Showing posts with label john kasich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label john kasich. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2016

A Mass Shooting In Ohio! Who's Gonna Get The Blame?

Mass shooting in rural Ohio

The Associated Press is reporting that the Pike County Sheriff 's department is responding to a series of shootings in the village of Peebles, Ohio.

There is no word of the suspect being caught. There are reports that the causalities are high.

Apparently there were seven members of a family gunned down. There's no word of the suspect being caught. The schools and residential neighborhoods are on lockdown.

President Barack Obama, Ohio governor John Kasich, Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) will likely be notified of this shooting and will give out statements.

Kasich who is running for president will likely say that Congress shouldn't meddle with the gun rights of Americans. 

The junk food media will either pick up the story or ignore it. It has to be the right kind of shooting.

If it's a murder-suicide at a family estate, it will be local news. Let it be a school or a business, and the junk food media will have a field day with it.

If the terrorist is a White person, the conservatives will say the terrorist is a liberal or a member of the Democratic Party. If it was a Republican or a conservative, it will be deflected to concern trolling about Black on whatever crime. They will say that the terrorist race  or political views aren't the issue. They will find someway to say if the victims were armed, this tragedy would have been prevented.

If the terrorist was a Black person, Hispanic person or Muslim, we'll hear talk about the Islamic State, #BlackLivesMatter, immigrants, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or Barack Obama. They will say that White people can't trust Blacks who have this resentment towards police. Conservatives will claim that Blacks are always screaming racism around and they hate "Whitey". 

Conservatives will say Muslims will never condemn violence caused by extremists. They will say that if the law was to profile mosques and refuse entry to refugees of war. They will attack the president for refusing to say "radical Islam" or some political divisive statement. 

Conservatives will say Mexicans are allowing immigrants into our country. They will say that if the suspect was an illegal, it would be the fault of Obama and his immigration policies. 

The blame game would be something that comes frequently in a mass shooting. Instead of blaming the shooter, often it's someone else's fault for the actions of the shooter.

There Was A Mass Shooting In Ohio. Who Deserves The Blame For This Attack?
Barack Obama
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Do Riddles

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy. The Ohio State Highway Patrol, the FBI and Pike County Sheriff are investigating the incident. The nation is mourning with the village of Peebles.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ted Cruz Feuds With Sean Hannity!

Ted Cruz is feuding with Sean Hannity. Hannity admits he gives softball interviews to Republicans.

Many in the junk food media say that the likelihood of Ted Cruz and John Kasich winning the Republican nomination is highly doubtful. Donald Trump's victory in New York pretty much stopped the momentum of both Cruz and Kasich.

Many Republicans are starting to warm up to Trump.

Cruz and Kasich vow to win the nomination and they are willing to take this to the Republican Convention.

Cruz and his staff are pretty upset with the junk food media giving Trump all this airtime. They had enough of the "all access" treatment from the world's most annoying conservative agitator to ever have a radio and/or television program. Ted Cruz had told his staff that he's done with Sean Hannity.

Hannity is the most annoying agitator in the junk food media. He is a Republican ass-kisser and a huge concern troll.

But that's my opinion. I want to know your opinion in this poll.

Is Sean Hannity The Most Annoying Agitator In The Junk Food Media?

Hell yeah! He is the biggest ass kisser for the Republican Party. His radio and television shows are terrible. All that screaming and interrupting people is very annoying. He can't go a day without bringing up Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton's name.
No way. Sean delivers the news to those who would never get it from the rest of the junk food media. He at least admits he wants Republicans to win. The rest of the junk food media is either in the tank for Democrats. He is fair to all Republican candidates.

According to the Cruz campaign, he seriously believes that Donald Trump's biggest supporters on the right are Laura Ingraham, The Drudge Report and Hannity.

Cruz got into a heated argument with Hannity. The video was posted on Hannity's official YouTube page.

Hannity admits to giving softball interviews to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz got fed up with the Texas senator talking in circles over his "voter-less" victories in Colorado and Wyoming.

Hannity even went as far to tell Cruz to stop deflecting the questions.

Media Matters for America got a portion of the transcript of the exchange.

