Education chief got blocked at the door. Betsy DeVos got a shout down by protesters.
The Department of Education secretary Betsy DeVos was blocked from entering a public school in Washington, DC. A small group of protesters got in her face and gave her a shout down.
DeVos who was confirmed on a 50-50 vote with vice fuhrer Mike Pence giving the tie-breaker vote.
DeVos, a wealthy Republican contributor to campaigns is accused of buying her way into the government. Her husband is the former CEO and current emiris of Amway.
Amway is a company known for entrapping people in a pyramid scheme. It's based in Grand Rapids.
Teacher unions and public school advocates believe that DeVos could take funding from schools and place it into "religious" based education facilities.
Her nomination and confirmation sparked fury among progressives and some conservatives. Some conservatives such as the turd flipper Michelle Malkin call the decision to nominate her a perfect example of Trump failing his promise to "drain the swamp."
DeVos was ridiculed for recently saying that guns in schools might be necessary to ward off grizzly bear attacks. Critics believe that she is freaking clueless when it comes to public schools. Her own children do not attend public school.
She shrugged off the protesters and eventually went into the building a few minutes later.
"I respect peaceful protest, and I will not be deterred in executing the vital mission of the Department of Education," said DeVos. "No school door in America will be blocked from those seeking to help our nation's school children."
The Queen Of Soul who gave influence to many of pop music's greatest acts is retiring after her final album is released. Aretha Franklin on a local Detroit television station said that once her album comes out, she will do a final tour to promote it. After that, she will hang up the microphone for good.
Aretha Franklin had been in the business for years. The 74 year old legendary singer said that she wants to spend more time with her grandchildren.
"This will be my last year. I will be recording, but this will be my last year in concert," she told the station. "This is it."
She said that her longtime friend and producer Stevie Wonder is contributing to the album.
Since the age of 19, Aretha had performed shows and released 41 studio albums, 6 live albums, and has numerous hits.
She was born in Memphis as Aretha Louise Franklin. Her father was a local preacher and her mother is a piano player. According to the stories, Aretha was abandoned by her mother and her dad was charging his player's card.
Her mother passed away. It inspired her to sing. She started signing solos at the church and people were noticing. Her dad decided to get into show business.
Six decades in the music business. The music veteran became the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
"I feel, very, very enriched and satisfied with respect to where my career came from, and where it is now....but I'm not going to go anywhere and just sit down and do nothing. That wouldn't be good, either," she added. leaving the door to a limited schedule.
It was reported that Aretha Franklin declined an offer to perform at the inauguration of fuhrer Donald J. Trump.
The Detroit born singer said on social media, it's a wrap.
Anita Baker, the famed R&B, jazz singer announced on Twitter that she is retiring from the music business. Her label Blue Note was completely unaware that she was not giving them the best she got.
It all went down last week when she posted a cryptic message to her fans.
I remember that she had an album that was supposed to be released some years back, but it was scrapped.
She is a four time platinum selling artist. She won eight Grammy's for her albums.
I wonder if the fuhrer Donald J. Trump's victory caused her to retire. Obviously, many entertainers are not keen on the pussy grabber winning the election.
Anita Baker, you're our angel. We hope the best for you. And retirement isn't going away! It's kind of taking a break from the hustle and bustle of the music industry.
The city of Belding is looking for a new firefighter.
Now in the fuhrer's America, a White firefighter can get into an ALL CAPS rage over Black Lives Matter and NFL's Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem. Now he learns that he's out of a job and the junk food media will take out the trash.
Someone had to put this dumpster fire named Ryan Hudson out. He was fired out the cannon after he posted racist comments on social media. He is a former U.S. Marine turned firefighter for the city of Belding, Michigan.
Belding is 30 miles from Grand Rapids.
He got into a heated conversation with a black woman named Tarvenia. She is from California and she was none too happy to read the word vomit from this dumbass.
The New York Daily News report that a posting about Donald J. Trump going after Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) prompt Tarvenia to comment that her brother was also a veteran and her support for San Francisco 49ers' Kaepernick when he kneeled during the anthem to protest police brutality.
