Sunday, July 17, 2016

Mass Shootings Continue: Baton Rouge Officers Gunned Down!

Fatal police shooting.

Those in law enforcement are on high alert after a significant threat by extremists was reported by the Homeland Security. There are groups that are plotting motivated terrorists attacks on those who wear the badge.

Some of these extremists are former military and trained with high powered firearms.

Breaking today, Baton Rouge police officers were killed this morning. This happened a few miles from the police headquarters. The law can't confirmed the identities of the officers, but we do know that officers were ambushed.

Chief Carl DaBadie asks the public to keep prayers for his officers who were shoot this morning.

The event happened at 9am (CST) and the officers didn't expect it.

The motivations of the terrorist is unknown. I assure you that if its Black, Muslim or Immigrant shooter, expect conservatives to exploit the event and yes blame everyone but the shooter.

The shooting does have some indications of retaliation against those officers who killed Alton Sterling. I can't confirm that as an excuse but given the fatal shootings of Black men across the country, I expect extremism to be on the rise.

So here's the poll for the day.

There was a senseless mass shooting in Baton Rouge. Those in law enforcement were killed. Who deserves the blame for this?
Barack Obama
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Quiz Maker

Obviously if you're not blaming the shooter, you're not helping.

The fatal shooting of Alton Sterling has Baton Rouge Police under the investigation by the U.S. Justice Department. The officers who fatally shot Alton are in the freezer pending the outcome.

The shooting caught on video went viral and the Black residents are upset over the fatal encounter.

Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards and President Barack Obama were notified of this this. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will speak on this event at their political rallies.

Again, those in law enforcement know the risk. It's a thankless job. They know that day would come when their lives could end. This is one of the most dangerous jobs. There is no war on cops.


Stay tuned for the Blame Game series.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy.

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