SEAN HANNITY: I think the number one question on the minds of Republicans right now is what is going on with the delegates. For example, if you can explain to people that your campaign, that you have every right within the rules, to talk to candidates that are pledged on a first ballot, to Candidate A or Candidate C, you being Candidate B, and that -- tell us what that process is. You are assuming this is going to the convention, you told me that in the last two interviews. So as part of that, you’re hoping to get to a second ballot. In other words, in a second ballot people that support Donald Trump or John Kasich or Marco Rubio, if those delegates are still relevant, can then switch their votes. So you are in the process of talking to delegates and it seems to be very extensive. Can you explain to people what's going on?

TED CRUZ: Sean, with all respect, that's not what people are concerned about. I'm campaigning every day, people are concerned about bringing jobs back to America. People are concerned about raising wages. People are concerned about getting the federal government off the backs of small businesses, and people are concerned about beating Hillary. And the media loves to obsess about process, this process, and this whining from the Trump campaign, it's all silly. It's very, very simple --

HANNITY: Senator, I'm -- hang on a second, I'm on social media with millions of people. I have 550 radio stations, and I have the top rated cable show in my hour, all across the board. And I am telling you that people are telling me that they find this whole process confusing. You know, I can read the articles, for example, about -- you know, people want to know about what actually happened in Georgia this weekend, where people that have, I guess, on the first ballot are going to Donald Trump, but representatives of yours talked to them, and are persuading them to vote for you on a second ballot. That is an important question, because I think most of people would like to know how this works, and I'm really am asking you more than a process question. It's an integrity of the election question, and everybody's asking me this question. So I'm giving you an opportunity to explain it.

CRUZ: Sean, the only people asking this question are the hardcore Donald Trump supporters.

HANNITY: Why do you -- but senator, why do you do this? Every single time I -- no, you gotta stop. Every time I have you on the air, and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I'm getting sick of it. I've had you on more than any other candidate, on radio and TV. So if I ask you senator, a legitimate question that would explain to the audience, why wouldn't you just answer it?

CRUZ: Sean, can I answer your question without being interrupted?

HANNITY: Go ahead.

CRUZ: In the last three weeks, there have been five elections in five states. Utah, North Dakota, WIsconsin, Colorado, Wyoming. We've won all five, over 1.3 million people voted in those five states, we won all five. All of this noise and complaining and whining has come from the Trump campaign, because they don't like the fact that they've lost five elections in a row, that Republicans are uniting behind our campaign, so they are screaming on Drudge, and it's getting echoed, this notion of voterless election. It is nonsense that they are making it up. Over 1.3 million people voted, we won landslides in all five. Now, there is a second component beyond the elections, which is the individual delegates are elected by the people. Donald Trump's campaign does not know how to organize on the grassroots.

The interview went viral and it's gotten so much attention. Hannity defended his interview with Cruz.

Hannity said that Cruz comes off as angry and desperate. Hannity respects Cruz as a champion of conservative causes, but even Hannity admits that Cruz has no chance of winning the nomination without stealing it in a contested convention. Hannity constantly tells his gullible audience that he's given more airtime to Republican candidates because he believes that they are infinitely better than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

If you ask me, I believe Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and The Drudge Report will help the Democrats win the White House. Because of these entities, Barack Obama clobbered John McCain and perennial loser Mitt Romney in two landslides.

Hannity believes that Republicans failed in taking out Obama. Hannity seriously believes that Obama's "associations" to Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Al Sharpton should have defeated him.

Hannity believes that Hillary Clinton would be heading to federal time out for having classified emails on her secured personal server.

I believe that Hannity's days at Fox News are numbered. I predict that Sean Hannity will be fired out the cannon in 2017 if the Democrat nominee wins the White House.

People's Most Beautiful....You Know The Routine!

Jennifer Aniston appears on People's Most Beautiful Again!

Here we go again. I'm getting so freaking tired of this. I am sure glad that People Magazine decides on who's beautiful. Once again, the cover graces another celebrity who isn't....well you know.

Jennifer Aniston, once again graces the cover of the Most Beautiful Women for 2016.

Not saying much other than my usual rant over how it just continues to embrace White actors and actresses on the cover of that tabloid trash.

Beauty is skin deep and I want you to know who I really think should embrace the cover of People.

I mean there were only four people of color who graced the cover of People's Most Beautiful.

Halle Berry
Jennifer Lopez
Lupita Nyong'o

Matter of fact, they haven't have a man of color or a plus size woman grace the cover of People.

I am utterly disappointed once again in People and they way they cover celebrities.

I am not a fan of the junk food media. Celebrity agitation is a part of the junk food media.

