Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) speaks to Howard University students. |
The kookspiracy comes to the historically Black college. Of course, the talk of this nut job running for president is growing and I guess he's reached out to "us Black folk" about him and his daddy's legacy of "doing nothing" but still gaining this amount of unprecedented attention.
Conservatives and the race card: It's only played when you're on the losing side of a debate.
The Republican Party are atoned to the race card. You just like to place it in Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and President Barack Obama's back pocket to say "oh it's those niggers who play the race card, not us!"
United States senator from Kentucky, the Tea Party darling, Rand Paul is the Republican Party goes Howard University to preach this crap about how Republicans brought "us Black folk" to freedom and the Democrats continue to leave "us Black folk" in the poorhouse.
The Politico reports that Senator Paul brought his outreach campaign to Howard University on Wednesday, giving skeptical students a lesson in the positive history of the Republican Party and the African-American community.
At one of the nation’s oldest black schools, Paul insisted under questioning that he “has never wavered” in his support of the 1964 Civil Rights Act — an issue that dogged his 2010 Senate campaign after he questioned the act in a
televised interview.
Paul makes the claim that the president and his Democratic allies failed the Black community.
Paul went on to then describe the GOP’s rich Civil-War era history with the emancipation of slaves, and assailed the Southern Democrats of the era for discrimination. “How did we lose the support of an entire race?” he asked “How did we lose that vote?”
Paul disputed the suggestion that Republicans sanctioned voter suppression in states where GOP legislatures passed voter ID laws. One student accused the measures of targeting the poor, seniors and minority voters.
“I think if you liken using a driver’s license to a literacy test you demean the horror of what happened in the 40s and 50s. It was horrific. No one is in favor of that,” Paul said. “But showing your driver’s license to have an honest election is not unreasonable.”
He did stumble at one point when he couldn’t recall the name of the first African American elected to the Senate, and was prompted by students shouting “Edward Brooke.” At another point he asked whether they knew that the founders of the NAACP were Republicans.
Groans could be head and one student shouted ,“We know our history!”
I would love to say this in regards to the Paulnuts out there: No chance in hell will America elect a politico who believes monsters hide under the bed!
There may be some here who troll the internet for all things Rand and Ron Paul. You might be one of these
supporters cult followers of this kookspiracy Senator Rand Paul.
Rand Paul (and his daddy) are establishment politicos whose "KOOKY" ideas appeal to the broad
coalition cult following of pot smokers, anti-government-like disengaged conservatives and libertarians who feel like this guy could be the next "god". These are the individuals who troll polling sites and internet forums writing, blogging, debating 24/7 over issues they've created out of the propaganda being spewed by the likes of
Becknerd and
Crazy Jones.
These type of Republicans hate last year's miserable crop of presidential candidates. They've gritted their teeth as they watched perennial loser Mitt Romney get his ass handed to him.
Yeah, there are liberal who fall victim to the bullshit that Paul says. I don't see many but there are some liberals who think he's all about ending the wars, stopping drones from flying over the United States and legalizing the weed.
But when you look into the Paul philosophy, you see that he would rather meddle in your bedroom, your vagina or in the case your neighborhood with intrusive policies and proposals. Paul would rather pass legislation that could affect progress. Repealing Wall Street Reform and Obamacare are themes that drive Paul and the Republicans.
Did you know that the Pauls have friends that are anti-Semitics?
Sure enough there's plenty of anti-Israeli agitators who think that country is the reason for the global unrest in the world.
There are some deficit hawks who think that United States is acting like a "god" and the powers that be will be its undoing. The deficit hawks want to cut spending only in areas that doesn't affect them. Say for example, Paul comes from Kentucky and it's major military bases and coal mining industry could be affected by the sequester. So instead of cutting into his constituents jobs, he'll send his proposals to hurt another state or region.
Some claim that ending foreign aid to lower nations and Israel is the perfect solution (even though these nations aid the United States in these goddamn wars).
There's plenty of extremists who think anyone who questions the motives of Paul are against the U.S. Constitution. Of course, these are the ones who appear on tax revolters, survivalist, conspiracy theorist and White Supremacists websites.
Of course if you criticize this guy or his daddy, you'll be baited into a trivial debate over how these individuals "read the Constitution all the ways" and you're the ones who "misinformed" about the issues.
You really need to understand this!
Ron Paul has no accomplishments under his nearly 35 years in Congress.
Rand Paul for nearly two years hasn't gotten one bill he's sponsored passed in the U.S. Senate.
The only thing a cult follower will tell you is that Rand Paul filibustered a nominee for over 13 hours.
The nominee was confirmed the next day.
Ron Paul had only one freaking bill was passed by Congress under his sponsorship.
Rand Paul may be the rising face of the Republican Party. But if he's getting endorsements from idiots like Sarah Palin, he's doomed for political defeat if he should run for president.
No real person would support a fringe candidate who based his legacy on a cult of ignorance.
Just because a few "weed" smoking celebrities (Barry Manilow, Snoop Dogg and Kelly Clarkson) had once endorse Ron and Rand Paul's policies, doesn't mean they've voted for him. So if these people spoke out for the Rand Paul, it would damage their credibility as an entertainer.
It's likely they'll support candidates who represent their views. So I guess that they voted for President Barack Obama over perennial candidate Mitt Romney any fucking way.
For your information, the Democratic Party nominated and American people elected Barack Obama, the first Black president. The president represents the onset of a changing demographic. In 40 years, the nation will get a little browner and the Republican Party has little chance of getting people of color to join their ranks.
Followers of the cult will get nowhere!
What on earth thinks you got the notion that "he's winning" every freaking time?
The infamous interview with liberal agitator Rachel Maddow. Rand Paul, then candidate for senate. Since this incident, Paul had went solely to Fox News for his interview.