Sunday, July 12, 2020

Bayou Biden!

Joe Biden wins the Louisiana Democratic Primary.
The Louisiana Democratic Primary was held on Saturday. Guess who won the primary?

I know Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee but I want to make a point to let you know that the voters picked the former vice president over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) overwhelmingly.

With the results in Biden managed to win 81% of the vote. It seems like Sanders only managed to pull in 8% of the vote and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) managed to pull only 3% of the vote. The rest only managed to get 8% of the vote.

Louisiana delayed the primaries. They wanted to hold the primary on April 4 but pushed it back due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden already has enough delegates but it's symbolic

Sanders' army of trolls, grifters and Russian operatives couldn't sway voters. Sanders was only concerned with one fraction of the Democratic Party, the far-left. These leftist agitators tried to damage Biden with the cognitive decline smears. It failed.
Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana and second largest city. It sits on the banks of the Mississippi River.
They tried to talk about his past votes before he became vice president. It failed. He evolved and he's promising to work to change the status quo.

They claim he's stuck in the basement. It failed. He's doing virtual campaigns, he's doing press conferences and speaking at smaller rallies (especially since COVID-19) sideline many of the larger events. So they're complaining about that.

They used the allegations of a grifter named Alexandra Tara Reade Moulton McCabe. The woman who claimed Biden digitally penetrated her in the halls of the U.S. Capitol. The woman's claims fell apart when she couldn't produce the documents and deliberately changed her story through her social media. Her credibility fell apart when her lawyer dropped her. Also the leftists agitators who promoted this are now under scrutiny as well. They've tried and failed.

So now they're trying to rally thousands to Milwaukee to protest against the nomination of Joe Biden.

Joe Biden must fight hard to beat back the noise. The fight is not over until November 3.


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