Showing posts with label Austin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Austin. Show all posts

Monday, August 01, 2016

Racism Plagues Miss Teen USA!

Miss Teen USA under fire for racial slurs.

Karlie Hay is under fire for her social media postings. It looks like some tweets containing her using NIGGER is coming back to haunt her. The Texas pageant contestant is quickly apologizing for her comments. Miss Texas has some explaining to do.

She was crowned Miss Teen USA. After she was crowned Saturday night in Las Vegas, social media outed her postings.

Pageant officials were notified of this and said that the postings were disgusting but refuse to strip Hay of her crown.

She was jokingly referring to a friend and used NIGGER as a reference.

The 18-year old woman is going through "personal struggles and regrets of her words."

"I admit that I have used language publicly in the past which I am not proud of and that there is no excuse for. Through hard work, education and thanks in large part to the sisterhood that I have come to know through pageants, I am proud to say that I am today a 'better person'".

She comes from Tomball, Texas, an area in suburban Houston that is represented by Republican congressman Michael McCaul.

Some are pointing out that the top five Miss Teen USA are WHITE and look similar to one another.

The finalists were Miss South Carolina Marley Stokes, Miss North Carolina Emily Wakeman, Miss Alabama Erin Snow and Miss Nevada Carissa Marrow.

Besides Hay, the remaining finalists were blue eyes, blond, light skin and similar facial features.

Chrissy Teigen, a woman of color and former model herself mocked the finalists by saying that, "Wow how can we choose from such a diverse bunch". Teigen is Asian-American and married to R&B singer and pianist John Legend.

She had to backtrack her comments. "It's fiiiiine. Not their fault. I'm sure they are delightful women. Just funny. I'm not gonna write a think-piece on a damn pageant."

She got retweeted over 55,000 times and it got the ball rolling.

On a bright note, Miss Missouri Erin O'Flaherty was the first openly gay contestant.

And they scrapped the swimsuit competition. Yeah, I am kind of disappointed about that one.

The White extremists call Hay, their Ayran Queen.

So if you're a fan of Karlie Hay, watch rantings from Sean "Softball" Hannity, read agitation news from internet creeper Matt Drudge, listen to old fart Rush Limbaugh and read from websites like TheConservativeTreehouse, you're likely a Donald Trump and Mike Pence supporter.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Never Stops: Mass Shooting In Austin!

There was a mass shooting in Austin, Texas. There was at least one person right now killed and four others who suffered life threatening injuries. The police are searching for the terrorist.

The shooting happened in the Sixth Street entertainment district. The incident happened overnight between 2am and 3am.

The victim was a woman in her 30s and two other women and a man were injured.
At least one person has been killed and several have been injured after a gunman opened fire in Austin, Texas. Pictured, police at the scene
Mass shooting in Austin, Texas.
Besides Barack Obama, Muslims, Black Lives Matter or illegal immigrants will be the first things uttered out the mouths of the gun supporters.

A video posted on social media purported to be from the scene of the shooting showed people running and screaming after shots were heard. Instead of running for their lives, they want to capture the moment so they can share for click bait.

We don't know the name of the victims or the name of the terrorist but I can tell you conservatives will find a way to claim the shooter is.....





Once again, Texas governor Greg Abbott, President Barack Obama and the local leaders will offer their condolences and prayers to the victims. Every time the president speaks out against gun violence, the tone deafness of conservatives will be that Obama's coming for your guns. Now that Hillary Clinton is the nominee for the Democratic Party, the NRA and agitators in the junk food media will say that she's coming for the guns now.

A few days or a few weeks will pass by and then we're off to another mass shooting, a terrorist attack, or a cop shooting.

When it comes to fighting these issues, Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress and conservative agitators use their only muscle they got. It's their tongues and they're getting tongue tied trying to blame everyone else other than the shooter.

Developments will continue.
A woman in her 30s died and at least three more were shot, Austin-County Emergency Medical Services said. Pictured, police at the scene
Another life lost to a senseless mass shooting.
Instead of offering condolences and prayers to the victims, I am going to say that Congress is allowing mass shootings to happen in the United States. They're too busy taking vacations to pass Zika virus funding, highway infrastructure funding, and a gun control or background check law.

They're afraid and inept. If this is what you want for your government, vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Cause they sure as hell ain't doing much to solve the problems. With a Republican controlled Congress, they'll do whatever it takes to repeal laws or throw up road blocks.

They'll keep the little majority of White uneducated individuals fearful of change.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Feds Look Into Brutal Arrest Of Texas Schoolteacher!

The Texas Department of Safety is doing an investigation into the Austin Police officer who arrested an elementary school teacher. She was thrown to the ground twice and was detained.

While in the police cruiser, the second officer said that to her  "Blacks have 'violent' tendencies.

Where's Sheriff David Clarke when you need someone to deny this ever happened?

Breaion King is counting her blessings that she wasn't killed. After all if she was, the conservative media would troll her social media pages to find something to justify this abuse of power by the law.
Breaion King tearfully recounts the encounter.
They remain silent on the shooting of a Miami man who was shot in the leg when he told the law he had his hands up and the other guy had special needs and wasn't harming anyone.

Bryan Richter is in the freezer for this event. He made a traffic stop that escalated rapidly in the seven seconds from the encounter. This incident happened in June 2015. Now it's shown on camera he slammed her on the ground twice.

As she was being driven to county lockup. She was placed in the back of Patrick Spradlin's vehicle.

She asked him why this country is hard on Black people. He said that Black people can be intimidating.

Austin's police chief Art Acevedo said that the whole ordeal should have been handled without force.

He said that Richter will face some mandatory time without pay, proper retraining and probably a ban from social media contact. Spradlin will face a ban from social media as well.

This is an example of why Blacks have a distrust with those in law enforcement.

Monday, June 27, 2016

BREAKING: SCOTUS Knocks Down Texas Anti-Abortion Law!

The Supreme Court rules in Texas anti-abortion law. 

The Supreme Court struck down the anti-abortion law that the state of Texas passed in 2013. The 5-3 decision was a blow to conservatives. This decision eliminates a state's attempt to pass restrictive laws to curb a woman's right to choice.  This is the biggest ruling since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

The Texas statute was to close up a handful of abortion clinics in the state. The Court ruled it unconstitutional.

The Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt is the most significant ruling for pro-choice activists. If the ruling went the other way, states would impose stricter laws preventing abortion.

Texas insisted that the HB 2 law was constitutional. Ruth Bader Ginsburg questioned the state's law.