"Your brother can pack up and leave this country. I don't care if he is a vet or not. I am a vet and what [Kaepernick] is try to represent is wrong," said Hudson.
California woman let Belding know that a member of the team has racial hatred towards Blacks.
Tarvenia said, why should my brother leave the country. What set this asshole off was a mention of Black Lives Matter, the group who protests against racial injustice.
"Fuck Black Lives Matter. You are the epitome of a NIGGER. All lives matter. And if you think it's just Black lives, kiss my ass bitch and go back to the fields that use in the north fought to free you from," said Hudson.
When she posted that on HelloRacist, it went viral. Now Belding's fire chief Greg Moore had to place Hudson in the water cannon and fire his ass across the street.
Troll picked a fight with the wrong woman.
"Yes we do have free speech in this country, but free speech does not mean you're safe from the consequences of your free speech and your decisions," the woman told WXMI-TV. "We don't just get to spout off at the mouth and spew hatred and ignorance."
Hudson claimed he was drunk at the time. Yeah, right. I bet you money he trolled the social media to drop the NIGGER word around Black commentators.
His non-sincere apology.
"It's very out of character for me," said Hudson. "I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart because it doesn't reflect everybody."
He's sorry only for the fact he got caught.
Hudson didn't check out those websites called and .
I blame fuhrer in waiting Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence and Rick Snyder for the actions of this asshole and those who troll social media. These people in the public sector are showing their true colors when it comes to the lives of all Americans.
Tony The Tiger is the iconic Kellogg's spokesperson. Breitbart is bitching about Kellogg's pulling its sponsorship.
Something to keep in mind.
What's trending online is #DumpKelloggs on Twitter.
Conservative outrage over Kellogg's (and its subsidiaries Carr's, Kashi, MorningStar, Sunshine and Keebler) are pulling advertising from the far-right Breitbart News. The site is accused of pandering in White extremism and fake news.
Now the website mounts an attack on Kellogg's and other companies that severed ties with the site.
And now people are "boycotting" Kellogg's by not purchasing the brands. Of course some are going to the extreme by pouring it into the trash and down their toilet bowl.
Mind you these are the very same people who say that "you're not a patriot" if you stand on the American flag. These are the same people who want to boycott Colin Kaepernick and the San Francisco 49ers because he refuses to stand for the national anthem. These are the same people who believe that a victim of police brutality deserved it because he had a criminal history.
See it's the ongoing divide we're going to be facing when the dictator comes to power.
This is the formula of Breitbart. They rally their White extremists friends to go after an entity that they proceed as liberal. Kellogg's isn't supportive of extremism and they along with others pulled advertising from
Cereal killer.
White extremist Stephen Bannon will be in the White House with his boss, the billionaire/racist/sexist/pussy grabbing/reality television star. That asshole will by your next President of the United States. He and his Christian extremist partner will take the helm in January.
Bannon, the former CEO of the Breitbart Media is a panderer of extremism. He will be the asshole's chief of staff.
Bannon and his minions are celebrating in victory over the Democrats. They promise more to come in the era of Donald J. Trump.
Now as Trump is gathering his posse together, the junk food media is watching his every move. They making sure he can keep his promises since winning the election. The agitators are carefully watching the asshole and hoping he slips up. Being the new guy will be good for the first few months.
White extremists are livid over Kellogg's cereal pulling ads from far right blog.
Once you slip up, it's going to be nonstop coverage.
While we're ahead, I might as well get this out the way.
Progressives are plotting revenge on Republicans. After the treatment of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton by the right, the left is now going to make noise against Trump.
Progressives are putting pressure on Republicans and their conservative allies. They are mounting offensives against talk radio,Republican lawmakers, conservative blogs, CNN and Fox News. They are calling for economic boycotts against these groups. Conservatives are countering with boycotts of groups that attack Breitbart and InfoWars.
When I tuned into SiriusXM's The Groove, one familiar voice was often a fixture on the 24/7 classic R&B and Funk station. It was Colonel Abrams. Tonight we learned that he passed away at the age of 67.
