Showing posts with label Benjamin Carson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benjamin Carson. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Trump's Circle Of Cronies!

He didn't grab her pussy yet. Trump's pick for Education Secretary is getting flogged for her inexperience.

The turd flipper Michelle Malkin called Barack Obama's cabinet and his wife Michelle a bunch of cronies. Malkin a frequent beeyotch of Obama is the most vilest woman of color to be given mainstream attention. She is a Filipino heritage and refuses to acknowledge her race as a factor to her success. She wrote the book Culture of Corruption to complain about how Obama's "lawlessness" created corruption.

Wondering if she's still running her flappers about the "lawlessness" of the current occupier in office?

Malkin was not a "HUGE" fan of fuhrer Donald J. Trump. They clashed in 2013 when he appeared at CPAC to address his temptation at running for the office. She called him a "crony capitalist" and a "conservafraud."

Trump in return called her a "dummy" and said that she would get no play if it wasn't for Sean "Softball" Hannity putting her on. She called him a "smear merchant" and hd in turn said she was "born stupid."

Many conservatives have warned about Trump's harm to the nation if he became the leader.

They said that it's a "grave mistake" to put an ego-driven, pro-government New York billionaire into the White House.

Now that he is the leader, are they still complaining about how "corrupt" he is?

Betsy DeVos is closed to becoming the Department of Education secretary and the Democrats are hoping to put the brakes on her confirmation.

Many progressives and even conservatives are concerned about this inexperienced billionaire who believes in school choice, voucher programs and Christian based education. They believe that her inexperience, her thoughts on public schools and colleges and her opposition to transgender rights has pit her in the crosshairs of the Resistance Movement.

She is one the biggest donors to the Republican Party. She gave a lot ot Donald Trump and many Republican senators.
It looks like Trump won't drain the swamp.
When Trump was a contender of the nomination, DeVos said that he was an interloper and a joke.

She would donate to failed candidates like Jeb Bush and perennial loser Carly Fiorina. She would settle with Marco Rubio before jumping on the Trumpster wagon.

DeVos has ties to Grand Rapids. Her husband Dick and his father Richard, Sr. are the CEO of Amway. They also have stake in the NBA team Orlando Magic.

So far there's two Republican senators who oppose the nomination. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) have signaled a "NO" to the nomination. Many Democrats are against it.

We aren't so sure about Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).

They are pressuring Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) to vote against DeVos. They are on the fence with this.

Her confirmation vote is today. It's likely she would get through.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Progressives Warn Dems They Better Fight Or They Will Fall!

Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) face scrutiny for supporting Ben Carson's bid to be HUD Secretary.
Democrats are starting to wobble on resistance. Protesters want unrepentant obstruction against the fuhrer Donald J. Trump and the Republicans. The spineless Democrats want to take cautious steps to fight the fuhrer.

You done fuck up now!

Republicans refuse to respect Barack Obama during his eight years as president.

Now the very same Republicans want protesters to respect Trump as their leader. I don't think so!

I will not give in this asshole. I refuse to support Trump and Republicans. If the Democratic Party decides go soft on Trump, they will face the wrath of progressives.

The Huffington Post and many outlets are calling out Democrats for going wobbly on Trump.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) are in the crosshairs of progressives. They were being hammered for supporting Ben Carson, a completely inept, failed presidential candidate. Carson is a former neurosurgeon who is tapped to be the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Brown and Warren are up for reelection. Trump carried Ohio and Brown is easily targeted as the most vulnerable Democrat running.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Steve Harvey: Trump Ain't "Mr. Magic" To Black Folks!

You notice fuhrer Donald Trump doesn't wear a flag lapel. He meets with Steve Harvey.

Who says I can't be bitter about the results?

Who says I should get over it? I refuse to and I won't. I will not rationalize White extremism.

I don't have to mince words when I say, fuck Donald Trump.

 I don't have to respect him. He didn't respect Barack Obama. So the feeling is mutual and longstanding. He is not a president. He is an immature 70 year old man. He is a controversial billionaire. reality television star, business mogul, pussy grabber, xenophobe, Islamophobic, sexist, narcissistic jackass.

See in the world of White supremacy, the only good Black people ain't called NIGGERS.

Conservatives often look at Black leaders as the "grievance" industry.

They don't value our lives. The only lives they value is the self-righteousness and finger wagging.

People are pissed that Steve Harvey, Jennifer Holliday, 3 Doors Down, Flo Rida, and Kanye West are engaging with the fuhrer. Anyone who supports Trump is just as bad as he is. I don't care who they are.
Steve Harvey having a sit down with President Barack Obama.
And they are rightfully being taken to the woodshed for doing so.

Harvey, who went to the second White House to talk to Trump over housing issues.

The nominee for the Department of Housing and Urban Development is failed presidential candidate Ben Carson. He is going through a testimony for the confirmation.

Harvey who is the man of all things, may have some backlash over this. Matter of fact, he might not be on good terms with D.L. Hughley, his fellow "Kings of Comedy" co-star.

When the white extremist say "inner cities" is code for BLACK. They believe that Blacks are living in fatherless societies. They believe we're the cause of economic turmoil. They believe that entertainers are elitists (if they're not in support of the fuhrer).