She wondered how this bill would help women who wanted a safe term. Texas was mandating that abortion clinics undergo costly upgrades to look like hospitals and abortion providers must get "special privileges" at hospitals. It was a backdoor plot to eliminate abortion clinics.

Stephen Breyer wrote in his decision that "the surgical-center requirement, like the admitting privileges requirement, provides few, if any, health benefits for women, poses a substantial obstacle to women seeking abortions and constitutes an 'undue burden' on their constitutional right to do so".

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott wasn't pleased about this decision. Lila Rose and her allies in the anti-choice movement were hoping to gain momentum.

The Center for Medical Progress was partly involved in this as well. The ringleader of the anti-choice group tried to infiltrate Planned Parenthood facilities to expose executives taking pride in terming live fetuses.

Former state lawmaker Wendy Davis got some vindication. She fought this all the way to the Court.

Her failed bid for governor was a downer but to watch Abbott fail at his job is probably the sweetest revenge she's gotten so far today.

Anthony Kennedy joins Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor in the decision to spare abortion rights.

Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented the decision.

This polarizing decision comes a week after the Court struck down President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration. Conservatives were happy Obama was handed a defeat. Now this decision will have conservatives concerned.

With an evenly split court, most of the rulings conservatives supported could be at risk of being tossed out or stuck down. Republicans continue to delay the nomination of Merrick Garland.

They believe that Obama's pick could swing the Court in a progressive direction. It's too late.

Truly, this was a blow to conservatives and the anti-choice movement.

Women have a right to choice. Although I am no fan of termination, I do support a woman's right to do so. It's a freedom that helps protect a woman's health.

Would you allow a woman to carry a rapist's baby?

Would you allow a woman to die if the baby was causing her health to decline?

An unwanted pregnancy is a dangerous experience for women. If the Court was to deny women a right to choice, the black market abortion providers would be on the rise.

Friday, June 24, 2016

SCOTUS Keeps Affirmative Action In College Admins!

Supreme Court ruled in an affirmative action case.

With the Supreme Court overwhelmed at eight, cases will be either evenly divided or lopsided with no real results. When the Court rules, it's over. Regardless of who wins or loses, the Supreme Court of the United States is the final leg of a federal case.

Abigail Fisher comes out the loser in her case against the University of Texas Austin.

She took her case of affirmative action to the Court. She was denied entry into the college. The court's 4-3 decision continues the college entry rules.

Fisher v. University of Texas, concerned an unusal program and contained a waring to other university that not all affirmative action programs will pass constitutional muster. The New York Times added, that the ruling's basica message was that admissions officials may continue to consider race as one factor among many in ensuring a diverse student body.

Elana Kagan backed off the case because she had ties to the University of Texas.
Abigail Fisher and her conservative allies lost this one.
President Barack Obama was pleased with the decision. "I'm pleased that the Supreme Court upheld the basic notion that diversity is an important value in our society," he said today.

"We are not a country that guarantees equal outcomes, but we do strive to provide an equal shot to everybody".

Anthony Kennedy sided with the Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor in the majority. Kennedy wrote that the courts must give university substantial but not total leeway in designing their admission programs.

The disagreement of consent came from Samuel Alito. He practically slammed the decision. He said that the university had not demonstrated the need for race-based admissions and that the Texas program benefited advantaged students over impoverish ones.

Conservatives were hoping that this decision would eliminate the quotas.

Say if you came from a bad school and graduated at top rank and were accepted to a privileged college but tested lower than the student from a higher performance school, you would be getting a leg up.

Fisher and conservatives were hoping to end this.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Texas School Faces Lawsuit After Girl Got Roped!

Would you want your child to have a rope around their neck and the school saying that this was a playful accident?

In Texas, there was a shocking incident that occurred in Waco. A young Black girl was roped by three White boys and they tried to drag her around. Now the parents are shocked by this event and are planning on suing the school for negligence.

Now the little girl got a scar that's so noticeable, the law is getting involved in this.

Live Oak Classical School is being sued for a $3 million in damages for allowing this to happen.

The New York Times report that the school is denying that race was a factor to this incident.

Lawyers for the girl, who is identified in court papers filed on Monday only as K.P., said evidence suggested that race played a role in the episode, which occurred during an overnight outing in April by students from the Live Oak Classical School in Waco. The girl was 12 at the time.

But while lawyers for the girl and the school agree that something happened to the student, they disagree about virtually everything else — whether what occurred had been a deliberate act, the severity of her injuries, who was to blame and if race was a motivation.

The girl’s mother, Sandy Rougely, said in an interview on Thursday that she thought her daughter was wearing a necklace when she first saw her after the trip. She said when she learned that the marks had been caused by a rope, “that just tore me into pieces.”

“It looked like somebody ripped my daughter’s neck off and stitched it back together,” Rougely said. The marks are still visible, she added.

Rougely said she took her daughter to an emergency room, where she was treated for severe rope burns, and the police were called.

Lawyers for both sides said the Blanco County Sheriff’s Office was investigating. Sheriff’s officials could not immediately be reached.

According to the lawsuit, the girl had transferred in 2014 from a public school to Live Oak, which has about 400 students in junior kindergarten through 12th grade and affirms the principles of Christianity. It is made up predominantly of white children, the suit says. Rougely said her daughter had a partial scholarship to attend the $7,000-a-year school.

The girl had been flourishing in fifth grade, the suit said, but in sixth grade, she reported that her classmates would not talk to her and physically bullied her. She was pushed to the ground, and a classmate kicked and shoved her when a teacher was not looking, court papers said. Rougely said school officials blamed her daughter, and when the mother met with administrators and counselors, she felt rebuffed.

It was against this backdrop that the girl and 21 other students went on the trip to a bucolic property near Johnson City, TX., for an end-of-year school trip on April 28.

The lawsuit said the episode occurred at a swing: a disc-shape basket hanging from a tree with a separate rope that the children pulled to lift the swing higher. The girl said she had been pulling on the rope but then became tired and stood to the side. She then felt the rope around her neck, and she was “violently jerked” to the ground.

“When it got around my neck, no one helped me, so I had to pull it off by myself,” she said in an interview with The Dallas Morning News.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ignorant Prank Lands Seniors In Court!

This is 2016 and our youth are still being raised ignorant. 

The top states for ignorance in my opinion!


Okay, from the great state of Texas, another helping of White people doing things that they think aren't racist but really they were.

Five seniors may have to get their diplomas after graduation. They decided that their senior's day prank was a ode to the past. Unfortunately, they didn't understand the past wasn't so funny for those of color.

