Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Umbrella Man Was There To Start Trouble!

Buddy, you're busted!
Blame conservatives for the actions of white extremists.

Since they're obsessed with blaming Black Lives Matter and Antifa for the chaos in the country, it's time to start blaming conservatives for the acts of white agitators.

The Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and the feds know the guy who sparked unrest in Minneapolis.

Dubbed the Umbrella Man, this white agitator literally was breaking glass and spraying on the AutoZone, "Free Shit For Everyone Zone" on the building inciting individuals to loot. Of course, people began looting and breaking into businesses and setting fires.

Their goal was to paint Black Lives Matter in a negative light. Their goal was to incite racial violence in the United States.

I won't name this terrorist by name. However I will say that he is accused in a police search warrant application of being a Hell’s Angels biker who authorities believe purposely incited violence in Minneapolis by breaking windows at an AutoZone store after the death of George Floyd. He has not been charged with a crime but is under investigation, the application reveals.

On Wednesday, May 27, 2020, in the late afternoon to early evening, a male, "dressed all in black (black pants, black jacket, black hood/hat, black shoes and black gloves and wearing a black gas mask) and carrying a black umbrella was video‐taped/recorded walking along the front of the Auto Zone and using what looks to be a 4 pound sledge hammer breaking out all of the stores front windows," police wrote in the application.

This could be the Umbrella Man.
"This male is then approached by several people, and, while you could not hear the exchange the body language of those who approached this 'Umbrella Man,' appeared to be gesturing in a way like they were telling him not to do that."

"Upon looking at the video of the 'Umbrella Man,' a white substance is observed on his right index finger of his gloves," police wrote. "This would match with the white spray paint used to write on the double red doors. This was done prior to breaking out the windows. The 'Umbrella Man' is followed by a black male in a pink shirt."

White extremists and conservative agitators have been doing ops since the George Floyd tragedy.

Remember the white woman who set fire to Wendy's in Atlanta?

Remember the white woman who literally threw rocks at a luxury clothing store in Madison?

Remember the white man who tried to fire off a crossbow at protesters in Salt Lake City?

These folks were there to start trouble.

Some will face criminal charges from vandalism, grand theft, destruction of public property, assault on a peace officer, felonious assault, violating state or city ordered curfew, misdemeanor impeding traffic and threatening public officials.

You are warned, do not use the services of (Jeffery) Shaun King. Please avoid this individual. He doesn't represent Black Lives Matter in anyway.

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