah and Hailey had only been back with the couple for a month, having been in the custody of Logan County Children’s Services shortly after the death of Gavin.
“Why would you give them back after a little boy just died and when you’re in the middle of an investigation?” asked Brittany’s uncle. The answer to that is the fact that a coroner had just concluded Gavin’s and Niall’s deaths weren’t suspicious.
Brittany Pilkington was arrested and charged with three counts of murder and is being held in the Logan County jail. Her daughter is back in the custody of Logan County Children’s Services.
According to the Colubus Dispatch, Brittany married her husband in March 2010 when she was 18 and he was 38. Her husband has four spare children from previous marriages who also do not live with him.
World News Today send our condolences to the family of Gavin, Noah, and Niall.
Conservatives outraged over video targeting women's health clinic.
Conservatives are trying to promote a video that surfaced over the weekend. An undercover video shows a Planned Parenthood executive talking about selling aborted baby organs.
Now before I get into this type of stuff, I want to first say that this isn't the first time anti-choice extremists gone after the prenatal organization. They've tried this stuff numerous times and it gave them nothing.
Now Congress is going to investigate Planned Parenthood over these accusations.
Of course, Planned Parenthood denies this. They believe that the video is deceptive.
I agree. Because no person with a right mind would deliver information about a patient or a procedure of a client to a random stranger. Those who go against the rules are fired out the cannon.
So a small number of Planned Parenthood employees and volunteers were fired for not following procedure, and the organization committed to retraining its staff. This could lead to lawsuits an
When you enter Planned Parenthood, they pat you down for weapons. They don't ask you to put away phones or cameras. They respect the privacy of the person. They also will not reveal the name of the person despite it being an agitator.
Lila Rose, a White extremist is part of the anti-choice movement. She's a vicious agitator who often masquerade herself a teenager who is pregnant in need of a termination. She and James O'Keefe sneak into facilities with hidden cameras. They talk to workers tales of misfortune. They ask the caretakers what they can do if they have a termination. While being filmed, the caretaker will say something that may sound totally outrageous but in reality it's a part of their job. Somehow, they take the comments and twist it around to make it sound like it's an illegal act.
Lila Rose.
This anti-choice group called The Center for Medical Progress, shows Planned Parenthood physician Dr. Deborah Nucatola describing how she would attempt to preserve fetal tissue and parts during an abortion for patients who decide to donate them for medical research. In the video, Nucatola tells the undercover actor that clinics can be reimbursed $30 to $100 per specimen for the cost of transporting and donating the fetal tissue.
Republicans and anti-abortion groups said the video shows that Planned Parenthood sells fetal body parts after an abortion, which is illegal. The family planning provider denied the allegation and said that it only legally donates fetal tissue for medical purposes, at the request of its patients, and not for profit. The full, unedited version of the video reveals that Nucatola is talking about reimbursement for the donation of fetal tissue, not the sale of it.
"These outrageous claims are flat-out untrue, but that doesn't matter to politicians with a longstanding political agenda to ban abortion and defund Planned Parenthood," said Eric Ferrero, vice president of communications at Planned Parenthood. "Women and families who make the decision to donate fetal tissue for lifesaving scientific research should be honored, not attacked and demeaned. Our medical practices and guidelines in this area are clear, and we do this important work just like other high-quality health care providers -- with full, appropriate consent from patients, under the highest ethical and legal standards, and with no financial benefit for the patient or Planned Parenthood."
Republican lawmakers in Congress and state legislatures across the country have been trying to defund Planned Parenthood since 2011 because some of its clinics offer abortion services. House Republicans previously launched an investigation into the family planning provider in 2011, after the anti-abortion group Live Action released a heavily edited video that purported to show Planned Parenthood employees aiding sex traffickers.
If ever the Republicans tried to pass bills to defund organizations to benefit women's health, expect President Barack Obama to veto it.
There's no chance of Republicans ever defunding the organization. But it's great theater to see them bitch about it.
I don't support abortions. But however, I believe it's a woman's choice to have a termination.
Bill Cosby's best friend Whoopi Goldberg turned on him.
The nation of Cosby has collapsed. The controversy surrounding Bill Cosby has finally reached the breaking point. Many celebrities have dumped Cosby as a friend.
One celebrity is now peddling back her comments. She was defending Cosby and it happened to grab John Oliver's attention. So on Last Week Tonight, Oliver cataloged every event that The View host Whoopi Goldberg defending Cosby and other celebrities caught up in some crazy stuff.