We'll do a Late Thread in honor of Colonel Abrams. says that it was nearly a year ago that they reported that Abrams was suffering badly from diabetes and was financially strapped by the illness.
The Detroit-born, Manhattan raised singer began playing both piano and guitar while still quite young. By the mid 1970s he became part of the band Heavy Impact. But it was nearly a decade later that Abrams really made a name for himself with the big hit “Music Is the Answer.” It began a string of dance hits that capitalized on the electronic sounds that were popular in the mid 80s, and included “The Truth,” “Over and Over,” “I’m Not Gonna Let You,” and his biggest song, the dancelicious international hit, “Trapped.”
Soul Tracks Also writes that Abrams continued to chart on the Dance and R&B charts into the mid-90s, and performed around the world into the new century. He also formed his own Colonel Records and released music sporadically through the early part of this decade.
Unfortunately and tragically, by December of 2015, Abrams was quite ill and homeless, and his friends began a crowdfunding campaign to help him pay for his medical treatments.
Local news agitator is doing damage control after one of their reporters was caught on hot mic saying to a cameraman that she was tired of covering stories of "NIGGERS killing each other".
WDIV had to fire out the cannon Lauren Podell after it was revealed that six months ago she was making racial comments towards a co-worker. It's got the whole city of Detroit abuzz.
Podell who worked for the NBC affiliate for some time was forced out because she caused a great deal of controversy to the viewers and victims of gun violence.
WDIV issued a statement condemning the reporter and urges the public to not look at the station as a provocateur of hate.
Now facing death threats, Podell released a statement saying that she's sorry that she put the station through an ordeal.
"During my time at WDIV I have created many friendships that I will continue to cherish."
Kenneth J. Kleszcz from Livonia, Michigan works for the Canton Township Police. On a livestream he called Black protesters monkeys. His comments may have him looking for another job.
Canton Township Police had to ice an officer after he was caught posting on social media a racist comment towards a BlackLivesMatter protest against the controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/reality television star. He shared his not so kind words towards the protesters. He said something that most White extremists say about Black people protesting injustice.
Kenneth Kleszcz, was iced after his superiors were made aware of the allegations. They launched an internal investigation and concluded that this dick really was the one who said "GO HOME MONKEYS".
Canton Township has an increasingly diverse population, with growing numbers of African Americans and Asian Americans. More than 10% of the township is African American, according to 2010 Census figures.
The suspended officer is a one-year veteran of the department, said Canton Police. He will be suspended pending completion of the investigation. Canton Police did not say if he will continue to get paid during his suspension.
In a statement, Canton Police said: "The Canton Public Safety Department holds its employees to the highest of standards and this type of behavior is not representative of the beliefs or core values of this organization."
A livestream event happened in Baltimore, a majority Black city. This asshole went onto comment about it unaware that people will screenshot the comment, go to his social media page, find out where he works and have his ass fired for it.
Prepare the cannon, we're about to fire this asshole out of it.
Throwback of the night. It's a song from then Motown act Horace Brown.
The song "One for the Money". His hit from the mid-90s.
When you're down, get yourself up! Don't let this controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/reality television star winning the election bring you down. Let your anger turn into activism. I mean let it be known that you're American and you want your country back!
You don't tolerate racism, bigotry and hate.
Now Republicans will experience the wrath of progressives and Democrats who are fucking tired of obstruction towards President Barack Obama.
I warn the Democrats. Don't go soft on the incoming president. Treat him and his family like they've did the Obamas.
Find out where Republicans are holding town halls. Make sure you get your facts together and then shout them down like the Tea Party did to the Democrats.
Make your voice great again. Get out there and protest the Republicans and their standard-bearer.
"One for the Money. Two for the show. Three to get ready! Here we go!"
Traverse City Police had to put Michael Peters in the cannon and fire his pasty ass out after he was caught on camera taunting protesters. He was in his big pickup truck and he was flying the flag of the losing side of the Civil War.
