Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2017

More Mass Shootings: San Antonio Mall!

Mass shooting inside the mall sparked by a man's reckless need to be a hero?

Reminder, a good guy with a gun is still a threat. A police officer sees a "good guy" with a gun as a threat. That's probably why it's best to leave the criminals to the law. They are trained to handle situations. A "good guy" with a gun could accidentally shoot an innocent person.

Don't lose your life over property.

It's best to lose the property than lose your life. If you want to die a hero, try to neutralize the threat.

This is what happened in San Antonio.
A man's foolish actions to save property cost him his life. His wife now buries him.
One person lost their life trying to stop a jewelry thief. The robbery was botched from the start.

Five people were injured after two men tried to rob Kay Jewelers inside the Rolling Oaks Mall.

The victim killed was a retired Marine named Jonathan Murphy. The man and his wife were inside Kay when it went down. Murphy was trying to stop the robbery by being the "good samaritan".

Murphy shot one of the suspects. The other suspect saw it and bucked Murphy quickly.

Now that Murphy's "good guy" instinct triggered a mass shooting, five others paid the price for his actions. The suspects deserve most of the blame but Murphy also takes the blame as well.

He decided to be a hero and it cost him his life.
Suspect caught. Other suspect fights for his life.
The suspect who was shot is fighting for his life in the hospital. The second suspect was fingered as 34 year old Jason Prieto. He will face murder and robbery charges. The other suspect could face charges as well.

They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

A woman complained of chest pains. Another woman went into labor because of the panic.

All the while, inept police chief William McManus is trying to explain the rise in criminal activity in the seventh largest city in the United States.

So the fault of this senseless act of violence lies on the feet of fuhrer Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, Greg Abbott, the Republican Party and the NRA.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Never Stops: Mass Shooting In Washington State Mall!

Terrorist attacks a Washington state mall. Four people lost their lives to a senseless mass shooting.

Like clockwork, another senseless mass shooting in the U.S.

As expected, Congress will offer their prayers but no action on these mass shootings. They will say that any gun control laws will infringe on the rights of the lawful abiding citizens. The terrorist is likely able to purchase a firearm without a background check. Washington is an open carry state. You can carry a firearm in the public without a permit. You can carry a firearm in your vehicle if you have a permit.

And like that, we're going to hear the talk about the state's laws are easy for gun owners.

It's almost like we're becoming numb to these events. And we're expecting these things to continue even when President Barack Obama leaves the White House.

Conservatives will rehash those ridiculous hypotheticals about how arming everyone could stop a threat. You will hear the usual word vomit about the terrorist being either a liberal, Democrat, or an Obama (Clinton) supporter. You will hear "It's not the time to politicize" these events.

Fresh from the two police encounters and the terrorist planting bombs in New York, we head to Washington state to cover a mass shooting.

There was a mass shooting in Tennessee but it was ignored by the junk food media. It was focused on the unrest in Charlotte, NC.

Breaking, there was a mass shooting in the city of Burlington, Washington. There were four people killed and numerous others injured at the Cascade Mall.

The authorities are looking for a terrorist who managed to take four lives for no god damn reason.

President Barack Obama, Democratic Governor Jay Inslee, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) were notified of this tragedy tonight.

The terrorist was spotted near Interstate 5.

The Washington State Patrol said the shooter appears to be a Hispanic man wearing grey. That's not confirmed.

In the wake of a mass shooting in Washington State, who takes the blame in this senseless tragedy?

Barack Obama
Illegal Immigrants
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Sage Quotes

Emergency medics have entered the mall escorted by police.

"It's unclear where the shooting occurred", said Sgt. Mark Francis of the state police.
Mall shut down after terrorist killed four innocent shoppers or workers.
Expect Donald Trump to exploit this. He will say that the terrorist could be an illegal immigrant. He could use this as a motivation to scare up some votes.

There's APB for the suspect. And there's also a need to get tips passed along to the law.

Local junk food agitators report that a person identifying as the shooter has called into the police, and crisis negotiators are being activated

The shooting happened around the Macy's store at 7pm (PST).

I am done sending my condolences to the families of the victims. I want Congress to do something about mass shootings. I want Congress to do something about police brutality against people of color. I want police reform passed by Congress. The Republican-controlled Congress is inept. They rather waste your taxpayer dollars on fighting the first term of a second term Barack Obama. They nominated a billionaire narcissist who has an unpredictable way of handling crisises. The Republican Party of today is the Democrats of yesterday. The party is full of White, old, ignorant, stubborn and stupid people. They rather cling to their guns, religion and disdain for others. They will refuse to concede to the concerns of the rest of the world.

It's unfortunate that lives are lost to firearms. The Republicans and their conservative allies will continue to push for genocide. They want Whites to poison themselves with heroin. They want pregnant women to give birth to Zika-born children. They want Blacks to kill each other or give police officers justification for gun violence. They rather be in the legs or bedroom of women and gay people.