Harvey said that he's not attending the inauguration of the fuhrer. He said his wife won't let him.

Now before we go on a Steve Harvey, Jennifer Holliday and Flo Rida bashing tour, we want you to know that they have performed for President Barack Obama as well.

Harvey did remark about how Trump's rhetoric totally changed politics forever.

Harvey who currently hosts Miss Universe may be getting some tips on hosting duties from the fuhrer. Harvey also hosts Family Feud, Showtime at the Apollo, his morning radio show, his daytime television show and Little Big Shots.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Crabby Apples!

Trump surrogate Ben Carson gets testy with a female anchor. He tells her to "shut up".

Who let Papa Smurf on television?

Conservative agitator Ben Carson (a failed presidential candidate) gets a little antsy with the hosts on MSNBC today. I mean he really acted like a total jackass.

When conservatives are grilled on tough questions, they deflect and then as usual blame the media for their comments.

Carson was asked about the allegations made against Donald Trump.

The host Joe Scarborough and BBC World News America anchor Katty Kay focused their line of questioning around this: GOP vice presidential candidate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence indicated Friday on multiple morning news shows that before the end of the day, the Trump campaign would provide evidence proving that the women accusing Trump of having sexually abused them are lying.

Kay asked Carson if he thought these women were indeed fabricating their stories.

"That's your characterization, because you need to characterize it that way," Carson said.

Kay attempted to ask a follow-up, at which point Carson held up his hand, yelling "stop" repeatedly.

"Hey, can you turn her microphone off?" he then demanded. "Turn her microphone off so I can talk."

"No," Scarborough said. "No! It's a simple question."

"It doesn't matter whether they're lying or not," Carson finally said. "What matters is that the train is going off the cliff."

"Get it through your thick skulls," he continued, railing at the TV hosts about the economy and border control, among other things.

Trump is being called out by over 15 women for sexaul harassment and assault.

Suggesting that Trump’s accusers aren't telling the truth, Carson had some other really deep thoughts to share.

"I do have common sense, and if somebody is sitting in the first-class section of the airplane, there are stewardesses, there are other people around there's just gigantic armrests," he said. "What happened to all of those things?"

He said he predicted that democrats would "keep coming up with stuff to try to take your eye off the ball. Not that sexual language and abuses (sic) is not important but when you're talking about the train going off the cliff, you really need to deal with that first."

It's not looking good for the Trump team. Also we'll cover the Lou Dobbs.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Pepe The Frog Is The Face Of The Alt-Right!

The White extremists decided that a childhood character would represent their movement.

Pepe The Frog is now a symbol of the professional bigots hiding underneath the bandwidth bridge.

Matt Furie isn't too happy about the memes. The creator of Pepe is furious that the "alt-right" hijacked his character and turned it into something sinister.

The Anti-Defamation League has declared the character a racist, anti-semitic icon of the internet forums.

Donald Trump's presidential campaign has become a beacon of White nationalism. Many of them are hearing Trump's words and they believe that he's the "great White hope".

"Images of the frog, variously portrayed with a Hitler-like mustache, wearing a yarmulke or a Klan hood, have proliferated in recent weeks in hateful messages aimed at Jewish and other users on Twitter," the ADL wrote in a statement. "Once again, racists and haters have taken a popular Internet meme and twisted it for their own purposes of spreading bigotry and harassing users."

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Trump Talks Black Around The White Lights!

The most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media's town hall was postponed. He solely focused on the unrest in Charlotte. He spent a majority of the time finding ways to blame President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the unrest.

The shootings of Keith Scott and Terence Crutcher have put police brutality, race relations and gun control back into the limelight. Just last weekend, we had terrorist attacks in Minnesota, New Jersey and New York.

Sean "Softball" Hannity has been in the forefront of trying to make these controversies a political opportunity for Donald Trump.

At this town hall in Cleveland, Trump and the softball were invited to a Black church. Darrell Scott invited these two to talk about the issues facing Black America.

This town hall was an embarrassment. Most in attendance were White people.

Trump calls for a national stop-and-frisk policy. He believes that this will stop Black on Black crime and was a political dog whistle for White extremists.

At the New Spirit Revival Center, a Cleveland Heights church whose pastor is an ardent Trump supporter, Trump and running mate Mike Pence held a forum on “African American Concerns.”

Taking the stage after boxing promoter Don King, Trump proceeded to point out all of his black friends in attendance (including King, New Spirit Revival Center’s Pastor Darrell Scott, and one-time Republican rival Ben Carson), comment on his (supposedly) rising poll numbers with African-American voters, and once again touch on the plight of America’s inner cities by mentioning the violence in places like Chicago and recent shootings in Tulsa and Charlotte.

“I talked about the crime, I talked about the lack of education, the bad schools, and I talked about jobs — the jobs are just so bad,” Trump told his black audience. “And I said it three or four, five times, and then one day I said, ‘What do you have to lose? I mean, what do you have to lose? I’m gonna fix it. What do you have to lose?”