The 18-year veteran was caught driving his Dodge Ram at a Black Lives Matter rally. In the wake of the controversial billionaire/racist/sexist/reality television star's surprise election win, White folks are now freely expressing the things they've normally said in the comfort of their homes.
Well the police force wasn't thrilled about his counter-protest. They forced him to out by saying he resigned from the force.
Traverse City manage Marty Colburn says that Peters apologized to the community "for the stain he put on the city" and the city's police department. Colburn thinks that Peters is sincere.
No it's because he got death threats from people. That's why he was forced to apologize for his behavior. He didn't all of sudden say, "damn I didn't mean to be a racist. I was just kidding."
Peters was also caught on camera drinking a beer while parked in a no parking zone. Yet, he got time in the time in the freezer with pocket change.
Marshall Collins, a protester at the rally said that his actions reflect a bias in how he conducts police and civilian encounters. His actions while on the beat were probably singling out Black and Hispanic residents of Traverse City.
"He is a role model and that's what he should be displaying here," said Collins.
"My confrontation was why you would bring that here, knowing what that stands for. Why would you bring that here? The fear that flag instills in me, the fear that flag has put in me and other people like me, why would you choose to display that?"
Collins then went on to say: "To see him, knowing that he's a cop, knowing that he's out there to protect and serve, knowing that I have to look over my back for someone like that in our community and our department, it scares me and it scares my family."
White folks are now openly attacking Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, immigrants, women, those in the LGBT community and progressives protesting the election.
Donald Trump defied the odds and beat Hillary Clinton.
The people have spoken. It seems like it's going to be Donald Trump as our 45th President of the United States. It's going to be a memorable moment in history. A candidate with no political experience is going to be our president. He is the country's most divisive [person] to be the president.
When the chips were down, Donald Trump got back up and took advantage of the Rust Belt.
Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and New Hampshire has spoken.
The opportunity for the first woman president is not going to happen. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are the president-elect and vice-president elect.
Congratulations to the Republicans on a great victory.
John Felton (right) in 2015. He exposed a dirty tactic that Dayton Police use for unjustified pulls overs.
Last year the city of Dayton, Ohio had to formally apologize to a Detroit area motorist after he was roused by an officer.
The Dayton Police chief Richard Biehl is probably looking forward to loading this guy in the cannon and firing him out of the tent. Randy Betsinger was the guy who caused a great deal of controversy.
He pulled over John Felton in August 2015. Felton who felt that the officer intentionally profiled him whipped out his camera and filmed the pull over.
Betsinger claimed that Felton failed to signal at 100 feet. Felton called the cop out for following him and the officer got hostile and threatened a ticket upon him if he didn't shut up.
"I saw you trailing me the whole time. I did signal! You just needed a reason to pull me over!"
Felton posted the video on social media and it went viral.
What got Betsinger in trouble was the words "direct eye contact" was reason for the pullover.
Well before that encounter, Betsinger was involved in an accident in the same area. He ended up crashing his police cruiser into a mail carrier's van.
Benjamin Jones brought a personal injury lawsuit against Betsinger and the Dayton Police.
The dash camera footage shown by the junk food media shows the officer's cruiser slamming into the back of the U.S. Postal van on May 2015. That would be one of the many mistakes Betsinger created in his years as a police officer. Jones is seeking a five figure sum for pain and suffering.
Betsinger was cited for the accident. Now he may be facing a lawsuit that could fire him out the cannon. The city of Dayton public relations have no comment on the matter.
Don't expect a blowout for Clinton says Nate Silver.
Going into the last three days of the presidential election. Hillary Clinton has a 60% chance at winning the presidency. A big drop from 85%. Mainly due to James Comey's FBI memo to Republicans over them goddamn emails.
Clinton is confident. She built a good ground game with the GOTV (get out to vote).
Florida, Nevada, Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Iowa are up for grabs and the Republican nominee Donald Trump needs these states to win the White House.
Nate Silver, the genius of stats is stomped by his own calculations. is the best indicator of who's likely going to be president. Today, he's says that it's anybody's game and the Democrats are panicking.