They don't want to tax the rich. They want to punish the poor and needy. They want to be the party of the future when their policies are stuck in the 20th Century.

Name one good Republican president that's been good for the rest of the world.

The blame game series continues as developments follow.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Now The Threats Against Clinton!

The smells of desperation continue within the Republican Party. As many flee Donald Trump, he continues to step further into the abyss.

Trump now complains about the debates. He agrees to the debates but he wants the moderators to be vetted.

At a rally in North Carolina, he made remarks that come off as a threat against Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump on Tuesday said "the Second Amendment people" may be the only way to stop Hillary Clinton from getting to appoint federal judges if she wins the presidential election in November.

“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment,” he said as an aside while smiling. “By the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

The reference to the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, could be interpreted as a joke about using violence to stop Clinton or her judicial picks.

Trump was speaking at a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina, where he repeated his regular claim that Clinton intends to “abolish” the Second Amendment, presumably by appointing liberal justices to the Supreme Court. But Trump punctuated that line with an aside, suggesting that Second Amendment supporters might be in a position to stop her even if she’s elected.

The Trump campaign rejected the notion that Trump was inciting violence against Clinton or anyone else with his aside at the Wilmington rally. Instead, the campaign said the Manhattan billionaire was simply appealing to the collective political muscle Second Amendment supporters possess.

“It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power," Trump's senior communications adviser Jason Miller said in a statement emailed to POLITICO. "And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.”

The U.S. Secret Service is aware of the comments.

Many Republicans are starting to see the Trump campaign imploding.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Never Stops: Mass Shooting In Austin!

There was a mass shooting in Austin, Texas. There was at least one person right now killed and four others who suffered life threatening injuries. The police are searching for the terrorist.

The shooting happened in the Sixth Street entertainment district. The incident happened overnight between 2am and 3am.

The victim was a woman in her 30s and two other women and a man were injured.
At least one person has been killed and several have been injured after a gunman opened fire in Austin, Texas. Pictured, police at the scene
Mass shooting in Austin, Texas.
Besides Barack Obama, Muslims, Black Lives Matter or illegal immigrants will be the first things uttered out the mouths of the gun supporters.

A video posted on social media purported to be from the scene of the shooting showed people running and screaming after shots were heard. Instead of running for their lives, they want to capture the moment so they can share for click bait.

We don't know the name of the victims or the name of the terrorist but I can tell you conservatives will find a way to claim the shooter is.....





Once again, Texas governor Greg Abbott, President Barack Obama and the local leaders will offer their condolences and prayers to the victims. Every time the president speaks out against gun violence, the tone deafness of conservatives will be that Obama's coming for your guns. Now that Hillary Clinton is the nominee for the Democratic Party, the NRA and agitators in the junk food media will say that she's coming for the guns now.

A few days or a few weeks will pass by and then we're off to another mass shooting, a terrorist attack, or a cop shooting.

When it comes to fighting these issues, Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress and conservative agitators use their only muscle they got. It's their tongues and they're getting tongue tied trying to blame everyone else other than the shooter.

Developments will continue.
A woman in her 30s died and at least three more were shot, Austin-County Emergency Medical Services said. Pictured, police at the scene
Another life lost to a senseless mass shooting.
Instead of offering condolences and prayers to the victims, I am going to say that Congress is allowing mass shootings to happen in the United States. They're too busy taking vacations to pass Zika virus funding, highway infrastructure funding, and a gun control or background check law.

They're afraid and inept. If this is what you want for your government, vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Cause they sure as hell ain't doing much to solve the problems. With a Republican controlled Congress, they'll do whatever it takes to repeal laws or throw up road blocks.

They'll keep the little majority of White uneducated individuals fearful of change.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Mass Shootings Continue: Fort Myers Club Shooting!

Fort Myers club was the scene of a mass shooting. One month past the Orlando massacre.

What's trending on social media is the mass shooting in Fort Myers, Florida. The ClubBlu nightclub was the scene of a fatal shooting in which two people were killed and 17 others were injured.

This was allegedly a "teen night" at the club and the terrorist decided to get the burner after a dispute.

As expected, Governor Rick Scott and President Barack Obama were notified of this tragedy. They will express condolences and call for swift justice to those involved in this senseless act of violence.

The Congress will be too busy taking vacations or attending political conventions. They will ignore the gun violence issue. They don't see gun violence as the number one threat in the United States.

The junk food media says this incident wasn't terrorism.

Define terrorism!

I mean there's a man with a high powered firearm who decides to shoot many individuals without any care of their lives. A man who was motivated by some incident that could have been solved by leaving the venue or deescalating it by finding other outlets. That's a terrorist in my book.