This might seem like a pretty convincing argument for some African-Americans that are on the fence ahead of the November election. However, images and videos that poured out of the event appeared to show that Trump was addressing a largely white crowd at this historically black church.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Fake Doogie Howser, M.D. Tried To Buy A Jag!

Fake Doctor trying to rent out a $40,000 Jaguar.
The man who became a national tabloid sensation is back in the lockup but this time in Virginia.

If I was Malachi Love-Robinson, I would try to fake a degree in psychology, cause this guy is crazy.

Love-Robinson was accused of stealing money from an 86-year-old patient faces new charges in Virginia after authorities say he fraudulently tried to buy a luxury car, the AP reports. Malachi Love-Robinson was arrested Friday and charged with identity theft after he attempted to purchase a Jaguar at a dealership, sheriff's officials say. They said employees became suspicious when Love-Robinson applied for a car loan with an elderly woman as the co-signer on the loan. The employees called the sheriff's office after looking up Love-Robinson's name in an internet search. Deputies came to the dealership and spoke with Love-Robinson, who said he came to Virginia to buy a car for himself and another for his godmother.

Detectives said Love-Robinson tried to buy a $35,000 Jaguar from Kargar Motors Car Dealership, located at 3316 Jefferson Davis Highway in Stafford, Virginia, on Sept. 9. They said Love-Robinson filed out an online credit application and used the name of a female as a co-signer on the form.

The woman later told deputies that she had not given Love-Robinson permission to be listed as a co-signer on the loan. She also told police she was unaware of recent purchases made on her credit card for two iPads. The sheriff's office says deputies seized the iPads when they arrested Love-Robinson. Sheriff's officials say they are still investigating. Love-Robinson was arrested in February after law enforcement officials in Florida said he was practicing medicine without a license. Authorities said Love-Robinson was illegally operating a medical practice—complete with an office, lab coat, and stethoscope—but had no license to do so. His attorney is considering a possible insanity defense on those charges.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

An Epic Cluster Ruck!

Papa Smurf calls Hillary Clinton, Lucifer.

The second night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

It's official Donald J. Trump will be the nominee for the Republican Party.

The bombastic business and media mogul has finally accomplish his goal. He's now representing a party somewhat enthusiastic about their chances against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Right now they are statistically tied. Both candidates are equally hated. Both candidates are equally polarizing. I believe most of the criticism of Hillary Clinton is based on sexism.

President Barack Obama right now enjoys job approvals in the high 50s. He, Bill Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden will speak at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia next week. Clinton will pick her running mate on Thursday and have an event Saturday. Andrea Mitchell will likely have the first interview with the Democratic candidate and her running mate.

Most of the speakers at the "Make America Work Again" event were simply attacking President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and others.

Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, Jr., Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Shelley Moore Capito were expected to talk about jobs, economy and prosperity.

Of course, they go into attacking Clinton and Obama with ugly rhetoric. The ugly memes were "Lock Her Up", "Hi-LIAR-y" and "Lucifer" aimed at Clinton.

Ben Carson

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)

House Speaker, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

Majority Leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Chris Christie

Monday, May 16, 2016

Newt Gingrich: I'm Frankly Honored If Trump Picks Me!

Trump is considering a gasbag for his running mate.

The controversial presumptive Republican nominee is considering a washed up politician as his running mate. Would he pick him and risk a hail mary?

Newt Gingrich the failed 2012 Republican presidential candidate is being floated around as the possible vice presidential candidate to Donald J. Trump. 

Oh great, the guy who once called President Barack Obama, the "food stamp president". 

This washed up politician was once a House Speaker. He was part of the great Republican Revolution. He was the biggest headache to then president Bill Clinton. Now that his wife, former first lady Hillary Clinton is running for president, the Republicans are dusting off their old playbook to target her as an enabler of her husband's alleged affairs. 

Around that time, Republicans were hoping to have Bill Clinton removed from office after he lied about having an affair with intern Monica Lewinsky. The Republicans were pushing this "family values" nonsense. 

All the while, Newt was getting it on with a lobbyist named Callista Bisek. He was once married to a woman who was his teacher. He would have an affair on her with another woman who was an author of his crappy biography. He would deliver the news of a divorce to his first wife while being treated for cancer. After six years of marriage to his second wife, he would have this affair with this lobbyist who is currently his wife. She is 26 years younger than him.

Gingrich is a hack. He's a hypocrite, a serial cheater and moron. He needs to crawl back under a goddamn rock.

The "Contract with America" was a Republican pledge to destroy the middle class. The policies and laws passed by the Republicans created the gap that made the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Perennial Loser Should Be Tatted On Romney's Ass!

He's thinking about running for president again!

Is he about to do it again?

Perennial loser Mitt Romney met with some prominent Republicans over the weekend. He is being courted to run an insurgent campaign against Donald Trump, the Republican presumptive nominee.

Romney served one term as governor of the state of Massachusetts. Romney's legacy is most forgotten. He is a failed candidate.  He failed at winning the U.S. senate. He failed at capturing the Republican nomination in 2008. As the Republican nominee, he felt a landslide in the U.S. presidential election in 2012.

Agitator for hire, Bill Kristol met with Romney at a Washington hotel thinking about a third run.