I conclude that Donald Trump has 40% chance at winning the presidency. It's driven the narrative that Trump is anchoring the emails around Hillary Clinton's neck. Also Republicans who were on the fence are "coming home" as Mike Pence puts it.
Silver is being criticized by Huffington Post editor in chief Ryan Grim for allegedly "putting the thumb on the scales."
It sparked a brief feud between the two.
Silver is right. The Democrats should take nothing for granted. It's still toss up. Clinton doesn't need Ohio and Florida to win. She needs to hold on to states she already carrying.
So far Trump has studied the trends and his campaign felt an opportunity is ahead in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Minnesota.
Michael Moore released documentary focusing on the real reasons to why Americans support Trump.
Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore pulled an ace in the hole.
He released a movie over the week called Michael Moore in Trumpland and it's winning praise for its approach. Moore is not shy about bringing controversy to the table. He is famous for taking on the gun lobby, George W. Bush and the American health systems in many of his documentaries and movies.
He's been actively trolling against both Trump and Clinton for being the "blah and yuck" of politics.
He believes that Clinton is the only choice but has his fear that Rust Belt America would reject that for a bombastic agitator who captured the Republican nomination by just being "Joe Smole".
He believes the junk food media has the stirred the beehive. The Trump supporters aren't just wackos.
He believes that Trump's chances at winning are fair. Given the conditions of how everything is "corrupted" by the likes of a 24/7 media, he wouldn't be surprised if the big "fuck you" is a Donald Trump presidency.
Conservatives believe that Michael Moore may help Trump win.
The film's premiere, just 11 days after the film was shot, was on October 18, 2016 at the IFC Center in New York City, where tickets for the 400 seat venue were given out to the public for free. The premiere was followed by a Q&A with Moore.
General showings around the United States started October 19, with the announcement of digital downloads available in the near future. Moore had announced the event on Twitter.
The film is based on a one-person show that Moore originally wanted to perform in Midland Theatre in Newark, Ohio on October 7, but management of the Midland Theatre chose not to go forward on a rental contract.
He eventually held the show at the Murphy Theatre in Wilmington, Ohio, with the movie based on a recording of that performance over two nights in October.
Mind you that Wilmington, Ohio is the hub for ABX air freight. The city was in the news for being one of the hardest hit communities in the Cincinnati/Dayton metroplex. The DHL national hub relocated into Kentucky (via the suburbs of Cincinnati) for a smaller venue. It displaced hundreds of workers.
Dr, Tanuka Cross was told to sit down after she tried to assist an ailing airline passenger. She posted on Facebook about the experience and it went viral.
A woman who flew on Delta Airlines is none too happy about her experience.
Dr. Tamika Cross was shoved aside by Delta's flight crew after a passenger was having a medical issue.
On a trip from Detroit to Chicago, Cross had told the crew that she's a doctor, but the flight crew ignored her. They believed that she wasn't legitimate.
They told her to sit down or be restrained.
So she hits social media to let the world know how Delta employees react to professionals.
I'm sure many of my fellow young, corporate America working women of color can all understand my frustration when I say I'm sick of being disrespected.
Was on Delta flight DL945 and someone 2 rows in front of me was screaming for help. Her husband was unresponsive. I naturally jumped into Doctor mode as no one else was getting up. Unbuckle my seatbelt and throw my tray table up and as I'm about to stand up, flight attendant says "everyone stay calm, it's just a night terror, he is alright". I continue to watch the scene closely.
A couple mins later he is unresponsive again and the flight attendant yells "call overhead for a physician on board". I raised my hand to grab her attention. She said to me "oh no sweetie put ur hand down, we are looking for actual physicians or nurses or some type of medical personnel, we don't have time to talk to you" I tried to inform her that I was a physician but I was continually cut off by condescending remarks.
Then overhead they paged "any physician on board please press your button". I stare at her as I go to press my button. She said "oh wow you're an actual physician?" I reply yes. She said "let me see your credentials. What type of Doctor are you? Where do you work? Why were you in Detroit?" (Please remember this man is still in need of help and she is blocking my row from even standing up while
Bombarding me with questions).