Mass shootings aren't defined as terrorism. I say that's bullshit.

Bullshit for the fact that the Orlando, Florida shooting was labeled an act of terrorism. Why?

Cause the suspect is a Muslim.

What about the other mass shootings this year?

Find someone else to blame.

Obviously if the shooter is Black, he's a thug. If the shooter is Hispanic, he's an illegal. If the shooter is a Muslim, he's a terrorist. If the shooter is White, he's a liberal Democrat. All these shooters are Barack Obama's fault.

Assuming that the shooter could be Black, I expect the concern trolls to go through their usual word vomit about how #BlackLivesMatter is ignoring Black on whatever crime.

Assuming that the concern trolls will have their "I told you so" moment when it comes to some protesters complaining about police officers.

Some will use that silly narrative about the "good guy with a gun".

It was not immediately clear what triggered the violence, but Fort Myers police Capt. Jim Mulligan said the shooting was not an act of terrorism. Police detained three people and said the area around Club Blu had been deemed safe, Mulligan said.

The two teens killed were 14-year-old Sean Archilles and 18-year-old Ste'Fan Strawder, police said. Archilles lived about a mile from the nightclub, said his father, Jean Archilles. Archilles said his son loved to play football and basketball.

The Los Angeles Times report that the club is in a strip mall that includes a daycare center and is across the street from a large apartment complex. Officers had the area taped off as crime scene technicians scoured the strip mall parking lot for clues.

State records online show the alcohol license for Club Blu was revoked June 7. The records from the Department of Business and Professional Regulation say the license was revoked because of an incident that occurred a year ago, but there are no additional details available. The same records also show that a complaint was filed in 2014 for “criminal activity” and that the club was given an official notice.

The violence at Club Blu erupted about 12:30 a.m. Monday, Mulligan said. There were two active crime scenes, police said. Several hours later a street in the area remained closed as police investigated.

Why send my condolences to the victims?

No amount of prayers will bring the victims of gun violence back!

The suspects will be charged with capital murder. They are innocent until proven guilty.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Definition Of Irony!

TJ Williams and friends get bucked livestreaming.

The price of internet celebrity.

Three men were bucked by a gunman in another callous mass shooting in Norfolk, Virginia. The Hampton Roads community is at a lost of words.

These young men were enjoying life and some terrorist with a firearm shot them.

World News Today send our prayers and condolences to the families of this senseless tragedy.

You know what!

I am tired of giving prayers! I want something done immediately about the epidemic of gun violence not only plaguing the Black community but America as a whole.


Congress assures more massacres to occur because they're lily livered cowards when it comes to gun control. They fear the almighty National Rifle Association and their merry band of kookspiracy nuts and old White extremists.

Republicans and their conservative agitating allies rather see White people have firearms. In the same breathe they concern troll about how many lives were lost to gun violence in Chicago and Black leaders not mentioning it in the junk food media.

Newsflash: The Black community, President Barack Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Black Lives Matter have addressed these issues many times. It's ignored by conservatives.

They rather bitch and bemoan about how our problems are the reasons to why America in general is fucked up.

They would often find us guilty before innocent. They often judge us for criminals than human beings.
Life was good.
In their glass houses, they can't do no wrong. Hey see a Black man smoking weed on camera, and conservatives say it's "Thugs" and "Niggers".

No one is perfect. But damn, these guys were having a good time and this asshole would take away that freedom that you conservatives all so bitch about!

The only person who deserves the blame for gun crimes is the shooter. The person who decided that my life, and your life doesn't matter. That's why Black Lives Matter formed.

When a Black unarmed teen's killer managed to skirt the system when clearly he should have been convicted, the rage of mistrust and a justice system privileged only towards Whites is often a rally cry for Black men and women. They feel that if the law can't help us when we're in need, who can we really turn to when there's actual criminal activity in our neighborhoods.

And the social media craze is probably one of the culprits in the latest round of shootings.

People are taking a likening to Pokemon Go and Facebook's Livestream function. Nintendo raked in a cool $10 billion after the Pokemon app went live. Over 500,000 downloads in the first hour of the release. It's probably obtained over 32.9 million users surpassing even social media titian Twitter.

Facebook is capitalizing off the daily routine. The livestream app is pickup and people are engaging in doing daily posting of their normal day. They share their normal day with millions of others.

Also giving themselves a beacon. Now I haven't used Facebook's Livestream yet but I can only imagine that it gives a homing beacon to where you live and it could invite criminal activity to your door.

Well the victim who recorded his demise was confirmed as TJ Williams. The men who were aged 27 and 29 respectively were also hit.

Williams is seen smoking and listening to hip-hop music but into five minutes, gunfire. The gunfire landed into the vehicle and they were down.

Within the seconds of the shootings, the residents come to the aid of the victims.