The Raw Story got the goods on this one.

Ryan Westbrook, 17, Ethan Sigmund, 18, Christian Joeckel, 18, Hayden Honoloka, 17 and Cameron Bodenstab, 18, have all been charged with felonies for the vandalism at their rival school, Martin High. All the accused teens are students at Arlington High.

They decided to tag the rival high school's water fountain with "WHITES ONLY (; " during the late hours. The cameras caught the suspects in the act.

The teens also spray painted the words “trans only” on a men’s bathroom at Martin and also “payback for the parking lot.”

They are accused of spreading race and sex orientation bias, according to CBS.
Teens accused of racist graffiti (Screenshot/CBS DFW)
The Dork Squad spread racially insensitive graffiti on a rival high school.
“They’re pretty remorseful,” Arlington police Lt. Christopher Cook told CBS. “I don’t think that they gave a lot of thought into the ramifications. Unfortunately you’re held accountable and there’s consequences when you engage in this behavior.”

According to WFAA, language too vulgar for news print was also included on athletics banners and trashcans near Arlington High’s football stadium.

They are sorry for being unintentional racists. They are sorry for being unintentional homophobic assholes.

These guys are an example of Donald Trump's America. An America where five students believe that their high school rivals are nothing but NIGGERS, SPICS and QUEERS (FAGGOTS).

Keep it classy America.

These guys are innocent until proven guilty. If found guilty, they all could face up to a year in the iron college. Of course, they will have to pay for the damages. They will also probably have court-ordered diversity training. They will likely miss their graduation and get the diplomas in the mail (if they're lucky).

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Homeless Teen Caught After Murdering Texas College Student! Who Gets The Blame?

The death of a inspiring dance student brings out the concern trolls who use the old "Black on whatever" blame game.

Concern trolls are having a field day over the capture of a teen who is accused of murdering a University of Texas-Austin student.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Haruka Weiser.

Meechaiel Criner, a 17-year old homeless teen was booked in the Travis County lockup on capital murder. The suspect stabbed and strangled Haruka Weiser, an 18-year-old dance and theater major, was last seen alive on the Austin campus Sunday night before she was reported missing the following morning. Her body was discovered near a creek on Tuesday, and investigators declared her death a homicide — setting off a manhunt on the campus of 50,000 students.

Suspect being held on murder charges.
Weiser, a Portland, Oregon, native, was trained in ballet and became involved in the school's student-run dance group.

Her family and school officials said she was passionate about dance, and was also planning on double majoring in pre-med.

The arrest came after Austin firefighters provided a crucial tip to police after responding Monday to a small fire involving a backpack near the campus, the chief said.

Firefighters found Criner at the scene, police said, and he was taken to Lifeworks, a nonprofit shelter for youth in the city.

In addition, a witness to the fire also called in a tip after seeing the surveillance footage and believed the suspect looked like the same person involved in Monday's incident.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty. He is being charged as an adult for the crime. He being held on a $1 million get out of jail free card. He could face the GAS if found guilty.

But for the trolls underneath the bandwidth bridge already assume guilt. They conclude that this is one of "Obama's sons". They believe that the suspect is a part of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. They say that the junk food media refuses to cover the story because the suspect is Black and the victim was White.

And everything else is ignored in the world. Crime happens everyday and the junk food media covers it. Local news agitators can make a story go viral. Once picked up, some websites do carry the water.

Now That They Caught The Suspect In The Murder Of Haruka Weiser, Who Gets The Blame?

Barack Obama
Mental Health Agencies
The Suspect
Do Quizzes

Take Matt Drudge for example. The Drudge Report pulls in 800,000 click a day. It probably has 5.4 billion reader hits. Some of these could be inflated but it's still a lot of traffic for a website that looks like a Craigslist ad.

His agitation is notorious for bringing up "Black on Whatever" stories. This one probably made it to the websites. And the racial agitators like Colin Flaherty and Joel Pollak will spread it through their websites.

White extremists pick up on the stories and then they make their case for a "racial war" against Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, immigrants, gays, and people who stand up against them.

When I post stories about it, I expect a concern troll such as "what's his name" to post word vomit about apples to oranges.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

The 8 Can't Wait!

The Supreme Court divided is a lose-lose situation for conservatives. Pictured: Justice Elena Kagan (back), Chief Justice John Roberts (left), Justices Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Binder Ginsburg, Stephen Beyer and Sonia Sotomayor. 

Looks like it's a lose-lose situation for the Republicans. They continue their opposition to President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. And with the Court not at full strength, many issues conservatives took to court are being defeated.

Voting rights is spared for now. The Republican-controlled state of Texas ended up losing a crucial piece of power. The power they had to keep the U.S. Congressional districts in their favor is coming to an end.

Greg Abbott, the controversial Republican governor of Texas might want to wheel himself back to the drawing board. The court found that the Texas redistricting map isn't fair to the constituents and the Court struck it down.

The court ruled that the "one person, one vote" rule allows counting non-voters, including minors, prisoners, ex-convicts and immigrants -- a decision that traditionally helps Democrats.

"We hold, based on constitutional history, this court's decisions, and longstanding practice, that a state may draw its legislative districts based on total population," Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg wrote in delivering the court's opinion.

The plaintiffs -- Sue Evenwel and Edward Pfenninger -- argued that Texas should count only eligible voters in drawing up legislative districts of roughly equal size.

That would have favored rural areas with a high proportion of eligible voters in the allocation of legislative districts, over urban areas with larger absolute populations but a smaller proportion of eligible voters.

Since urban areas tend to vote Democratic and rural areas lean Republican, how the population is counted has a direct political impact.

If a state bases its electoral districting on the total population -- and all 50 states do -- people who are ineligible to vote are counted in the process.

These ineligible populations, such as non-citizen Hispanic immigrants, are usually present in larger numbers in urban areas.

As a result, each eligible voter in those areas proportionally has greater clout.
Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor and Clarence Thomas.
"Even so, it remains beyond doubt that the principle of representational equality figured prominently in the decision to count people, whether or not they qualify as voters," the court said.

"Adopting voter-eligible apportionment as constitutional command would upset a well-functioning approach to districting that all 50 states and countless local jurisdictions have followed for decades, even centuries. Appellants have shown no reason for the court to disturb this longstanding use of total population," the court added.

- Unanimous decision -

The justices heard oral arguments in the case in December before the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia on February 13, which has left the court evenly divided between liberals and conservatives.