Kristol is practically begging for a third party candidate to stop Trump.

Now we've heard this nonsense before.

Romney will be forever labeled a flip-flopper if he chooses to run for an independent bid. 

His former running mate, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) has set of a shitstorm by saying that he's not ready to jump on the Trump bandwagon. That led to his buddy Republican honcho Reince Priebus to have a sit-down to air out differences. 

A huge number of Republicans are staying away from Cleveland. Former presidents George W. and his father George H.W Bush joined failed presidential candidate Jeb Bush in opposing the Trump nomination.
Exit stage left.
They will not appear at the Republican convention. Matter of fact, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Ben Sasse (R-NE), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are staying away as well.

The Republican Party created the mess. They were playing with the cards. They created Donald Trump. They were using the dog whistle to rile up votes. Trump is basically using the foghorn and it lead to him becoming their soon-to-be nominee. 

By no means, I am not the strongest supporter of Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. They are both are flawed. People aren't inspired by them at all.

Trump is a flawed candidate as well. He will not get things done. If he becomes our president, he will have the most inept Congress to deal with. He will deal with Ted Cruz and Rand Paul in the senate. They are going to stall everything. The Democrats are plotting as well. They are waiting for him to slip so they can use him to have Republicans defeated in the Midterms. 

Trump is getting the most attention and it could lead to him becoming the 45th President of the United States. 

By all means, let the Republican Party fight it out all the way to the general election. They already lost by having Trump as their nominee. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

People's Most Beautiful....You Know The Routine!

Jennifer Aniston appears on People's Most Beautiful Again!

Here we go again. I'm getting so freaking tired of this. I am sure glad that People Magazine decides on who's beautiful. Once again, the cover graces another celebrity who isn't....well you know.

Jennifer Aniston, once again graces the cover of the Most Beautiful Women for 2016.

Not saying much other than my usual rant over how it just continues to embrace White actors and actresses on the cover of that tabloid trash.

Beauty is skin deep and I want you to know who I really think should embrace the cover of People.

I mean there were only four people of color who graced the cover of People's Most Beautiful.

Halle Berry
Jennifer Lopez
Lupita Nyong'o

Matter of fact, they haven't have a man of color or a plus size woman grace the cover of People.

I am utterly disappointed once again in People and they way they cover celebrities.

I am not a fan of the junk food media. Celebrity agitation is a part of the junk food media.

Do You Notice A Pattern With People Magazine?

Most of their covers have White celebrities. People Magazine ignores celebrities of color, plus size women and disabled celebrities.
It's giving the perception that you have to rich and powerful to be the "Most Beautiful".
It's their right to put whoever on the front cover. It's not racism. It's business and they know who sells .

Friday, April 01, 2016

GOP In The Black!

Republican National Committee chief Reince Priebus still trying to color the White rainbow.

Republicans are hoping to create that coalition of non-White supporters. They've suffered a huge deficit of non-White voters in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. They hope they can capitalize off the dysfunction the Democrats are having right now.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Hillary Clinton are duking it out for the Black, Hispanic, young and women voters. These groups are the Democrats hope to see turnout this election.

Right now, Black and Hispanic voters are turned off to Sanders and Clinton. It's been rough for both candidates to capitalize off the Obama waves. President Barack Obama managed to carry huge turnout in 2008 and 2012. His success was based on grassroots to communities that candidates overlook.

Telly Lovelace.
Republicans are still hoping that they can at least gain at least 25% of the Black vote.

Kristal Quarker-Hartsfield, the former national director of African-American Initiatives and Media at the RNC, left Friday to be director of intergovernmental affairs for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R). Orlando Watson, communications director for black media, departed in March. Tara Wall and Raffi Williams, son of Fox News political analyst Juan Williams, also left the RNC late last year.

Now GOP chief Reince Priebus announced that he's found him a new toy to play with.

Telly Lovelace, a veteran GOP communications strategist, is the new leader of the party’s black political engagement and communications efforts, the Republican National Committee announced on Friday.

Lovelace, who starts Monday as the national director of African-American Initiatives and Media, will spearhead black voter engagement.

“Telly is a welcome addition to our team, and I’m confident his experience will help us build on our commitment to cultivate relationships and trust with Black media and Black communities,” said Priebus in a statement.

The RNC is also launching a new diversity initiative — including a paid internship program focusing on historically black colleges and universities — to bring more black people into the party.

“I really want to focus on getting the Republican message into urban America and urban communities,” said Lovelace, who is overseeing the program.

Lovelace’s appointment comes in the middle of a mass exodus of black staffers from the organization.

I've always believed that the Republican Party is White like cocaine.


They've engaged in this ongoing culture war against everyone including themselves. The Republicans don't know who to trust right now!

All they got left is pretty much the blame going to Barack Obama and the media for their continuous failures.

I got so many suggestions for the Republican Party, but I just couldn't contain myself from delivering my honest opinion about the rebranding of the national party. Here are some healthy and yet obvious suggestion to the ailing party.

The Republicans must stop this culture war against everyone! If they do so, I'll stop calling them racist.

I'll stop calling them bigots if they refuse to allow anyone within their party to hate a person's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, educational, political and economic standings.