Two of the victims have life-threatening injuries. One has non-life threatening injuries.

This is the edited version of the video. The full video is over 75 minutes long and it details the cries of help from the men and the residents screaming.

This comes a few weeks after another man filmed his tragic demise. A Chicago man was gunned down while livestreaming on Facebook.

The tragic incident in Minneapolis also was livestreamed. The death of Philando Castile also brought attention to alleged police brutality.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Mass Shootings Keep Happening: Five Dallas Officers Killed!

Dallas police mourn the lost of their own after a terrorist launched an attack on a Black Lives Matter protest rally.


World News Today send our condolences to those lost in these senseless tragedies.

When will it stop?

When will we finally get something done about gun violence?

Who's going to be blamed?

In the wake of the mass shooting in Dallas sparked by a terrorist's anger with the death of unarmed Black men, who takes the blame for this?

Barack Obama
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Quiz Maker

I bet you money, the blame game will focus solely on President Barack Obama. They will accuse him of inciting violence against police. They will complain about the protesters supporting this terrorist and his horrific act against those in law enforcement. The concern trolls will use the "If I had..."

I bet you that "the shooter was...." will be the first thing coming up. Agitators in the junk food media will fault people other than the shooter.

In the wake of two officer involved shootings in which two Black men were gunned down, a peaceful protest in Dallas was disrupted by a terrorist attack.

A terrorist managed to take out five Dallas officers and injured 15 in the #BlackLivesMatter march.

The terrorist named Micah Xavier Johnson, 25 was responsible for one of the most deadliest shootings for law enforcement since 9/11. He is a former Army reserve ranger.
The terrorist before the shooting.
The terrorist said that he's not in tone with the protesters. He just showed a strong hatred of White people, especially White officers. He believes that the recent incidents in the junk food media inspired him for the attack.

The terrorist was eventually taken down by SWAT snipers and a police robot.

Downtown Dallas is on lockdown as they are trying to figure out if the terrorist had any help.

Three individuals were also detained for questioning. The incident happened around 9pm in the wake of a protest. Police negotiated with the terrorist. Dallas Police chief David Brown said that the terrorist was not willing to surrender to the authorities He said he was turned up.

He was cornered in the El Centro College. The terrorist was determined to take out many.

The terrorist was from Mesquite, a nearby suburb of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The terrorist had no prior history with the law or the feds.

Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings, Texas governor Greg Abbott, President Barack Obama were horrified about this ambush attack on those who served and protected. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have canceled their campaigns for the time being.

Mind you that Texas is an open carry state. The terrorist would have strolled with the firearm without any retaliation from the law.

Did you happen to notice the junk food media erroneously accused a man protesting with his firearm as the suspect?

Mark Hughes was there at the protest with no intentions of using his firearm. He was accused of being the shooter by the junk food media. The Dallas Police Department had made the mistake and quickly apologized to Hughes. The damage was done. Hughes face were splashed across the networks and he immediately got death threats.

And here comes the racial agitators.

The Drudge Report once again spread more hate and fear in the wake of a mass shooting. The racist right will automatically use this as a rally call to start the "great race war".

Congress will once again ignore the threat of gun violence.
Nothing will be done about gun violence.

Today Black and Hispanic members of Congress and Loretta Lynch have talked to the junk food media about the "rush to judgement" and the accusations of profiling.

The nation's law enforcement will step up forces in the wake of this.

Again the blame game will be often addressed. As expected, you will hear the conservatives deflect from the gun violence to single out #BlackLivesMatter for the actions of the shooter.

The media will cover this for a few weeks and then it's off to another shiny coin.

Almost four weeks since the Orlando massacre. About a year past the shooting in Charleston and four years since the Aurora movie theater shooting.  Now we can add the Dallas massacre to the list of mass shootings.

It keeps on going!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Dems: No Bill, No Break!

House Democrats, including, from left to right, Rep. Joe Courtne, of Connecticut, Rep. Elizabeth Esty, also of Connecticut and Rep. John Lewis, of Georgia, sit in to protest for a gun control vote. (Rep. Robin Kelly/Twitter)
Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) returned to his protesting roots. He staged a sit-in inside the House of Representatives chamber after House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) decided to call for a recess instead of a floor vote. It's becoming a trending issue.
Call the Congress on (202) 224-3121 to demand the House of Representatives do their jobs and pass bipartisan measures to stop gun violence.

Tell them that they need to get things done. Enough of the prayers and silence.

Gotta give up to the Democratic Party. They finally got a spine. They are staging sit-in in the House of Representatives today. They are getting tired of Republicans and their constant inaction on gun violence.

In the wake of the Orlando massacre, Democrats call upon a bill that bans people on the controversial "NO FLY LIST" to have no access to firearms. The Republicans objected to this notion because they believe that the bill would include conservative groups on this list.

