DeWitt Thomas is suing a grocer for a Civil Rights violation. |
A website that I frequent on occasions has stories that paint White people in a negative light. The creator of this
website wanted to get back at websites
that devote their time to attacking the Black community and President Barack Obama.
Now again, we don't endorse hate among race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. We believe in equal rights and respect of all race, creed and values. We are Americans first, everything else next! What makes our country the United States a great nation, is the power of the voice.
A decent society can drown out all the negativity created by an individual who harbors bigoted views towards their fellow American.
Although there's thousands of hate, we are millions of love and strength. They fear the unknown. They can't stomach the future where it's possible that the United States will become a minority majority. In other words, the Black, Hispanic and Asian American population will overlap the White race in thirty years.
As of May 2012, it was declared by the United States Census Bureau that non-white births grew at faster pace than those who are non-Hispanic White. In about fifty years, interracial marriage will overlap same sex and same race marriages.
Once again in the great state of Texas, a Big Sandy resident is suing a local grocery chain because he was banned from the store after he complained about sacker being a Black man. From the town of Hawkins, the man is claiming his civil rights and religious freedom were violated earlier this year when a black man sacked his groceries and a Big Sandy grocery store owner banned the customer from the business.
Longview News-Journal covers the controversy. This is one for the record books. The conservative white male claims he's a victim of reverse racism.
DeWitt R. Thomas filed a federal lawsuit in July against Keith Langston, owner of Two Rivers Grocery & Market.
According to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Tyler, Thomas entered the market on March 5 to buy food.
Keith Langston the owner of the Two Rivers Grocery & Market is being sued by a local man. The local man was banned from the store after he made inflammatory comments about the store's Black grocery worker. |
He stated in a nine-page, hand-written lawsuit that he told the grocery sacker, a black man, “
Wait a minute, don’t touch my groceries. I can’t have someone negroidal touch my food. It’s against my creed.”
Thomas claimed the cashier was “perplexed” by his request and yelled at him to take his items and leave.
In a telephone interview Wednesday, Thomas said, “It’s pretty simple. They treated me really bad because I told them it was against my creed.”
According to the lawsuit, Thomas went on to explain he meant a black person when he used the term “negroidal.”
The sacker, Aaron Menefee, said he thought Thomas was just kidding around.
“The first time he said it, I thought he was joking,” Menefee said. “Then he just kept repeating it.”
Aaron Menefee was insulted by a hostile customer. |
Menefee said once he realized Thomas was serious, he called for someone else to sack the groceries, at which time Menefee went to another part of the store.
“I didn’t feel physically threatened,” Menefee said. “I just felt verbally assaulted.”
Langston wasn’t in the store at the time, but his employees told him about the incident.
“I decided when I heard about what happened that I was going to file a criminal trespass against him,” Langston said. “I just had to wait for him to be present so he could sign it.”
When Thomas returned two days later, he noticed the same black man would be sacking his groceries, so he again requested the “Negro” not handle his groceries, according to the lawsuit.
This time, Langston was there. He called police to serve Thomas a criminal trespass warning. While waiting for the police, an employee locked the doors, and the lawsuit claims Thomas was “unlawfully restrained.”
Thomas said Langston broke the law the night he locked him in the store.
“We were closing, and I don’t know of a business that doesn't lock their doors when they close. It keeps more people from coming in,” Langston said.
Thomas said he doesn’t understand why he had to deal with the same situation twice.
“My question is, why after I told them how
I felt and that it was against my creed did this negroid try to impress himself upon me and try to handle my groceries again.” Thomas said.
Thomas said his religious beliefs are based on Vedism, which he said encompasses Hinduism.
“Vedism translates into knowledge. I am not this way because I am ignorant. Ignorance is the enemy,” he said.
Thomas said he has not broken any laws and was exercising his religious freedom and the rights he has been given.
Sacker was called racial slurs by hostile customer. |
“White people are to be protected under the civil rights law just as anyone else,” Thomas said. “It would be the same as if you asked that a congoid (a person from west/central Africa) not touch your food.”
Thomas’ based his claim that his civil rights were violated on that criminal trespass order. He also said Langston is wrong for trying to tell him who can touch his groceries and refusing to serve him.
“When I go through (a store) and buy groceries, those groceries become my property,” Thomas said.
Langston said he is not trying to tell Thomas what to believe or how to live, but his store is a privately owned business.
“He was banned because he was using racial slurs, but he has turned it into a religious thing,” Langston said.
Langston said Thomas would have been allowed to come back had he said he preferred to sack his own groceries.
“We have a few people who want to sack their own groceries, but it’s not for the same reasons DeWitt gave,” Langston said. “They do it because they just like to have their stuff bagged a certain way, certain groceries in certain bags.”
Thomas said he is going forward with his complaint because Langston has no right to stand against what he believes in.
“If he wants to stand in opposition of who I am, then we are going to go forward with this here thing,” Thomas said.
Langston said he wants the whole thing to just go away, but insists Thomas will never be able to come back into his store. He said Thomas told him he would drop the complaint if he dropped the criminal trespass.
“I’ve had several people say they would’ve touched a hell of a lot more than his groceries if they had been in line behind him,” Langston said.
Once again, this is what the angry white male represents! The reactionary condescending bigot who has pure hatred of President Barack Obama, someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. These are the people who rather have Republican Mitt Romney, a serial flip-flopping perennial candidate as the President of The United States. They don't care about his moderate stances on most issues. As long as this candidate is White person, these people are satisfied with it.