While she agree that Cosby is innocent until proven guilty, the defense of him is now over.
"I gotta say all the information out there kind of points to guilt," she said. "It looks bad, Bill."
She went on The View to express disappointment in him. She also blasted the critics for not understanding how things are often taken out of context. Golberg said she wasn't defending his actions.
Cosby has went into hiding. He still denies that he's done wrong but he knows that his legacy is ruined.
Many Americans once looked to Bill Cosby as the perfect father figure. I mean I grew up watching The Cosby Show, Fat Albert & The Cosby Kids and A Diff'rent World.
Now every time I see Cosby's face, I just cringe!
I mean this is bigger than I've thought!
Before I move on I want to say that Rosie Perez is out. Perez had announced that she's bouncing off The View because of dysfunction between her and Rosie O'Donnell (who left earlier). Rosie will return to Broadway and probably do guest hosting.
The Cosby Show's alumni Raven Symone and comedian Michelle Collins recently joined The View.
They will formally be introduced in the Fall season.
The video of a five knuckle roll sends a Florida State quarterback to showers.
De'Andre Johnson, quarterback for the ACC conference Florida State University Seminoles was sacked after a video surfaced of him getting into a confrontation with a woman at a bar in Tallahassee.
The State Attorney's Office in Tallahassee issued an arrest warrant for Johnson Tuesday. Johnson, 19, planted a five knuckle roll on the face of the woman on the night of June 24, according to court documents.
The incident occurred while the woman was waiting in line for a drink at Yianni's nightclub and felt Johnson push past her aggressively, court records say.
When she addressed him at the bar, she raised her arm to defend herself, and he grabbed her arm and began pushing her. She raised her knee into his midsection to push him away and attempted to five knuckle him, court records say, before Johnson five knuckle her on the left side of her face.
The woman suffered bruising near her left eye, swelling of the left cheek and upper lip, and a small cut near the bridge of her nose, according to court records.
Johnson left the bar after the incident and the woman remained.
State Attorney Willie Meggs, who will prosecute the case, said the woman still had the black eye when she met with prosecutors.
Off the team for FSU quarterback after video of him putting a five knuckle roll on a woman.
Johnson was charged with misdemeanor battery and given a few hours in the Leon County lockup. He recently posted bond.
He will appear in the court in later July. He is innocent until proven guilty.
Now he's lawyer up and telling the junk food media, that "Hey, you didn't see the part where.....!"
And of course, concern trolls have their judgement. I don't have to tell you that it's a bar. I can't tell if the incident was provoked by him or the victim.
He's a 19-year old man and the victim is a 21-year old woman. I choose to not reveal the victim's name for the time being. She's not charged in a criminal act. The junk food media already put her name out there and she's likely going to get death threats.
The owner of Yianni's may see a courtroom as well. After all, the victim or Johnson may sue.
I watched the video. Here's the full video with no edits.
I want to say that I'm speechless. I have no actual thoughts on the matter.
I want to say that the punishment fits the crime. However, given the recent issues I've faced with women, I think a man should be able to defend himself if threaten with physical assault. I still believe that a man should never hit a woman. But no woman should hit a man. They should have just kept their hands to themselves.
I do believe in the double standard.
I don't know whether to justify it or condemn it. I see that it was a provoking situation in which Johnson and the victim were engaged in some combative words.
I see that the woman did raise her fist in a matter that seem threatening.
I see that Johnson tried to restrain her.
I see that she kneed him in the leg.
County lockup mug for De'Andre Johnson the former FSU quarterback.
I see she conducted first strike and he let her have it. After he put a five knuckle roll on the face of the woman, he bounced. The injuries left her with a swollen eye, bloody lip and swollen face.
Okay, cue the concern trolls. Which word vomit would you likely see in a comment section of your blog, social media website or news aggregator?
A) He shouldn't hit the woman. I know that she started it, but he's got a football scholarship and he should have just called the bouncers and had her thrown out.
B) He was the one who started it. You see how he grabbed that woman's hands. He's nothing more than a thug who should have been booted off the team. She was defending herself from this thug.
C) She should be charged for assault too. She hit him first. She had it coming.
D) If I had a son, he would look like De'Andre Johnson.
E) You people don't see the racial violence. Black man hits white woman. Where's our race baiter-in-chief, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson? Will they say White lives matter? They speak up for criminals like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin.
Rachel Dolezal and her two sons. In an interview with Matt Lauer, Dolezal says that no matter what anyone says about her, she's "Black" and her family matters than someone's opinion.