Republicans rather waste time chasing after Hillary Clinton's emails than focus on actual issues. They rather waste $9.4 million on Benghazi than a bill that deals with the reasons contributing to gun violence.

By the way, concern trolls: The Democrats mentioned gun violence in every community. It's just not in Orlando, but Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland, Detroit and many urban centers. The lawmakers have expressed outrage at Republicans for ignoring the concerns of families who want gun control.

They believe that the National Rifle Association and the acolytes of the conservative media will try to distort the message. They are running a sit in on Periscope.

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) started this sit-in around late morning and it's being recorded on social media through Periscope.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) are running it through Periscope and it's been streamed live on CSPAN.

The junk food media have ignored the cries from Democrats.

The Republicans have control of the floor and they cut off the cameras and started their umpteenth recess.

#NOFLYNOBUY is becoming a hashtag as well as #NOBILLNOBREAK.

Will the theatrics work?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Congress Continues To Be Inept!

Time to go..! Republicans are extremely bad at what they do.

In the wake of a mass shooting, the Congress continues to be inept.

Congress continues to support terrorism by allowing them access to firearms. The four amendments that could prevent access to firearms if you're on a terrorist watch list failed.

Sens. Jon Tester (D-MT), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Manchin (D-MT) aided the Republicans in crashing the bills.

The background check amendment failed, the terrorist watch list amendment and the semi automatic weapons ban were dismissed by the senate.

The GOP and those spineless Democrats have once again failed in passing reasonable gun control in the wake of terrorism, mass shootings and grieving families.

Is it time for the voters to dismiss the inept lawmakers?

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) voted for the bills. He said this opportunity missed shows that Congress is totally inept and the National Rifle Association once again wins the battle.



I am really tired of the Republicans in control of Congress. They can't pass laws, they stall President Barack Obama's nominees and continue to waste taxpayer money grandstanding.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Wayne LaPierre: "Janet" Lynch Ain't Taking My Gun!

The Three Stooges stand firm in guns, name calling and all out bitching. Chris Cox, Donald Trump and Wayne LaPierre go to GOP Sundays to deny facts. Sen. Jeff Session (R-AL) comes along for the ride.

Ignorance continues to be a part of American culture. We are numb to gun violence. Everyday 20 to 50 people are killed by firearms. About 3,000 people are killed by firearms.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch heads to GOP Sundays to discuss the Orlando massacre, Hillary Clinton's emails, and the president's gun control proposals. 

Congress continues to hold a moment of silence and their prayers with the 

There's not enough prayers to stop this.


Donald Trump goes to GOP Sundays to discuss his falling poll numbers, his upcoming appearance at the oldest gun lobbyist group the National Rifle Association and why he is being criticized by fellow Republicans.

The NRA president and spokesman for the group go to GOP Sundays to defend their stance on firearms. Chris Cox, the president of the the NRA-ILA and chairman Wayne LaPierre both appear on GOP Sundays to complain about the president and Lynch.

Mind you that LaPierre is an idiot and he couldn't even say her name right.

Wayne LaPierre says that "Janet" Lynch and her gun grabbing losers at the Justice Department ain't going to take his gun.

The Brady Foundation teams up with the victims of gun violence to head to Virginia with the intentions of protesting the NRA's stubborn views on gun violence.

Also the old tired argument of the "good guy with the gun". 

In the wake of an active shooting, the good guy with a gun wouldn't be even capable of stopping a threat given the mass shooter having an automatic firearm. The law doesn't see a "good guy" with the gun. They see a threat. Even if you disarm the threat, the law might mistake you as a threat or you could end up injuring a victim. You will likely face criminal charges if you kill an innocent victim.

The good guy with a gun argument is stupid. You can't predict the motivations of a mass shooter. 

Trevor Noah and Jordan Klepper knocks down the argument of a "good guy" with the gun.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

We Haven't Forgotten The Massacre In Charleston!

Innocence lost on this day. The Charleston massacre marks a milestone.

It's been one year since the tragic mass shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. On this day, a terrorist would enter the predominantly Black church and massacre nine worshipers. One included a pastor who was a state senator.

Now we're in the first week since the massacre in Orlando and yet nothing has changed on the gun issue.

Every mass shooting in the United States sparks a rise in gun sales. The NRA and Republican lawmakers continue to push the good guy with a gun narrative. It's a pathetic way to ignore the real issue facing our country.


Terrorist find it very easy to acquire firearms. They know that Republicans are weak on legislation to stop them. They openly encourage potential madmen to find straw buyers and lapse laws.

Even in the wake of the Orlando tragedy, we skirted past the previous murderer. This guy lived in North Carolina and had deep seated hatred towards Black people. He told his friend that he's going to start a race war. The friend thought he was joking. Turns out he wasn't and he carried out the massacre on a Wednesday night while church as doing nightly service.