Do You Notice A Pattern With People Magazine?

Most of their covers have White celebrities. People Magazine ignores celebrities of color, plus size women and disabled celebrities.
It's giving the perception that you have to rich and powerful to be the "Most Beautiful".
It's their right to put whoever on the front cover. It's not racism. It's business and they know who sells .

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Mother Moses Being On $20!

Harriet Tubman is going to be honored on the $20 U.S. bill. Conservatives act a fool when the news broke.

The conservatives are going bananas over the announcement of Harriet Tubman being featured on the $20 U.S. dollar.

U.S. Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew decided that the time is now. He decided to scrap the idea of having Alexander Hamilton replaced on the $10 U.S. dollar. He decided that it's time to replace Old Hickory.

She will replace Andrew Jackson. The denomination is the most commonly bartered currency in the United States.

The changes were announced Wednesday by the Treasury as part of a historic overhaul of U.S. currency aimed at addressing America’s legacy of slavery and gender inequality.

Cue the conservative outrage.

The bile is so unbelieveable. The trolls underneath the bandwidth bridge makes the Republican Party look really bad. Matter of fact, Republicans face a huge deficit in rounding up minority voters.

These are the Donald Trump voters. These are the people glued to Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and The Drudge Report. These are the people who may be your friends, co-workers or your neighbors.

And they seem to be clueless on American history.

Pathetic Republicans and their hateful ass agenda.

Mother Moses fought hard for the freedom of all. She deserves the honor of being on American currency.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Empire State Of Lies!

CNN and the Associated Press reports that Donald Trump wins the Republican Primary in New York.

He blew out the competition. Trump dealt a blow to Ted Cruz who secured victories in Wyoming and Colorado. Cruz's comments about New York values ended up hurting him. Many New York Republicans were pissed that Cruz took shots at the state as well as blocking disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy.

John Kasich secures second place but it will net him no delegates. Kasich has no mathematical way to win the Republican nomination.

Cruz who came in a distance third felt the sting of angry New York voters. He thought that he could muster enough anti-Trump support from the Upper-Tier of New York. It didn't work.

CNN and the Associated Press reports that Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic Primary in New York.

Hillary Clinton wins in a huge landslide. This came as a close call for the former secretary of state.

She deals a huge blow to Bernie Sanders. Sanders who last week attracted over 20,000 supporters to his rally didn't muster enough support from grassroots.

Sanders and his attacks on Wall Street didn't dent the lead that Clinton had. The Bern trolls and their threats on Superdelegates and the "corporate whore" comments didn't help much either.

Clinton carries forth a large share of delegates in the state.

Even that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity was trying his hardest to rack up mud.

Hannity and David Webb went to random Sanders supporters and got them to troll negative comments on Clinton.

Monday, April 18, 2016

iHeartMedia Regrets Paying For Hazardous Waste!

Old fart Rush Limbaugh faces even more woes. His syndication company iHeartMedia, Inc. may go out of business.

Eric Boehlert of Media Matters for America wrote a huge story over the weekend. He brought to attention the pending bankruptcy of iHeartMedia, Inc (formerly known as Clear Channel/Premiere Radio Networks).

Mind you that the iHeartMedia has struggled throughout the years. The stock is tanking and the media conglomerate is considering restructuring to save grace.

Boehlert notes that iHeartMedia's deal with one of the biggest voices on the right was a total disaster.

That old fart Rush Limbaugh is very bad for business. So bad, that if he signs another contract for iHeartMedia Group, he may end up taking a massive pay cut.

Many radio insiders consider the AM agitators too toxic for business. Limbaugh notes that the Sandra Fluke incident was the biggest mistake he's ever made. He didn't expect that the backlash would lead to many of his longtime providers dumping him.

Major companies have cut ties with AM talk. Glenn Beck and that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity have also taken nosedives as well.

Limbaugh is 65 years old. Most of the audience is old people.

The infighting from Republicans over Donald Trump and Ted Cruz has divided the AM agitators.

Limbaugh was once the "gold standard" for Republicans. Now he's just an old fart who screams into the microphone and his audience has to turn on their hearing aids to hear him.

Many political junkies believe that Limbaugh, Hannity and The Drudge Report contributed to Barack Obama winning his elections.

The Law Bucks A Woman After She Fired In The Air!