If Black women dye their hair blonde, red, hazel, or different color, they're still Black. If a White woman dyes their hair, tan their skin and talks in a matter of being Black, then they're Black.
This is what the former president of the NAACP is considering herself as and she's defiant about it.
In damage control, Rachel Dolezal appears on the junk food media outlets to dispute the charges hurled at her. This became a talked about story.
Her biological parents came out and told the junk food media that Rachel's been estranged from them for nearly a decade. She was outed by her parents for being trapped in the wrong skin. Basically she's a Black woman trapped in a White woman's body.
The media has found out that she tried to sue Howard University, a historically Black college because she felt that she wasn't getting her dues because she was a White woman.
Her ex-husband had promised to spill the dirt for $$$$$. The conservative Craigslist linked a Radar story about a mysterious sex tape circulating online. It shows Dolezal in it. Did he leak it?
Dolezal resigned as the president of the western branch of the NAACP.
What Black women think about it?
Mostly in a negative way.
She's a white woman who disguised herself as Black woman. She tries to act Black and use a Black woman's beauty as an excuse. This managed to become a national discussion on White privilege.
Many believe that she should be called out for being a fake to the cause.
It's a shame that despite all the good she's done, this one incident tarnished it.
I've said this time after time, the NAACP is not a Black group. It's devoted to civil rights and equal rights for all. It accepts anyone of color. It doesn't matter if you're Black, Brown, White, or other.
You support their cause, you're welcomed with open arms.
The racist right is aiming at the NAACP and of course President Barack Obama. They see the oldest civil rights organization and the president as the biggest racists to ever exist.
Dolezal appears on Melissa Harris-Perry and the Today show to discuss the controversy.
Civil rights leader told tales of Blackness. In reality she's a white woman. Her family outed her in this bitter family feud.
I think I've talked about this before. But if I haven't, let's get down to business. The oldest civil rights group is facing a controversy. One of its chapter presidents is under fire for being a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Before I go into it, let's first get this out the way.
Yes, there are White people in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Yes, the NAACP is progressive on issues such as civil rights, gay rights and gun control.
Yes, the NAACP has been controversial in some of its past commentary. This issue is considered a controversy in the eyes of agitators. It's not big but the junk food media will make it big.
The Republican Party and conservatives want to claim they founded the NAACP back in them days. But in the same breath they now call it a "racist" organization because of its progressive stances on social issues.
All the good she's done and they still want her out.
It's not a solely Black group. The NAACP is a group devoted to the equal rights for all Americans.
Enter Rachel Dolezal, the president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP. She's under fire because she falsely claimed that's she Black. She's dodging the cameras and closing her social media off.
It's a big topic in the city of Spokane and the junk food media is invested in outing the fake.
CNN reports the mother of Rachel Dolezal made the claim that she is white Her mother said Friday that her daughter "has not explained to us why she is doing what she's doing and being dishonest and deceptive with her identity."
Her mother told the local junk food media that their daughter has never been black, biracial or non-white. She even showed hundreds of pictures of her in her "natural look".
Ruthanne Dolezal said her daughter Rachel gradually began referring to herself as black around 2007 and that "she has never claimed to be biracial or African-American in our presence."
She married a Black man and became a step-mom to his family. Her parents probably disapproved of it.
The parents last talked to their daughter "some years ago," with Ruthanne Dolezal saying "Rachel has not wanted to have contact with us."
The NAACP issued a statement Friday on Rachel Dolezal's "enduring a legal issue with her family," saying, "We respect her privacy in this matter."
"One's racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership," the group said. "The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezal's advocacy record."
For one thing, why discredit the good that's been done by Dolezal?
So what you're saying is that she's a phony!
She lied Black to become the president of region's NAACP.
Nice tan.
So you're telling the public that because she's born White (or refused to be labeled as such), you want her out?
So if she acts, talk like and slept with Black, she shouldn't be a part the NAACP.
Nice. So I guess she's going to be fired out the cannon for being White.
Hate to tell you folks, that White people are welcomed into the NAACP.
The NAACP also was founded by three White people.
This comes in the wake of death threats being sent to the NAACP.
They are trying to discredit her as a legitimate civil rights leader. The agitators are trying to say she staged the death threats that were sent to the Spokane NAACP.
Black women: Do you believe that Dolezal's actions merit her being fired from the NAACP?
Black America: Dolezal is working for the good of all Americans as a part of the NAACP. Is the fact that she doesn't want to be labeled by race an issue for you?