The terrorist managed to escape. He managed to make it to North Carolina before he nabbed by the law.

Now this terrorist is facing federal hate crime and state murder charges. The feds proposed the Death Card if he's found guilty of all nine counts of murder.

This terrorist is innocent until proven guilty.

The one thing good that came out this situation was the remove of the losing flag from the state house grounds. The terrorist had posted on social media his love for the losing flag. It took a lot of pressure from the junk food media to make the losing flag history last year. #BlackLivesMatter, the NAACP, President Barack Obama, and the world forced Republican governor Nikki Haley to denounce the losing flag.

In July, the flag went down. It spread like wildfire. The flag was removed from many institutions and state houses.
No remorse.
To this day, the issues of gun violence are often met with little or no action from the Republican controlled Congress. Ever since the first shooting under the president's watch, Congress has been slow on getting legislation through.

Hopefully, this could spark the flame to kick the Republicans back to the minority.

As a majority, they have wasted too much time trying to stop the president. The president has been all to nice to the Republican majority and the NRA. He gave them all they wanted and yet they haven't done nothing for him.

Mass shootings are an everyday thing here in the United States.

Mind you if the shootings in Charleston, Umpqua Community College, San Bernardino and now Orlando doesn't spark discussion on gun control, what will?

How about a member of Congress being shot! Oops, Gabby Giffords was shot at point blank range.

Giffords barely survived a shooting in the head. She is permanently disabled. She was a staunch gun supporter but after this, she turned into one of the leading voices in the gun control movement.

Nothing changed that day! Nothing has changed so far. It's already being ignored now that the victims are being buried. What happens next? Another mass shooting....or perhaps an animal attacking a child.

World News Today continue to cover the Orlando shooting.

I made it back to Ohio. I was in Niagara Falls and Toronto. I also made a few stops in Buffalo, Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, Ohio.

I am been on an Instagram fixation. I have posted a bunch of pictures of my travels. If you want to like my pictures visit my profile page.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Republican Controlled Congress Is Inept!

Sen. Chris Murphy  (D-CT) laid into the Republicans yesterday on their inept actions in the wake of the terrorist attack in Orlando in which this cat laid into 50 people in aneed act of hate against the LGBT community.

Unlike the worthless filibusters from failed presidential candidates Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) this one really gets the ball rolling on gun control. This issue has been ignored with prayers and silence. The distraction from Republicans and their conservative agitating allies is the tired "Obama is taking your guns excuse" to rile up gun buyers.

President Barack Obama has said that these mass shootings have gotten out of hand. Why would we continue to have those with mental issues and possible terrorists obtain these powerful weapons?

The calls for a semi automatic weapons ban will likely go nowhere with this inept Congress.

Republicans and Donald Trump are looking forward to distancing themselves from gun control. They already made the focus on "radical Islam" and the president being "weak" on terrorism because he doesn't say it.

Republicans are really unpopular right now. With Trump as their leader, the party is going to likely suffer in the polls. Trump's rhetoric isn't helpful at all.

He doubles down on calling the president a terrorist sympathizer.

Conservative attack the president for calling for an assault weapons ban, saying Islam isn't the enemy and telling Americans that the LGBT community is loved.

If the good guy had a gun while the bad guy was shooting is a pathetic argument. It's likely the gunman or the law would shoot you knowing that you have a gun. It doesn't matter to the law if you a concealed carry, they see you as a threat. Also you could miss and shoot a hostage or an innocent victim. You could be charged with a crime.

World News Today continues to cover the Orlando massacre.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Trolls Call The Orlando Victims "Crisis Actors"!

According to online trolls, grieving mother Christine Leinonen is a "crisis actor". Her son Christopher could be one of the victims of this mass shooting. Chris and his boyfriend were shot at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida.


Facebook activated the "I AM SAFE" option yet again. They have ignored the other tragedies in the world.

Facebook, the social media titan is the gateway for trolls and racists to act out in the wake of an event.

Facebook, Twitter, Disqus, and Reddit are giving credence to anti-Muslim, anti-LGBT and anti-Obama rhetoric.

Ignorance is a part of America. You can't do nothing to stop it. In the court of public opinion, you fixated on one thing. Blaming someone other than the shooter.

It's unfortunate that the agitators are too stupid to notice or they just don't give a fuck about it.

We can't bring back the dead. And there's no acting in the wake of a horrific mass shooting. This act of terrorism already sparks the political blame game. Conservatives show "concern" for the victims.

Conservatives will have a "told you so moment". The terrorist is a Muslim. He targeted gays. The junk food media and liberal agitators vilified conservatives who were anti-gay. The event happened in liberal Orlando. The excuse of a good guy with a gun will be floated once again by those in the AM agitator realm.

Now I've been hearing word that some in the Alex Jones universe is calling the most deadliest shooting in history fake.