I'll stop blaming them for all the mass shootings in a suburban school or shopping center if they could at least pass a background check for all registered gun owners.

I'll stop blaming them if they can separate themselves from all the White supremacist rhetoric we've seen through channels such as The Drudge Report, InfoWars, Breitbart, WorldNetDaily and Conservative Review.

I'll vote for a Republican for president if the person can deliver a plan to help everyone. Not a select few. I would hope they would engage in communicating to all voters instead of just conservative voters.

I'll vote for a Republican if they stop acting like a bunch of idiots!

Here's a poll for you!

GOP's Diversity Tour: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Good idea. Republicans need to reach out to Black voters who feel that President Barack Obama's policies aren't helping them. If the party's willing to go out their way to win Black voters, more power to them.
Bad idea. Republicans can't fix a problem that's exists for years. Black voters can't support candidates who ignore issues. It's hard enough for Republicans to win Black voters because of the party's condescending rhetoric.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

G-O-Dweebs Debate In M.I.A.!

Another damn debate and the four dweebs continue to scrap over who's better than Hillary Clinton.

The Republican debate being hosted by CNN, Univision, The Salem Radio Network and Washington Times. The four candidates are in Miami doing their final stand before Super Duper Tuesday.

Florida and Ohio are big states and the prizes are so sweet. These are winner take all states and it's going to be an ugly fight for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio.

Today, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) became the first U.S. Senator to endorse Ted Cruz for president. He came out for Cruz after the junk food media was wondering who Lee would turn to. Failed presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has also came out and endorsed Cruz. Conservative agitator Mark Levin once again said that Ted Cruz is the "most conservative" candidate in this race. He finally decided to endorse the Republican for president.

Cruz is trailing by 100 delegates against Trump. Trump's three wins has increased his lead. Trump has 1/3 of the delegates in the bag.

Then the biggest endorsement for Donald Trump, the failed presidential candidate Ben Carson will endorse the billionaire on Friday at an event. The former neurosurgeon blames Cruz for ruining his chances at winning the election.

 Also there's news of a Trump supporter sucker punching a protester at an event.

Ohio's governor John Kasich has to make a message that he is the adult in the room. Ohio is extremely competitive for him. He's leading in one poll which is giving him an ounce of hope for his struggling campaign.  Trump is leading by 5 points or higher in Ohio.

In Florida, Marco Rubio is desperate for a huge win. Trump and Cruz have called for Rubio to drop out and endorse one of them. Rubio refuses to drop out and he's planning on going even harder on them.

Many Republicans fear that Trump and Cruz could drive crucial voters from their party with their nationalist and rigid rhetoric.

The Florida senator has the most to lose.

If the struggling candidates fails at winning Florida or Ohio, it may be over for the Rubio and Kasich.

Quick Poll.

Who won this debate?

Donald Trump
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
John Kasich
I'm Voting For The Democrat!
I'm Sitting This One Out!
Do Quizzes

Watch the debate live if it's available on YouTube. But also, here's Mike Lee endorsing Ted Cruz today.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Papa Smurf Heads Back To The Village!

Dr. Ben Carson heads back to Florida. He ends his campaign.

Dr. Ben Carson isn't attending the Republican debate in Detroit Thursday. He's going to be in the area but there's no campaigning. Most have concluded that he's suspend his campaign. He's saying that he's not out of the race. He's no longer campaigning because he can't find a viable path to winning the nomination.

Well I don't know what I can tell you....It pretty damn well seems like it's over!

Instead of suspending his campaign, he said that at the CNUTS convention, Carson will make his announcement on his political future.

"Even though I will not be in my hometown of Detroit on Thursday, I remain deeply committed to my home nation, America," Carson's statement said. "I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening’s Super Tuesday primary results. However, this grassroots movement on behalf of 'We the People' will continue. Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to Saving America for Future Generations. We must not depart from our goals to restore what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation."

Carson hasn't won a state since. He is the last place candidate.

In his rise to fame and decline, Carson was the former neurosurgeon for pediatrics at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He grew up from poverty to become a success story. He is married with children. Carson was scouted as a potential presidential candidate after he made speech at the National Prayer's Breakfast in 2013. That speech was deemed a dig at President Barack Obama.

There were grassroots organizations urging Carson to run for president.

He made headlines for several outlandish statements throughout his campaign, having once called Obamacare the worst thing "since slavery" and blaming the Holocaust on gun control.

At one point, Carson was second to an insurgent Donald Trump. But his decline came when the junk food media questioned him on many foreign and domestic policy issues. Carson could give complete answers. Trump also batted him down. Trump called Carson  "truly a 'low energy candidate' who by far better than Jeb Bush". Carson also had most of campaign team bolt from him after he sought advice from conservative agitator Armstrong Williams. Williams being a diva drew the course for victory. That course led to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz emerging as the two viable candidates.

Initially praised by fellow conservatives for his "truth to power" attitude, Carson found himself in the hot seat during his campaign when it was reported that claims he made about his past, including being offered a "full scholarship" to West Point and stabbing his childhood friend, were exaggerated.