But even before Scalia's death, the justices had expressed skepticism about the challenge to the Texas law, which was borne out by the unanimous decision.

Had the court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, legislative districts would have had to have been redrawn in states from New York to California.

Civil rights leaders and minority groups backed the status quo, arguing a change would negatively impact Hispanics.

"Our representatives represent people," said Nina Perales of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

"Representatives don't represent land. They don't represent acres. They don't represent counties."

The NAACP civil rights group said that 75 million children, 13 million of whom are black, "would have been counted out of the redistricting process" since children cannot vote.

The case, it said, harked back "to nefarious periods in our democracy similar to when black people were counted as 3/5ths of a person for redistricting purposes."

Meanwhile Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders chimed in from the campaign trail in support of the decision.
Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ruth Binder Ginsburg were the majority of the court.
"In our democracy, every one of our voices should count. Glad the Supreme Court affirmed this fundamental right," Clinton tweeted.

- 'Significant leeway' -

Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were part of the majority, but wrote separate concurring opinions.

Alito, while agreeing with the majority, rejected the government's argument that there is a constitutional basis for requiring that legislative districts be equal in total population.

In a similar vein, Thomas noted that the court's decision did not provide clear guidance on what exactly "the one person, one vote" principle protects.

"The Constitution does not prescribe any one basis for apportionment within states. It instead leaves states significant leeway in apportioning their own districts to equalize total population, to equalize eligible voters, or to promote any other principle consistent with a republican form of government.

"The majority should recognize the futility of choosing only one of these options. The Constitution leaves the choice to the people alone -— not to this court," he wrote.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Skipping Nancy Reagan Funeral!

President Barack Obama with former first lady Nancy Reagan in 2009. Conservatives are outraged that he skipped the funeral of the former first lady to attend an annual convention.

This week, World News Today heard that former first lady Nancy Reagan passed away. We learned that Barack Obama ordered flags to be lowered for the rest of the week and released a statement acknowledging the actions by Reagan.

Reagan died at her home in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California at the age of 94. The junk food media was covered the death and they paid their respects to the former first lady.

The former first lady always had a private life. She didn't want to be a political pawn in the presidential elections. Conservatives can't figure it out! They're outraged that the president decided to skip the funeral of the former first lady.

President Barack Obama is not immune from the criticism of the conservatives agitators in the junk food media. Many conservatives are outraged that the president and First Lady Michelle Obama decided to skip the funeral to attend the SXSW (South By Southwest) festival in Austin, Texas.

This is the second time that the president got caught up in an unexpected crisis in the world.

Of course, the funeral is private and the public is allowed to pay their respects today.

And if he shown up to the event. Expect conservatives to complain about the traffic being shut down, the air traffic being shut down, the president doing a speech about a policy that Nancy Reagan supported but conservatives didn't, him crying and also shaking hands with representatives that aren't conservative.

Then you'll hear about golf outings, vacations and costly flight travels.

Here's a real question, why aren't the Republican leaders or candidates not attending the funeral of Nancy Reagan?

Tonight will be the Republican debate. Why don't Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio skip the debate and attend the funeral in Simi Valley, California. Since they're so invested at the Reagan legacy, why don't they cancel their campaign stops, their fundraising events, and television appearances to head to the funeral.

Matter of fact, why don't Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and the rest of Congress stop what they're doing and attend the funeral.

They're so fixated on the legacy of Ronald Reagan. They're still 30 years behind and a dollar short of reality.

Here's a conservative agitator running around Washington, DC trying to interview citizens about it.

Damned if Obama did! Damned if Obama didn't!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Cruz The Backstroke!

Actress denounced Ted Cruz after she slut shames her.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) got egg on his face this weekend ahead of the debate and South Carolina primary.

The Ted Cruz Campaign was hit by friendly fire. That friendly fire was the definition of irony.

There was a political ad aimed at Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) in which a group of disgruntled Republicans met at an anonymous meeting discussing their frustrations with Washington.

One of the actresses who gave the line, "Maybe you should vote for more than a pretty face" was named Amy Lindsay.

Amy gave the dog whistle "about them people". The commercial was hard hitting until a person recognized Lindsay. Someone found out that Amy was the girl guys really got a hold on. I mean they really wanted her.
It turns out that Amy was a former softcore porn actress. She played in some X-rated movies on Cinemax and HBO. The word got to the social media and Cruz was ridiculed for the decision to run the ad.

Amy who supported Cruz during his run was pissed that the campaign pulled the ad and shamed the her for being a "vile liberal operative" who tried to sabotage the campaign.

Amy was getting some really good airplay on the junk food media. Amy retired from the porn game and is doing minor roles on television. She said that Cruz was foolish for dumping the ad. She said that she would have voted for him but seeing how he reacts to things, she may consider supporting his arch-rival Donald Trump.

Her website and social media spiked a bit after she was outed as the woman who once did a backstroke on a man's....Well you know!

The video is circulating and it's too late for Cruz to call for removal. Many of the people seen it and they're laughing at him for being such a stick in the mud.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Blac Chyna Can't Fly The Friendly Skies!

Video vixen and reality television star Blac Chyna spends the night in lockup after acting a fool on a plane.

Reality turd Tyga's baby mama Blac Chyna was busted in Austin, Texas.

Blac Chyna (known as Angela Renee White) is a model, entertainer and reality turd like the struggling rapper.

Apparently, she was totally drunk and belligerent when she was on flight to foreign soil.

She was flying from Los Angeles to London for personal appearance at Beorma Club.

Blac Chyna got into diva mode while on the plane.The plane had to divert to Austin and the law came on board and placed her in custody.

Here's how weird things get.

Blac Chyna is currently dating Rob Kardashian, the brother of Kim Kardashian-West and half brother of Kylie Jenner. Kylie is currently dating Tyga. Blac Chyna sparked a feud with Kim because of this relationship with her brother. She's best friends with rival Amber Rose.

Kim is feuding with Amber Rose. Rose once dated Kanye West.

TMZ watched her board. Reported her being busted.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Mr. Affluenza Got Caught Up!

Man who killed four on a Texas road beaten a murder rap. While on in-house, he broke the rules. Fearing a bid in the iron college, he decides to duck out of the country.  After a few weeks, he was finally caught. Will he now finally be sent to the iron college?

The thug who murdered four Texas residents while under the influence of alcohol and at the helm of a vehicle was on the run for three weeks. He was on probation for this crime. He was supposed to serve a 10 year in-house bid. He was forbidden to drink alcohol. He was forbidden to be around drugs. He was forbidden to be around criminal activity. It turns out that he ignored the sentencing.

