Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Future Can't Save Jakobi!

Future's son Jakobi caught up in the system.
The rapper/media mogul Future has nine children. One of those children is disputed right now and he's facing litigation from that issue. My second cousin is one of the seven women who has a child with the entertainer.

Reality television agitator Lori Harvey is currently dating the entertainer and despite warnings from her step-dad Steve Harvey, the woman wants to be a mother soon.

Future's eldest son Jakobi Wilburn is mentioned in his songs. He is also mentioned in legal battles and could face serious time in the iron college due to his association with domestic terrorists.

Wilburn was arrested in January charged with "criminal use of an article with altered ID mark -- possession of firearm and giving a false name, address or birthdate to law enforcement officer."

The 17 year old is facing criminal activities in regards to being a gang member and trespassing.

Court documents reportedly show that Wilburn listed himself as indigent and needed a public defender.

Wilburn's mother Jessica Smith and Future offered to pay for the teen's attorneys.

"Our son is a minor and to protect his well being in this trying situation, we ask that everyone please respect our privacy at this time," said Smith to TMZ.

In 2013, Smith filed a lawsuit against Future when she accused the 36-year old entertainer of lying about his income to duck child support. She took him to court and accused him of neglecting his duties as a father and asked for more child support.

Wilburn is expected to face a trial jury in August. If convicted he could face up to 20 years in the iron college.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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