They believe the grieving families and the victims are crisis actors.

Damn, we're living in dire straits. This country is going down the drain if we elected bigots like Donald Trump to the White House.

These folks are supporters of the global conspiracy movement. These folks believe 9/11 is an inside job. They believe that the Sandy Hook victims and family members were all actors engaged in a federal plot to confiscate firearms.

The Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando sparked feverish debate over terrorism and gun control.

No amount of prayers and calls of saying "radical Islam" could bring back those lost in this tragedy.

World News Today once again covers this horrific tragedy and the death of Christina Grimmie.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Christina Grimmie Passed Away!

Entertainer's sudden death sparks the gun violence debate.

A senseless act of violence ended the life of an aspiring entertainer. Christina Grimmie was killed after she was giving autographs to her supporters at an Orlando concert.

The gunman was subdued but ended up putting the lead in himself after he bucked her.

The 22-year old singer was apart of the hit NBC series The Voice. She was the third place contestant on the show.

Social media went ablaze after it was announced of her death. She had just posted on Twitter the previous day saying that she's looking forward to heading to the event.

The junk food media has been buzzing about this. It's reach the White House. It's giving more examples to the rise in gun violence.

Sad end for a great talent. The Orlando Police is investigating the suspect's motives. They haven't released the name of the suspect or what drove him to do such a horrible act.

She broke out into the mainstream from social media. She was on YouTube when she started building her career. She went to The Voice season 6 to perform and won praises from the judges. 

They need to do something about protecting celebrities and politicians. Celebrities are often targeted by stalkers. Congress is inept. They didn't pass legislation to fund DHS and organizations because of the embolden support of the gun lobby. We need policies on how to protect celebrities and high profile individuals. 

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Christina Grimmie. The world lost a great talent who at such a young age was gunned down by a callous terrorist.

We are covering the Orlando massacre.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bryce Dejean-Jones Passed Away!

The New Orleans Pelicans mourn the loss of first year player Bryce Dejean-Jones.

The NBA community is mourning the loss of  Bryce Dejean-Jones. The New Orleans Pelicans guard was shot to death he attempted to break in a Dallas apartment. His former girlfriend and their child live in the apartment above. At 3:20 AM, the resident of the apartment who had been sleeping, shot Dejean-Jones in the abdomen as he entered the bedroom.

See in Texas, they have avoid entry law whereas regardless of error, the owner of a firearm could kill without facing any charges.

I am certain that a mistaken door and a possibly intoxicated Bryce could have lead to his death.

He was the son of Walter Dejean and KC Franchesca Jones. He had four brothers and two sisters.

He stood at 6'6" and was signed to the New Orleans Pelicans after doing a bid for the D-League's Idaho Stampede. He would end up taking the bench after he was an injury on his wrist.

The Cleveland Cavaliers will once again head to the NBA Championship game. They will have to wait on the outcome of the Western Conference.

Golden State Warriors will force a Game 7 on the Oklahoma City Thunder after a tough Game 6.

The Warriors were faced a pending defeat. They were the 2015-16 NBA Champions.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Bryce Dejean-Jones.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Still No Likes!

At the NRA Convention, the gun owners are embracing Donald Trump as he seals the deal as the Republican's choice for president. 

Trump riding a halo of  junk food media coverage says to the NRA that his challengers will destroy the Second Amendment. The usual scare tactics that the gun lobby always push in the wake of a mass shooting, a Supreme Court nominee and an election year. 

Trump's glowing with Republicans as talk of an insurgent candidate is now yesterday news.

About 8 out of 10 Republicans are supporting the controversial billionaire. 

There are four polls saying that Trump is leading in some polls against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. And it seems that Republicans are willing to settle with Trump over Clinton. They all believe that Trump's rhetoric could damage America, but they just can't stand Hillary Clinton. 

Clinton still facing a problem. The bitterness of Bernie Sanders. The Sanders campaign is throwing everything they got against Clinton and DNC chief, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). The Sanders campaign is making the claims that the Democratic Party rigged the system against him. 

Sanders is currently a Vermont senator who is an independent who caucuses with Democrats. When he wanted to run for president, he had to declare himself a Democrat in order to run for president. 

He was told about the rules and supported them at the time. Now we're in the final leg of the campaign and Sanders is complaining that he's not winning because of the rules he supported in the beginning and feeding conservatives this notion that the "superdelegates" were in the tank for Clinton all along. His supporters are taking it to head and are threatening to cause chaos at the convention. 

Sanders who recently endorsed the Democratic candidate running against Wasserman Schultz. The Sanders's endorsement giving the notion that his feud with the Florida lawmaker has reached critical mass.