Claiming to be the victim of a "political hit job," Carson often accused the junk food media of scrutinizing him more than his fellow candidates. His disdain for the junk food media helped garner him more support from the conservative base.

Now he's begging for attention now that the junk food media isn't interested in his lame campaign.

Carson is being wooed by Republicans to run in the U.S. Senate race in Florida. The establishment wants to hold on to the seat that Marco Rubio is vacating. Rubio is retiring from his single term in the U.S. Senate to solely focus on running for president.

Rubio who is struggling in the national polls is hoping that a united front could usurp Donald Trump's bid for the nomination.

Carson also has bad blood with Ted Cruz. According to the Carson campaign, Cruz pulled a bitch move on him. He could have won many votes if Cruz didn't run his mouth about Carson ending his campaign after Iowa.

Cruz is facing controversy after Trump and Rubio labeled him a "liar".

Carson might need to practice brain surgery on himself. He was pronounced brain dead and out of the presidential race.

Happy trials to the dullest man running.

Republicans Vote Against Naming A Post Office After Maya Angelou!

President Barack Obama awards The Medal of Freedom to poet Maya Angelou. She passed away in 2014.

When Maya Angelou passed away in 2014, many in America praised the poet for her upbringing towards greatness. Her dynamic stories of growing up in a racially-divided South have become literary masterpieces.

Her praise was going to be notarized on a post office. Although it passed through the Congress without much controversy, the Huffington Post notes that a handful of insurgent lawmakers voted against it.

The post office was going to be named in her hometown of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

The lawamakers who voted against the naming were Andy Harris (R-MD), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Ken Buck (R-CO), Michael Burgess (R-TX), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Glen Grothman (R-WI), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Alex Mooney (R-WV) and Steven Palazzo (R-MS), and Rep. Don Young (R-AK).

H R 3735      2/3 YEA-AND-NAY      1-Mar-2016      2:32 PM
     QUESTION:  On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass
      BILL TITLE: Maya Angelou Memorial Post Office


Mo Brooks, Official Portrait, 112th Congress.jpg
Pro-confederate lawmaker Mo Brooks
Notably the Republican lawmakers such as Brooks, Burgess and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) are scheduled to speak at the CNUTS Convention this weekend.

The so-called party of Civil Rights once again at work, trying to destroy itself.

The reason to why they opposed the naming of a post office is because Maya Angelou said positive things about Fidel Castro, the former president of Cuba.

As NBC points out, the bill was debated just after the House unanimously voted to rename a California post office. The 114th Congress has voted to rename at least two dozen other public buildings.

One of the congressmen who voted against the Maya Angelou Memorial Post Office called the poet "a communist sympathizer."

"His parents escaped communism and he feels that he cannot vote to name a post office in the United States in honor of someone who supported the communist Castro revolution in Cuba," a spokesperson for Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) told NBC. According to his campaign website, Harris' father was born in Hungary and his mother's birthplace was Poland.

In 2015 a United States Postal Service stamp was issued commemorating Maya Angelou with the Joan Walsh Anglund quote "A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song", though the stamp mistakenly attributes the quote to Angelou. The quote is from Anglund's book of poems A Cup of Sun (1967).

The Republican revisionist history says that Ronald Reagan was friend of Black America.

The Republican revisionist history says that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.

The Democrats passed the Jim Crow laws. The Democrats founded the Klan. Even with a Democratic President like that "racist" Lyndon B Johnson, the Democrats didn't passed the Civil Rights Act. It was the Republicans.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016


Trump smoked the rivals. He's now focusing on Hillary Clinton.

An entertainer, business and media mogul defeats the Stallmigos, Papa Smurf and Beetle Bailey.

Republicans better start panicking cause Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee. He managed to win in almost ever race. Super Tuesday is Trumpsday!

Quick Poll.

Donald Trump being the Republican nominee. Helps the GOP or hurts them!

Hell Yeah, Donald Trump Is Killing The Republican Party!
Nah, You Guys Shouldn't Worry Too Much! "President" Trump Will Bring Americans Together!
We Need A Third Party Candidate To Stop Him!
personality test

Donald Trump managed to win Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Virginia and Vermont. That's a near blow out.

It's a two man race now! Ted Cruz done well. He won his home state of Texas and neighboring states of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Would it make a difference? In Texas, you have to have over 50% of the vote to have all the needed delegates. Cruz, by my calculations didn't earn that! He might have to split the delegates.

Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and John Kasich are doomed. Rubio won Minnesota and Kasich came in second place in Vermont. It wasn't the blow out that Rubio wanted.

Also Hillary Clinton widens her lead against Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Texas and Virginia. Bernie Sanders continues to hold on. He won Oklahoma and Vermont.

Colorado, American Samoa and Democrats Abroad are up next.

Marco Rubio the establishment's choice failed to win any of the states. That's a huge blow to the GOP donors and many lawmakers who endorsed Rubio as the only person who could bring the Republicans together. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) has declared he will not support a Trump candidacy.

Trump dismissed Sasse. He said that the Republican elites are the failures by rallying around Rubio and Sasse isn't going to win elections. Trump congratulates Cruz on his narrow victory in the two states.