He was caught on camera playing beer pong with his buddies. That was shared on social media and it reached his P.O.

I guess he knew his days were numbered. So he and his mother took off from their suburban Dallas home never to be heard from again.

Those three weeks came to an end. It seems like the pampered life is over for the so-called "affluenza" teen.

The Mexican authorities aided by the U.S. Marshals managed to snatch Ethan Couch out of his hiding place. CNN broke the story around 7:30 pm tonight. The country's most wanted man is now in custody and will face justice.

The U.S. Rewards for Justice wanted this man and his mother Tonya.

Mom decided to help Ethan flee the U.S. authorities. They were spotted in a vacation town of Puerto Vallarta, U.S. officials were briefed on the matter.

Couch, 18, went missing earlier this month, two years after he made national news when he was sentenced to probation for a drunken driving crash that killed four people.

Couch is expected to be turned over to the U.S. Marshals Service, who have spent weeks searching for him. A spokesman for the service declined to comment.

He is wanted by authorities in Tarrant County, Texas, for allegedly violating probation. His mother was listed by Texas authorities as a missing person after her son's disappearance, and the authorities said they believed she was assisting her son.
Mom will face a federal case for helping fugitive son escape out of the country.
A warrant had been issued for the teen to be taken into custody after his probation officer couldn't reach him earlier this month. His apparent disappearance came after a video allegedly showed him at a party where alcohol was being consumed, authorities said.

Word of the search for Couch has reignited controversy over the case, which drew widespread attention after a psychologist testified that Couch, who was 16 at the time, suffered from "affluenza," describing him as a rich kid whose parents didn't set limits for him.

Now ducking his P.O. automatically puts him in the lockup.

The charges of ducking the law and breaking the in-house time out could be severe. The charges could put him in the iron college for 25 years. Only in Texas justice, Couch could face LIFE in the iron college based on the media attention to his case.

Couch is innocent until proven guilty.

Friday, December 25, 2015

The School To Prison Pipeline!

A documentary about the school to prison pipeline.

Al-Jazeera English released on YouTube a video that you might take some interest in.

The video talks about the school to prison pipeline. It talks about young teens getting into trouble during their peak of puberty. They send teens to the iron college if they become perennial interns.

Many urban schools are now taking a zero tolerance on misbehavior.

Fault Lines documents Houston Independent School and the strict Texas laws in which even minor offenses for truancy could land a student into prison.

We must end the school to prison pipeline.

The Christmas holiday has been relatively light on stories. The political season takes a break for the most part. The agitators in the junk food media are off. So there's nothing much for them to agitate the public about.

The candidates are celebrating with their families.

We take the time to send our condolences to the victims of yesterday's tornadoes in the Mississippi delta. People in Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and Tennessee faced some dangerous storms.

President Barack Obama declared a national emergency in the areas.

Some powerful EF4-EF5 tornadoes managed to plow communities.

The city of Memphis has one of the largest FedEx terminals. The shipping company faced a huge setback because of the weather. They are trying to finish up Christmas deliveries.

Once again, we wish you a wonderful Christmas.

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Affluenza Teen Might Face A Court Hearing!

Spoiled brat caught on tape playing beer pong when he was supposed to be serving his probation sentence.

He managed to use his family's connections to get him house arrest. Ethan Couch was convicted of vehicular homicide. He was sentenced to ten years of in-house with the conditions to avoid alcohol, drugs and criminal behavior. Couch's reckless actions resulted in the death of four innocent motorists.

The lawyers had argued that Couch was unable to understand the consequences of his actions because of his financial privilege. The defendant had been witnessed on surveillance video stealing beer from a store, driving with seven passengers in a Ford F-350 stolen from his father, speeding (70 miles per hour (110 km/h) in a 40 miles per hour (64 km/h) zone). Couch was also driving drunk and while under sedation with Valium; he had a blood alcohol content of .24%, three times the legal limit for an adult in Texas.

Eric Boyles, whose wife and daughter were killed in the crash, said, "Had he not had money to have the defense there, to also have the experts testify, and also offer to pay for the treatment, I think the results would have been different."

While many Black or Hispanic motorists are often subjected to time in the iron college, Couch had managed to sway  the court with this pathetic excuse. He was suffering from affluenza. This disorder is supposedly caused by having too much affluence in the community where in the mindset, you're immune from knowing right from wrong.

Someone recorded Couch and a couple of his friends playing beer pong. One of the players would crash land on the table while he stands there cheering him on.

When the person posted it on social media, it managed to grab junk food media attention.

The user posted a video along with a caption stating that Ethan Couch was in violation of his probation. The video is of several teens throwing a party, one of which appears to be Ethan Couch.

This would be in direct violation of his 10 year probation if any alcohol consumption was involved. Consequences may include a re-sentencing which could mean up to 10 years in jail according to the Tarrant County District Office.

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Feds Bring Down The "Pretty Face" Drug Lord!

The junk food media labels this drug lord the "most adorable" criminal ever to be arrested.

Me and S. Baldwin must have missed this one. But I will certainly address this turkey.

The daughter of a DEA agent is facing some federal charges for trafficking narcotics. She is a 19 year old woman who decided that "dope game" is the quickest way to make the $$$$$.

Sarah Furay is attracting junk food media attention. She was arrested after the law found cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy and methamphetamine in her apartment.

The Daily Mail reports that Furay faces felony charges for the manufacture and delivery of a controlled substance and drug possession is also facing the wrath of her father Bill Furay, a supervising agent for the DEA's office in Beaumont, Texas.

He is currently serving as the DEA’s diplomatic attaché at the U.S. Ambassador’s office in Panama City, Panama, and was previously Resident Agent in Charge at the DEA office in Galveston, Texas.

Furay has been with the agency since 2008.

Furay’s mother, Shawn Creswell, is principal of Coulson Tough Elementary School in the Woodlands, Texas. She has been a school educator for 20 years, the past 15 of which have been served in greater Houston’s Conroe Independent School District.

Furay was busted in College Station, Texas and is being held on a $40,000 "get out free card".

She is innocent until proven guilty. She faces three felonies. Each charge could put Furay in the iron college for LIFE especially if the federal charges continue to stick.

Many in the junk food media see a privileged daughter getting off. She is the daughter of a no-nonsense agent who has no compassion for dope boys. Her mother is an educator who deals with troubled children.