The Republicans are joyful that Sanders is staying in the race. They hope the Democrats have a brokered convention in Philadelphia. The junk food media was hoping that Republicans were going to have a brokered convention. It didn't happened. Trump managed to knock 16 potentials (including haloed Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie and Ben Carson) right out.

Democrats are concerned that Sanders will weaken Clinton. Clinton carries baggage. Sanders does better against Trump until the Republicans start going after him.

Republicans will play on sexism, ageism and racism to win. Clinton, Sanders and President Barack Obama are catnip to the junk food media.

On that note, Trump, Clinton and Sanders are favored negatively by the general public. 

Sanders staying in the race and his supporters are driving his negatives up. The public thinks that Sanders is a "sore loser" and "spoiler". I voted for Sanders in the Ohio primary and I'm concerned that both Democratic candidates will lose to Trump. 

I still believe that Sanders is viable but I am starting see concern that whomever becomes the nominee for the Democratic Party, the person will have to do a lot of work to repair the damage done.

Trump has the highest negatives in this campaign. Clinton follows close behind. This is going to be a historical first, both candidates are universally disliked by the general public. 

Trump has a 51% chance of being the president. Clinton has a 96% chance of being the Democratic nominee. Clinton has a 54% chance at being the president. Sanders has a 20% chance of being the Democratic nominee. Sanders has a 49% chance of being the president.

Friday, May 06, 2016

Mass Shooting In Suburban DC! Suspect Caught! Who Gets The Blame?

(Prince George County Police/Twitter)
Another senseless mass shooting in the country and the junk food media covers it.

As expected, another mass shooting will grab the nation's attention. There were shootings at a Maryland mall, a grocery store and a school within a 24 hour period. The terrorist was a part of the federal witness protection unit. That means he's a federal vice officer.

President Barack Obama, Maryland governor Larry Hogan and Washington, DC mayor Muriel Bowser will be notified and express condolences to the families lost in these senseless tragedies.

Eulalio Tordil, a former federal officer cause a few days of terrorism in suburban Washington, DC.

He was placed in the freezer after allegations of spousal and child abuse surfaced. The terrorist struck up a conservation with a woman before he pulled out a semi-automatic firearm. He would shoot her a point blank range and then attack the people who came to the aid of the woman. One of the men who rushed to the aid was killed.
gladys tordil, gladys tordil maryland
The first victim of this tragedy was the terrorist's wife.
There was a shooting a local high school where four people were injured by the violent acts of this terrorist.

The first victim of this mass shooting was his wife Gladys. That piece of paper drove Tordil crazy.

Gladys served him with a restraining order after she called the law on him after he assaulted her.

Montgomery County police believe that he is also behind two additional deadly shootings on Friday in Montgomery County. One man died and two other victims were treated after a shooting at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, and a woman was killed at a Giant grocery store in Aspen Hill.

In Thursday’s incident, a bystander, another parent who tried to intervene, was also shot, but he is expected to survive, the Prince George’s County Police Department said in a press release. His name was not released.

Thursday’s shooting happened at about 4:30 p.m. at High Point High School in Beltsville, according to police. No students were injured and it was not an active shooter situation, police said.
Eulalio Tordil, Eulalio tordil maryland
The terrorist worked for the feds.
Mind you this terrorist is of Asian American descent and is a federal police officer.

Cue the conservative outrage. Who are they going to blame for this situation? Since it's not a White person, automatically he's a liberal. He comes from the metro Washington, DC area, a strong Democratic area. He is a federal worker. The conservatives complain that the government is huge and the Republicans want to shrink government. He's Asian, so I am assuring that racial arsonist Colin Flaherty will waste no time trying to make the case about Black on whatever violence.

Conservatives will say that "if I was there...." or "the state laws hurt arming citizens in tragedies" excuse.

Here's a poll for you.

The mass shooting in Maryland. The suspect was caught. Who actually takes the blame in this senseless tragedy?

Barack Obama
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Do Quizzes

World News Today send our condolences to the families of the victims lost in these senseless tragedies. Unfortunately Congress refuses to pass regulations to curb gun violence. The 114th session of Congress controlled by Republicans is inept. The most unproductive Congress ever in American history is more concerned about winning the presidency and control of the upcoming 115th Congress.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will debate these issues and offer little to no suggestions to curb the rise in American gun violence.

The terrorist was taken in custody without incident. The terrorist will face federal charges and state charges. Federal charges could carry the GAS. State charges could land him in the iron college for LIFE. The terrorist is innocent until proven guilty.

Also noticed that he was taken in without incident. Think of the Black, Muslim or Hispanic mass shooters. They would be gunned down within a bat of an eyelash.

About 46.3 people a day are injured or killed by gun violence and no one but the victims seems to care. I mean how many more people will have to be buried?

Why is it easier to get a firearm but not a voter registration?

Why is it easier to purchase multiple firearms but you can't smoke weed in a public venue?


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