Trump vows to steal the "blue collar" Democrats. He believes disgruntled White people are uniting around him. He wants to peel off Democrats who felt that the Obama legacy isn't beneficial to their lives.

Trump had also went after Paul Ryan (House Speaker) and Mitch McConnell (Senate Majority Leader) for being too cozy at their jobs. Ryan and McConnell denounces the Klan's endorsement of Trump. They want him to disavow the Klan and White extremist David Duke. Trump said he doesn't care about their endorsement.

Trump told a lie about the president. He said that President Barack Obama refuses to talk to the Republican controlled Congress. Today, Obama and Democrats in the Judiciary committee met with McConnell and Chuck Grassley on the Supreme Court nomination pick. McConnell vows to not take up the matter until another president wins.

Marco Rubio concedes that he didn't win much. But he's being robotic in his attacks against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Rubio said that "a vote for Trump is a vote for Clinton". I heard him say it on all three networks. That's pretty damn repetitive.

Ted Cruz breathes a sigh of relief. He won. But he goes back into his bombastic rhetoric that many opponents said were lies and misleading statements. Cruz is whining about how Trump's deal-making is Obama-esque.

This is a serious threat. Republicans will eventually unite around Trump. Don't believe all the hype about Republicans being in a "civil war". They fear Hillary Clinton more than Donald Trump.

Many of the voters who support Donald Trump want the Affordable Healthcare Act (aka Obamacare) repealed.

Many of the voters who support Donald Trump believe that Mexico should pay for a border wall.

Many of the voters who support Donald Trump believe Muslims should be banned from the country.

Many of the voters who support Donald Trump believe that amnesty should not be allowed in the United States.

Many of the voters who support Donald Trump believe #BlackLivesMatter support the killing of White people and those in law enforcement.

Many of the voters who support Donald Trump believe that illegals are bringing in drugs, guns, criminal violence and sexual assault.

Many of the voters who support Donald Trump think that Ted Cruz and President Barack Obama aren't American citizens. Also many think that Cruz and Marco Rubio are liars.

Democrats got to unite. It's going to be a tougher fight than I've thought! They laugh at Trump now, but they'll cry if wins the presidency.

Super Tuesday Is Going To Be A Blood Bath!

It's going to be a brokered convention.

Did you know that Donald Trump ran for president in 2000?

He was running for president under the Reform Party.

This is Trump's second time running.

So that means that Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, John Kasich, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Jim Gilmore, and Mike Huckabee are perennial candidates. They ran for president and failed the first time.

Only Clinton and Trump are succeeding in winning.

Trump was a member of the Reform Party and tried to secure the nomination. He bounced out the group when he heard David Duke was endorsing the Reform Party's nominee Pat Buchanan

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio pounced on the Duke endorsement. The New York Times have secret recordings of Trump complaining about politicians and his stances on issues. The Republicans are hoping that the Times will release the tapes to damage Trump. They also have Trump on tape saying he denounced Duke back in 2000.

Paul Ryan, the Speaker of House said that Trump isn't representing the Republican Party. He said that Trump's impact could damage the brand.

Republicans are divided over the possibility of Trump being their nominee.

I hear that Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter ain't kicking it no more. The two bombastic agitators got into a huge social media spat. The annoying conservative agitator was pretty clear in 2013 about immigration. But I guess when the harpy grabbed the soundbites to prove that, Hannity returned to social media to blast her for bringing up that. Coulter basically slammed Hannity for being a hypocrite and opportunist for the Republican elites. Hannity says that Coulter was a huge Chris Christie fan before she turned Donald Trump.

Hannity allowed Trump to bash Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace and Roger Ailes on television.

Bill O'Reilly had lost custody of his children. In a New York court, he and his ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy had a nasty fallout over his children. The children said that Bill-O was abuse to their mom and he didn't want to spend time with the family. He's too obsessed with trying to defeat President Barack Obama and it's not what the family supports. This has taken O'Reilly off his game.

I hear that Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes and Fox executives talked with Marco Rubio about the immigration reform bill. Rubio was hoping to court Limbaugh, Ailes and that right wing network's blessing. Limbaugh dismissed the notion he supports Rubio's immigration reform and blast the people who covered the story.

I hear that kookspiracy nuts Roger Stone and Alex Jones are warning that if Rubio fails, the Republican donors will call upon perennial loser Mitt Romney to join the race. Roger Stone's obsession with Bill Clinton alleged affairs have risen back to the surface. Stone is a Trump supporter and was urging him to use this as a play to stop the accusations of Trump being a sexist.
Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Ben Carson, Donald Trump fight for delegates in these states and the U.S. territory of American Samoa. Trump is leading in almost all the states. Texas and Arkansas are competitive between Cruz and Trump. Rubio has to win a state to contiue. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders also have to win states to stay in.
I hear that Republican senators are refusing to support a Trump nomination. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) is refusing to support any of the candidates. He said that if Trump wins the nomination, he will leave the party. He doesn't want the party to be associated with White extremists such as David Duke.

NASCAR has endorsed Trump for president.

Trump booted out Black audience members and the Secret Service slammed a photographer on the ground. The junk food media also report that this happened before the Hannity taping.