The law kills Kisha Arrone.
In Dayton, Ohio, the community is mourning the loss of a woman killed by the law. Kisha Arrone killed by the Dayton Police after they said she refused to drop her firearm.

The three officers who shot her were placed in the freezer pending an investigation. The names of the officers were not released at present time.

The woman was killed after she was allegedly firing her gun in air.

The Dayton Police were dispatched to Wexford Place on a report of domestic violence. Kishia got into an argument with her ex-girlfriend. They were fighting and after it escalated into threats,

Soon when the ex threatened to call her friends to stop her antics, Kisha got the gun. The law was called after she threatened the life of the woman.

The law arrived and they claimed they tried to calm her down. They ordered her to drop the firearm.

According to witnesses, Kisha was holding the firearm to the top of her head.

The law says that they had no choice. They had to take down the threat.

The Dayton Police released a statement saying that the officers acted for the safety of themselves, he people involved and the community. "This incident was an accumulation of a 90-minute period, which included a shooting felonious assault that occurred at 3132 Wexford Place as well as a homicide at 411 Shoop Ave. and a shooting felonious assault at 601 Summit Square — a very violent period early this morning in west Dayton," Biehl said.
Police-involved shooting part of violent night
The Dayton Police tell the junk food media that Kisha is no stranger to criminality.
The law issues out the talking points. They would say that Kisha had a criminal history and she had issues before with firearms. They will justify the officers action by acknowledging that crime happens over on the "west" end of Dayton.

This will rile up concern trolls and guilty blaming. The concern trolls would make work of her history as a resident of lock-up.

Let's us be reminded no one is perfect, above the law and a god.

If the suspect wasn't point the firearm at the officers, why did they use deadly force?

Also, the suspect probably had mental issues. Could they have used other tactics than deadly force?

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Kisha Arrone.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Cruz'n For A Bruisin!

New York Republicans eat while Ted Cruz speaks. He got a cold reception in Long Island.

Remember that the junk food media was on Donald Trump's lame speech in Wisconsin. They said that Trump's huge loss in Wisconsin could signal a brokered convention. Ted Cruz's win in Colorado has sparked conspiracy theories about how the Republicans are devoted to derailing Trump the nomination.

Cruz is being called a "cheater", a "liar". a member of the "establishment" and no friend of New York.

The New York Republican Gala was really cold on Ted Cruz. The Republican presidential candidate is trailing in the New York race against Donald Trump and John Kasich. The "New York Values" remark at the debate kind of turned off many Republicans in the state.

Trump used that as an advantage. And it's hurt Cruz so far.

New York Republicans don't see Cruz as a viable choice.

The so-called constitutionalist and Christian moralist was blatantly ignored by the Republican elites at the dinner last night.

Trump and Kasich both got a warm reception from the crowd.

Me and S. Baldwin haven't forgotten about the sex scandal looming around Cruz. Matter of fact, there's a website devoted to unearthing the "truth" about the Senate's most despised politician.

I just found out a few weeks post the #CruzSexScandal that his official senate site turned up in the Ashley Madison website. The lawyer for the DC Madam wants to do a major document dump but is barred from doing such.
Hackers got into Ashley Madison. Guess who popped up in the list?
And the most shocking was Cruz calling President Barack Obama a NIGGER.

Yeah, he's a White guy with a bit of Hispanic in him! But for him to be a candidate running for president saying that is another reason to why he's toast.

Now you know, Cruz is feuding with Matt Drudge. He blasted The Drudge Report for being in the tank for Donald Trump.

Cruz better be careful. Drudge was the one who brought Monica Lewinsky into the spotlight. Drudge held back the NIGGER comments and sex accusations so far. While the rest of the junk food media is tearing into these accusations, we're waiting for the shoe to drop.

If these allegations are true, Cruz will go out like Marco Rubio and Joe McCarthy.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dems Duh Bait BK Style!

It's getting brutal for the Democrats.

It's been four weeks since a nationally televised debate. CNN gets the opportunity to have the Democrats do another primetime debate. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton duke it out in the BK.

Sanders pulled a large crowd in New York last night. At Washington Square Park, the junk food media said that he pulled in 28,000 supporters to his event.

Hillary Clinton is leading in the state with a narrow lead. Right now Clinton has 53% to Sanders 47% in the New York primary polls. The Duggal Greenhouse in Brooklyn Navy Yard.

It's going to be a brutal battle for the crucial delegates of New York. The candidates will go hard on one another.