In a world where most in the junk food media assume that Blacks, Hispanics, and Mexican drug cartels being involved in the dope game, they often ignore the obvious. They ignore the fact that White people are the biggest drug pushers in the world.

What pisses me off is the fact the junk food media looks at this criminal as "adorable".

There's nothing adorable about her.

This is a disgrace. This woman is peddling dope in the streets. This woman isn't showing an ounce of remorse for her actions. Matter of fact, the woman was happy in her mugshot.

Death and Taxes made it clear that this bit of hypocrisy is the reason to why #BlackLivesMatter exists.

The magazine made light of the situation in their posting. They realized the story attracted a bit of backlash and cries of racial bias. They quickly apologized.

The Black Lives Matter movement, among other criminal justice activists, called out the hypocrisy of the media's lighthearted approach to Furay's arrest. And for good reason.


As mentioned in our letter of apology for our flippant coverage of Furay’s arrest, you don't see 19-year-old men and women of color described in reports as "cute" or "adorable." For that matter, you don't see them smiling in mugshots. One needn’t wonder why. The criminal justice system and mainstream media are fixed in favor of profiles such as that of a lily-white, college-age girl — and particularly Furay.

LovelyTI tears right into the junk food media.

Someone unearthed her social media.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Texas Lawman Necks And Kneed Teen!

Lawman puts his hands on the neck of a teen and it was filmed. This went viral. The police are doing damage control.

In the Austin suburb of Round Rock, there's a video circulating over the weekend. A Round Rock lawman was filmed grabbing a Black teen by the neck and slamming him to the ground.

There was a fight at a high school in the Round Rock Independent School District and the officers were dispersing the crowd after a fight in the school cafeteria.

The incident happened at the Round Rock High School. According to the law, school resource officers were called to the cafeteria to break up a fight between two students.

One of the students was watching the fight from the sidelines. The law claimed that had to restrain the student known as Gyasi Hughes was getting mouthy with them.
This incident was uncalled for. The officer should of handled the situation differently. This is Gyasi and his father Kashka Hughes. They talk to the junk food media about the incident.
During the conversation with the lawman revealed to be Rigo Valles, Gyasi bumped his hand.

Valles grabs the teen by the neck and then tosses him to the ground. The video was recorded by cellphone and the students shared it with the junk food media.

Gyasi was heard in the video telling the law to "leave him alone". He told the junk food media he didn't engage in the fight, he was extremely upset over this.

The parents were pissed. Kashka Hughes said that he plans on filing a complaint with the Round Rock Police. He demands the lawman be stripped of his badge for this event.

Gyasi wasn't involved in the fight but he was suspended for the confrontation with the law. The family may file a lawsuit against the school as well.

This case is under review.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Law Bucked Yvette Smith And They Tried To Buried Her In The Dirt!

Yvette (right) and her twin sister. Yvette Smith was killed by the law in a "NO KNOCK". The Texas Rangers found that the deputy who pulled the trigger will face murder charges for the reckless call. His superiors and even  the Bastrop County sheriff could face a cannon firing for initiating a "cover up ".

The racist right hates the Black Lives Matter with a passion. They seem to have this notion to believe that social media activists Bree Newsome, DeRay McKesson and Jeffrey Shaun King are agitating anti-cop rhetoric. Whenever they hit the internet with stories the junk food media sweeps under the table, its their mission to bring it to light.

If it wasn't for #BlackLivesMatter, the story of a Texas woman would be buried in the back like countless other stories.

How many people died in police custody?

Take your time and think to yourself how many?

If you pick a ballpark number of 500 or more, then you may be correct. There were countless incidents in which an unarmed suspect was killed while in police custody. Some events are sparked by minor events such as traffic violations. Many people have often times been pulled over by the law.

You heard about the Charlotte officer getting off the death of Jonathon Ferrell? Well a month back, Randell "Wes" Kerrick was spared time in the iron college because the jury deadlocked on whether the officer's use of deadly force was justified. The North Carolina state prosecutor decided to not go any further. The U.S. Justice Department hasn't ruled out any indictment. The junk food media didn't talk too much about this. This happened to slip under the radar.

Like so many other events in which an unarmed person of color is killed by law enforcement, the junk food media isn't interested in it. It has to be like a hot potato. That potato has to have a movie theme to it. Like the Michael Brown shooting and Freddie Gray incident, these events had all the groundwork for a ratings goldmine.
The law comes to the door.

It has to be the necessary means for attention grabbing.

Some including myself question the validity of a pull over. In the rust belt city of Dayton, I too was a victim of profiling. The Dayton Police, Kettering Police, the Montgomery County Ohio sheriff and Beavercreek Police have profiled me in the past ten years. The most recent were the Dayton Police and Montgomery County sheriff.

I admit I am not perfect. I have friends who aren't perfect. Hell some of the people I've associated with have some run ins with the law. I have never been charged with any felonies or misdemeanors.

I've had a handful of traffic citations but I often would fight that in the court. Sometimes I win. Sometimes I lose.

Often times, I do question to why some officers would issue citations for license plate lights. Yeah, they do issue citations for that. But what really gets me is the fact that they can see over 1,000 feet from the moment you've looked at them heading in the opposite direction. All of sudden, when they flip a circle around and put on their emergency lights for pull over, you're wondering what you've done wrong to end up in a situation like this.

Well, the officer can LIE to justify a pull over. The officer can LIE to issue a citation for any traffic offense. The officer can LIE when there is a need to arrest you for any reason the officer deems an act of resisting arrest or disorderly conduct. The officer can LIE when using a baton or a Taser. The officer can LIE when using physical or deadly force. That means the officer can use the fist or the service weapon.

Each of these events could cause serious harm to either you or the officer.

But say if you're unarmed and you didn't engage contact with an officer, what will happen?

Well like in most cases, the officer can say that you resisted arrest or acted in a nature that required use of force. The use of deadly force comes when the officer feels the threat is a danger to the life.

Many times, restraint isn't enough. They would call for backup or even goes as far to use deadly force. Deadly force is the last resort to a situation. Often times, the officer is trained to avoid deadly force.

If the officer uses deadly force, it takes a while to release the name. Based on the social media reaction to the death brought by #BlackLivesMatter, the activists want answers. They want to know the name, the history, the performance under pressure and why the officer chose deadly force. They want to know why the name of the suspect given to the junk food media faster than the officer. They feel that the junk food media is so quick to bring up the suspect's past history to justify the killing.