Rubio is flopping. His attacks on Trump have backfired. Many conservatives have stated that Rubio's off message and this deliberate approach to win is pathetic.

The House's insurgent lawmakers are bucking the party and are endorsing Trump for president. Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) and Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) also backed Trump on Monday, becoming the third and fourth GOP House members to do so. The others are Reps. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Chris Collins (R-NY). They join former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin, Sen. Jeff Session (R-AL), Maine's Paul LePage and New Jersey's Chris Christie as Trump's biggest endorsements.

Today is primary day. Super Tuesday 2016. The participating states include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado (with caucuses), Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota (with caucuses), Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia. Additionally, Republican caucuses are being held in Alaska and Wyoming. One participating territory is American Samoa.

It's likely Trump and Cruz will win. Cruz will not take a majority of the delegates in Texas. He doesn't have 50% of the vote in the state. He's struggling to make it over 40%.

If Trump carries a huge majority of states and awarded a majority delegates, he will become the presumptive nominee.

By the way, all the Hillary Clinton emails are out! The Democratic candidate's emails became a controversy because she used a private server instead of a government server. Conservatives say that she should be indicted for this. It's highly unlikely.

We'll keep you posted on the results! GET YOUR ASSES OUT THERE AND VOTE!

Terrorist Aims At Ohio School! The Law Stops Him!

Austin Hancock Facebook page
Terrorist shoots up high school. The law stops him.

Yesterday, another mass shooting happened in Ohio. The Butler County sheriff and the FBI are investigating the motive of a teen who prompted a terrorist attack on his fellow high school students.

The terrorist is a 14 year old who probably was bullied by the people he probably was aiming at.

The shooting at Madison High School outside of Middletown was the scene of a shooting.

James Hancock was the shooter. He had injured four. The victims were Cameron Smith and Cooper Caffrey. The two who have ancillary wounds are Brant Murray and Katherine Doucette.

The victims will survive their injuries. They will have life-altering experiences after this ordeal.

The terrorist struck at 11:15 am during a lunch break. The terrorist managed to sneak the firearm inside the school. He struck when the students were at their most vulnerable. Some students said he smirks at his victims when he popped off.

The terrorist would ditch the firearm and take off into the woods. Within a few minutes the sheriff would use the dogs to draw him out.
Madison Junior/Senior High School will be closed for the remaining week for investigations. The FBI and Ohio lawmen are trying to determine why this terrorist committed this attack.
Now the terrorist is held in juvie on attempted murder, making terrorist threats and aggravated assault. He may end up in the county lockup if they decide to charge him as an adult.

These charges alone could carry LIFE in the iron college. Hancock is innocent until proven guilty.

The junk food media is saying that the terrorist had a decent life. The "NICE GUY" with a gun was a standout wrestler and whatever. I don't care what the terrorists history. I care about the lives he disturbed.

World News Today send our prayers to those affected by this tragedy. Although prayers won't wish this stuff away. Ohio lawmakers and Congress are the keys to stopping these senseless tragedies.

The Blame Game is once again. I have a poll for you to vote on.

The Ohio high school shooting. Who deserves the blame for this tragedy?
Barack Obama
The Shooter
None Of These Above
Do Quizzes

If you picked the shooter, you're absolutely correct. But if you picked something other than that, you're entitled to your opinion, but it's wrong.

Republicans are so inept. They'll never figure it out. They continue to push these gun laws that loosen regulations. Congress can't even pass a national background check law. They're scared of the impact by "actual guns" being pointed at them.
Residents gather for prayer and sympathies.
Heavy said that the terrorist's family were Republicans and life members to the NRA. So that should eliminate the accusations of being a liberal Obama supporter. You usually hear alot of that stuff from kookspiracy websites like InfoWars, Breitbart and Jim Hoft (the Gateway Pundit).

But let's not worry about that stuff. I don't care about the politics or associations of the terrorist.

Republican sheriff Richard K. Jones will have to take his mind off profiling Blacks, Muslims and immigrants. He has to worry about those guys who stockpile firearms in the preparation of a "political correctness" war.

It seems like his let everyone have guns in public was a misfire. I mean he's a staunch supporter of the NRA and is  a round 'em up person. He would make criminals wear pink while doing work duty.

This also happened in racial agitator Bill Cunningham's backyard. Cunningham lives in West Chester. The agitator is a syndicated talk show host on The CW and radio agitator on WLW 700 AM.

The Cincinnati conservative agitator was on a bitch rant about the terrorist who killed a rookie cop. He was pointing to the terrorist race in an attempt to blame President Barack Obama and #BlackLivesMatter for the attack.

Wondering if Colin Flaherty will focus on White on everyone violence? Nope. He's not even covering this. He's too busy pimping out the other tragedies such as pastor shooting up the road in Dayton, the Virginia cop shooting, and the Kansas terrorist attack. Flaherty, a white extremist who gets attention on media outlets is so obsessed with Black mob violence and the like? But not one peep about the violence caused by White people.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and Ohio's goober John Kasich have to explain why gun violence is a part of the daily routine.

Goober Kasich, President Barack Obama, Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) were notified of the situation.


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