Who Won This Democrat Debate From Hell?
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
I'm Voting Republican
Poll Maker

The New York primary is next Tuesday. The Clinton campaign hopes to sweep the state and maintain a lead against Sanders. 

The Republicans are meddling in the affairs. They are in such disarray with their candidates. There's likely a broker convention on the horizon. 

It's reported that Karl Rove is trolling the Democratic candidates with whisper campaigns. The Bernie Bros (Sanders trolls) have caused such an uproar with SuperDelegates. The delegates are being harassed by trolls and they're getting fed up with Sanders not controlling this.

You can view some of the debate livestream. It will disappear soon so if you want to get some of the action, watch it now.

Florida Won't Charge Trump's Thug!

Trump's body man won't face charges. Corey Lewandowski (left) beats back assault charges.

The junk food media just found out that campaign manager to the Donald Trump presidential campaign will not face charges after he shoved an agitator at an event in Florida.

Corey Lewandowski managed to beat a criminal record. He wasn't charged in an assault of former Breitbart agitator Michelle Fields. This happened after Fields confronted Trump after a presser.

Fields was grabbed on by Lewandowski after she tried to touch Trump.

While the prosecutor said that even though Lewandowski did put his hands on Fields, there wasn't enough evidence to charge him with a major crime.

"Lewandowski then grabbed Fields’ left arm with his right hand, causing her to turn and step back," according to the police report, describing video of the incident. "Based on the above-described investigation, probable cause exists to charge Corey Lewandowski."

At the time, the Trump campaign released a statement asserting Lewandowski’s innocence.

"Mr. Lewandowski is absolutely innocent of this charge," read the statement. "He will enter a plea of not guilty and looks forward to his day in court. He is completely confident that he will be exonerated."
Florida state attorneys blames Michelle Fields for instigating the events.
When Lewandowski was charged on March 29, he was released with a notice to appear in court on May 4.

The Trump campaign and Lewandowski's legal team did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Also in the news, Trump settled his feud with Megyn Kelly.

Kelly announced that she went to the Trump Tower on Sunday to speak with him. Trump spoke to that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity.

Hannity asked about it and Trump said that was "friendly" and the feud is over.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bill De Blasio Had To Check Himself Before He's Destroy Hillary's Self!

I didn't know the lingo but I guess conservatives are crying racism at New York City's mayor Bill de Blasio and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

de Blasio endorsed Clinton for president. He's been squaring off with the racist dick of the NYPD police union Patrick Lynch. The union prez has spotters watch de Blasio's move. Rudy Giuliani and many other Republican operatives are trying to derail the progressive agenda of de Blasio.
Bad timing.
At an event, Clinton and a Black performer heard a joke from de Blasio. He mentions the word "CP Time".

"I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough,” Clinton told her former campaign manager.

"Sorry, Hillary, I was running on C.P. time," de Blasio replied to gasps from the crowd.

As Raw Story explains, "C. P. time," or "colored people time," refers to "the stereotype that African Americans generally tell as a reason for being late to an event or a traditionally black event not beginning on time.”

The performer joked "I don't like jokes like that, Bill", and I guess that's what took off to the social webs.

I guess when you say that, you're offending Black performers. After all, "we'z colored folks!"

Bill de Blasio is married to a Black woman by the way.

This latest event is another attempt at "guilty by association" and the unfortunate political "gaffes" that political agitators harp on.

The Law Cuffs Jilted Lover Who Murdered His Ex-Girl!

Police: Man shot, killed ex-girlfriend in Trotwood photo
An Ignorant man kills his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.

In the ghost town city of Trotwood, Ohio, a murder happened. This would be the city's fifth killing this year. The victim, Tayisha Gibson was murdered in cold blood by her ignorant ex-boyfriend John Bailey.

Bailey who was already on federal watch was pissed that Tayisha was moving away from the "Thug" nature. Bailey broke into her home and caught Tayisha and her new boyfriend off guard.

He got into a heated confrontation and physical contact. Like a punk, he decides to pull out his semi-automatic and let the bullets travel everywhere. About a handful traveled through Tayisha and the boyfriend.

They were severely injured. Tayisha didn't make it through the night. She died on route to the hospital. The boyfriend may have life altering injuries and may survive the event.

Tayisha was the mother of a young child.
Tayisha Gibson

Bailey was quickly rounded up by the law. Trotwood Police aided by the Montgomery County Sheriff's department are trying to figure out how the felon obtained the weapon.