Agitators in the media (i.e. Sean Hannity, Al Sharpton and Matt Drudge) often get involved by spinning the story into sensationalism. The right often sides with the law especially when it comes to the deaths of unarmed suspects of color. The left often sides with the family of the victims. They believe that the unarmed suspect could have been restrained through other methods.

Each of them often blame someone other than the shooter.  What creates the blame game is an event where someone dies of an incident and the junk food media often reacts to it when its a person of color who committed the criminal act. Say in the case of news reporters Alison Parker and Adam Ward. They were gunned down by a sadistic man who complained about being a victim of anti-Black behavior in the newsroom. The terrorist would end up killing them before killing himself. In his killer manifesto, he said that he believed that the media's blame on Black people sparked his rage. In the minds of the right, he's automatically a Black Lives Matter supporter. The same could go for the Charleston shooter. That terrorist killed nine innocent Black worshipers. The left would automatically assume he's a supporter of the Tea Party and listener of the AM agitators. Neither faulting the shooter for their motives.
The sheriff may have a federal probe into his department. Bastrop Sheriff Terry Pickering and his staff engaged in a cover up.

The junk food media is often handed the law's account of what happened. The junk food media usually runs with it. The Black Lives Matter activists often see the press release as a buffer for an unjustified killing. They often would pick and choose which event happened. Say if the suspect was shot in the back. The suspect had a gram of crack in his back pocket! BAM, there's your reason to say it was justified. A nickel bag in his pocket proved that he was a no good thug. Yet, he had no gun. He may have ran away and he was probably trying to resisted an order to stop.

Whenever an officer uses the service weapon in a justified killing, the officer is place on administrative leave pending a potential grand jury hearing on whether the act was deem within limits of the law.
Yvette was a mother of two children. She was a victim of a reckless call by the law.

The officer would get help from the police union, the attorney and the prosecutor. The grand jury is often a group of individuals who may decide on evidence gathered to whether the officer is liable for the death.

If the evidence is proven that the officer did use deadly force but in a reckless way, he would be indicted on a CLASS 0 FELONY. If the evidence says otherwise, he may be back on the streets within two weeks.

If the family sues the police department, the city has to shelve out $$$$$$$$$ to hush up the family if they decide to become activists in the wake of another event in which an officer kills an unarmed suspect.

I am just telling my honest opinion of it. You don't have to agree to it!

Now, this issue happened in Texas. No surprise here!

This state is conducting an investigation into the death of Yvette Smith, a mother from suburban Austin resulted in the trial of an officer. The officer is being held on a murder charge. According to the officers, there were reports of gunfire coming from her home. They would race up to the door and pound on it. After Yvette opened the door, the law let her have it.
Shaun King and DeRay McKesson are social activists. Conservatives hate them with a passion.

Yvette called 911 to report a disturbance between family members over a debt. She wanted the law to escort the two out of her home. The officer who killed Yvette is Deputy Daniel Willis of the Bastrop County sheriff.

He was indicted and facing the music.

Shaun White pens a post on The Daily Kos about the trial. It took 18 months for this to get national attention. What got Shuan's attention was the blatant lies of  the deputies involved and their boss, Sheriff Terry Pickering. At the time of the shooting, the officer said that Yvette instigated the event.

The document that the sheriff released to the press.

According to the sheriff, his deputies used deadly force for refused command. They said that Yvette refused order and the deputy used deadly force. Well it turns out that the deputy lied and the sheriff and his staff tried to bury this in the dirt. See if this was given to the junk food media and that annoying conservative agitator Hannity picked up on it, he would literally spin it to favor the law.

County mugshot of Daniel Willis, ex-deputy.

Hannity would run this story like a "charging football player".

Deputy Scott Gaskamp backed up Willis story by saying that he seen what happened in his report.

Gaskamp changed tune when his recording device captured his deliberate attempt to take heat off his fellow deputy. He's in the freezer pending a cannon firing.

Two others were given downgrades after fudging the story.

Lt. Joey Dzienowski was downgraded to patrol duty and given a 240-hour freezer burn, and Sgt. David Repka was downgraded to patrol duty and given a 32-hour freezer burn.

What really happened was a deputy ran up on the door with AR-15 drawn. He was spooked by the sound of a door and opened fire on Yvette. He didn't give any acknowledgement of arrival. Willis did an unprecedented "NO KNOCK".

Willis who worked for previously Travis County was cannon fired for failing to meet requirements as an officer.  He was told to get better positioned with his duties before ever hitting a beat.

Willis is innocent until proven guilty. He will face LIFE in the iron college if he is found guilty.

Yvette was a single mother who leaves behind two children. The state of Texas issued a settlement for the family of Yvette. $$$$$$$$ won't bring her back. No amount of money will ever bring the lives of many killed by gun violence. It's just a Band-Aid to a long standing wound.

The saying, you can't use a Band-Aid for a gunshot wound. GUN CRIME is the most serious issue facing Americans. Our inept leaders in Washington fail to do something about it. They keep telling you this "concern troll" crap about good guys with guns. They often say that any law won't stop criminals anyway. The deflect and distract until the next mass shooting occurs.

World News Today send our condolences to Yvette Smith and every victim of gun crimes.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Concern Trolls React To Sandra Bland's Death!

The trolls are out!

First things first these were the victims of tragedies.

Bobbi Kristina Brown, Kate Steinle, Jillian Johnson, Mayci Breaux, Rexdale Henry, Kindra Chapman, Samuel Debose, Carson Holmquist, Thomas Sullivan, Squire "Skip" Wells, David Wyatt, Randall Smith and Dontae Martin.

May you all rest in peace. World News Today send our condolences.

Here we go again. World News Today have covered an influx of violence in the United States.

And yet, our concern trolls make the case to assume guilt before innocence.

A concern troll is a person who participates in a debate posing as an actual or potential ally who simply has some concerns they need answered before they will ally themselves with a cause. In reality they are a critic.

In the case of the Louisiana terrorist who lit up a movie theater, the concern trolls say now it's not the time to act on gun control. The terrorist has mental issues. The terrorist didn't hit the radars of the Homeland Security.

In the case of Sandra Bland who was arrested she questioned the officer orders.

Anonymous said...
.....another n166er who chose not to comply with a police officer's demands? Another criminal mind n166er is taken off the streets , good riddance! riots at 11.....

This is what we're dealing with in America.

The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter meant something. It's the reaction towards the junk food media portrayal of Black people. The Black Lives Matter movement also speaks out and organizes against police brutality against African-Americans in the United States.
Republican judge from Waller County post on social media that the victim caused her own arrest and later death.
It was met with White resentment and the counter troll responses #GoHomeDeRay #AllLivesMatter, #BlueLivesMatter, etc.