I respond "OBGYN, work in Houston, in Detroit for a wedding, but believe it or not they DO HAVE doctors in Detroit. Now excuse me so I can help the man in need". Another "seasoned" white male approaches the row and says he is a physician as well. She says to me "thanks for your help but he can help us, and he has his credentials". (Mind you he hasn't shown anything to her. Just showed up and fit the "description of a doctor") I stay seated. Mind blown. Blood boiling. (Man is responding the his questions and is seemingly better now Thank God)
Then this heifer has the nerve to ask for my input on what to do next about 10 mins later. I tell her we need vitals and blood sugar. She comes back to report to me a BP of 80/50 (super low, to my non medical peeps) and they can't find a glucometer. We continue down that pathway of medical work up, but the point is she needed my help and I continued to help despite the choice words I had saved up for her. The patient and his wife weren't the problem, they needed help and we were mid flight.
She came and apologized to me several times and offering me skymiles. I kindly refused. This is going higher than her. I don't want skymiles in exchange for blatant discrimination. Whether this was race, age, gender discrimination, it's not right. She will not get away with this....and I will still get my skymiles....
It sparked #WhatADoctorLooksLikemovement on social media. It also sparked discussion about how Black doctors are treated in the general public.
Delta was none too happy about the situation. And of course, conservatives are trying to discredit her story by trying to claim she made it up for attention.
Delta released a statement over this.
Delta continues to investigate a story surfaced by Dr. Tamika Cross in a recent post on Facebook.
We are troubled by any accusations of discrimination and take them very seriously. The experience Dr. Cross has described is not reflective of Delta’s culture or of the values our employees live out every day. We are in the process of conducting a full investigation. We’ve reached out to Dr. Cross to speak with her directly, talked with our crew members and we’re reaching out to customers who were on board to gather as much information as we can.
While there is much we can’t share because our investigation involves confidential personnel matters, we do want to share what we can.
Three medical professionals identified themselves on the flight in question. Only one was able to produce documentation of medical training and that is the doctor who was asked to assist the customer onboard. In addition, paramedics met the flight to assist the customer further.
Flight attendants are trained to collect information from medical volunteers offering to assist with an onboard medical emergency. When an individual’s medical identification isn’t available, they’re instructed to ask questions such as where medical training was received or whether an individual has a business card or other documentation and ultimately to use their best judgment.
Delta's commitment to diversity, inclusion and respect of all of our customers worldwide is rooted deeply in our company’s values and culture. As a global carrier with a diverse workforce, serving a diverse customer base, we are committed to treating all passengers with kindness and respect.
Eminem celebrates his birthday. Rumor on the street is Slim Shady is working on a new album.
Today rapper Slim Shady celebrates his birthday. The word on the street is that Marshall Bruce Mathers III, known as Eminem is working on a new album and its coming out this year.
The album titled ROOTS is coming and I anticipate that Em will drop a bomb on 'em.
The rumors have been spreading across the internet. Em is teaming up with his longtime producer Dr. Dre to release a 12 track album with features from Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar and Skylar Gray.
The rumored album isn't leaking. Eminem signed a deal with APPLE Music and it's top secret.
Eminem is the founder of Shady Records. The label is home to Yelawolf, D12, and the Slaughterhouse.
Slaughterhouse is a rap group that features Joe Budden, Joell Ortiz, Kxng Crooked (formerly known as Crooked I) and Royce Da 5'9".
Eminem is a signed act to Aftermath Entertainment.
Republican nominee Donald Trump made an unexpected trip to Flint, Michigan.
He paid a visit to the city to tour a water treatment plant and attend a Black church.
Trump's outreach to Blacks went awry. Speaking to about 70 people, Trump starts laying into his opponent inside Bethel United Methodist Church. Trump attempted to blame his opponent for the crisis in Flint, but it was stopped at the gate.