They may eventually round up the person who gave a convicted felon the firearm.

Bailey had a conviction but he was out on bail. So the weapons under disability charge will first assure him 20 years. The aggravated assault charge will carry 15 years to LIFE. The murder charge will carry the GAS. His get out of jail card is $500,000 full.

Bailey is innocent until proven guilty. The suspect should have moved on. This pathetic twenty-something could have went to social media to find him a girl. Matter of fact he could have just walked away. But I guess love can make people do crazy things.

At least this killer wasn't placed on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted page like jilted killer Brenda Delgado.

She was caught up in Mexico a few days after the Feds placed her on the list.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Tayisha Gibson. We also send our prayers to the victim of this senseless act of gun violence.

Monday, April 11, 2016

The "People's" Choice!

Ted Cruz is now being called the Establishment. The conservative Craigslist is preparing for an all out war against Cruz.

It's no secret that Matt Drudge is a huge Trump supporter. He's so far up Donald Trump's ass. This is clearly a shot at Ted Cruz. The Republican senator from Texas managed to maneuver delegates and it's gotten him a victory in Colorado. He swept all the delegates.

Donald Trump and his supporters are fumed up over this.

Republicans blundered big time. Donald Trump's victories aren't worth shit. He ends up losing a portion of the delegates he's earned. Ted Cruz managed to maneuver Republicans to side with him.

The Colorado Republican Party also made things worse when a person tweeted, "We Did It #NeverTrump". The tweet was deleted quickly, but it too late, the junk food media got wind of it and now the supporters are screaming "voter fraud" and "backroom tactics" to deny Trump the nomination.

Trump's supporters felt betrayed.

The Republican Convention in Cleveland is going to be ugly. I mean really ugly.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Homeless Teen Caught After Murdering Texas College Student! Who Gets The Blame?

The death of a inspiring dance student brings out the concern trolls who use the old "Black on whatever" blame game.

Concern trolls are having a field day over the capture of a teen who is accused of murdering a University of Texas-Austin student.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Haruka Weiser.

Meechaiel Criner, a 17-year old homeless teen was booked in the Travis County lockup on capital murder. The suspect stabbed and strangled Haruka Weiser, an 18-year-old dance and theater major, was last seen alive on the Austin campus Sunday night before she was reported missing the following morning. Her body was discovered near a creek on Tuesday, and investigators declared her death a homicide — setting off a manhunt on the campus of 50,000 students.

Suspect being held on murder charges.
Weiser, a Portland, Oregon, native, was trained in ballet and became involved in the school's student-run dance group.

Her family and school officials said she was passionate about dance, and was also planning on double majoring in pre-med.

The arrest came after Austin firefighters provided a crucial tip to police after responding Monday to a small fire involving a backpack near the campus, the chief said.

Firefighters found Criner at the scene, police said, and he was taken to Lifeworks, a nonprofit shelter for youth in the city.

In addition, a witness to the fire also called in a tip after seeing the surveillance footage and believed the suspect looked like the same person involved in Monday's incident.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty. He is being charged as an adult for the crime. He being held on a $1 million get out of jail free card. He could face the GAS if found guilty.

But for the trolls underneath the bandwidth bridge already assume guilt. They conclude that this is one of "Obama's sons". They believe that the suspect is a part of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. They say that the junk food media refuses to cover the story because the suspect is Black and the victim was White.

And everything else is ignored in the world. Crime happens everyday and the junk food media covers it. Local news agitators can make a story go viral. Once picked up, some websites do carry the water.

Now That They Caught The Suspect In The Murder Of Haruka Weiser, Who Gets The Blame?

Barack Obama
Mental Health Agencies
The Suspect
Do Quizzes

Take Matt Drudge for example. The Drudge Report pulls in 800,000 click a day. It probably has 5.4 billion reader hits. Some of these could be inflated but it's still a lot of traffic for a website that looks like a Craigslist ad.

His agitation is notorious for bringing up "Black on Whatever" stories. This one probably made it to the websites. And the racial agitators like Colin Flaherty and Joel Pollak will spread it through their websites.

White extremists pick up on the stories and then they make their case for a "racial war" against Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, immigrants, gays, and people who stand up against them.

When I post stories about it, I expect a concern troll such as "what's his name" to post word vomit about apples to oranges.


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