The agitators went into their usual blame the victim nonsense.

First things first, a Waller County judge went to social media to say that Bland had large amounts of THC in her system. They are saying that she was under the influence of marijuana. Trey Duhon, a Republican (no surprise) judge was the one who put that out there. People fired back asking why the fuck you got to bring up this shit. He said "well it may have" contributed to her arrest and later her death. Duhon eventually deleted the posting and clammed up.

The network that inspires right wing terrorism is now talking about it. Obviously, we know how they feel about this situation. Sandra Bland was guilty and Obama should not speak on it.

Megyn The Outrage Princess hosted the one Black commentator who happens to be a lawman himself. The controversial Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke is back once again bitching about how Black America should respect the law and she did it to herself.

Ann Coulter called her a druggie scofflaw.

Bill Cunningham said that Sandra caused her own death by not listening to the order and getting mouthy with the law.

This just a portion of the racist reactions to the death of Sandra Bland.

Is it fair to say that for every Black person to die in police custody, the conservatives will find some reason to justify the law's side?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Texas State Patrol Puts Even More Ice On Lawman Who Busted Sandra Bland!

The officer got benched after he lied about the arrest of Sandra Bland.

The video is long and it describes the encounter. The Texas State Department of Public Safety release the video. I want to warn you that it's explicit language. They pulled the video after it was revealed that a portion of the dash camera video showed edited features.

The Texas state patrol officer name is out there and he's being benched after he acted inappropriately towards Sandra Bland. Now the officer is now getting death threats and condemnation from the Texas state lawmakers.

In the video, it was a routine pull over. The officer gave a drive a pull over for speeding. He let the driver off with a warning. He was in his police vehicle when he observed Sandra Bland driving.

Texas State Highway Patrol officer Brian Encinia observed Bland turning from the college parking lot without proper signal. It was a rolling stop which is clearly a violation of motorist law. Okay, that's when he circled around an proceeded to pull her over.

He pulls her over. Encinia details why he pulls her over. She complies and gets her license and registration ready for the officer. As Encinia proceeds to his police vehicle he runs the plates and writes out his warning.

She was clearly upset over the pull over. Sandra told the officer that she gave him room to pass. She lights a square up and Encinia tells her to put it out. The Washington Post then notes the confrontation.

“Would you mind putting out your cigarette, please?” Encinia said.

“I’m in my car, why do I have to put out my cigarette?” Bland answered.

“Well, you can step on out now,” Encinia said.

Bland refused, saying she did not have to step out of the car.

Encinia opened the driver’s door and attempted to physically remove Bland from the vehicle.

“I’m going to yank you out of here,” Encinia said as the two struggled in the car. “I’m going to drag you out of here.”

“Don’t touch me, I’m not under arrest,” Bland said.

“I will light you up!” Encinia said, while pointing the Taser at Bland.

At a press conference on Tuesday, State Senator Royce West said that after viewing the video, he could confirm that Bland was threatened with a Taser by the officer.
Texas lawmakers call for an investigation.
Details of the confrontation were not included in the arrest warrant written by Encinia, which officials also released Tuesday.

The arrest warrant detailed state trooper Brian Encinia’s version of events. The warrant does not mention the Taser, nor does it elaborate on why Encinia ordered Bland out of the vehicle.

During the incident, Bland repeatedly asks why she is being arrested. The remainder of the confrontation occurs outside of the view of the camera, but the audio captured what appeared to be a struggle.

Bland is heard saying that the officer “just slammed my head to the ground.”

Later, when a female officer arrives at the scene, Encinia tells her that Bland “started yanking away, then kicked me, so I took her straight to the ground.”

In his arrest warrant, Encinia wrote that Bland — a 28-year old African American woman — was pulled over for failing to signal a lane change and he “had Bland exit the vehicle to further conduct a safe traffic investigation.”

According to Encinia, “Bland became combative and uncooperative.”

“Numerous commands were given to Bland ordering her to exit the vehicle,” Encinia wrote. “Bland was removed from the car but became more combative.”

Brian Encinia was benched.
He added that Bland was handcuffed “for officer safety” but she “began swinging her elbows at me and then kicked my right leg in the shin.” Encinia said he suffered from pain in his right leg and had small cuts on his right hand.

“Force was used to subdue Bland to the ground to which Bland continued to fight back,” he added.

Bland was charged with assault on a public servant then booked in the Waller County Jail, where she later died.

“There are questions that need to be answered as it relates to the arrest,” noted West, who added that what transpired in the arrest would be part of the ongoing investigation.

Asked whether Bland deserved any blame for the events that led to her arrest and death, West replied: “No.”

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick cautioned that everyone should wait for the facts of the case to unfold before making a determination about blame.

“There’s a rush to judgment too often in America,” Patrick said at the press conference on Tuesday. “But here in Texas, I can tell you that we believe in total transparency and we will find the truth wherever that leads.”

“If indeed she took her own life, that is a question that has to be asked,” he added.

Encinia, who has been a state trooper for about a year, was placed on administrative duty on Friday pending the outcome of the investigation, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety, which said that the officer violated the agency’s procedures during the traffic stop.

“Regardless of the situation, the DPS state trooper has an obligation to exhibit professionalism and be courteous,” said DPS Director Steve McCraw. “That did not happen in this situation.”

The Waller County lockup is under investigation. The law stated that at 6:30 a.m. on July 13, Bland refused breakfast, and a half hour later, around 7:00 a.m., told a jailer "I'm fine."

According to Captain Brian Cantrell, about an hour after stating that she was fine, Bland asked via intercom how to make a phone call. Cantrell stated that Bland was informed she could use her prison cell's phone with a pin, but stated there was no record Bland then made any call.

Police stated that at 9:00 a.m., Bland was found "in a semi-standing position" hanged in her cell.

The next day, shortly after noon, Police issued a statement that Bland had been found dead in her cell, and that they believed she had hanged herself. An autopsy conducted by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences concluded that Bland died through asphyxiation, classified her death as a suicide. Police stated that Bland had used a plastic garbage bag to hang herself.

On July 20, one week after Bland's death, Texas police released video from a motion-activated camera in the hallway outside Bland's cell.

The video has no recording from 7:34 to 9:07 a.m., but shows Bland's discovery by a jailer after that time.

Still a whole lot of unanswered questions into this!

Me and S. Baldwin are following this controversy. The tag added is Sandra Bland.


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