Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rachel Dolezal: Pray For Black Jesus!

Rachel Dolezal and her two sons. In an interview with Matt Lauer, Dolezal says that no matter what anyone says about her, she's "Black" and her family matters than someone's opinion.

If Black women dye their hair blonde, red, hazel, or different color, they're still Black. If a White woman dyes their hair, tan their skin and talks in a matter of being Black, then they're Black.

This is what the former president of the NAACP is considering herself as and she's defiant about it.

In damage control, Rachel Dolezal appears on the junk food media outlets to dispute the charges hurled at her. This became a talked about story.

Her biological parents came out and told the junk food media that Rachel's been estranged from them for nearly a decade. She was outed by her parents for being trapped in the wrong skin. Basically she's a Black woman trapped in a White woman's body.

The media has found out that she tried to sue Howard University, a historically Black college because she felt that she wasn't getting her dues because she was a White woman.

Her ex-husband had promised to spill the dirt for $$$$$. The conservative Craigslist linked a Radar story about a mysterious sex tape circulating online. It shows Dolezal in it. Did he leak it?

Dolezal resigned as the president of the western branch of the NAACP.

What Black women think about it?

Mostly in a negative way.

She's a white woman who disguised herself as Black woman. She tries to act Black and use a Black woman's beauty as an excuse. This managed to become a national discussion on White privilege.

Many believe that she should be called out for being a fake to the cause.

It's a shame that despite all the good she's done, this one incident tarnished it.

I've said this time after time, the NAACP is not a Black group. It's devoted to civil rights and equal rights for all. It accepts anyone of color. It doesn't matter if you're Black, Brown, White, or other.

You support their cause, you're welcomed with open arms.

The racist right is aiming at the NAACP and of course President Barack Obama. They see the oldest civil rights organization and the president as the biggest racists to ever exist.

Dolezal appears on Melissa Harris-Perry and the Today show to discuss the controversy.

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