Rev. Faith Green Timmons, pastor of the church interrupted him asked him stay focused on the progress in Flint.
"Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we've done in Flint, not to give a political speech."
"Oh, oh, oh, Ok, that's good," Trump said. "Then I'm going back to Flint."
Trump called the water crisis a "shame".
Flint's mayor Karen Weaver said that Trump's visit to the city is a photo-op and it deprives valuable time from the workers trying to fix the water systems. She is a supporter of Hillary Clinton. Weaver was in Washington, DC lobbying Congress to pass emergency funding for her city.
She hasn't forgotten the debates in which Trump and the other 16 turds failed to mention the crisis in Flint. Clinton has also face criticism from this. She only appeared in Flint during the debates and hasn't been back since. She would loss Michigan to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the Democratic primaries.
The Kellyanne Conway approach seems to be working for Trump for the time being. The Republican is catching up with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in Ohio and Florida. The Republican is trying to make outreach to the Black community. It's like the junk food media's forgotten about Trump and his acolytes.
Trump at a Flint Water Treatment Plant.
They forgot about Trump supporters punching Black protesters.
They forgot about Trump running this "law and order" nonsense with Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke.
He is retweeting from White extremists.
His allies are racial agitators like David Duke and Stephen Bannon.
His best buddies are Roger "Pervert" Ailes, Old Fart Rush Limbaugh, Roger "Shitface" Stone, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Breitbart and internet creeper Matt Drudge.
They forgotten that Trump questioned President Barack Obama's birth certificate and his religion.
I know I have not forgotten that Trump and Republicans deliberate attempts to undermine Black America.
Call this the "New Trump". Another pivot. A more discipline Trump who will say things from a teleprompter and try to actually lay out a plan to help millions of Americans he scorned during his presidential run.
Asshole rocker goes after Colin Kaepernick and his supporters.
Looks like Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers isn't alone in his protest. Many others soon followed and its getting major attention from the junk food media. Some of the conservative agitators are not pleased with Kaepernick and want him to be punished.
It's riled up Kid Rock, the former rapper turned rebel rock star. He's performing in a concert and had called out Kaepernick in three words.
"FUCK COLIN KAEPERNICK!" It was said at the Fenway Park in Boston.
Expect more of this nonsense from the guy who flies the flag of the losing side. A guy who was born Detroit back pretends to be Alabama. Kid Rock, an entertainer who supports Donald Trump and the ignorance that follows.
He was performing his song "Born Free" when he broke out of song to go after the NFL star.
While many came out in support of Kaepernick, many others were trashing on him and those who support him.
Fashion model Kate Upton slammed the NFL for allowing this to happen.
He's not stopping and it's sparked a movement.
"Sitting or kneeling down during the national anthem is a disgrace to those people who have served and currently serve our country", said Upton on social media. "Sitting down during the national anthem on September 11th is even more horrific."
Kaepernick dismisses the criticism and vows more to come.
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."
I support Colin Kaepernick and many others in refusing to stand for the national anthem.
Just yesterday, I was pulled over by the Dayton Police. They pulled me over for no reason. They claimed that I was going back and forth observing them doing their jobs. I took a couple of pictures of the police around a damaged vehicle. The officers claimed that their supervisor told them to pull me over. So I asked for his supervisor. He refused. The officers made some bullshit excuse to why I fit the description. They believed that I had something to do with someone who stole a vehicle and I could be the pickup. Again, I said that photography is not a crime and I have a right to film police officers doing their jobs. I am not a criminal and I refuse to give my information to any officer if you have no justifiable reason for the pull over. I've stop talking to them.
They threatened to arrest me for refusing to give my information to them for a pullover that wasn't a traffic violation.
Of course, after ten minutes of me and the officers escalating words, I asked if I was free to go! They didn't want to let me go, so I asked that "am I being detained!"
After another round of verbal escalating, I decided to clam up and not say another word. About that time, one of the officers ran my plates and flashed his light on me. I asked the other officer once again, am I free to go, and he said yes, and I decide to move on.
Donald Trump decides to take the advice of Kellyanne Conway in changing direction in his struggling campaign.
The Detroit Free Press reports that Trump wants to "listen to your message."
Donald Trump stuck to a prepared script during a service held at Great Faith Ministries Church in Detroit before a predominately African American congregation.
As the service began, Trump could be seen near the front of the church swaying to "What a Mighty God We Serve."
"This has been an amazing day for me," Trump said after taking the stage. He called the African American Christian community "one of God's greatest gifts to America" and said he was attending the religious service in Detroit on Saturday "to listen to your message -- and I hope my presence here today will help your message reach new voices."
The GOP presidential candidate appeared at Great Faith Ministries with former "Apprentice" contestant Omarosa Manigualt and former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, a Detroit native. Trump later paid a quick visit to Carson's childhood home on South Deacon Street in southwest Detroit.
Trump didn't sidestep the question of race in his remarks. He said presently America sidelines "young black men with tremendous potential" and said "our entire country misses out when we are unable to harness the potential and energy of these folks."
Trump confirmed that he taped a one-on-one interview Saturday morning with Bishop Wayne T. Jackson on the pastor's Impact Network, the television network Jackson founded in 2010. Trump called it an "amazing interview" and, to wild cheers from the congregation, said Jackson's interviewing skills were "better than the people who are doing that professionally, I can tell you."
Is Trump too late in winning the Black vote?
He decides to "pivot" to Black America by attending a church in Detroit. He was given a warm reception inside. Unfortunately, the outside was full of protesters and it was pretty ugly out there.
A place where 85% of its residents are Black and the general wage is under $35,000 a year. A city in Michigan with a population of 695,000. A city constantly attacked by these "hateful assholes" who claim to be patriotic. Conservatives have made Detroit a target of their ire. They claim that Democrat policies were the reasons to why the city is on the downslide. Not the fact of manufacturing leaving the city, the rampant racism from White folks, and the hateful agenda of Republican governor Rick Snyder.
A city that sits on the edge of the Detroit River. A city that borders the city of Windsor, Canada.
Detroit is one of the many major port cities that connects Canada and the United States.
A pride of the world, Detroit was once the sixth largest city, it dropped to the 17th largest city in the United States. Crime and corruption reeks in the city. The federal government when it was controlled by Republicans refused to bail out the city during its bankruptcy crisis. It took almost four years to get back into the Black (figuratively speaking).
Drake is riding high on the success of Views. The album is three times platinum and possibly one of the best selling albums of the year. He is also confirming another album release. The album The 6'ers is a collaboration with Gucci Mane. The two will release their album in September.
One feud that was allegedly brewing was the one with Eminem. That rumor was quickly put to bed.
Drake had enough of the bullshit rumors. He singled out Hot 97 and specifically Ebro and DJ Funkmaster Flex for starting rumors about a possible feud with Slim Shady.
Ebro was making claims that Eminem was cooking up a single aimed at Drake. Funk Flex tried to push the Meek Mill feud by releasing "Wanna Know". The song was released and it was panned by the hip-hop community.
It all started from a feud between Shady Records artist Joe Budden of Slaughterhouse going after Drake for having a ghostwriter. Drake tapped him in 4pm and Calabasas and No Shopping with French Montana.
Drake said that he's "not a one hit wonder, the fans know all his stuff!" That was a dig at Joe Budden's one hit wonder "Pump it Up" off his self-titled album on his old label Def Jam.
The rapper performed at Joe Louis Arena yesterday and he decided to pay homage to the Detroit legend. Guess what Drizzy done? He brought Em out to help him perform.
He said that's one of the greatest before he bowed to him. It confirms that the two aren't beefing.
Later Eminem released on his official Instagram a picture with Drake.
In other news, 50 Cent is releasing his long awaited album Street King Immortal this week. The album was supposed to be released on Shady Records and Aftermath Entertainment. It was shelved after 50 got into a heated feud with Interscope boss Jimmy Iovine.
Iovine had to fire 50 out the cannon after he threatened to leak songs without authorization.